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Video link (demo of tool):-
Textile Management System is the software for textile industries which is
aimed to reducing the workload in the textile industry The Textile Management
System is designed to allow the industry to keep track of all the employee details,
textile details, product details, banquet details and agent details. It keeps tracks of
all the active employees as well as employees who have left the textile industry.

The Textile management System includes the Front Office Module, Back Office
Module, Human Resource Management Module, and Accounts Module. This will
help authorized user to insert, delete update or view the various records related to
employees, products and many more details. This makes the software flexible to

The “Textile Management System” is based on the sales transaction of items
in a shop. The project titled “TEXTILE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” is designed
with the motive of maintaining all the databases of the concern. The basic aim of
the project is to develop a system, which is very simple, user friendly, easy
retrieval and simple access. The main goal of this project is to reduce manual
works, increase the processing speed and ensure reliability of data.

 The authorized department of the company will be able to log into the
application using different logins, which will give them access permission.
 The Back Office department head will able to view and manage the loading
status of the material.
 The HR department head will be able to manage employee details, such as
adding, updating and deleting employee detail.
 The accounts department will generate the reports for material booked,
quantity booked, Employee details, customer details etc.,



The ERP Tool that we are using for “ONLINE TEXTILE MANAGEMENT
1. Dolibarr ERP CRM is an open source, free software package for companies
to manage companies, freelancers or foundations. It includes different
features for ERP and CRM but also other features for different activities.
2. It's an Open Source project built by the addition of modules (you only
enable the features you need), on a WAMP, MAMP or LAMP server
(Apache, Mysql, PHP for all Operating Systems). Dolibarr was developed to
try to offer an ERP and CRM suite with the main goal of simplicity:
 Simple to install
 Simple to use
 Simple to develop
3. Most of the utilities of the textile industry can be done by using this software
and also many textile industries use this software in the contemporary world.

1) Easy and fast Billing
2) Sales and Distribution
3) Inventory
4) Production and planning control
5) Quality assurance
6) Import purchase
1) Easy and Fast Billing:-
• Tracking uncollected and payable bills.
• Flexible aged Payables and Receivables.
• Maintaining partial payments for any invoice.
• Allow prepayment of invoice.
• Allows extensive on-screen inquiries such as balances, aging,
and invoice history.

2) Sales and Distribution:-

• Accurate information on sales, Inventory, and customers.
• Manage multiple pricing levels. Promotional pricing or customer
specific pricing.
• Discount handled automatically with line level/ invoice level.
• Handles fractional quantities and mixed units of measure with
different units for purchasing, selling and stocking.

3) Inventory:
• Monitor fast-moving items, Non moving items.
• Monitor inventory movements by tracking detailed Inventory
history Listing of Expiry details.
• Inventory Re-ordering and Quotations Sending.
• Inventory details on Category and Sub category wise.
• Allow extensive on screen inquiries such as item costs, prices, on-
hand quantities, back order quantities.

4) Production and planning control:-

The main aim of production planning is to provide a system along with a
set of procedures for effective conversion of raw materials, labor and other inputs
into final product (garment).The cost analysis also can be done.
5) Quality Assurance:-
In this quality assurance the quality if the clothe is tested at every
stage of production process.

6) Import purchase:-
The importer and supplier mutually agree terms and conditions about
import sale prior to actual shipment of imports. Pricing, quality specifications,
terms of payment, terms delivery, and mode of transport and other terms and
conditions are agreed and mentioned in purchase order and import shipment of
Textile and Textile Articles is effected accordingly.


Front end Tool: - JAVA and APPLETS

Back end Tool:- SQL Server

Technology that can be incorporated with all the modules of

the ERP system

Payment and Billings (RTP (Real-Time Payments)):-

RTP will allow companies like Transactis to develop better ways for
customers to pay bills. The Clearing House’s RTP (Real-Time Payments) network
will propel faster payments and bring in the next generation of billing technology.
As a provider of integrated electronic billing and payment solutions, Transactis
continues to develop its offerings to better serve the market. Transactis is using the
RTP network to enhance its products, focused on making the payment experience
better for consumers, the businesses they use, and the financial institutions that
support them.

There are two prominent models people use to pay their bills: biller direct (73%),
where a payer goes to a business’ website to make a payment, and bank bill pay
(27%), where a person pays bills through online banking sites. Those using the
biller direct (BD) model have access to all of the information and data associated
with their bill, including amount due, due date, and posting date. All of this
information is useful in driving good payment behavior and habits because it offers
people more financial understanding and control. On the other hand, BD models do
not typically link to the payer’s bank account for validation or identify available
funds, which can result in payments being returned for insufficient funds, bank
fees, and delayed payment posting. Additionally, the bill payment experience is
fragmented because payers must visit the sites of all of their vendors separately to
view bills.

The RTP network launched by The Clearing House has set the stage for
solutions providers like Transactis to bridge the gap between these models and add
value for consumers regardless of how they pay their bills. As the leading provider
of electronic billing and payment solutions that are delivered through the top
financial institutions. Transactis is in a unique position to develop technology
using real-time rails that will improve the billing and payment experience for both
BD and BBP services. The integration of the RTP network into BillerIQ,
Transactis’ electronic billing and payment solution, will be multifaceted in order to
provide value to businesses, consumers, and financial institutions, no matter which
model (BD or BBP) is used. For payments made via a BillerIQ site, consumers will
be able to view a bill on the system and make a payment in real time. This is
especially useful for someone at risk for a late payment. The real-time payment
system will help Transactis process that payment immediately and provide
acknowledgment of the payment, preventing the consumer from having a service
discontinued or incurring a late fee.

As the RTP network spreads and as more solutions utilize the system, we
will see a network effect of interoperability that offers more choice and power to
consumers, while helping businesses and financial institutions serve them better.
Transactis is ready to play a big role, capitalizing on the opportunities that the RTP
network brings, to spread the accessibility of bill content and data, as well as
providing a seamless payment experience, regardless of the model used. The
benefits of the RTP network are wide-ranging, and the system will prime the
financial world to become more connected and inclusive.

Sales and distribution:-

Today, many sales managers and sales teams are almost constantly
connected to their screens, devices, apps, and online tools. While these
technologies are designed to improve sales effectiveness, I see two potential
pitfalls when it comes to the proliferation of technology and selling.

1: CRM

Today, most sales organizations use some type of CRM system. CRM absolutely
provides better visibility into sales opportunities and allows sales managers to track
deals as they progress through the pipeline. By monitoring these opportunities,
sales managers can review stage, probability, and velocity to improve forecast

However, if you’re just using CRM to gain insight into sales opportunities and turn
out better sales forecasts, you’re not leveraging its full potential. Unless a sales
manager uses those insights from data in CRM to actively coach reps (i.e., deal
coaching), they’re not leveraging the power of CRM to increase win rates.

2: Video Conferencing

Video conferencing used to require big, bulky, expensive equipment. Today,

anyone can hop on a video conferencing call. This has been a great enhancement
for sales managers whose salespeople work remotely.

However, the default for many sales managers is still to pick up the phone or send
reps an email. Don’t overlook the value of video technology. Body language, facial
expression, and energy level are all readily apparent on a video conferencing call
and can be masked on an ordinary phone call.

3: Virtual Learning
Salespeople today no longer have to wait for in-person events or classroom
training to improve their skills. Thanks to virtual learning platforms (VLT) and
Learning Management Systems (LMS), sales managers can provide salespeople
with ways to engage with sales training anytime, from almost anywhere.

Again, however, the key is to leverage these tools to reinforce and enhance
coaching and group collaboration. It’s not enough for salespeople to log on to an
LMS, take a few quizzes, and log off. Salespeople still need direct engagement and
feedback from managers to improve their selling skills.

4: Mobile Devices

All salespeople today are on mobile devices and not just phones. They’re using
iPads, laptops, and other devices that help them routinely during a given day of

As an example, sales acceleration software from QStream, (a partner of ours) can

send out questions to the salesperson's mobile device in the form of real-world
sales scenarios. Salespeople can then submit responses, and managers can view
how well their sales team is mastering the skills and concepts. This reinforces
selling skills in a very tangible way because sales managers can identify skills gaps
and tailor coaching efforts accordingly.

5 Social Networks

Social tools are getting a lot of attention, especially as more millennials enter the
sales ranks. My view is that sales managers can provide much-needed direction for
salespeople who might be trying to using too many platforms at once. Instead of
multiple networks, focus on cultivating a high-quality presence on the key social
networks that your target customers are using. As an example, we have found that
for B2B sales, LinkedIn and Twitter work particularly well.

All of these technology tools allow sales managers to engage more

frequently and in an enhanced way with their sales teams. The job of any sales
manager is to lead, manage, and inspire salespeople. This means that sales
managers need to be visible and make personal connections with individual reps. If
you spend all your time behind a screen, you won’t be able to do that effectively.
Most importantly, sales managers need to become great coaches who can help their
salespeople improve how they sell. To be a great sales coach, you need to see your
salespeople in action, not just gather data about their behaviors and their sales
calls. Above all, remember that selling is about developing relationships and that
today’s technology tools are there to enhance how we provide value to our
customers and sales teams.

Inventory:- (Data warehousing and mining)

Data Warehousing for Inventory management (DWIN) is a production
project at Telcordia aimed at providing telecommunications service providers with
decision support functions for inventory control and monitoring.

Retail Sales, we developed a dimensional model for the sales transactions in a

large grocery chain. We remain within the same industry, but move up the value
chain to tackle the inventory process. The designs developed in this will apply to a
broad set of inventory pipelines both inside and outside the retail industry.

More important, this provides a thorough discussion of the enterprise data

warehouse bus architecture. The bus architecture is essential to creating an
integrated DW/BI system. It provides a framework for planning the overall
environment, even though it will be built incrementally. We will underscore the
importance of using common conformed dimensions and facts across dimensional
models, and will close by encouraging the adoption of an enterprise data
governance program.

Basically, inventory management is the system used to organize and track all of the
company's goods during the time the company owns them. Once they're sold,
inventory is converted to revenue. In some industries, inventory management is
also known as stock management. This is common in the retail sector for example,
where apparel or home goods inventory is considered "stock on hand."

No matter the size of a business, from a small neighborhood gift shop to a

multinational corporation, effective inventory management can make the
difference between failure and success. Even a basic inventory management
system can ensure that appropriate levels of products are kept on hand to serve
customers without tying up capital in an unproductive fashion. Unfortunately, few
rules of thumb can be applied across industry sectors. For companies with long
production lead times for big-ticket items, carrying inventory makes sense, so
customers aren't disappointed. Other industries operate on a just-in-time basis to
reduce inventory-carrying costs.

Production:- (cad/cam)
There are thirty different prototypes

Computer-Aided Design

That’s when Montgomery turned to computer technology for help and began using
a computer-aided design (CAD) software package to design not only the engine
but also the board itself and many of its components. The CAD program enabled
Montgomery and his team of engineers to test the product digitally and work out
design problems before moving to the prototype stage.

Computer-Aided Manufacturing

For many companies, the next step is to link CAD to the manufacturing process.
A computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software system determines the steps
needed to produce the component and instructs the machines that do the work.
Because CAD and CAM programs can “talk” with each other, companies can build
components that satisfy exactly the requirements set by the computer-generated
model. CAD/CAM systems permit companies to design and manufacture goods
faster, more efficiently, and at a lower cost, and they’re also effective in helping
firms monitor and improve quality. CAD/CAM technology is used in many
industries, including the auto industry, electronics, and clothing.

Computer-Integrated Manufacturing

By automating and integrating all aspects of a company’s operations, computer-

integrated manufacturing (CIM) systems have taken the integration of computer-
aided design and manufacturing to a higher level—and are in fact revolutionizing
the production process. CIM systems expand the capabilities of CAD/CAM. In
addition to design and production applications, they handle such functions as order
entry, inventory control, warehousing, and shipping. In the manufacturing plant,
the CIM system controls the functions of industrial robots—computer-controlled
machines used to perform repetitive tasks that are also hard or dangerous for
human workers to perform.

Flexible Manufacturing Systems

Finally, a CIM system is a common element in flexible manufacturing systems

(FMS), in which computer-controlled equipment can easily be adapted to produce
a variety of goods. An FMS has immense advantages over traditional production
lines in which machines are set up to produce only one type of good. When the
firm needs to switch a production line to manufacture a new product, substantial
time and money are often spent in modifying equipment. An FMS makes it
possible to change equipment setups merely by reprogramming computer-
controlled machines. Such flexibility is particularly valuable to companies that
produce customized products.

3D Printing

3D printing is any of various processes used to make a three-dimensional object. In

3D printing, additive processes are used, in which successive layers of material are
laid down under computer control. These objects can be of almost any shape or
geometry, and are produced from a 3D model or other electronic data source. A 3D
printer is a type of industrial robot. Several different 3D printing processes have
been invented since the later. The printers were originally large, expensive, and
highly limited in what they could produce.

Imports exports:- (Data mining and ware housing)

After gaining immense experience in the purchasing and delivery operations, we
are presenting in front of our clients a functionally flexible import export ERP
software. The solution is proposed to efficiently maintain and track the operational
records starting from purchasing to final delivery. Developed using advanced
technologies, the software seems supportive for the clients dealing in importing
and exporting of goods.

ERP for import/export industry is a cloud hosted ERP software, hence facilitates
users by means of forecasting future inventory. It is highly functional to which
customers expectations and vendor delivery requirements get conveniently met
simultaneously. Almost all the importers and exporters are facing problems in
managing goods transaction related operations, for the elimination of these issues,
ACG Infotech brings forth a modular solution that best suited with any import and
export business needs.

Basically, the web based ERP solution used by businesses get seamlessly
integrates with the entire financial management application that is functionally
depends on all financial processes such as general ledger entries, data redundancy
inputs and cost estimation of goods purchased or delivered. Managing procuring,
warehousing and delivery activities is tremendously an elaborated responsibility
that requires a well developed, robust, and flexible system software. It also has the
exceptional attribute of handling document & licence management that can be in
form of shipping bill, originally certificate, packing list, bank realization
document, goods exchange bills and any more.



Here we can select the modules required for our project and we can ignore the
things which are not needed as shown below.

In this module we can create the members involved in the project or company and
we can view their statistics like are they validated or terminated or are they are on
leave etc.


The Third Parties module allows you to manage entities like customers, prospects
and / or suppliers . This module is a prerequisite for many other modules that are
based on these concepts (invoices, orders, contracts, proposals, etc)
A Third Party means any customer, prospect or supplier. These can be a
corporation/business entity or an individual person. A contact, on the other hand, is
an individual: a representative of the business entity or a person.



Here we can add the products needed to be purchased from the vendors and the
products which are for sale and also we can create the services we provide to the
customers by the company and we can manage overall production and services in
this module.


In this module we can create the new projects accepted by the company and who
leads that projects and we can moniter their overall performance and we can create
the tasks to be performed and can be assigned to the employees.




In this module we can create the orders given by the customer and can create the
details of the purchase orders . And we can view the details of it.


In this module we can generate the bills and invoices for the orders and we can
manage the bills of the company.



In this module we can link the bank account of the company which is visible to the
customers and suppliers and we can view the transactions here.



In this module employees of the company can apply for leaves and can see the
status of the leave and balance leaves.


In this module we can view and manage the documents created for the project and
can download it.




Here we can we the agendas of the project and it can viewed monthly,weekly,daily
basis like a calender and easy to viewed.

Recommendations on using the ERP software(Dolibarr)

Dolibarr is a combined ERP and CRM software created primarily for small
businesses, foundations, and freelance professionals, enabling them to manage and
organize multiple aspects of their business like inventory management, contacts,
invoice management, orders, communications, and more.

It is an open-source platform, allowing users to freely modify Dolibarr to

suit their needs and meet their requirements. Dolibarr is built on simplicity, right
from installation to usage to custom development. With its design, users can start
with features they need and then add more features on a WAMP, MAMP or LAMP
server (Apache, Mysql, PHP for all Operating Systems) as their business grows
and their needs change.
Dolibarr is a rich open-source ERP and CRM software that is perfect for
small and medium businesses, small organizations, and freelancers that are looking
for a simple ERP/CRM solution that they can configure and customize to bring in
the features they need and none that they don’t. It matches your business
management need, whether its sales, customer engagement, customer support,
invoicing, accounting, inventory management, and more. Even if you are using
other systems and software, Dolibarr is ready to integrate right off the bat, allowing
you to perform all your critical business tasks smoothly even without the

It is designed to be simple to install, implement, and modify, which is why

many businesses and organizations are using Dolibarr as their integrated ERP and
CRM platform of choice. Being an open-source software, Dolibarr is developed
constantly by thousands of developers, testers, and translators who base their
development efforts on feedback from thousands of Dolibarr users. This means
every new feature or functionality introduced into the Dolibarr software is built on
the needs of its end users – YOU.

That said, the biggest benefit Dolibarr brings to the table is that it is a free
software. You never have to worry about Dolibarr creating a huge dent in your
budget. You save so much on costs while enjoying Dolibarr’s huge and exceptional
value to your business

Dolibarr Features:-

 CRM / Sales Management.

 Human Relationship Management
 CMS and Website Management
 E-Commerce
 Product and Stock Management
 Finance and Billing
 Productivity Management
 Marketing
 Integration
Overall Feedback with merits and demerits of the tool
Dolibarr is effective

With over 10 years of experience in IT management and administration, It can

assure you that this system is a robust and valuable solution to add value to the
business. It has a multitude of low-cost modules that allow flexibility in serving
many businesses.

It is easier and quicker installation, which can be also installed with your existing
ERP, with Apache PHP, and mysql server, customization can be made in forms,
reports and transactional logics, any how some very precise and accurate business
objects and programmed accordingly, which helps in business by just configure
them according to business need, most of the modules are available and
configured, Purchasing orders, sale order, Finance, inventory, replenishments,
projects, accounts, expenses are predefined with business processes.


 Simplicity No need to install Dolibarr, nor buy install, and configure

additional modules. We have done this for you.

 Quality Hosting No need to search for a hosting and manage it. Our cloud
solution is hosted on well taylored and powerful servers located in France.

 Hosting Management We care about hosting and server management. You

will get the services you need.

 Your data are secured Data’s are the heart of your business. We care about
them with professional backups and care about server and application

 Stability Our Cloud Solution is based on a recent Dolibarr ERP/CRM stable

release, and all extensions have been selected and tested to work together.
Tiaris is Dolibarr Prefered Partner and a longtime Dolibarr Community

 Service availability Our hoster offers a 99,99% service availability for his
hosting service.

 Counseling It is not enough to install Dolibarr and some modules to get

success. We help you to define and optimize your business processes. We
share our expertise in counseling e-merchants for many years

 Assistance With our Cloud solution, you will always find answers to your
questions about dolibarr and e-commerce management.

 Education We provide educational services for our clients

 Follow up Your business will progress, your management tools must follow
this progress. We have abilities and experience to help you making the best


 unfortunately its SQL Structure is very french and European and the
translation to English is lost sometimes and makes it hard to solve things
with the language barrier.
 For the contract management for employees, the features are too lights.
 It from the lack of plugins or third party resources available to it. On the
other hand, I believe this is due to the fear of giving credit to software that
could topple big ones in the market.
 Documentation could be limited in some areas but that is normal on an open
source solution. The good news is that you don't need it as much since
everything is almost intuitive. It would be great to have a full mobile App
with the Open source package.
 That people call it outdated, further than that, i don't really dislike anything,
it was designed with experience dealing with the problem in context, if its
done in a certain way, its done for a reason.
 The limitations of this software are that there is no accountancy, one
currency is managed at a time, only one company can be managed meaning
that the software is to be installed twice for it to manage two companies, the
human resource management is absent, and there is a lack of a webmail.

***THE END***

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