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This report states the team's work progress on the recording of the interpretation video with the topic

"Commodity Price". The report is made on February 14, 2023. Our team consists of 3 members: Nguyen
Dong Thuc, Vu Van Viet, and Nguyen Thi Huyen Dieu. The first meeting will hold at 10:00 am on
February 14, 2023. In this meeting, we will decide to choose the topic “Commodity Price” after receiving
a list of topics from the teacher then we will divide the work among each other according to the
following items. Dong Thuc will find the source of the conversation. Then we will divide the roles among
each other as follows: Vu Van Viet will be the interpreter, Dong Thuc will be Vietnamese and Huyen Dieu
will play the foreign role. The meeting will last until 13:00 on the same day.

At 8:00 am on February 15, 2023, the whole group will meet together to elaborate on ideas for the

At 7:00 am on February 16, 2023, Dong Thuc will translate the rough translation for the other two to
see and comment on.

At 7:00 am on February 20, 2023, the whole group will meet and edit the translation.

At 9:00 am on February 22, 2023, Huyen Dieu and Van Viet will choose a filming location. At 12 noon on
the same day, the whole group made the first test recording.

On February 25, 2023, the group will edit the last dialogue.

On February 27, 2023, Dong Thuc will be the one to prepare equipment for recording and recording.
Because of having to use 2 cameras, Van Viet will ask a friend to shoot to get the best quality.

At 12:00 pm on March 1, 2023, the group will move to a pre-selected filming location and set up camera
angles, lighting, cameras, and recording equipment. After 1 hour, the group will officially shoot. After
filming, the members will review the filming sources and listen to the recording file together, then
choose the best-finished product.

At 7:00 pm on March 5, 2023, Dong Thuc will edit the video. Then send it to the other two for comments
and edit if necessary.

At 1:00 pm on March 8, 2023, the group will meet again to review the complete video, synthesize the
source of the dialogue, the edited dialogue, the Vietnamese translation of the dialogue, and the video
file to prepare to submit.

After submitting the assignment, Dong Thuc will be responsible for the completion of the video file and
the report if there are errors, Van Viet and Huyen Dieu will be responsible for the translation and editing
of the dialogue. The group will continue to listen to the teacher's suggestions and contributions after
submitting the work and try to improve it for the next time.

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