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ENM 18 Operations

For Radio Access


Network Monitoring using ENM CLI

In this module you will learn to:

› Describe the ENM Command Line Interface

application features
› Use ENM CLI cmedit Command Set to monitor
Radio Access Nodes
› List the ENM CLI command sets used to monitor
the network.
› Launch the ENM CLI and access the online help
for monitoring nodes using the CLI
› Check the status of network objects using the
› Understand how to lock and unlock the node
hardware and node managed objects
› Describe how to perform restarts on node
hardware units and nodes
› Use the ENM CLI Netlog command set to
upload and export node logs
› Use the Network Health Check ENM CLI
command set to create and export node health
check reports

© Ericsson AB 2018 | Network Monitoring using ENM CLI | LZU1082671 R2A | Figure 19-1
CLI Overview
• Provides a single command line interface for
managing all nodes that support a modeled
• Enables the user to perform Configuration
and Fault Management operations on nodes
managed by ENM.
• Is a model-driven CLI that requires the user
to understand the node’s Managed
Object(MO) structure and MO attributes.
• Can perform operations such as get, set and
actions on single or multiple nodes

© Ericsson AB 2018 | Network Monitoring using ENM CLI | LZU1082671 R2A | Figure 19-2
ENM CLI Page Layout


Command Entry

© Ericsson AB 2018 | Network Monitoring using ENM CLI | LZU1082671 R2A | Figure 19-3
Access ENM CLI Application

To access the ENM CLI Application Help, Launch the Command Line Interface.
• Expand the Help menu in the upper right corner of the page.
• Select “App Help”.

© Ericsson AB 2018 | Network Monitoring using ENM CLI | LZU1082671 R2A | Figure 19-4
ENM CLI User Interface

• The ENM CLI provides a command prompt for

the user to enter commands.
• After executing a command, a response will be
returned providing the command results or an
error message if the command was not
properly formatted.
• Command history can be retrieved by using up
and down arrow keys to scroll through
previous commands.
• Command history is only available for the
current ENM CLI session

© Ericsson AB 2018 | Network Monitoring using ENM CLI | LZU1082671 R2A | Figure 19-5
Network Monitoring Tasks Using
the cmedit Command Set

› Check Cell Status of EUTRAN Cells(LTE)

› Check Cell Status of NodeB Local
› Check Cell Status of GSM Sectors Cells(GSM)
› Lock / Unlock Cells of LTE,WCDMA and GSM
› Restart Baseband Radio Node

© Ericsson AB 2018 | Network Monitoring using ENM CLI | LZU1082671 R2A | Figure 19-6
Launch ENM Command Line
Interface (CLI)

› The ENM Command Line Interface (CLI) application link is located

in the “Provisioning” category on the ENM Application Launcher
› Select the “Command Line Interface (CLI)” link to launch the

© Ericsson AB 2018 | Network Monitoring using ENM CLI | LZU1082671 R2A | Figure 19-7
cmedit Overview
› The cmedit command set can be used to read,
manipulate, and export configuration management
› All Managed Object (MO) data specified in the
cmedit is modeled.
› The cmedit commands cannot be interrupted after
the command has been entered in the CLI
› The cmedit commands are subject to access
control. Users must have the proper ENM authority
to use the commands.

© Ericsson AB 2018 | Network Monitoring using ENM CLI | LZU1082671 R2A | Figure 19-8
cmedit Command Descriptions
For Network Monitoring
Command Command Description
Describe Describes an MO Class, MO Instance, or any of its attributes
Get Fetches one or more instances of Managed Objects

Set Modifies one or more instances of a Managed Objects

Action Preform action on a Managed Object

Caution: Set and Action commands may cause network disturbances

© Ericsson AB 2018 | Network Monitoring using ENM CLI | LZU1082671 R2A | Figure 19-9
cmedit Command Set Help

© Ericsson AB 2018 | Network Monitoring using ENM CLI | LZU1082671 R2A | Figure 19-10
ENM CLI – “help cmedit”

© Ericsson AB 2018 | Network Monitoring using ENM CLI | LZU1082671 R2A | Figure 19-11
cmedit Command Examples
cmedit get {scope} {MO}
Description Command
List a specific MO for all cmedit get * ManagedElement
List a specific MO for all cmedit get LTE* ManagedElement
nodes which match a
partial node name
List a specific MO for a cmedit get LTE03ERBS00001 ManagedElement
specific node name
List a specific MO using cmedit get My_Collection ManagedElement
a collection
List a specific MO using cmedit get My_Collection;LTE03ERBS00005 ManagedElement
a collection and a
specific node

© Ericsson AB 2018 | Network Monitoring using ENM CLI | LZU1082671 R2A | Figure 19-12
cmedit describe Command
Examples - LTE
cmedit describe {MO}
Description Command
Describe all attributes for a cmedit describe EUtranCellFDD.*
specific MO in list format
Describe all attributes for a cmedit describe EUtranCellFDD.* -t
specific MO in tabular format
Describe a attributes for a cmedit describe EUtranCellFDD.operationalState
specific MO
Describe multiple attributes cmedit describe
for a specific MO EUtranCellFDD.(operationalState,administrativeState,
availabilityStatus,cellBarred) -t

© Ericsson AB 2018 | Network Monitoring using ENM CLI | LZU1082671 R2A | Figure 19-13
cmedit describe Command
Examples - WCDMA
Description Command
Describe all attributes for a cmedit describe NodeBLocalCell*
specific MO list format
Describe all attributes for a cmedit describe NodeBLocalCell* -t
specific MO tabular format

Describe a attributes for a cmedit describe NodeBLocalCell.operationalstate

specific MO attribute

Describe selected attributes for a cmedit describe

specific MO attribute tabular NodeBLocalCell.(operationalstate,administrativestate,availab
format ilitystatus,) -t

© Ericsson AB 2018 | Network Monitoring using ENM CLI | LZU1082671 R2A | Figure 19-14
cmedit describe Command
Examples – GSM
Description Command
Describe all attributes for a cmedit describe GsmSector*
specific MO list format
Describe all attributes for a cmedit describe GsmSector* -t
specific MO tabular format

Describe a attributes for a cmedit describe GsmSector.operationalstate

specific MO attribute

Describe selected attributes for a cmedit describe

specific MO attribute tabular GsmSector.(operationalstate,administrativestate,availabilitys
format tatus,) -t

© Ericsson AB 2018 | Network Monitoring using ENM CLI | LZU1082671 R2A | Figure 19-15
Check Cell Status For All
Cells on a Node - LTE

cmedit get LTE01ERBS00002

availabilityStatus,cellBarred) –t

© Ericsson AB 2018 | Network Monitoring using ENM CLI | LZU1082671 R2A | Figure 19-16
Check Cell Status For All
Cells on a Node - WCDMA

cmedit get MSME8 NodeBLocalCell.(operationalState,

administrativeState,availabilityStatus) –t

© Ericsson AB 2018 | Network Monitoring using ENM CLI | LZU1082671 R2A | Figure 19-17
Check Cell Status For All
Cells on a Node - GSM

cmedit get MSME5 AbisIp.(operationalState,

administrativeState,) –t

© Ericsson AB 2018 | Network Monitoring using ENM CLI | LZU1082671 R2A | Figure 19-18
Get Hardware Details For All
Radios On A Selected Node
cmedit get MSME10 FieldreplaceableUnit.(productData)

© Ericsson AB 2018 | Network Monitoring using ENM CLI | LZU1082671 R2A | Figure 19-19
Check IUB,MME and X2 Link
› Check status of IUB links on a node(WCDMA RNC)

cmedit get IubLink.(operationalState,administrativeState,availabilityStatus) –t

NodeId RncFunctionId IubLInkId administrativeState availabilityStatus operationalState

› Check status of MME links on a node(LTE RBS)

cmedit get lienb4275 TermPointToMme.(operationalState,administrativeState,availabilityStatus) –t

NodeId ParentId AuxPlugInUnitId administrativeState availabilityStatus operationalIndicator operationalState

› Check status of X2 links on a node(LTE RBS)

cmedit get LTE03ERBS00002 TermPointToENB.(operationalState,administrativeState,availabilityStatus) –t

NodeId ParentId TermPointToENBId administrativeState availabilityStatus operationalState

© Ericsson AB 2018 | Network Monitoring using ENM CLI | LZU1082671 R2A | Figure 19-20
Lock And Unlock All Cells On
A Node - LTE
Lock all Cells on a Node:
cmedit set LTE01ERBS00003 EUtranCellFDD

Warning: Locking cells will affect traffic. The above commands will lock all
cells on a node.

Unlock all Cells on Node:

cmedit set LTE01ERBS00003 EUtranCellFDD

© Ericsson AB 2018 | Network Monitoring using ENM CLI | LZU1082671 R2A | Figure 19-21
Lock/Unlock all Cells on a
Node - WCDMA
Lock all Cells on a Node:
cmedit set RBS01 NodeBLocalCell administrative

Warning: Locking cells will affect traffic. The above commands will lock all
cells on a node.

Unlock all Cells on a Node:

cmedit set RBS01 NodeBLocalCell administrative

© Ericsson AB 2018 | Network Monitoring using ENM CLI | LZU1082671 R2A | Figure 19-22
Lock/Unlock all Cells on a
Node - GSM
Lock all Cells on a Node:
cmedit set RadioNode01 AbisIp administrative State=LOCKED

Warning: Locking cells will affect traffic. The above commands will lock all
cells on a node.

Unlock all Cells on a Node:

cmedit set MSME5 AbisIp administrative State=UNLOCKED

© Ericsson AB 2018 | Network Monitoring using ENM CLI | LZU1082671 R2A | Figure 19-23
Lock And Unlock A Selected
Cell on a Node - LTE

Lock selected cell on a Node:

cmedit set LTE01ERBS00003

› Unlock selected cell on a Node:

cmedit set LTE01ERBS00003

© Ericsson AB 2018 | Network Monitoring using ENM CLI | LZU1082671 R2A | Figure 19-24
Lock And Unlock A Selected
Cell on a Node - WCDMA

Lock selected cell on a Node:

cmedit set RBS01 NodeBLocalCell=S1C1

Unlock selected cell on a Node:

cmedit set RBS01 NodeBLocalCell=S1C1

© Ericsson AB 2018 | Network Monitoring using ENM CLI | LZU1082671 R2A | Figure 19-25
Lock And Unlock A Selected
Cell on a Node – GSM

Lock selected cell on a Node:

cmedit set RadioNode01

Unlock selected cell on a Node:

cmedit set RadioNode01

© Ericsson AB 2018 | Network Monitoring using ENM CLI | LZU1082671 R2A | Figure 19-26
Restart Node – LTE ERBS

cmedit action ERBS001 ManagedElement


Warning: Restarting a node will affect traffic.

© Ericsson AB 2018 | Network Monitoring using ENM CLI | LZU1082671 R2A | Figure 19-27
Restart Node – Baseband
Radio Node

cmedit action RadioNode01


Warning: Restarting a node will affect traffic.

Note : Baseband Radio supports LTE,WCDMA and GSM technologies

© Ericsson AB 2018 | Network Monitoring using ENM CLI | LZU1082671 R2A | Figure 19-28
Netlog Overview

› The netlog command set is used to retrieve Network

Element logs.
› The user must have NetworkLog_Administrator role to use
the netlog command set
› Supported network elements are: eNodeB Baseband Radio
Node, NodeB Baseband Radio Node, eNodeB DU Radio
Node, eNodeB Pico Radio Node, SGSN-MME and MGW.
› Supported log types vary depending on node type

© Ericsson AB 2018 | Network Monitoring using ENM CLI | LZU1082671 R2A | Figure 19-29
netlog Command
Command Command Description
Describe Used to get the log types for the network elements
Upload Create an Upload job for selected or all network element logs

Status View the status of log upload job

Download Download uploaded network element logs to user’s browser

Delete Deletes log upload files

© Ericsson AB 2018 | Network Monitoring using ENM CLI | LZU1082671 R2A | Figure 19-30
netlog Describe Command

© Ericsson AB 2018 | Network Monitoring using ENM CLI | LZU1082671 R2A | Figure 19-31
netlog upload Command

© Ericsson AB 2018 | Network Monitoring using ENM CLI | LZU1082671 R2A | Figure 19-32
netlog status Command

© Ericsson AB 2018 | Network Monitoring using ENM CLI | LZU1082671 R2A | Figure 19-33
netlog download Command

© Ericsson AB 2018 | Network Monitoring using ENM CLI | LZU1082671 R2A | Figure 19-34
netlog delete Command

© Ericsson AB 2018 | Network Monitoring using ENM CLI | LZU1082671 R2A | Figure 19-35
Node Health Check (nhc)
Command Set Overview
› The Node Health Check (nhc) command set is used to
check the state of the network elements and to manage
acceptance criteria.
› Acceptance criteria is used to determine if a health check
passes or fails.
› NHC supports the following node types: ERBS, MGW, RBS
and RNC.
› NHC Report are in HTML format

© Ericsson AB 2018 | Network Monitoring using ENM CLI | LZU1082671 R2A | Figure 19-36
nhc run, st and dl command
Run Health Check Report

Check Health Check Report Status

Download Health Check Report

© Ericsson AB 2018 | Network Monitoring using ENM CLI | LZU1082671 R2A | Figure 19-37
Example NHC Report

© Ericsson AB 2018 | Network Monitoring using ENM CLI | LZU1082671 R2A | Figure 19-38
nhc Report Data

© Ericsson AB 2018 | Network Monitoring using ENM CLI | LZU1082671 R2A | Figure 19-39
nhc Node Type Support

© Ericsson AB 2018 | Network Monitoring using ENM CLI | LZU1082671 R2A | Figure 19-40
In this module you have learned to:

› Use ENM CLI cmedit Command Set to monitor

Radio Access Nodes
› List the ENM CLI command sets used to
monitor the network.
› Launch the ENM CLI and access the online
help for monitoring nodes using the CLI
› Check the status of network objects using the
› Understand how to lock and unlock the node
hardware and node managed objects
› Describe how to perform restarts on node
hardware units and nodes
› Use the ENM CLI Netlog command set to
upload and export node logs
› Use the Network Health Check ENM CLI
command set to create and export node health
check reports

© Ericsson AB 2018 | Network Monitoring using ENM CLI | LZU1082671 R2A | Figure 19-41

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