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University of Guyana

School of Allied Health

Medical Laboratory Science

Student Competency Assessment

Course: MLS 3900 Subject: Haematology

Student’s Name: ………………………………………… USI #……………………………………………

Attachment Site:……………………………………………… From: ……../……../…….. To:...…/.……./.…....
dd /mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy
Duration: ……… Week/s


All entry-level medical technologists are expected to have achieved certain standards of performance.
Standards define the general body of knowledge, skills, tasks/procedures and attitudes that medical laboratory
technologists must have in order to be considered competent. The acceptable standards encompass the
competencies identified in this profile which must be achieved upon completion of the practical training
experience. The competencies represent the broad occupational skills, attitudes, and abilities that must be
mastered for entry into the profession and encourage learners to integrate related outcomes and perform at
higher and more complex levels.

As the student completes each competency area of the various skills/tasks/procedures, it must be verified by
recording the initials of the supervisor in the designated space. Upon completion of the clinical experience, the
form must be signed by the Laboratory Manager/designate and returned by the student to the Secretary
responsible for the School of Allied Health in the Faculty Office or the Clinical Coordinator of the School
of Allied Health, College of Medical Sciences.

The student must conform to the rules and regulation of the laboratory to which he/she has been assigned to
for the execution of their clinical experience with an acceptable attendance record of 85% and above. The
Medical Technology department considers an overall competency level of “3” as that level necessary to perform
as an entry – level medical laboratory technologist.


Maximum attendance: 100 % Total # of days …………………………

Actual attendance: …..……… % # of days………………………

University of Guyana Department of Medical Technology Student Competency Assessment

Course: MLS 3900 Subject: Haematology

Student’s Name: ………………………………………… USI……………………………………………

Assessment Tool Competency Level

D = Direct observation 4 = exceeds performance standards (technically competent)
V = Verbal review 3 = meets performance standards (technically competent)
R = Review of daily work log 2 = average performance standards ( needs minimal supervision)
RD = Return demonstration 1 = poor performance standards( repeat preceptorship recommended – needs more
Competency Area Assessment Competency Supervisor’s
Tool Level Initials
Specimen Handling
Receives/accessions/registers sample into information system
(computer, log book)
Reconciles label on sample and patient request form
Prioritizes analyses, e.g., stat, urgent, routine
Verifies specimen suitability including adequate amount/volume
and integrity
Recognizes possible specimen deficiencies and takes appropriate
corrective action
Prepares specimens for analysis, e.g.; centrifuging, aliquoting,
preserving according to institutional policy and procedure/or
regional guidelines
Prepares reagent correctly according to the procedure manual
Dispenses specimens and reagents correctly
Maintains specimen identity throughout the process
Correctly prepares thin blood films and identifies blood cells
Performs accurate red and white blood cell counting procedures
Accurately conducts hematological profiles on patients’ samples
Ensures appropriate storage of specimens
Operates instrument according to the operating manual
Performs the required start up and shut down procedures
Performs required preventative maintenance in compliance with
instrument manual
Troubleshoot as needed
Ensures that reagent reservoirs are appropriately filled prior to
operating the instrument
Quality Assurance
Runs QC sample as defined by the policy
Verifies that QC results is within acceptable limits
Plot QC graphs and charts
Ensures appropriate storage of specimens
Prepares and uses calibrators, standards, quality control materials
Accurately completes all requisite documentation

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University of Guyana Department of Medical Technology Student Competency Assessment

Course: MLS 3900 Subject: Haematology

Student’s Name: ………………………………………… USI……………………………………………

Assessment Tool Competency Level

D = Direct observation 4 = exceeds performance standards (technically competent)
V = Verbal review 3 = meets performance standards (technically competent)
R = Review of daily work log 2 = average performance standards ( needs minimal supervision)
RD = Return demonstration 1 = poor performance standards( repeat preceptorship recommended – needs more
Competency Area Assessment Competency Supervisor’s
Tool Level Initials

Maintains confidentiality of clients’ records

Safety and Infection Control
Maintains a clean, orderly and organized work area
Dispose of waste (sharps, soiled material) in compliance with
documented procedures
Applies the principle of universal precautions
Applies proper laboratory hygiene practices
Uses personal protective equipment, e.g., gloves, gowns, mask, face
shields, aprons

Additional Comments (if any)





Overall competency level (circle the appropriate level): 4 3 2 1

Student’s Signature: ……………………………….. Laboratory Manager’s Signature: …………………………………

Date: ……………………………….. Date: …………………………………

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