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ONEIL Center Client Presentation Outline

Presenter: Who will be displaying and pitching this PowerPoint?

-Don’t add QmeLocal too many times in the pictures
-There are a few terms that seem a bit confusing or vague. Make sure that we have
explanations on key terms in a form that would catch the eye of our pitch audience.
-Put yourself in the perspective of leaders of student academia, what is this resource
going to do for the community and location outside of just the business field.
-Take screenshots of demo website to include in slides

Slide 1: Title Screen/Introduction

Developers/Team: (list here)

Slide 2: Powered by QmeLocal

QmeLocal is the software behind University Connect
Purpose: to help communities aggregate and connect their experts, resources, businesses,
and assets to power a better future.

Slide 3: Problem (no title)

As a university, do you connect to outside businesses?
Are your assets being utilized to their full capacity?
Do you know how many Alumni are still interacting with your university?
Do you have a digital platform that incorporates your community’s ecosystem?

Slide 4: What is University Connect?

University Connect (UConnect) is a digitally integrated platform that cultivates university
resources to connect students, alumni, local businesses by:
-developing intellectual property
-commercializing academic resources
-impacting the community by increasing its growth
-mapping assets strategically

Slide 5: How UConnect Utilizes Asset Mapping

What is asset mapping?
The goal of asset mapping is to document a community's existing resources,
incorporating these strengths into community development work.
UConnect allows universities to do the following:
-Identify, document, and aggregate with existing institutions, resources, and assets
within your university
-Present and showcase the university’s assets to local businesses that are
searching for support services
-Faculty can onboard, develop profiles, build, and capture their assets

Slide 6: The “Hows”

-How UConnect supports students
-How UConnect supports alumni
-How UConnect drives revenue

Slide 7: How UConnect Supports Students

-Provides opportunities in the workforce
-we connected upwards of 200 internship programs
-Provides resources such as learning content, announcements
-Effectively links students, faculty, and alumni to drive a unified business and community
growth mission

Slide 8: How UConnect supports Alumni

-We have connected with 20% of our alumni (year over year progress)
-Alumni can continue to leverage the resources, assets, and networks of their Alma

Slide 9: How UConnect Drives Revenue

-Captures and showcase your assets for market utilization
-Increases university fundraising and crowdfunding activities and opportunities
-Increases interaction between small businesses and the university to drive local
economic growth and higher education demand
-Leads collaborative progress with regional economic development stakeholders
-Encourages the development of new products within the community
-Empowers further entrepreneurship, job opportunities, and business growth within the
university localization
-Increases donations from alumni that stay connected to your university

Slide 10: Data and Analytics

Access to powerful data by the University:
-Faculty profiles with qualifications/certifications
-Educational resources
-Intellectual property
-Data measurements and tracking after product implementation
Slide 11: Ready to Create?
-contact information

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