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Publicada el 5 de enero de 2021

Russell Anderson-Williams
Presentation design agency founder / Prezi expert / Author / 65 artículos  Seguir
Presentation designer & trainer / aka The Prezi Guy.

One of the biggest questions I get asked is "How many

slides should I have in my presentation?"

One answer is to say that it all depends on the length of

your presentation. But I prefer to answer with the
following statement...

Stop worrying about how many slides

you have, and focus on making sure

your content has clarity.

You see there is no written rule that says you must have
1 new slide for every 2 minutes you are presenting. And
Microsoft certainly isn't going to send you an invoice for
using more slides than you usually do. So forget about
the number of slides and focus on the clarity of your


Quite often myself and my team here at The Prezenter enjoy

making our clients freak out a little bit. They'll send us
10 slides that need redesigning, and then we send them
back the new version which is 30 or even 40 slides long!

"How are we going to get through all of that content?" They

scream at us down the phone.

Once we've calmed them down we explain that even

though there are now more slides, we haven't added any
more content at all. We have simply focused on the
content and made sure that each key point has enough
space to breathe, and more importantly be understood by
the audience.

If that means a single slide that is crammed with 6 key

points needs to become 6 separate slides, then so be it.
Trust me your audience will thank you for it.

Here is a short video with a little more detail to help you

understand how important this is.


If you agree that we shouldn't be concerned with the

number of slides and instead focus more on the clarity of
our message then here is a challenge for you.

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