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Name: Evaluative Practice Test- Ingles- 4to I April,27th T1

Topic: How Much/Many+ Quantifiers

B) Circle the correct words.

1. We have a little/ a few/any tomatoes.
2. I only need a little/ a few/much milk for this recipe.
3. Are there any/ some/ a lot of eggs in the fridge? No, there aren´t/ Isn´t.
4. There is a little/ a few/any sugar in my coffee.
5. There are a little/ a few/a mangoes in the basket.

Name: Evaluative Practice Test- Ingles- 4to I April,27th T2

Topic: How Much/Many+ Quantifiers

B) Circle the correct words.

1.The children want a little/ a few/any sandwiches.

2. There are any/ a lot of/ much students here today.
3. Is there some/any/ many bread in the house? Yes, there is/ are.
4. Here are a little/a few/any cookies for the dog.
5. There are a little/ a few/much monkeys on the tree.

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