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Philipp Sahrmann In vitro cleaning potential of three

Valerie Ronay
Deborah Hofer
different implant debridement methods
Thomas Attin
Ronald E. Jung
Patrick R. Schmidlin

Authors’ affiliations: Key words: air flow, debridement, nonsurgical, peri-implantitis

Philipp Sahrmann, Valerie Ronay, Deborah Hofer,
Thomas Attin, Patrick R. Schmidlin, Clinic of
Preventive Dentistry Periodontology and Cariology, Abstract
Center of Dental and Oral Medicine and Objectives: To assess the cleaning potential of three different instrumentation methods commonly
Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Zurich, Zurich,
used for implant surface decontamination in vitro, using a bone defect-simulating model.
Ronald E. Jung, Clinic of Fixed and Removable Materials and methods: Dental implants were stained with indelible ink and mounted in resin
Prosthodontics and Dental Material Science, Center models, which represented standardized peri-implantitis defects with different bone defect
of Dental and Oral Medicine and Maxillofacial
angulations (30, 60 and 90°). Cleaning procedures were performed by either an experienced dental
Surgery, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
hygienist or a 2nd-year postgraduate student. The treatment was repeated 20 times for each
Corresponding author: instrumentation, that is, with a Gracey curette, an ultrasonic device and an air powder abrasive
Dr. Philipp Sahrmann
Clinic of Preventive Dentistry, Periodontology and device (PAD) with glycine powder. After each run, implants were removed and images were taken
Cariology to detect color remnants in order to measure planimetrically the cumulative uncleaned surface
Plattenstrasse 11 area. SEM images were taken to assess micromorphologic surface changes (magnification 10,0009).
8032 Z€urich
Switzerland Results were tested for statistical differences using two-way ANOVA and Bonferroni correction.
Tel.:+41 44 634 32 84 Results: The areas of uncleaned surfaces (%, mean  standard deviations) for curettes, ultrasonic
Fax: +41 44 634 43 08 tips, and airflow accounted for 24.1  4.8%, 18.5  3.8%, and 11.3  5.4%, respectively. These
results were statistically significantly different (P < 0.0001). The cleaning potential of the airflow
device increased with wider defects. SEM evaluation displayed distinct surface alterations after
instrumentation with steel tips, whereas glycine powder instrumentation had only a minute effect
on the surface topography.
Conclusion: Within the limitations of the present in vitro model, airflow devices using glycine
powders seem to constitute an efficient therapeutic option for the debridement of implants in
peri-implantitis defects. Still, some uncleaned areas remained. In wide defects, differences between
instruments are more accentuated.

Implant therapy has become a successful The primary etiologic factor for these
standard treatment in dentistry (Jung et al. inflammatory conditions is the establishment
2008; Romanos et al. 2012), and thus, an of bacterial biofilms on the implant surfaces
increasing number of implants is being (Heitz-Mayfield & Lang 2010). Within this
placed (; Brennan et al. biofilm, bacteria show an extreme resistance
2010). However, biological and technical to topical disinfectants and systemic antibiot-
complications are a clinical reality as well, ics (Stewart & Costerton 2001). Accordingly,
and peri-implantitis has been shown to occur the aim of any cause-related therapy still
in 28-56% of patients with dental implants remains the effective mechanical removal of
(Zitzmann & Berglundh 2008), thereby consi- the intact biofilm (Mombelli & Lang 1994).
tuting the main biologic reason for long-term For this purpose, manual curettes, ultrasonic
implant failure (Aglietta et al. 2009; Jung and air-polishing devices are commonly used
Date: et al. 2008). As a consequence, peri-implanti- (Romanos & Weitz 2012; Mombelli et al.
Accepted 30 November 2013
tis cases emerge as well in the general dental 2012). However, due to the special implant
To cite this article: practice, and peri-implantitis treatment itself and defect-specific characteristics, access to
Sahrmann P, Ronay V, Hofer D, Attin T, Jung RE, Schmidlin
PR. In vitro cleaning potential of three different implant is becoming more and more an integral part all affected areas is limited. As a conse-
debridement methods.
of standard treatment protocols (Schmidlin quence, nonsurgical techniques still do not
Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 00, 2013, 1–6
doi: 10.1111/clr.12322 et al. 2012). provide predictable and successful outcomes,

© 2013 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1
Sahrmann et al  Surface access in peri-implantitis defects

especially in advanced cases (Romanos & 6.5 mm (Tapered Effect WN, Straumann, During surface cleaning, the working dis-
Weitz 2012; Renvert et al. 2008). Hence, Basel, Switzerland) were dip-coated with red tance and angulation of the working piece
mechanical debridement in combination indelible, noncovering ink (Staedler perma- were individually chosen by the operators
with a surgical approach is often necessary to nent Lumocolor, N€ urnberg, Germany) to without any restrictions. After instrumenta-
facilitate the mechanical debridement (Rom- simulate an optically identifiable plaque tion, powder remnants were removed by gen-
anos & Weitz 2012). However, studies on accumulation on the machined collar and tle rinsing with water for 10 s. During the
periodontal treatment concordantly show the rough surface with the threads accord- treatment, the models could be turned and
that even when the comparatively easy to ing to a recently published protocol (Sahr- held in any position, which seemed suitable
clean root surface is accessible and visible, mann et al. 2013). After dipping, a complete for the operators to achieve optimal access to
instrumentation is still a demanding task and homogeneous, clearly visible red stain the surface. The treatment time was
and also relies on the operator’s skills, train- was present on both the rough and the restricted to 2 min for each instrumentation
ing and experience (Brayer et al. 1989; machined surfaces. Implants were mounted type, and the working time was controlled
Ruhling et al. 2002; Kocher et al. 1997). in resin bases simulating crater-shaped peri- and documented using a stopwatch.
Another challenge is the fact that ideal sur- implantitis defects of three different angula- Each cleaning method was performed by a
face decontamination should not only reach tions (30, 60 und 90°, see Fig. 1). The defect dental hygienist with over 35 years of clini-
all contaminated surfaces, but that the efforts depth was set at 6 mm, and implants were cal experience and a 2nd-year postdoc student
to effectively clean the surface ideally should positioned in such a way that the rough in periodontology.
not change the implant surface micromor- surfaces leveled with the upper edge of the Scanning electron microscopy of the in-
phology in order not to interfere with the defect. Implants were horizontally fixed strumented surfaces was performed. For this
biocompatibility. This is an issue becoming using screws, which allowed for an ade- purpose, specimens were cleaned with water
crucial when regenerative techniques are quate fixation of the implants during the spray, gold sputtered (layer thickness: 6 nm)
planned. Unfortunately, there is still a lack instrumentation and an easy removal after- and surface topography was evaluated under
of evidence regarding the most efficacious ward. a SEM (Carl Zeiss Supra 50 VP FESEM, Carl
instrumentation modality with regard to the Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany) operating at
addressed implant-specific problems, and fur- Test treatments 10 kV with a working distance of 9 mm.
ther research on this topic is being demanded Twenty implants were used per treatment Pictures of the machined implant shoulder
continuously (Esposito et al. 2002; Roos- modality, defect model and investigator. and the instrumented SLA surface areas of
Jansaker et al. 2003; Sahrmann et al. 2013). Three different instruments were used each treated implant were taken at 5009 and
In a recent study, we showed that an air (Fig. 1): 10,0009 magnification. Surfaces of an
powder abrasion device (PAD) with glycine • A Gracey steel curette (Deppeler, Rolle, untreated implant served as control.
powder provided good access to implant sur- Switzerland) with slim working tips Nr.
faces when using different defect models 11/12. Assessment of unaccessed surface remnants
(Sahrmann et al. 2013). However, a compari- • An ultrasonic device with a steel tip After each run, implants were removed from
son with other methods was not assessed, (ADS1, EMS, Nyon Switzerland) at maxi- the bases. Loosened ink particles and water
and the problem of concomitant surface mum power settings. were removed by gentle rinsing with water
changes and the influence of the operator • An air powder abrasive device (Airflow and air. Digital color photos were taken verti-
were also not addressed. Master, EMS, Nyon, Switzerland) with cally to the implant axis, employing stan-
Therefore, it was the aim of this study to glycine powder (PerioFlow, EMS, Nyon, dardized parameters (dark chamber, ISO 100,
investigate the cleaning potential of three dif- Switzerland) at maximum settings for aperture f/32, shutter speed 1/250 s, distance
ferent instrumentation methods in vitro using both “power” and “lavage”. For the treat- 31.4 cm with a Nikon D200, Tokyo, Japan,
a bone defect-simulating model (primary out- ment, a nozzle for supragingival applica- ring flash EM-140 DG; Metz MB 15 MS-1
come) by assessing the color removal of tion was used (EMS Air-FlowMaster Makroslave digital flash, Zirndorf, Germany,
stained implants during open flap debride- nozzle, EMS, Nyon, Switzerland). with power settings 1/2) from one side and
ment. As secondary parameters, the influence
of the operator and changes in the surface
micromorphology were also assessed. The null
hypothesis was that all instrumentations
showed comparable outcomes in terms of the
cleaning potential and that both the defect
morphologies and the operator had no impact
on these treatments and furthermore that
there was a comparable degree of surface alter-
ations after instrumentation.

Materials and methods

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)
Preparation of the implants/in vitro models
Implants with a length of 12 mm, a diame- Fig. 1. Defect models with an aperture of 30°, 60°, and 90° (a, b, c) and different debridement instruments: Ultra-
ter of 4.8 mm, and a shoulder diameter of sound tip (steel tip, d), Gracey curette (steel, e) and air powder abrasive device (charged with glycine powder, f).

2 | Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 0, 2013 / 1–6 © 2013 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Sahrmann et al  Surface access in peri-implantitis defects

the opposite aspect (180° turn). Ink remnants

on the surface were detected using an image
processing software (Adobe Photoshop Ele-
ments Vs. 9.0.3, Adobe Systems Inc., San
Jose, CA, USA). The cumulative remnant
area per implant was calculated using a cus-
tom-programmed planimetry software (PPK,
Z€urich, Switzerland) (Rasband 1997) (see
Fig. 2).
Implant surfaces were then completely
cleaned by twofold tilting in ethanol (97%).
After optical control of complete ink removal
(magnifying lenses 4.39, Carl Zeiss AG, Feld-
bach, Switzerland), the air-dried implants
were restained in the same way as described
before. Air flow debridement was performed
first on all implants, followed by the ultra-
sonic and the curette debridement.
Fig. 2. Assessment of the residual stains from digital photo to planimetric calculation of the cumulative residual-
stained area within the field of interest after instrumentation with a curette.
Normality of data distribution was tested
using Kolmogorov–Smirnov and Shapiro– horizontal defects (90°), superior results of air smooth and rough surfaces exhibited no sur-
Wilk tests. Means and standard deviations of powder abrasion were more evident (Tables 1 face changes except for sporadic glycine parti-
the percentages of uncleaned surface were and 2). cles and grease spot-like surface infiltrations
calculated. Differences between different With curettes and ultrasound, operators of the titanium (Figs 3 and 4).
defect angulations, operators, and instru- consistently used the maximum time of 120
ments were tested by nonparametric two-way s for surface debridement. With the PAD,
ANOVA with Bonferroni correction. In all however, they stopped earlier (mean working Discussion
tests, all p-values lower than 5% were time 95  16 s).
regarded as statistically significant. SEM electron microscopic images revealed Mechanical implant surface debridement
significant changes in the surface morphol- remains the gold standard in peri-implantitis
ogy after 2-min working time when curettes therapy (Romanos & Weitz 2012) as long as
Results or ultrasound scalers had been used. After the shortcomings of accessibility to the
treatment with glycine powder for 2 min, colonized surface are not yet bypassed by
Regardless of the instrument used, remaining
ink stain was discernible on all samples. The
cumulative surface with ink remnants Table 1. Means ± standard deviations (%) and medians (interquartile ranges) (the latter as second
lines in rows) of residually stained surface areas after treatment with different methods. The
showed considerable deviation in each sub- results are presented separately for different instruments and defect angulations
group analyzed. 30° 60° 90°
The accessibility of the implant surfaces in
Curette 21.6  3.19 B 25.3  3.9 A 25.2  6.7 A
terms of stain removal showed significant 21.4 (4.3) 25.3 (4.2) 25.3 (8.4)
differences depending on the employed device. Ultrasound 20.1  3.7 B 19.5  2.9 B 15.9  3.6 C
The testing for normality indicated no 19.1 (5.8) 19.4 (3.6) 15.0 (5.0)
Air powder abrasion 16.1  3.7 C 12.7  2.8 D 5.0  1.4 E
violation of the assumption of normality.
15.6 (4.6) 11.9 (1.8) 5.2 (2.4)
Powder abrasion showed the least rem-
nants (11.3  5.4%), followed by ultrasonic Different capitals indicate groups with statistical significant differences (P < 0.001, nonparametric
two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni correction).
(18.5  3.8%) and manual (24.1  4.8%)
instrumentation. These results were statisti-
cally significantly different (P<0.0001). The Table 2. Means ± standard deviations (%) and medians (interquartile ranges) (the latter as second
null hypothesis was rejected. lines in rows)of residually stained surface areas after treatment with different methods. The
results are presented separately for different instruments and operators I (dental hygienist) and II
The results obtained by the different opera- (postdoc student)
tors showed small but still significant differ-
ences for the different instruments. The
Curette 24.8  4.3 A 23.6  5.0 A
experienced dental hygienist showed slightly 23.9 (5.4) 23.5 (7.3)
better results with the curettes, whereas the Ultrasound 20.3  3.5 B 16.7  3.3 C
postdoc student achieved lower residual 20.0 (5.0) 16.9 (5.0)
Air powder abrasion 12.7  6.0 D 9.8  4.4 E
stains with ultrasound and air powder abra-
12.6 (10.0) 11.0 (7.8)
sion. This qualitative order was consistent in
all different defects, although the differences Different capitals indicate groups with statistical significant differences (P < 0.001, nonparametric
one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni correction).
were more pronounced in wider defects: In

© 2013 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd 3 | Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 0, 2013 / 1–6
Sahrmann et al  Surface access in peri-implantitis defects

powder abrasion, we observed areas with

weakened stain, indicating an access by the
respective instrument, which was apparently
too weak to remove the stains completely.
Although one might argue that an oral bio-
film might have been removed by this access,
we decided to allocate those areas as “residu-
ally stained”. Accordingly, the cleaning
potency might have been underestimated in
these cases. In preliminary experiments, we
ascertained that ink stains could not be
removed by carbon or plastic curettes. The
use of steel tips, however, though more inva-
sive, performed well in terms of clearly
Fig. 3. Scanning electron microscopy images of an untreated control and surfaces treated by the different instru- detectable ink removal. In turn, this was
ments at a magnification of 5009. proof of instrument access to the sample sur-
faces, which was the primary goal of this
study. Given that curettes of the same shape
– irrespective of their composition – are
likely to have the same access to the sur-
faces, our data might be valid for any curettes
and ultrasonic tips, no matter what material
they are made of. Another limitation of the
study is the reuse of the implants. Although
we began with the nearly noninvasive pow-
der abrasion, microstructural changes during
ultrasonic and curette debridement were evi-
dent. This change in roughness could have
led – once more – to an underestimation of
remnants with the latter methods as ink
might have been more difficult to remove on
Fig. 4. Scanning electron microscopy images of an untreated control and surfaces treated by the different instru- virgin surfaces.
ments at a magnification of 10,0009. From a clinical point of view, the use of
steel tips on soft grade 2 implant surfaces has
promising – but not yet clinically applicable study using only PAD instrumentation on been disadvised, as both smooth and rough
– novel approaches (Sahrmann et al. 2012). implant surfaces in different defects, which surfaces have been altered after their use
Therefore, we assessed the accessibility of resulted in residual stain in the range of (Unursaikhan et al. 2012; Mengel et al. 1998,
implant surfaces with different cleaning 3–24% (Sahrmann et al. 2013). In this latter 2004). Accordingly, our SEM images also
devices in an in vitro peri-implantitis model evaluation, it was shown that especially the showed a detrimental effect on the microanat-
with three different defect angulations. lower aspects of the threads in narrow defects omy of both the rough and machined surface
For each of the three defect angulations, are most difficult to clean (Sahrmann et al. areas. Formerly, mainly two corruptive effects
the data revealed a superior accessibility in 2013). Although not quantified, we found of surface changes had been anticipated: One
terms of ink removal when PAD was used. this finding reaffirmed in the current study. was a reduced cytocompatibility regarding the
This superiority was pronounced in horizon- An obvious limitation of this study is the eucaryot cells involved in the healing process,
tal (90°) and wide defect apertures (60°). use of indelible ink for the assessment of and the other was the problem of facilitated
Nonetheless, complete stain removal was not accessibility instead of true biofilm: Firstly, recolonization of the surfaces by nocuous bac-
achieved in any of the defect morphologies. red ink in an in vitro model is very easy to teria. However, a recent study on implant sur-
A recent study evaluated the removal of a su- detect during surface debridement. This fact, faces instrumented with steel tips showed
pragingival biofilm ex vivo by a novel tita- however, is the same for all three assessed neither an increase in roughness of formerly
nium brush and compared it with that instrumentation techniques, and their rough surfaces, nor increased bacterial re-
achieved with steel curettes on titanium comparison does not become invalid by this growth on previously smooth surfaces in vitro
disks (John et al. 2013). These disks had the limitation. Then, ink remnants have the (Duarte et al. 2009). In addition, there is also
same surface morphology as the implants in advantage of being easily detected in a direct evidence of material abrasion from the tips if
the present study (machined and SLAâ, assessment of photographs, which makes this softer, less altering instruments like resin cu-
Straumann). The remnant area of 29  5.6% technique less prone to confounders than the rettes are used (Mann et al. 2012). The effect
after instrumentation with a steel curette (vs. area-specific assessment of biofilm that on biocompatibility and infection control due
8.6  5.9% with the titanium brush) corrobo- requires several analytical steps (Ntrouka to left curette material remains a matter of
rated the findings of the present study. et al. 2011). On the other hand, it remains concern.
The data after air powder abrasion corre- questionable whether ink is more difficult to After surface debridement with the PAD,
spond well with the findings of our previous remove than oral biofilms. Especially after air scanning electron microscopy did not detect

4 | Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 0, 2013 / 1–6 © 2013 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Sahrmann et al  Surface access in peri-implantitis defects

any significant changes in the implant micro- remains unclear, both the clinical and the performed technique seems favorable as it
anatomy. This finding is in accordance with present in vitro study showed the superiority did not cause distinct implant surface altera-
the existing literature. However, studies of the PAD. Finally, it should be stated that, tions.
investigating the effect of PAD on implant although bacterial biofilm is the primary eti-
surfaces vary regarding instrumentation time ologic factor of both peri-implantitis and peri-
and implant surface type (Duarte et al. 2009; odontitis, healing was shown to be possible
McCollum et al. 1992; Brookshire et al. with an uncritical amount of uncleaned sur-
Powder abrasive device employing glycine
1997). Glycine particles that remain on the faces (Robertson 1990). Accordingly, in this
powder showed superior cleaning potential on
surface have shown an inhibiting effect on study, we assessed only one (the most impor-
rough and smooth surfaces of threaded, screw-
bacterial regrowth (Duarte et al. 2009). As tant) factor among a plurality of factors con-
shaped implants as compared to debridement
glycine is easily degradable by the body, the tributing to the inflammative degradation
with ultrasonic or manual instruments.
presence of these particles seems rather around teeth and implants.
However, none of the treatment modalities
unproblematic. With regard to the congruent results of the
were able to completely remove the stain in
In view of the fact that biofilm is the pri- different subgroups, the present in vitro
any of the defect morphologies. The present
mary etiologic factor for peri-implant inflam- design constitutes a model that allows for
results were consistently found for all
mation (Heitz-Mayfield & Lang 2010), a assessment of access to screw-shaped
defect angulations but became more distinct
recent study by Sahm et al. (Sahm et al. implants, imitating the clinical situation
as the defect angulation increased. Further-
2011) corroborated our findings: In the latter well within the limits of simplifying in vitro
more, implant surfaces were not visibly
study, clinical parameters were assessed analysis. Taken together, it provides presum-
altered by this timesaving debridement
6 month after peri-implantitis treatment per- ably less sensitive and more specific results
formed with curettes or PAD. A better reso- for debridement as compared to the clinical
lution of inflammation, as measured by situation, given the presumably stronger
bleeding on probing was found after PAD adherence of ink as compared to biofilm. Disclosure
use, even though chlorhexidine (CHX) rinse Within the limitations of our study, the use
was used during curette debridement. of glycine employing PAD seems to be highly The authors report no conflict of interest
Although the impact of antiseptic effects of effective by means of implant surface related to the present study.
both CHX and glycine on that study setup debridement. Moreover, this quickly

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