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Inspect anchorage and alignment

Perform all mechanical operator and contact alignment tests on both the breaker and its operating
mechanism in accordance with manufacturer’s published data

Verify that primary and secondary contact wipe and other dimensions virial to satisfactory operation of
the breaker are correct

. Inspect bolted electrical connections for high resistance using one or more of the following methods: l
Use of a low-resistance ohmmeter in accordance with Section ANSI/NETA ATS-2009 l Verify
tightness of accessible bolted electrical connections by calibrated torque-wrench method in accordance
with manufacturer’s published data or ANSI/NETA ATS-2009 Table 100.12.

Primary and secondary disconnect module

Interphase barrier

Breaker timing test

Shop report jargon:

Phase ventilation barrier

Charging handle

Handle mechanism (stress test)

Diff in handle mechanism and mechanical operator

What is the criteria for anchorage and alignment to be correct?

1. Is it preventive maintenance or customer has any complaints, if yes specify?
2. Are there any shipment damages?
3. What does the visual inspection reveal about the breaker? specify the condition of frame,
busbars terminals and finger clusters.
4. Are there any burn marks or cracks on arc chutes?
5. Are Interphase barriers intact or damaged?
6. What does the mechanical inspection reveal about the breaker?
7. What is the condition of contacts? Are there burn marks/roughened edges/thinned surfaces?
8. Is the operating mechanism properly cleaned and lubricated, are there any damaged parts?
9. Are there any corrosive parts?
10. Are there any damaged/broken part?
11. Are all the moving/ sliding and current-carrying parts properly lubricated?
12. Is the breaker motorized or hand operated?
13. if motorized how much current is required to charge the spring?
14. If hand operated, is handle mechanism tested? What does it show?
15. What does the electrical inspection reveal about the breaker, are the trip unit and current
sensor working properly?
16. Which auxiliaries/accessories (e.g., UVT, closing coil, shunt trip, charging mechanism, alarm
function etc.) are tested and what are the test results?
17. Is the trip unit battery working properly?
18. Does the CB have trip count mechanism, how many times it has tripped?
19. Does it require replacement of any part? if yes which parts?
20. What is the difference between the environmental conditions in which breaker is operated and

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