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Archive Maintainer : replace akeldama in levels/doom2/megawads/

Primary purpose : Single + coop play
Title : Akeldama
Filename : akeldama.wad
Release date : 07/31/20
Author : Various
Email Address : [redacted]
Misc. Author Info : Team-based project.

Description : Get ready to blaze through 32 action-packed levels

fit to play in any port of choice - echoes of past
megawad affairs such as Memento Mori and Alien
Vendetta helped to shape the inspiration for this
project. Akeldama continues in the spirit of
collecting a group of talented mappers and creating
a brand new experience for regular doom2.exe.

Additional Credits to : Id Software

* What is included *

New levels : 32
Sounds : No
Music : Yes
Graphics : Yes
Dehacked/BEX Patch : Yes
Demos : Yes
Other : No
Other files required : None

* Play Information *

Game : Doom 2
Map # : 01-32
Single Player : Designed for
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Designed for
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Player starts only
Other game styles : None
Difficulty Settings : Yes

* Construction *

Base : New from scratch

Build Time : 2 years
Editor(s) used : Various
Known Bugs : Savegame buffer overflow on some maps (see below).
glboom graphic error on MAP16. Demos 2 & 3 desync
in chocolate doom.
Tested With : chocolate

Map information:

MAP01: The Generator

Author: valkiriforce/waverider
Build Time: A month
Simple introduction stage started around the project's inception to test out the
new shelter textures. I created the
areas from the start leading to the circular staircase and waverider did everything
past that. Took roughly a month I
think due to figuring out when to collaborate with someone and I handed it over to
waverider to see where he'd take the

MAP02: Knights of Ilasac

Author: Philnemba
Build Time: A month on and off
A Memento Mori inspired map with some Plutonia inspired aesthetics. Fun fact: The
name "Ilasac" is Casali spelled
backwards ;)

MAP03: Renegades
Author: ZaBigBoss/valkiriforce
Build Time: unknown
A map repurposed from Back To Thunder Road, an excellent mapset by ZaBigBoss as he
allows for the use of his work with
permission and credit. All I did was edit the existing areas to fit a vanilla-
friendly environment, and I included a
new exit area as it originally ended at the exit door.

MAP04: Chillwell
Author: dt_
Build Time: unknown
A map by dt_, I've worked with him before as he contributed to the small TNT:
Resistance project. Was glad to have him
on board again.

MAP05: Bunker Hill

Author: DerFurer'sFace
Build Time: 2 weeks + revisions
By the time I looked at the Alkedama CP, I was playing Plutonia again after years.
I was on map16/17 at the time
and I remember really enjoying the concrete base aesthetics of map17 and the rocky
setting of map16, along with the
narrow corridors and almost bunker feeling. I used this inspiration to create a map
centered around fast-paced
plutonia like gameplay but to include a mountain bunker setting, with trenches and
attackers from elevated angles
or kill holes. I wanted the elevated combat to make the map feel not so 2
dimmensional, and so the trenches added
more aesthetic without making it impossible to attack the player. I also designed
the map in a circular design so
that the map would not feel too linear, with the player having to move between a
figure 8 around two central areas
visited later, allowing for half non-linear, and half more structured/controlled
player-monster interaction.

MAP06: Insurrection
Author: Gothic
Build Time: unknown
A map by Gothic - one of the few maps that felt almost perfect without the need to
make any adjustments. The only
change I made is a bit of difficulty adjustment including a co-op error. I also
thank Gothic for the awesome status
bar as he's the one who created it for this project.

MAP07: Carnage Facility

Author: Michael Jan Krizik (valkiriforce)
Build Time: A few weeks
I started this map in February as inspired from the non-linear techbase maps of the
M�ller brothers and
by the setting of Boise, Idaho where my brother had moved to in recent years. I had
seen photographs of
a city with a snowy mountain backdrop, and I thought it seemed like a unique
setting for a high-tech
fortress to be set in the middle of a city with a similar background. I liked the
idea of sprawling inter-
connected staircases and a layout that looked clean, and I tried to insert some
unexpected sequences in the
map progression, which include the megasphere anti-trap, the exploding hall area
and the transforming rocket
launcher area. This was also around the time I started my Vinesauce contest map
(Lost Dreams) but I had put it
on hold to complete this map first. I'm very satisfied with the results - also it
does make little use of the
MAP07 tags, which includes a fail-safe secret for those playing the map
monsterless, so it does not require
killing the mancubus to exit the map.

MAP08: Arctic Compound

Author: Diego 'DJV' Villarroel/valkiriforce
Build Time: A few weeks
DJV's comment: I was aware that one of the maps for the first episode wasn't going
to be accepted, right
at the gates of the last week of the E1 "check-in". At the same time, I was
experimenting on making a cool
Akeldama E1 inspired map with Akeldama's textures, so I decided to try and make a
good layout for someone
to edit and add more things on it. I took the advantage of having a new free slot
to make yet another map
(I made MAP24 before this one), or at least a nice layout. So I gave it to
Valkiriforce for him to complete.
The result was a really fun map, where the main layout worked out really well. I
really liked Valkiriforce edits
and I really liked to see the map with well-placed monsters, since I consider
myself not being a master at the
"monster placement" department.
valk: It was fun looking over an existing map and having creative freedom to rework
areas, as it's not something I do
very often. I really like the open nature of the map and it works really well for
co-op players to run around in. Lots
of edits and slightly restructured areas, including some traps and a towering
chaingunner hideout near the red key

MAP09: Winter Stronghold

Author: The Mysterious Moustachio
Build Time: unknown
A map by The Mysterious Moustachio - I was enjoying his Atonement episode for Doom
2 and wanted to ask him to be a
part of this project, so I was glad he was able to contribute in some way. I'm also
looking forward to his other work
with Interception II and hopefully the rest of Atonement!

MAP10: Hangar Facility

Author: valkiriforce/The Mysterious Moustachio
Build Time: A few weeks
Tried to avoid using the "facility" title again but what can you do...I intended to
work on half of the map and leave
the rest open for another author, of which I asked Moustachio to contribute to. He
worked on the areas past the yellow
key bridge and leading to the red key. I later extended the map past the red door
as it originally ended where the red
key is found. Had to find a place to put that truck trailer buried in the snow!

MAP11: The Glacier Base

Author: Mattias Johansson (waverider)
Build Time: A couple of months
I wanted to make this large and highly detailed map consisting of a tech base in
some snowy mountains where I wanted
to mix tech base style with snowy caves as well as finishing out on top of a
glacier. I hope I managed to create
this style in a faithful way. The map is quite challenging I think with a quite
high monster count. It's also quite
non-linear with several available routes - hopefully it's not too difficult to

MAP12: Urban Strike

Author: complexDoomer/valkiriforce
Build Time: Some weeks probably
complexDoomer had this map to offer which originally was completely interior, but I
reworked it to divide the tech
areas by including a large outdoor section and set it in the middle of a city
backdrop. The map in spirit is still
complexDoomer's work though I worked to include some additional traps and secrets -
one of them is a lift area behind
the starting area and lots of extra details throughout the map.

MAP13: Toxic Disgust

Author: Juza
Build Time: unknown
Cool toxic brick/cave level from Juza, definitely gives me Alien Vendetta vibes.
Hopefully all the coop-breaking
sequences have been fixed!

MAP14: Darkness Beneath

Author: Chaingunner
Build Time: unknown
An excellent map from Chaingunner.

MAP15: Breaching the Source

Author: gaspe
Build Time: 8 months, on and off, map slower gaspe
This was mainly inspired by MAP20 of TNT and with the idea of merging it with the
Plutonia aesthetics to create
a twisted, evil techbase with a dark trip to venture into the depths of the base
with its demonic machineries.
In the end I didn't put more crushers as I planned but there's quite a lot of
ground to cover on the liquids that
are all damaging in this level. I must say that I'm happy with the result, in
paticular with the secrets and the
little optional areas.

MAP16: Aqueduct Fortress

Author: valkiriforce
Build Time: 2 weeks
Inspired from the dark, hellish brick and stone themes from both Memento Mori
megawads. Wanted to give it two possible
routes for completing the map - blue key is a bit longer but safer, and the red key
is quick but more dangerous. I kept
returning to this map on and off and changing around details and areas a bit for
the sake of texture variety.
MAP17: Blood Covenant
Author: antares031
Build Time: Two months, on and off
This is the third level that I designed with vanilla compatibility. Pretty simple
level, with only a few tough
moments. The name was from one of levels of Quake Champions. Thanks, and please
enjoy the awesome soundtrack,
composed by Eris Falling. :)

MAP18: Mortar
Author: wolfmcbeard/Khorus
Build Time: unknown
wolfmcbeard started this map and later handed it over to Khorus to finish it.
Definitely reminds me of the classic
techbase maps of older megawads like Memento Mori II.

MAP19: Death March

Author: Pegleg (and valkiriforce)
Build Time: 3 months, working for an hour or two every few days (with the
occasional day featuring a flurry of
activity for several hours)
Pegleg: I was inspired by the red sky for Episode 2, which led to creating a map
with a lot of metallic textures and
blood mixed with brick and rock/stone. One of the goals I had going into this
design was to add interconnectedness,
so that there would be a number of ways that you could make it through the map,
with the ability to see things from
different vantage points (often at different heights) that you might need later. I
also wanted to have areas that
were optional to visit; it would be beneficial to visit them, but not essential
(and likely rather dangerous). The
final result of all of this was a map that ended up being something akin to a
meandering brick and stone fortress
attached to rocky caverns and a canyon. The map was originally titled "Blood
March," but there were already a number
of map titles featuring blood, so the title was changed to "Death March."
Valkiriforce added detailing that added some
flair to some of the areas. He also moved around some of the health and ammunition,
and revised the final arena to
avoid it being simply a dash to the exit and ensure that the final encounter had
some teeth, as I had meant for it
to have.
valk: I kept coming back to this one and changing or adding details here and there,
or changing around textures and
even created a new brick texture for this map. It was great breathing new life into
some areas including the red key
area and the switch bridge with added brick towers and rockies all around the

MAP20: The Devil's Triangle

Author: Juza/valkiriforce
Build Time: months between the two of us
Juza started this map and worked all the way past the train station to the open
outdoor area with the cyberdemon. There
were quite a few areas following this that were left incomplete, so I worked to
finish the map and create some huge
outdoor areas with an ocean backdrop. I was inspired from Plutonia 2's mapping
style when making my portion of the map.

MAP21: Disaster County

Author: valkiriforce
Build Time: Maybe a couple days
A menacing introduction to the episode 3 theme with the burning landscape and dark
sky - I imagined the player emerging
from a dug-in area into a graveyard where enemies are released. This map also gives
a couple of options for clearing the
regular areas with only one key being required to exit, but what fun is that for us
completionists? ;)

MAP22: Dark sacrifices

Author: Paul977
Build Time: some hours
This is a map inspired by the visual themes of Alien Vendetta maps 17 and 23. Some
spots of this map can be tricky
but overall this level is not too difficult if you stay in guard.

MAP23: Chimera
Author: valkiriforce
Build Time: two weeks
Originally someone else was working on a MAP23 entry, but they lost their work and
dropped out, so I decided to fill in
for them. Went for a large, open non-linear map that was originally going to have
more techbase themes but the older
version of this map was scrapped in favor of restarting it to get a better idea for
what I wanted to make. Really like
how this came out, and it's got most of the Doom 2 monsters and weaponry so you
know it's fun.

MAP24: Alexandria's Library

Author: Diego 'DJV' Villarroel
Build Time: A month (5 years)
This is what actually happened to the mythical Library that randomly burned into
ashes during early modern times.
It was a work of hell, the forces of evil made this ancient place of knowledge
burst into oblivion. Hell probably
could not stand mortals having that much information in a single place.
This was at first, a map for a mapping tournament on an old Spanish-Speaking forum
back in 2014, I never finished it,
and only made up to the central courtyard (the main starting room and hall, and the
"maze" room aswell). I probably
worked on it three days and then left it. It was a vanilla mapping tournament, but
I wasn't aware back in the day
about VSP Overflows and other engine limitations, things that started appearing
when I was back on this, for Akeldama.
I always thought this map suited MAP24 well, for some reason, I also think it makes
me remember to those oldschool
maps in MM1/MM2/Requiem. When I came back again with this map for the project, I
worked on it for less than a month,
and, to be honest, I didn't like the final result at all. Luckily I managed to like
it a little bit more making many
changes based on feedback over the course of the project.

Map25: Opulence
Author: Joe Pallai
Build Time: Over a year with parts made in 2000 (seriously)
So this map started off as the sections deleted from Plutonia2's "Aztecorum".
This would be sectors 0 - 1,
10 - 15, 19 - 28, 30 - 32, 42, 46 - 49, 51, 57, 61, 66, 68, 186, 193, 207 and 235
(there may be a few more but I
don't recognize them any more). Stupidly I thought re-using parts of an old map
would be a quick way to knock out
a map for this project since I initially signed up for two maps--HA! Eventually I
realized my foolishness and
concentrated only on this one map. It went from trying to shoehorn in as much of
the original Plutonia2 map into it;
to eventually cutting half of what I had previously made and settling into a nice
weird Brick/Hell influenced tech-base
thing with an optional red key path. It's a map made for explorers and I hope you
enjoy it.

MAP26: Duskbound
Author: Breezeep
Build Time: don't ask
After months of procrastination, IRL related stuff, and struggling to add to this
map, it's finally done. Once
again I apologize to Valk and the rest of the gang for the wait. I hope you enjoy

MAP27: Bitter Waters

Author: valkiriforce
Build Time: a month
I had an idea for a map that was largely connected with a river crossing over the
whole map, with each section
containing different themes and unlocking the next area, taking you further down
the river. It was actually inspired
from another game a friend showed me at the time, I think it was one of the Kao The
Kangaroo games where you sailed
down a river and had to unlock the next area further down, so I borrowed that
concept and turned it into something

MAP28: Climbing Blood Mountain

Author: Khorus
Build Time: unknown
A 15-20 minute linear adventure map inspired by my favourite Alien Vendetta levels.
The map is also a tribute to my
Grandmother who passed away in February. She taught me to paint, cook and make
things to help express myself from a
very young age. She always had an amazing garden to explore and get lost in, so
there are patches of greenery around
the map with goodies and such to represent that.

MAP29: Boglach
Author: Paul Corfiatis
Build Time: unknown
A map by Paul Corfiatis - great penultimate map with a nice music track from the
map author as well.

MAP30: Mind of Enmity (or "The Devil's Capital")

Author: valkiriforce
Build Time: some weeks
Had a good time trying to imagine how this map might play out - I checked around
with other members of Doomworld asking
what kind of last level they preferred in a megawad, and most people agreed they
liked something that was more like a
regular map, and in fact someone had made a similar thread where some have even
said they tend to prefer MAP29s in
megawads because they're huge and feel more like they would work better as an
ending than another Icon of Sin fight.
So I wanted to make something gigantic like a MAP29 slot that works with the intent
of being a MAP30 encounter instead.
I imagine the map is set in the heat of battle during wartime in the middle east,
with a military bunker hideout with
a hangar area containing a jet and another brick fortress holding a tank. You, as
the player, have just entered the
occupied city where the anti-christ is working his plan for world domination and

MAP31: Make Believe

Author: valkiriforce/DerFurer'sFace/Joe Pallai/gaspe
Build Time: a few months between various authors
gaspe: (red skull area) This area is like a continuation of MAP15 and I followed
the same idea but my main
inspiration here was MAP25 of Plutonia.
valk: secret maps are fun! I couldn't get the image of starting on an old abandoned
ship out of my head, so I had
to find a way to work that into a map that would ultimately have lots of connecting
areas via a teleporter hub. I
think it works out really well for all the different themes on display.

MAP32: Operation Pump and Dump

Author: Doomkid & Valkiriforce
Build Time: It's always build time
Notes by Doomkid: Originally this map was way easier and somewhat less detailed.
Valkiriforce gave it the Go2It
treatment and it looks way cooler now and will slap your helpless ass, so stay on
your toes. Keep moving - standing
still is a death sentence! If you're having trouble, just remember: Step 1, pump.
Step 2, dump. Step 3, revel in your
success, gloat over the carcasses of many slain baddies.
valk: I may have gone overboard with the monsters seeing as they exceed the vanilla
sprite limit. I'm sorry, I broke
my own rules...

I want to thank all of the playtesters involved, including the level design artists
and musicians who were able to
contribute to such a large project and those who tried but in the end didn't make
it into the final product.

Thanks to James Paddock for pointing me to LewkForce's MIDI work for use in this

Thanks to The_SloVinator, ETTiNGRiNDER and Walter confetti for making the effort to
contribute their maps, although
they didn't make it into the final lineup.

Thanks to galileo31dos01 who made the effort to create the original status bar
graphic, which was later replaced.

A special thanks to waverider for being the first contributor to this project in
our collaborated MAP01, and checking
in now and again to playtest and give feedback as well as being a close friend of
mine. Really looking forward to his
megawad project Curse of Blood, be sure to check it out!

Thanks to all of the contributors and forum lurkers who showed their support
throughout the development of this
megawad. Even when I wasn't posting I checked the thread almost every day for over
a year and I'm really excited to
see so many people have enjoying playing this megawad even in its beta phase and to
all future players who get to
enjoy it in its final release.

waverider (01, 11) Paul977 (22)
joepallai (25, 31) gaspe (15, 31)
Doomkid (32) antares031 (17)
Philnemba (02) DerFurher'sFace (05, 31)
Juza (13, 20) The Mysterious Moustachio (09, 10)
Chaingunner (14) ZaBigBoss (03)
dt_ (04) Diego 'DJV' Villarroel (08, 24)
wolfmcbeard (18) Khorus (18, 28)
complexDoomer (12) Paul Corfiatis (29)
Pegleg (19) Gothic (06)
Breezeep (26) valkiriforce (01, 03, 07, 08, 10, 12, 16, 19, 20, 21, 23,
27, 30, 31, 32)

Stuart Rynn (27) LewkForce (02, 03, 09, 16, 23, 25, 31, Text Screen)
Paul Corfiatis (05, 11, 15, 29) AD_79 (01, 04, 13, 20, 26, 28)
Seybsnilksz (10, 32) Doomkid (30, Intermission screen)
Eris Falling (17, 19, 30) Viscra Maelstrom (06, 07, 08, 12, 14, 18, 21, 22, 24,
Title Screen)
valkiriforce (30 - just a small edit!)

valkiriforce - INTERPIC, TITLEPIC, BOSSBACK & CREDIT graphics, sky textures, M_DOOM
& ENDOOM graphics and new textures
Gothic - Status bar
Various Plutonia textures
TNT textures
Some CC4 textures
A couple of 32IN24 textures

valkiriforce gaspe
dt_ DerFurher'sFace
waverider galileo31dos01
Juza Diego 'DJV' Villarroel
joepallai obake
xvertigox NuMetalManiak
Aquila Chrysaetos Bob9001
Count651 lirui1001
EffinghamHuffnagel Veinen
BjarneC P41R47
Caleb13 Bryan T
Firedust Degree23
Horus damo2k
Keyboard_Doomer and the TNS gang

A note on bugs:
Savegame buffer overlow is likely to occur if you try to save it using DOSBox or
any vanilla port which cannot save
game files larger than 180KB, so it is recommended that you use Chocolate Doom
(with 'Vanilla Savegame Limit' unchecked)
or any ports that allow for larger save files. This error occurs specifically on
the following maps: MAP06, MAP07,
MAP10, MAP11, MAP14, MAP16, MAP17, MAP18, MAP19, MAP20, MAP23, MAP25, MAP26, MAP27,
MAP30, MAP31 and MAP32.

MAP16 can get a visual error in OpenGL due to an HOM trick.

Project development history:

Thread link: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/103867-akeldama-beta-6-released-

Akeldama began work on Nov. 15th, 2017 with new textures and direct contact with
close friends. It was kept under
private development throughout 2018 and made public in 2019 when there was enough
to show for it to gage interest
from Doomworld users. Hopefully this thread will serve well in showing how these
kind of projects can be handled.

If you wish to reach out, you can contact me through my Doomworld user page or
Twitter account at valkiriforce.

* Copyright / Permissions *

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons

Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. To view a
copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/

You are free to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format.
If you do so, you must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the
license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable
manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your
use. You may not use the material for commercial purposes. If you remix,
transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified

* Where to get the file that this text file describes *

The Usual: ftp://archives.gamers.org/pub/idgames/ and mirrors

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