Calculation For Max

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Calculation for Max.

Range of the Vehicle-Road:

Vehicle fuel capacity : 220 lt.

Distance tested : 103,2 km.
Used fuel for 103.2 km : 18.47 lt.
Distance for 1 lt. fuel : 103,2/ 18,47= 5,5874 km.
Distance for 220 lt. : 5,5874X 220= 1 229 km.

Max. range. of the Vehicle- Road : 1 229 km.

Calculation for Max Range of the Vehicle-Off-Road:

Vehicle fuel capacity : 220 lt.

Distance tested : 52,0 km.
Used fuel for 52,0 km : 25,85 lt. (16.57+9,28)
Distance for 1 lt. fuel : 52,0/ 25,85= 2,0116 km.
Distance for 220 lt. : 2,0116 X 220= 442,55 km.

Max. range. of the Vehicle- Offf-Road : 442,55 km.

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