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1. Define modulation index of an AM signal
2. List the advantages of superhetrodyne receiver.
3. Show PWM and PPM waveforms.
4. Differentiate TDM and FDM.
5. Why is ASK called as ON-OFF keying?
6. Sketch the waveform of PSK for binary sequence 1100101.
7. State Entropy.
8. What is channel capacity?
9. Define spread spectrum technique
10. State processing gain for FH SS technique
1. Obtain a relationship between carrier and side band powers in an AM DSBFC wave
and explain how power distribution takes place in AM DSB FC system.
2. In angle modulation, explain frequency deviation, percent modulation, phase
deviation and modulation index with suitable example.
3. A modulating signal of 2 cos5000t is amplitude modulated over a carrier signal of
5cos20000t. Derive expressions for the modulation index, LSB and VSB
frequencies, Bandwidth and the ratio of Side Band Power in the Total Power of AM
4. Summarize the generation and demodulation of PAM signal with necessary
5. Explain the working of a PCM transmission and reception system.
6. Demonstrate the principle of FSK transmitter and receiver.
7. Describe with neat diagram, the operation of a QPSK modulator. Draw its phasor
and constellation diagram.
8. A source alphabet has five messages {A1, A2,A3,A4,A5} with probabilities
{0.4,0.3,0.15,0.1,0.05} respectively. Determine the coding efficiency using Shannon
Fano coding.
9. Develope Viterbi decoding algorithm, make suitable assumptions.
10. Explicate the characteristic of PN sequence
11. Illustrate the principle of DSSS with coherent binary PSK.
12. Compare TDMA, FDMA and CDMA techniques.

13. Consider one input signal to a conventional AM modulator is 500KHz carrier
with amplitude of 20 Vp. The second input is a 10KHz modulating signal that is
of sufficient amplitude to cause a change in the output wave of + 7.5Vp.
Determine the following
1) Upper and Lower side frequencies
2) Modulation coefficient and Percentage of modulation
3) Peak amplitude of the modulated carrier and the upper and lower side
frequency voltages.
4) Maximum and minimum amplitudes of the envelopes.
5) Expression for the modulated wave.
14. The generator polynomial of a (15, 11) Hamming code is given by g(x) =1+x+x 2.
Design encoder and syndrome calculator for this code using systematic form.

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