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Practical approach Module

Unidad 1 / Escenario 2

Etapas de un plan de comunicación


Cultura y Economía Regional de América

Academic level


Delivery kind

Research article
Tenga en cuenta que el tutor le indicará qué herramienta requiere y qué
estrategia deberá desarrollar para evidenciar su participación individual
en un trabajo colaborativo.

The knowledge about the economic and cultural features of the American continent is
important to develop international negotiation processes. The main aim of this course is to
provide research tools to characterize the American markets, their geopolitical challenges
and to evaluate the potential opportunities of the trade growth. By using this tools, the
international negotiator will be able to perform studies and participate in negotiations related
with the American countries. This course offers an overview of Culture and Economy in the
American continent, making contrasts in terms of economic development between North
America and South America throughout history. It also proposes a characterization of trade
policy and economic integration processes in the continent as well as its main challenges and
opportunities. In the study carried out in this course, special importance is given to the role of
Colombia in the American context, its relations with the other countries in north, central and
south America.

You will perform your research using statistical and historical fonts. The main aim of the report
is to characterize the bilateral relationship between two American countries.

The first draft consists of choosing an American country and write a profile using history,
statistical indicators on demography, economics, politics, and any other information that
you consider relevant. Once you do the profile try to characterize the relationship between
the selected country and other country. The purpose of this first draft is to understand the
study object and to run a descriptive analysis using history and statistics. It must be written in
English, using APA style for references and should not exceed five pages. Choose a title for
your work that describes the information among the writing. All consulted sources must be
appropriately referenced.

To summarize, your first draft must have at least the following parts: Work title, authors,
introduction, descriptive analysis that includes a brief discussion of the main characteristics
of the selected country, historical facts and statistics of the selected country, the relationship
between the selected countries, finally you must include a list of references.

The second draft consists in a characterization of the selected country’s commercial
relationship. This brief document must describe the commercial policy strategy followed
by the country, and a short infographic of the main treaties signed by it. Does your country
tend to create policies that promote free trade or protectionism? What is the evidence that
supports your arguments?

Like the first draft, this document must be 5 pages long, using APA style and respecting
intellectual property rights.

To sum up, this written document must include the following sections: Commercial policy
country’s profile, descriptive analysis of the main indicators of economic integration, main
trends on commercial policy: exports and imports patterns. what are the main exported
products? What products bought from other countries? Use data by LEGISCOMEX to build
this country profile. Also write about international trade agreements, a brief description of the
countries profile on these matters, remember to include bibliographical references.

The last written research report is an article using the collected information in the two previous
drafts. It must have as a starting point a question like: What are the business challenges facing the
selected country and what strategies would you use to address any of these challenges? This part
of the document must have 5 pages length as most, using APA style and respecting intellectual
property rights.

This report must include the previous reports and the following concluding section: Discussion:
Offer a possible answer to the question, use statistics and documents to support your arguments,
conclusions and recommendations, references.

Assessment criteria
Each submission must not exceed 7 pages (not including annexes and references) and must be
submitted in .doc or .docx format.

The document should not include a cover page, just the full name of the members of the group
and codes of each student at the bottom of the title.

The document must include graphs, statistics, and tables.

Your report will be evaluated considering the quality of the argumentation using statistics, political
and historical facts according to the following criteria:

» The students answer the main question using a coherent argumentative structure
based on statistics and historical facts: between 80% and 100% of the points assigned
to the activity.

» The students discussed the main questions, but the arguments presented are not well
supported on statistics and historical evidence: between 60% and 79% of the points
assigned to the activity.

» The students do not use a convincing argumentative structure to discuss the main
questions and do not connect their ideas with objective information like statistics and
historical facts Between 0% and 59% of the points assigned to the activity.

The document must include citations and references based on APA standards (in force at the time
of submission).

The maximum admitted rate of the similarity report is 30%, if the document exceeds this rate the
grade for the draft will be zero.


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