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Basic techniques in Technical Writing

Technical writing courses introduce you to some of the most important aspects of writing in the fields
of science, technology, and business—in other words, these kinds of writing that scientists, nurses, doctors,
computer specialists, government officials, engineers, and other professionals do as a part of their regular work. The
skills learned in technical writing courses can be useful in other fields as well, including education and social

For you to learn how to write effectively in the professional world, you will study common types of reports, special
format items such as lists and headings, some simple techniques for creating and using graphics in reports, and
some techniques for producing professional-looking final copy.


1. Define technical writing

2. Identiy the different types and techniques of terchnical writing
3. Apply the different techniques to the following exercise and activities


In order for you to answer this module please follow the instructions presented below.

1. This module consists of two different lessons. Each lessons are detailed explained. Read carefully each
lessons and answer the following questions.
2. The first page of each lessons contains the specific learning outcomes (SLOs) that you need to acquire at
the end of each lessons.
3. Answer the learning activities/Exercises given.

If you have any concerns with regards to the instructions and contents of this module, feel free to text or chat
through our Group Chat ( GC) or you can send me an email at


Guide questions

1. What are the qualities or characteristics of a good writer ?

2. What are your techniques in writing? Give atleast 4 and explain each techniques




Technical communication—or technical writing, as the course is often called—is not writing about a specific
technical topic such as computers, but about any technical topic. The term “technical” refers to knowledge that is not
widespread, that is more the territory of experts and specialists. Whatever your major is, you are developing an
expertise—you are becoming a specialist in a particular technical area. And whenever you try to write or say
anything about your field, you are engaged in technical communication.


Basically, there are four basic techniques in technical writing and they are the following:

1. Definition
2. Description of process
3. Classification
4. Comparison and contrast
5. Word analogy

Definition - this technique in techincal writinf uses words to fix the meaning of a word to make it “ definite”. it
requires the writer to use techincal terms which are not familiar. There are types of definition: formal
definition and informal definition

Formal definition- precisions in wording and has three parts: defferentia, terms, and and genus
Defferentia - these are parts of formal definition that states the distinctive of the
different terms and distinguishes the members of the same class
Terms - words to be define
Genus - these are group or class to which the terms belong

Description of process- this type of techinque uses more traditional paragraph approach
that gives a reader more background information. This process
in writing should be written in a chronoligical order and
numbered steps are not necessary.

Examples of this technique are the following ideas:

1. steps in trouble shooting your computer

2. Making candles
3. Downloading software in your computer
4. Enrollment flow in schools

Classification - this technique present text in types, outlines, categories, subcategories

groupings, classes that constitute a concept presented in hierarchical order.

Example2 :Most universities subdivide areas of specialty or subjects according to


1. Natural sciences

A. Botany

B. Geology

C. Agriculture

D. Biology

E. Zoology

2. Social sciences

A. Political sciences

B. Sociology

C. Psychology

3. Humanities

A. History

B. American studies

C. English literature
D. Art history

Comparison and contrast- text differences and similarities are presented. The use
Of Venn diagram in comparing and contrasting informations.

Word analogy - this refers to a comparison between two things for the purpose of
clarification or explanation.the writer can compare things with similar
features to help explain an idea or principle

Answer this following ideas

1. Milk is to cow as eggs are _________________?

2. Car is to road as train is to _________________?
3. Up is to down as on is to__________________?
4. Sister is to girl as brother is to______________?
5. Ruler is to measure as knife id to ____________?


Exercise A .
1. Write the different personalities of your OWN family members ( support your answers by explaning
each personalities.

2. Complete the topic outline below by writing words or phrases to support each subtopics
REMEMBER: unlike sentence outline TOPIC outline uses only words and phrases.

I. Types of Mass Media

A. ___________________
D. ___________________
II. Significance of Mass media

A. __________________
B. __________________
C. __________________
D. __________________

III. Importance of Mass Media in Modern life

A. ___________________
B. ___________________
C. ___________________
D. __________________

Exercise B.
1. What are the Similiaties and differences of Sexually transmitted deseases ( STDs) and Human
Immudeficiency virus ( HIV) ? Make a Venn to support your answer

2. Are there similarities and differences between SARS and COVID 19? Explain your answer


If you have some questions and concerns of the exercises and activities of this module, feel free to send a
message in our GC (GROUP CHAT)


Direction: Read carefully each statements below and identify either it is TRUE OR FALSE. Write T if the statement is
TRUE and F if FALSE. Write your answer on the spaces provided before each number.

__________1. Strategies are techniques of technical writing refers the process of organizing things such

as jobs or products into particular groups based on their type

__________2. claims refers to the evidence or ideas to substantiate the reason

__________3. Venn diagram describe the similarities or differentiations between two ideas, concepts, and

__________4. Connotation means that the text should state an idea with the least number of words without
affecting Meaning.

___________5. definition is a formal statement of the meaning or significance of a word.

False, True, false , True, True

ASSIGNMENT: What have you learn in this topic?




Letters according to Bovee and Thil ( 2010) are

Brief messages sent to recipients that are often outside the
Organization. They are often printed on letterhead paper, and
Represent the business or organization in one or two pages. Shorter
Messages may include e-mails or memos, either hard copy or
Electronic. While reports tend to be three or more pages in length


K- Define business letters, its important parts and strategies

S- Write example of a business letters applying the essential parts
A- Recognize the importance of business as your major tool in applying a job in the future

In order for you to answer this module please follow the instructions presented below.

4. This module consists of two different lessons. Each lessons are detailed explained. Read carefully each
lessons and answer the following questions.
5. The first page of each lessons contains the specific learning outcomes (SLOs) that you need to acquire at
the end of each lessons.
6. Answer the learning activities/Exercises given.
7. If you have any concerns with regards to the instructions and contents of this module, feel free to text or
chat through our Group Chat ( GC) or you can send me an email at



a b e l b i l l o o
e p o l o o o x x x
s m o f c c c a a a
b u s i n e s s r x
l k o k o k k o o t
s s s b b g b l l l
z l e t t e r a a a
f f q z c b x x x m

What are the words that you have found in the word puzzle?

Write it here

1. ______________________________________
2. ______________________________________


 Business letter is a formal letter with six parts

The Heading

The heading gives details about the return address together with the date. Sometimes it is necessary to include a
lines before the date with a fax number, phone number, or your e-mail address.
Recipient’s Address
This part of your letter consists of the receiver’s address you are sending to. Make sure you have the complete
address so it gets to its proper destination.
The Salutation
This is the greetings of your letter. It often begins with “Dear (person’s name)

The Body
The composed of your intentions and reasons. This sometimes called the meat of your letter.
The Complimentary Close
This a short and polite remarks that ends of your business letters. The close begins at the same justification as your
date and one line after the last body paragraph.

The Signature Line

This include your full name over printed signature

Note: you look for a sample types and formats of a business letters in the internet



Sales letter is a common example of a business which you can use to buy products and services. Below is
an example of a sales letter for a job purposes.
Instruction: Label and identify the parts of the sample sales letter

Mabuhay laboratory
321 Happy St.
Sannaol City 1232

November 1, 2020
Mrs. Covidly Pandemica
Head, product development

Dear Mr. Pandemica:

I would like you to inform about the new products that will greatly influence you. Mabuhay laboratory, the most
trusted and the leading pharmaceutical company in the country, has successfully produced an organic and safe
medicine. This advance product is made of local vegetable and proven to prevent and heal chronic diseases. It will
be released to the market by next year. My team and I would be happy to discuss more about the details of our
newest product. May I request for a meeting with you anytime this week? Please let us know the most convenient
time and place for you. You can also contact me at my email given below.


Coronalyn Pashnea
Sales Manager of Mabuhay laboratory

Activity 1.
below is an example of an application letter that is necessary for job application. Complete the given sample of an
application letter by using your own words.

Pandemico Poncho
123 Pinyahan St. Free Vilage Diliman, Manila City 2311
+ 096312992502.


To whom it ______________________________:

I am applying for a _____________________in Moon incorporated located at Bunyagan Building, Manila city. This
position________________________________ because of the training I got from TESOL and work experiences.
Moon incorporated is a leader in communicator in customer service around the world. I believe that I am fit of for
this job because _____________________________________________________. An opportunity to become
__________________________________in Moon incorporated will pave for me

Rest assured I will work __________________________. I have attached my resume and recommendation letter for
your review. Thank you for taking time to consider this application and looking forward to be part of the Moon
incorporated family.

Yours sincerely,
Activity 2.
Using the sample format above, write your own application letter for job application.


If you have some questions and concerns of the exercises and activities of this module, feel free to send a message
in our GC (GROUP CHAT)


Direction: Read carefully each statements below and identify either it is TRUE OR FALSE. Write T if the
statement is TRUE and F if FALSE. Write your answer on the spaces provided before each number.

_____________1. A good letter compose of incomplete information about the receiver and recipient.
_____________2. A good letter is comprehensive that contains complete information that highlights your skills and
_____________3. A good letter should have irrelevant position that you are applying for.
_____________4. A good letter should be detailed that consists of basic details about your accomplishments.
_____________5. A good letter should be specific that gives overview of your educational background.

False, True, false , True, True

Direction: lists some examples of business letter.


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