Business Requirements

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Business Requirements.







Ed2Go's e-commerce start-up needs software, hardware, security, and a smooth flow of

business processes, which the project aims to provide. Ed2Go is an education-related

eCommerce business that offers specialized services and products to customers worldwide.

Students from low-income families can benefit from Ed2Go's new offerings, which are designed

to make college more affordable. A critical component of this is to ensure that the product is easy

for the intended audience to use. The product's ability to adapt to the needs of its customers is a

significant aspect. One of the most pressing issues the project will address is the state of the

economy. Ed2Go, for example, may draw clients from all around the world because of its global

reach. Production increases as a result of a more extensive consumer base. As a result,

organizations see an increase in revenue and the overall economic benefits. National income

growth and an increase in production and service volume are two factors that contribute to

economic growth.

Ed2Go's three primary objectives include the following. These courses will be offered

online to make them more widely available. Through the internet, students from all over the

world learn and grow as individuals. Assignments and material can be completed and

downloaded at any time by students. Internet-based communication with instructors and fellow

students is possible. Students can join any online educational institution and get a global

education for less money. Students from all backgrounds can engage in a virtual classroom,

regardless of socioeconomic status, gender, or other societal distinctions.

Customizable, multilingual, and multitenant are also aims of the project Eed2Go allows

students to build a completely customized learning environment by setting the aspects of the

educational center to their liking. Use the language of your choice, as it supports various options.

Multiple LMS portals with various identities and domains can be created and used

simultaneously by multiple users. There are no restrictions on the number of courses a student

can take simultaneously. Direct credit card or bank transfer payments are also possible through

an online educational platform. They have no restriction on the number of courses a student can

take and no limit on the number of students or courses the system can handle.

E-commerce relies on technology to function. Customers' orders, deliveries, and

payments for purchased services may all be managed more efficiently with the help of this

mobile and web-based tool. Marketing and advertising are just two areas where it has a

significant impact on the e-commerce value chain. As a result of technological advances, e-

commerce businesses now have access to improved search, customization, and personalization.

The function of technology in the e-commerce value chain is becoming increasingly crucial as it

advances and gets more sophisticated.

Functional Business Requirements

It covers a wide range of topics. The first thing to consider is the e-commerce site's

applications. To achieve the given objectives, an email marketing platform will be required.

Email remains one of the most effective means of reaching potential customers today. We will

require an email marketing platform to produce high-quality, targeted, and personalized emails

on a large scale. An e-commerce platform integration solution is needed to link automatic

reactions to customer behavior to encompass the project's scope. Inventory tracking software is

another example. Increasing sales while keeping an eye on your inventory can be a tricky

balancing act. To reach a manufacturing deadline, various software tools are typically employed

to keep track of inventories. The all-in-one ERP platform will be utilized to integrate the

application into the project. In addition to accounting, procurement, and risk management, ERP

systems include inventory tracking.

This project also benefits from the use of customer service tools. Customers are the

lifeblood of any successful firm. It would be best if you were prepared to answer their queries

and address their concerns at all times. Email, phone, live chat, and text can all communicate

with customers using a customer support solution. Your clients can also benefit from a

knowledge base, which can help them find the information they need to decide. Look for a

customer service platform that supports all of the ways your consumers expect to communicate

with you.

The interface is another area to keep in mind. Customer selection of the courses they

want to take is the first step toward enrollment in eCommerce. Customers should quickly find the

classes they seek on the website by having the classes categorized logically. Customers should

be able to quickly find the lessons they're looking for by typing in a keyword or two into the

site's search bar. Customers should be able to discern the distinctions between similar classes to

pick the one that's right for them.

Standard information must be incorporated into the interface as well. With any

eCommerce setup, buyers should be able to follow a basic, step-by-step process quickly. Tabs

that reflect the number of steps and the step number help clients understand what is required of

them and how long it will take to purchase their product or, in this example, enroll in a class. 

Customized solutions are another area of focus. Online retailers are constantly working to

improve the user experience by delivering highly personalized products and services. Customers

will be able to use these specialized options to have a more pleasurable shopping experience. The

dealers and business owners would be able to sell more, and customers would be able to shop

online for the essential services available on the internet. It's still possible to witness an increase

in sales despite the e-commerce market's limitations, such as not being able to reach out to low-

tier villages or rural areas because they've implemented some of the best tactics for branding and


The e-commerce market is advancing and expanding at a rapid pace. Consequently, as it

expands and improves, the dealers and business owners are doing their best to meet the

customers' expectations, including fast delivery, return alternatives, numerous payment ways,

and more. There is confusion among online shoppers due to the intense competition among the

various e-commerce companies to deliver the most satisfactory service possible.

Additionally, mobile-friendliness must be addressed if the objectives are to be attained.

Shopping over the internet has become a popular pastime for many people today. Because

smartphones are so much more convenient than desktop computers, many people are making

purchases directly from their phones. E-commerce enterprises, on the other hand, tend to focus

on mobile-first. Those who don't have mobile-friendly e-stores are missing out on many

businesses. Having a responsive e-commerce website is an essential aspect of making it mobile-

friendly. In other words, users shouldn't have to fiddle with the view to see and interact with the

app's elements. All they have to do is keep their cursor in the middle of the screen. The elements

of your website will automatically resize and reposition themselves to fit the size of the device

being used to view it. The synchronization of your mobile site with your desktop site is another

facet of mobile-friendliness. To put it another way, if a customer takes action on your desktop

site, it should be reflected on your mobile site. A smooth shopping experience across all devices

is expected due to this.


Non-functional Business Requirements


The usefulness is also included in this. Whatever the size of your company, you want a

user-friendly website. A user can decide whether or not your website is worth their time or

attention in less than one second. To survive the doomsday millisecond, you'll need to improve

your homepage's design, calls-to-action, and checkout process. A user-friendly user interface will

be built into Ed2Go, making it easier for people to discover the site's resources and services.


When it comes to financial transactions and private information, safety is of the utmost

importance. Customers will become ambassadors for your business if your website has an SSL

certificate and a data privacy policy. Other than that, it's all about the numerous admin roles that

allow you to manage who may access or modify information. Security might also entail adhering

to client data protection regulations, depending on your firm's location. The Ed2Go requires a

firewall as another crucial component. A firewall's principal role in computer security keeps

malicious users and computer viruses out of anything contained behind it. By ensuring that

firewall settings are correctly set up, it is possible to make eCommerce practically unnoticeable

to potential dangers.

You can, for example, decide who has access to the system and what kind of privileges

they have. Operator powers are restricted to a single function for users. Administrators, on the

other hand, have complete control. Additionally, you may choose whether or not only a select

few operators have access to consumer information or if all operators have access to the

information. Operator teams that deal with specific client segments are not authorized to access

customers' personal information, which is the property of other operators.


Documents called non-functional requirements documents can be used to keep track of

the project's non-functional requirements. Documentation is a means of disseminating

information to stakeholders. This document serves as a check to see if work has been done and

delivered on what was promised and paid for. In addition, documentation helps to manage the

project scope. Like many other aspects of requirements management, the documentation process

is not standardized. There are several ways to document a project, and each one requires several

modifications. Risk and compliance are both lowered due to this issue for project managers. 

Technical Requirements for Integration of E-commerce Components

Potential Risks

Businesses like Ed2Go rely on a high level of internet security, making them vulnerable

to cyberattacks. The company's network can be hacked. Consequently, the security of your e-

commerce website must be pretty robust. To avoid this, we need to start with the firewall and

implement extra layers of network protection. We may then use contact forms, sign-up boxes,

and search queries to create further layers to the website.

Unauthorized access. All company files do not have to be available to everyone. As a

result of unauthorized access, vast amounts of information are lost. Depending on the situation, it

can be innocent or not so innocent. If you want to keep your data safe from unwanted access,

there are several things you can do. These should be part of your overall data security strategy.

Access must be restricted to prevent unauthorized entry. There should be a limit on how many

people have access to a file. Two-factor authentication should be implemented (2FA). Two-

factor authentication (also known as 2FA) increases your level of security by preventing

unauthorized users from accessing your account.

It's also a problem when the approach to design or marketing isn't original. There's a

chance your concepts are too similar to those protected by copyright from another company. If

an item is too similar to another firm's brand, the company could be sued for trademark

infringement—another source of risk in marketing. The photo's owner may sue you for copyright

infringement if you use it without their consent. Branding and marketing efforts should be

authentic to avoid this.


The following constraints have been identified for this project. It will not be easy to turn

visitors into customers in the virtual world: information and its protection. Data issues can cause

severe damage to the retailer's everyday operations and their brand's reputation when dealing

with e-commerce. This could be because the retailer's technology restricts them or because they

have engaged the wrong project management company to help them. In addition, the project's

total budget must be met.


Assumptions linked to defining the scope, goals, and approach of this project include the

following: For the most part, the costs of materials and resources will be constant. No additional

costs will be incurred for day-to-day operations. During the project, all of the project's equipment

will be operational. Project parameters will not be altered over their duration.

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