Part 1: Grammar Check Task 1: Write The Plurals

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Tiếng Anh cô Lan_0349586679 G6_Day 2

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Task 1: Write the plurals.

Task 2: Write “ a/an” or “ some”.

 a/an dùng cho danh từ số ít.

 Some dùng cho danh từ số nhiều hoặc danh từ không đếm được.

Task 3: Write the plurals form of the Noun in the bracket.

1. These (person)…………………………………………. are protesting the president.

2. The (woman)……………………………… over there want to meet the manager.

Tiếng Anh cô Lan_0349586679 G6_Day 2
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3. My (child) ………………………………………hate eating pasta.

4. I am ill. My (foot) ……………………………………hurt.

5. Muslims kill (sheep) ………………………… a religious celebration.

6. I clean my (tooth)…………………………………… three times a day.

7. The (student) ……………………………………are doing the exercise right now.

8. The (fish) ………………………………………I bought is in the fridge.

9. They are sending some (man) ……………………………… fix the roof.

10. Most (housewife) …………………………… more than ten hours a day at home.

11. Where did you put the (knife)……………………………….?

12. On the (shelf)………………………………………………….

13. (Goose) …………………………………………….like water.

14. (Piano) …………………………………………..are expensive

15. Some (policeman)………………………………… came to arrest him.

16. Where is my (luggage)………………………………………………………….?


Từ mới Phiên âm Từ loại Định nghĩa

1. activity /ækˈtɪvəti/ n hoạt động

2. art /ɑːt/ n nghệ thuật

3. backpack /ˈbækpæk/ n ba lô

4. binder /ˈbaɪndə(r)/ n bìa hồ sơ

5. boarding school /ˈbɔːdɪŋ skuːl/ n trường nội trú

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6. borrow /ˈbɒrəʊ/ v mượn, vay

7. break time /breɪk taɪm/ n giờ ra chơi

8. chalkboard /ˈtʃɔːkbɔːd/ n bảng viết phấn

9. classmate /ˈklɑːsmeɪt/ n bạn cùng lớp

10. calculator /ˈkæl·kjəˌleɪ·t̬ər/ n máy tính

11. compass /ˈkʌmpəs/ n compa

12. creative /kriˈeɪtɪv/ adj sáng tạo

13. diploma /dɪˈpləʊmə/ n bằng, giấy khen

14. equipment /ɪˈkwɪpmənt/ n thiết bị

15. excited /ɪkˈsaɪtɪd/ adj hào hứng, phấn khích


 Hoàn thành bài tập về nhà.

 Học thuộc từ vựng mới, chép mỗi từ 3 dòng vào vở buổi sau cô CHỮ KÝ PHỤ HUYNH
kiểm tra.
 Ôn tập phân biệt các loại đại từ.
 Chữa lại tất cả các câu sai trong phần bài tập về nhà day 1 và phần
Pracetice/grammar check day 2 vào vở.
 Xin chữ ký của bố mẹ vào phiếu bài trước khi đến lớp.
Tiếng Anh cô Lan_0349586679 G6_Day 2
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PART 4: LISTENING. NRU3. Track 13.
Tiếng Anh cô Lan_0349586679 G6_Day 2
Name: Date:

Subject Object pronouns Possessive Possessive pronouns Reflexive pronouns

pronouns adjectives
I (tôi) Me My Mine myself
You( bạn, các You Your Yours Yourself
bạn) Yourselves
We( chúng tôi, Us Our Ours ourselves
chúng ta)
They ( họ, Them Their Theirs Themselves
He ( 1 người là Him His His Himself
phái nam)
She ( 1 người là Her Her Hers Herself
phái nữ)
It ( nó/ trời) it its its Itself
Đứng đầu câu Đứng sau động từ Đứng trước danh từ Sử dụng để chỉ sự sở Đại từ phản thân
làm chủ ngữ. hoặc giới từ làm tạo nghĩa sở hữu hữu, thay thế cho đứng sau động từ
tân ngữ trong câu. ( cái gì của ai) danh từ có chứa tính hoặc giới từ by,
sở hữu được nhắc thường có ý diễn tả
đến trước đó. ai đó tự làm việc gì
We are He gave me a My pen: bút của tôi. Your house is new I do my homework
students. book. Her mother: mẹ của but mine ( my house) by myself. Tôi tự
cô ấy is old. làm bài tập của

Task 1: Write “ he/she/it/they”.

Tiếng Anh cô Lan_0349586679 G6_Day 2
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Task 2: Complete the sentences using subject pronoun.

Task 3: Circle the correct answer.

Task 4: Write the correct subject pronoun.

Task 5: Write the correct subject pronoun.

Tiếng Anh cô Lan_0349586679 G6_Day 2
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Task 6: Write the correct reflexive pronoun.

1. Lisa did her homework …………………

2. Tim and Gerry, if you want more milk, help …………………
3. I wrote this poem ………………………….
4. Emma, did you take the photo by ……………………………..?
5. The lion can defend ………………………………….
6. Alice and Doris collected the stickers ………………………………
7. Robert made this T-shirt…………………………………….
8. We helped ………………………………… to some Coke at the party.
9. My mother often talks to …………………………………………
10. He cut ……………………………………… with the knife while he was doing the dishes.

Task 7: Write the possessive pronoun.ta

Task 8: Put the words in the bracket in the correct position.

Tiếng Anh cô Lan_0349586679 G6_Day 2
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Task 1: Look and write.

Task 2: Choose the correct answer.

1. Is this cup ________ (your / yours)? 11. Is this ________ (their / theirs) coffee?

2. The coffee is ________ (my / mine). 12. Is the flat ________ (her / hers)?
Tiếng Anh cô Lan_0349586679 G6_Day 2
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3. That coat is ________ (my / mine). 13. The grey scarf is ________ (my / mine).

4. He lives in ________ (her / hers) house. 14. That red bike is ________ (our / ours).

5. You might want ________ (your / yours) 15. We should take ________ (our / ours)
phone. coats.

6. The new car is ________ (their / theirs). 16. That is ________ (my / mine) car.

7. She cooked ________ (our / ours) food. 17. He dropped ________ (my / mine) bag.

8. Don't stand on ________ (my / mine) 18. Are these phones ________ (their /
foot! theirs)?

9. She gave him ________ (her / hers) 19. These cakes are ________ (our / ours)!
20.  Are those children ________ (your /
10. I met ________ (their / theirs) mother. yours)?

Task 3: Write the correct possessive pronoun. Chuyển đại từ nhân xưng trong ngoặc thành đại từ sở hữu.

1. This bag belongs to that woman in red; it’s not ______. (you)

2. Our car is newer than ______. (he)

3. That book does not belong to you; it’s ______. (I)

4. Your father is taller than ______. (she)

5. This boy’s ideas are more interesting than ______. (you)

6. Victor’s house is older than ______. (we)

7. The box belongs to John; it’s not ______. (you)

8. These words were said by Shakespeare; they are not ______. (we)

9. That project was done by Charlotte; it’s ______. (she)

10. This is my parents’ room and the clothes are ______. (they)
Tiếng Anh cô Lan_0349586679 G6_Day 2
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11. That T-shirt is ______. (I)

12. My task is more difficult than ______. (he)

13. Your situation is not as bad as ______. (they)

14. The mobile phone belongs to that girl. It’s ______. (she)

15. You can't take that laptop home. It’s ______. (we)

Task 4: Underline the correct word. Gạch chân từ đáp án đúng.

Task 5: Circle the correct words.

Tiếng Anh cô Lan_0349586679 G6_Day 2
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