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Review a research paper

Research is an important aspect of the study of psychology. This paper on Practicals in Cognitive
Processes and Psychological Testing, not only aims in making the student understand theoretical
concepts of experimental psychology, but also to learn the processes involved in scientific inquiry, learn
to read and understand research papers, develop critical approach and understand use of statistical
analysis in psychological research.
A research article is presented here, with various aspects which have to be carefully read and
understood. Brief comments on each aspect are also given. The teacher and the students are expected
to further elaborate on the same.

Research Paper Review table

Article Title: Assertiveness and Self-esteem in Indian Students

Sr Criteria for evaluation *Answers/Other Comments/Notes

(Relevant Points can be added)
1 Is the title as per APA requirements Yes, it is centred, boldfaced, only 5 words, noextra
word and clearly gives the variables studied.

2 Is the Abstract given, with key-words Yes – State the key words

3 Does the abstract give gist of Problem, To a great extent

Participants, method, tools, findings and Problem and implication not mentioned,
implications? Participants, method, tools and findings are given

4 Is the word limit of abstract maintained? No, it has slightly exceeded

5 Are the studies in the introduction relevant Only to some extent. Studies only on consequences
to the research? of low self – esteem given. Some mention about the
consequences of high self – esteem should have
been there. Also, what literature says about
assertiveness and SE is not touched upon at all

6 Is Problem statement given? Yes

7 Is objective specified? Yes

8 What is/are the IV/IVs? Since it is a correlational study, it does not have IVs

9 What is/are the DV/DVs? Since it is a correlational study, it does not have DVs

10 What are the Controls? Since it is a correlational study, it does not have CVs

11 Are the variables operationally defined The 3 relevant variables Assertiveness, Self – Esteem
and Adolescence

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12 Are the hypothesis/ses specified Yes, 3 hypotheses are clearly stated

13 Was there random selection of subjects? Yes

14 Was there random assignment of subjects? It is not an experimental study, so random

assignment is not applicable

15 Any inclusion criteria Yes – age group 13-19, Local & English speaking,

16 Was the sample size adequate? It is 60. The authors have mentioned it is not
adequate sample, so results are difficult to

17 How are the variables measured? Demographic data collection sheet

Rosenberg’s Self – Esteem Scale

Rathus Assertiveness Schedule

18 Are the tools standardized? Yes

19 Did the researchers control for potential Not applicable

confounding variables?

20 What is the nature of Statistical analysis? Correlation

21 Are the results significant? Yes

22 Based on what you read in the research The findings are very important.
article, to what extent are these findings The authors have mentioned it is not adequate
generalizable? sample, also they were children attending outpatient
department in a tertiary care centre, so results are
difficult to generalize
23 Based on what you read in the research Yes, it is possible to replicate the study on a larger
article, can you independently replicate this sample group

24 What are the implications of the research? Importance of high self- esteem gets understood.

Necessary to introduce awareness programmes to

help adolescents to become aware of the role of
Self-esteem and develop small relevant courses to
help adolescents to improve it

25 State the strengths of the research Use of standardized tools

26 State the limitations of the research Small sample size, only quantitative data

27 Suggest one variable which you will study Academic success

with SE? What is the relevance of your
High SES family
Educated parents

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