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A Century of Hardy–Weinberg Equilibrium

Article  in  Twin Research and Human Genetics · July 2008

DOI: 10.1375/twin.11.3.249 · Source: PubMed


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Oliver Mayo
The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation


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A Century of Hardy–Weinberg Equilibrium
Oliver Mayo
CSIRO Livestock Industries, Adelaide, Australia

H ardy–Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) is the state of

the genotypic frequency of two alleles of one
autosomal gene locus after one discrete generation
essentially stable in genetical terms: a system, like
the genome of a population, is at equilibrium in
time when no net change occurs or is expected to
of random mating in an indefinitely large population: occur from its state at that time. Furthermore, equi-
if the alleles are A and a with frequencies p and libria can be stable, meaning that when a small
q (=1-p), then the equilibrium gene frequencies are displacement occurs, the system is expected to
simply p and q and the equilibrium genotypic fre- return to the equilibrium.
quencies for AA, Aa and aa are p2, 2pq and q2. It was Soon after the rediscovery of Mendel’s remarkable
independently identified in 1908 by G. H. Hardy and work in 1900, interest arose in the properties of
W. Weinberg after earlier attempts by W. E. Castle Mendelian genes in populations; this was the dawn of
and K. Pearson. Weinberg, well known for pioneer- population genetics. Castle (1903) and Pearson
ing studies of twins, made many important (1903a, 1903b) were among the first to investigate
contributions to genetics, especially human genet- these. As Edwards (in press) has pointed out, Castle
ics. Existence of this equilibrium provides a did not derive a generalization equivalent to
reference point against which the effects of selec- Pearson’s, and will be considered no further in this
tion, linkage, mutation, inbreeding and chance can
be detected and estimated. Its discovery marked
Mendel (1865) had hypothesized that inheritance
the initiation of population genetics.
of a trait was particulate, that the units of inheritance
did not change from generation to generation, that
they were contributed equally by an organism’s two
Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) is the state of
parents, and that each parent contributed its unit at
the genotypic frequency of two alleles of one gene
random from the two it contained. He had shown
locus after one generation of random mating in an
that a cross between two pure-breeding lines, termed
indefinitely large population with discrete genera-
A and a in regard to some trait, gave a first genera-
tions, in the absence of mutation and selection: if the
tion resembling one of the two parents (A) identically
alleles are A and a with frequencies p and q (= 1-p),
and that crosses among members of this first genera-
then the equilibrium gene frequencies are just p and q
tion gave a ratio of 3:1 of the two parental types, the
and the equilibrium genotypic frequencies for AA, Aa
more frequent type being the same as this first genera-
and aa are p2, 2pq and q2. Thus, there is equilibrium
tion (A). He had described the first generation type as
at both the allelic and the genotypic level. Not exces-
dominant, the other as recessive.
sively fancifully, one could compare this
Mendel produced a model of the following kind:
Hardy–Weinberg rule with Newton’s first law of
the genetic make-up of the two parental lines was AA
motion: a physical body will remain at rest, or con-
and aa respectively, and their offspring were Aa.
tinue to move at a constant velocity, unless an Crossing two Aa gave, by the binomial expansion (1⁄2A
external force acts upon it. If such stability is the rule, + 1⁄2a)(1⁄2A + 1⁄2a), 1⁄4AA, 1⁄4Aa, 1⁄4aA, 1⁄4aa. If Aa = aA
then it provides the basis for the detection and estima- (since the units of inheritance are unchanged), and if
tion of the effects on the population of ‘the thousand Aa resembles AA exactly (the phenomenon of domi-
natural shocks the flesh is heir to’, including natural nance, deduced from the disappearance of a in the
and artificial selection, mutation, assortative mating, cross of the two lines), then the proportions of the
migration, inbreeding and random sampling (through phenotypes A:a will be 3⁄4:1⁄4. Mendel made further
finite population size). confirmatory crosses, for example showing that two
Each word in the topic concept deserves explica- thirds of the A types were Aa and one third were AA.
tion: Hardy was a notable pure mathematician, Mendel did not consider directly what would
Weinberg was a pioneering human geneticist and happen in a population of an organism, but this was
doctor to the poor who made a special contribution
to twin studies, and the concept of equilibrium is
Received 19 February, 2008; accepted 3 March, 2008.
simple and attractive to those in permanent disequi-
Address for correspondence: Oliver Mayo, CSIRO Livestock
librium, like human beings. The concept made Industries, PO Box 100401 Adelaide BC, SA 5000, Australia. E-mail:
immediately clear that human populations were

Twin Research and Human Genetics Volume 11 Number 3 pp. 249–256 249
Oliver Mayo

essential if evolutionary phenomena were to be the frequencies of the three possible genotypes are as
explained or even studied at the level of the hypothesized shown:
‘essential character’, as Mendel called his fundamental A1A1 A1A2 A2A2
particles of inheritance. (The name ‘gene’ was introduced P Q R
in about 1905 by Wilhelm Johannsen, as an abbrevia- Then the frequencies of the alleles A1 and A2 are P + 1⁄2Q
tion of Darwin’s and De Vries’s ‘pangen’.) and 1⁄2Q + R respectively. Call these p and q respec-
Pearson immediately saw that dominance/ tively. Call this population the parental generation.
recessiveness was not essential to the dynamics of the Some very simple algebra shows that the frequencies
model, but was rather an additional assumption of of the three genotypes in the offspring produced by
Mendel’s. He generalized the model by removing this random mating among this parental generation will be
assumption, and also began the analysis of multiple A1A1 A1A2 A2A2
independent genes. (P + 1⁄2Q)2 2(P + 1⁄2Q)(1⁄2Q + R) (1⁄2Q + R)2
On his model, the first two generations described = p2 = 2pq = q2
above would be It is also simple to show that these genotypic frequen-
(AA´) × (aa´) = (A+A´)(a+a´) = cies, which are also those chosen by pairwise sampling
(Aa) + (Aa´) + (A´a) + (A´a´), of gametes at random in the population, will be the
same in the next generation. (At this equilibrium,
representing the parents, the gametes and the offspring
Q2 = 4PR.) The process of pairwise sampling is simple
in turn. If the gametes identified by the prime ´ are
binomial sampling with replacement, justifiable
actually identical, that is A = A´ and so on, then this
because the populations of gametes can be regarded as
second generation is identical, Aa. This can then be
indefinitely large. For a careful and complete mathe-
extended to multiple independent genes. Pearson
matical account of HWE, see Edwards (2000).
(1903b) wrote:
The English pure mathematician G. H. Hardy
If these hybrids now breed at random and are equally (1908), notable for contributions to number theory
fertile among themselves, segregation takes place. If and analysis, simply showed that the relationship
the process of random mating with equal fertility be given above would hold; he had been asked what
continued generation by generation, what further would happen to gene and genotype frequencies in a
changes, if any, take place, and what are the laws of
population mating at random, and gave the answer.
inheritance within such a population? (p. 506)
He participated no further in population genetics.
His conclusion was ‘that when the members of this seg- Diaconis (2002) has speculated that Hardy had ‘a true
regating population cross at random the population antipathy to the subject’ of probability, which could
accurately reproduces itself, and supposing no artificial, explain his failure to contribute further, but it could
natural or reproductive selection takes place, a stable equally well be explained by his love of pure mathe-
population or ‘race’ is created, which is permanent and matics and total lack of interest in applications.
shows a permanent proportional frequency for each Hardy’s place in mathematical history is secure; that
sub-class of the population’. From this important con- in genetical history minor but significant. For an
clusion, Pearson went on to calculate parent-offspring accessible portrait, see Snow (1967) and Hardy’s own
correlations, rOP, and other attributes of the quantita- memoir (1940), and for detailed comments on Hardy’s
tive inheritance which he was developing. (1908) paper, see Edwards (in press).
Unfortunately, having pointed out that he did not need Weinberg (1908), who was a human geneticist of
Mendel’s hypothesis of dominance, he calculated rOP = 1⁄3 the first rank, though widely regarded in his own
and noted that this was not in agreement with empirical country as an Armenarzt (a doctor employed by a
observations which lay round 0.5. For this and other local authority to treat the indigent, an honorable
reasons he abandoned particulate inheritance of the calling, perhaps, but hardly a sign of success in his
Mendelian kind. Had he assumed that the heterozygote career), did much more work on the topic.
was intermediate, he would have obtained rOP = 1⁄2.
After the publication of Hardy’s note, Pearson (1909a, Weinberg’s Contribution
1909b) obtained correct results, without referring to his Wilhelm Weinberg was born in Stuttgart in 1862, was
earlier errors as such. It is perhaps unsurprising but educated in Stuttgart, Tübingen and Munich, worked
nevertheless noteworthy that the teutonophile Pearson, as ‘poor doctor’, public health adviser and private
aware of Weinberg’s fine work on the familial incidence practitioner in Stuttgart, and died after some years of
of cancer (Weinberg & Gaspar, 1904) at least through poor health in Tübingen in 1937, though he remained
attendance at and participation in a major meeting on scientifically productive until his death.
genetics of human disease in 1908 (see Church, 1908), As well as demonstrating how HWE must arise in
did not cite Weinberg (1908). the diallelic case, Weinberg (1908, 1909a, 1909b) also
considered multiple alleles and multiple independent
The Initial Work of Hardy and Weinberg genes. In this last case, he showed that the approach
Consider a population in which a diallelic gene with to multilocus HWE would be asymptotic, not the
two alleles, A1 and A2, are segregating. Suppose that result of one generation of panmixia.

250 Twin Research and Human Genetics June 2008

A Century of Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium

Apart from HWE, his major contributions were to Mendel’s normal dominant:affected recessive ratio of
quantitative inheritance (correlations between rela- 3:1. However, human families are generally small, and
tives), twin studies, segregation analysis and the merits for sibships of size 1, 2, 3… the probability of all
(or otherwise) of eugenics. Crow (1999) gives a dominants is 1⁄2, 1⁄4, 1⁄8 … Thus, if the trait is ascertained
thoughtful appraisal of many aspects of his work. through affected children, the observed ratio will be
Hill (1984) and Crow (1999) give an account of lower than 3:1. As noted by Bailey (1961), the
Weinberg’s (1909a, 1909b, 1910) work on quantita- problem is to fit a binomial distribution with its initial
tive genetics, which in some ways anticipated term missing, and Weinberg was the first to analyze
developments by Fisher and Wright. See the next this case in human genetics. Weinberg’s solution (the
section for further discussion. proband method) is the maximum likelihood solution
‘Weinberg’s studies on the frequency of twins and if ascertainment has been both random and complete
higher multiple births are the best studies ever pub- (Fisher, 1934). That this condition is not often met was
lished on this subject’ (Bulmer, 2003). Bulmer (1970) recognized by Weinberg (1912a, 1912b, 1927), who
had earlier shown how good these studies are. consequently preferred what he called the sib method,
Weinberg (1901) systematically developed his dif- whereby the segregation ratio in sibs of propositi is
ferential method for determining the frequencies of measured, weighting each sibship by the number of
monozygotic and dizygotic twinning. In Bulmer’s affected individuals. He also developed a method for
notation, suppose the case where ascertainment was incomplete. In
L = number of like-sexed twin maternities in developing these methods, Weinberg was drawing on
a total sample of N maternities
his experience of working with poor families, both in
U = number of unlike-sexed twin maternities
public employment and privately, recognizing how
in the sample.
genetical studies were often not the mainspring for
Then the monozygotic twinning rate is given by
data collection, and how, consequently, data might be
m = (L-U)/N
incomplete and biased. However, he also showed
and the dizygotic rate by
remarkable statistical insight and expertise.
d = 2U/N.
Demmler (2003) has pointed out that Weinberg
Bulmer shows that
was one of the earliest German medical scientists to
Var(m) = (m + d)/N
and Var(d) = 2d/N understand and apply Mendel’s laws. Thus, he was
approximately. always having to battle against others, such as the psy-
chiatric geneticist Wilhelm Strohmeyer (1874-1936)
In an example given by Bulmer, in 791,584 maternities who had accepted Darwinism, including Darwin’s fal-
in Wales in 1960, L = 5,894 and U = 3,192. Then lacious blending inheritance (Demmler, 2003, p.
m = 0.0034 ± 0.0001 and d = 0.0081 ± 0.0001. As 74–76). Strohmeyer, writing to his wife from a confer-
presented, a constant sex-ratio of unity is assumed, ence in 1912, reported that he had met his ‘antagonist’
but the bias engendered thereby is very small, as Weinberg, who ‘talked a great deal, but was clever
Weinberg understood. Indeed, in 1934, he published a and industrious’ (Demmler, 2003, p. 75). Strohmeyer
paper on this topic, including a method for estimating was also rather in favor of eugenics, more so as the
the precision of the estimates rather more complex years passed, whereas Weinberg was against it; he
than Bulmer’s (see also James 2007). ‘noted that for “race-hygienic” reasons tight bound-
Weinberg (1909a, 1909b) investigated the inheri- aries would have to be drawn round any intervention.
tance of twinning, showing that a propensity to An improvement in “national efficiency” without
produce dizygotic twins is inherited, though he could reduction of population size Weinberg saw as the
not investigate this further by statistical methods. He
more favorable way; ‘a sober statistical view leading
also concluded that there was no inherited propensity
thus to the result that eugenics does not require abor-
to produce monozygotic twins. These results have
tion and sterilization particularly strongly and indeed
largely been borne out by subsequent work (Bulmer,
prominent personalities would not support such an
1970; Fisher, 1928; Hoekstra et al., 2007).
approach’ (Weinberg, 1918, as cited in Demmler,
In human genetics, breeding experiments not being
2003, p. 81). Weinberg was right about the science,
possible (even ignoring ethical issues), methods have
but not about the way that ‘prominent personalities’
had to be developed to detect Mendelian inheritance,
determine its form, and to investigate linkage and would fail to support ‘sterilization of the unfit.’ For
interaction of Mendelian factors, by analysis of further detail, see Früh (1996, 1999).
observed (ascertained) families. In these circumstances,
random sampling and inference therefrom are not Subsequent Work on HWE
always possible, and bias and other statistical problems The importance of HWE as a basis for investigation of
have to be carefully avoided. To take a very simple the effects on gene frequencies of selection, mutation,
example, suppose that a deleterious trait is suspected to inbreeding and other factors was immediately recog-
be a simple recessive. The segregation ratio in the off- nized, though not all workers in the next decade
spring of two normal carriers is then expected to be acknowledged the earlier workers.

Twin Research and Human Genetics June 2008 251

Oliver Mayo

Suppose that a sample is obtained from a popula- etc.) also showed how selection and mutation could be
tion, and the numbers and frequencies observed are: taken into account, introducing the concept of muta-
A1A1 A1A2 A2A2 Total tion-selection balance. To take a very simple example,
a b c n consider selection against a deleterious recessive:
P Q R 1 AA Aa aa
Then an obvious test to determine whether HWE Frequency p2 2pq q2
holds is Pearson’s χ2 whereby Fitness 1 1 1-s
(a-n(P + 1⁄2Q)2)2/(n(P + 1⁄2Q)2) + Here, the frequency of A in the progeny is
(b-2n(P + 1⁄2Q)(R + 1⁄2Q))2/n(P + 1⁄2Q)(R + 1⁄2Q)) + p’ = (p2 + pq)/(p2+ 2pq + q2(1-s)) = p/(1-q2s).
(c-n(R + 1⁄2Q)2)2/(n(R + 1⁄2Q)2)
Then the change in p through selection is q2/(1-q2s). If
will be distributed as χ2 with one degree of freedom if gene frequency is not to change over time, this
HWE holds. This test was available to the early increase must be balanced by mutation at the rate µ
workers, though there was uncertainty about degrees from A to a, that is µp = q2/(1-q2s). If s is not small
of freedom. (In this case, there are three classes, yield- relative to µ, then q = (µ/s) 1⁄2 approximately.
ing two degrees of freedom, but one is associated with On a similar argument, in the X-linked case,
estimation of gene frequency in order to estimate q = 3µ/s. If the mutation rate is in males and in
genotypic expectations). It is immediately clear that, females and these are unequal, q = (µ + 2 ν)/s to the
on the assumption of HWE, the observed frequency of same level of approximation. Using this argument,
recessives c/n is an estimator for q2, and this relation- Haldane (1935, 1947) was the first to estimate human
ship was used early, for example in estimating gene mutation rates (3.2 × 10–5 for haemophilia) with µ > ν,
frequencies for the ABO blood group system (see possibly by a factor of 10. Recent analyses show this
Kempthorne, 1957). Later developments will be dis- to be of the correct order (e.g., Ellergren, 2002).
cussed in the next section. Weinberg (1912b) was one of the first to recognize
Norton, in an appendix to Punnett (1915), appears that mutation might maintain deleterious traits in this
to have been the first to have considered the effects of way, and also that mutation might be more frequent
selection on a gene in a panmictic, indefinitely large in males than in females, at a time when mutation was
population. Since Punnett had led Hardy to consider an underdeveloped and misunderstood concept.
the problem, and Norton was a student of Hardy’s Chetverikov (1926) referred to HWE as Hardy’s
(see Edwards, in press), Norton must have been famil- law, and (possibly through misunderstanding of
iar with Hardy (1908), but he did not cite the paper. Pearson’s (1903a, 1903b) work) a slightly different rule
Fisher (1918) used HWE without comment; we do as Pearson’s law. Despite his familiarity with the
not know whether he knew of Hardy’s or Weinberg’s German literature, Chetverikov did not cite Weinberg.
papers, though he was acquainted with Pearson’s Chetverikov was one of the first experimental scientists
earlier work, cited above, and knew and valued Hardy to understand the implications of population genetics,
highly (Fisher, 1958). HWE was the basis for Fisher’s especially the role of finite population size, and to try to
derivation of correlations between related individuals investigate natural populations from this standpoint.
under Mendelian inheritance. In this notable paper, Fisher, Haldane, Wahlund (1928), Wright (1931)
Fisher also presented one of the first analyses of depar- and others showed that departures from random
tures from panmixia. His development of the concept mating such as inbreeding, whether systematic (as in
of balanced polymorphism also required HWE (see plants, or in animal and plant breeding) or chance (as
Fisher, 1922; Lewontin, 1958; Mayo, 2007). in the effect of finite population size), could induce
It is perhaps worth noting that Fisher wrote to departures from expected Hardy–Weinberg propor-
Weinberg on August 29, 1930, in the course of a tions. Perhaps it should be mentioned that such
cordial correspondence mainly about ascertainment: ‘I departures from random mating must influence geno-
am sure you will always be honoured abroad, and I typic frequencies for every gene, which is not the case
hope also in your own country for your pioneer work for selection and mutation.
upon the Mendelian or other interpretation of human Wahlund showed that HWE proportions would
data’ (Fisher, 1930, August 29). Even here, Fisher does not be found in a population composed of isolated
not notice the contribution honoured as HWE. subpopulations, even if each subpopulation were itself
Haldane (1924a) called HWE the Hardy–Pearson in HWE. The frequencies would be
rule, and used it as the basis for all his important early
A1A1 A1A2 A2A2
work on selection in populations. He derived the
p2 + Vp 2(pq – Vp) q2 + Vp
recurrence relationship for the approach to equilib-
rium of gene and genotypic frequencies of an X-linked where p is the mean frequency of A1 in the whole pop-
diallelic gene; both the gene frequencies in the two ulation and Vp the variance in gene frequency among
sexes and the genotypic frequencies in females the subpopulations.
approach equilibrium asymptotically (see Bennett & Inbreeding at the rate F will give rise to a similar
Oertel, 1965, for a definitive analysis). In a series of increase in the frequencies of the homozygotes and
papers, Haldane (1924a, 1924b, 1926a, 1926b, 1927 decrease in that of heterozygotes. In the case of a finite

252 Twin Research and Human Genetics June 2008

A Century of Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium

population of size N, the chance of identity by descent

of two randomly chosen alleles is 1/2N, and this is the Table 1
increase in inbreeding each generation. See Wright Distribution of APOE Genotype by Ethnic Classification (adapted from
(1922, 1931) for the original work. It should be noted Table 2 of Kimmel et al. 2008)
once more that HWE arises from two phenomena: APOE genotype African–American Caucasian Total
binomial sampling of gametes and panmixia. Hence, if
2–2 3 0 3
subpopulations or lines are isolated so that inbreeding
2–3 15 16 31
and differentiation arise but both phenomena continue
2–4 7 3 10
to apply within a line or subpopulation, there can still
be HWE within it. 3–3 51 73 124
Most methods for the analysis of gene and geno- 3–4 30 28 58
type frequencies in finite populations require HWE as 4–4 5 1 6
a starting point, from which gene trajectories in time Total 111 121 232
etc. can be pursued. Even when departures from HWE
are caused by breeding systems, random mating gener-
ates, because of the independent binomial sampling of Table 1. By Fisher’s ‘exact’ test, the two ethnic classifi-
alleles in the two parents, genotypic regularities in the cations differ significantly in genotype frequencies.
progeny that allow assessment of the effects of the Both groups fit HWE by various tests. Given that
breeding system on the genome. For example, gameto- APOE is known to be strongly associated with certain
phytically determined and other self-incompatibility disease states (see Song et al., 2004; Kimmel et al.,
systems which prevent selfing have been thoroughly 2008, the source of these data), is this agreement sur-
analyzed at both the infinite and finite population prising or not?
level (Wright 1939, Leach & Mayo, 2005). Today, following the development of automated
methods of DNA sequencing and the consequent
HWE Today numerous genomic analyses, we know that single
Li (1988), followed and elaborated by Stark (2006a, nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are prodigiously
2006b), showed that panmixia is not the only breed- numerous in the genome. In the human genome, for
ing structure that can yield HW proportions, so that example, there may be ten million. Since they arise
panmixia is a sufficient but not a necessary condition from DNA misreplication at a rate of, perhaps, 10–8
for HWE. However, no natural population is known per base per generation (Nachman & Crowell, 2000),
to manifest the other possible breeding structures so the overwhelming majority of these will be diallelic.
that it appears unlikely that they need to be consid- Suppose that there are ten million SNPs in humans.
ered in data collection and analysis. HWE continues Then a mutation yielding a third allele is expected
to be an important starting point for any population every ten generations. In cattle, more than 98% of
analysis. This will indeed be true even when what is SNPs are diallelic (Wade & Adelson, personal commu-
being analyzed is something that must initially disrupt nication). Neutral variants are fixed at a rate
the regularity of the meiotic processes that provide the
approximately given by the mutation rate (Kimura,
basis for HWE (e.g. the investigation of the fate of
1968, 1983).
newly arising duplications; see Force et al., 1999;
Considered individually, each diallelic SNP may be
Hittinger & Carroll, 2007).
expected to be in HWE. Obviously, inbreeding, selec-
Testing for departure from HWE began, as noted
tion, mutation etc. are certain to be present in every
above, with simple χ2 analysis. Problems inherent in
population studied, but one has no expectation a
such χ2 analyses, especially the dependence on sample
size, and the low power of the χ2 HWE test (investi- priori that they will influence any particular SNP.
gated thoroughly by Lewontin & Cockerham, 1959), Since, to the contrary, each pair of linked SNPs is
meant that Haldane (1954) and others sought ‘exact’ unlikely to be in linkage disequilibrium, testing indi-
tests based on the expectation that, under HWE, vidual SNPs for departure from HWE has been widely
Q2 – 4PR = 0. These tests have been extensively devel- regarded as a useful first step in genome scans for
oped and used; see Mantel & Li (1974) and Rousset regions associated with important traits (multifactorial
& Raymond (1995). Rousset & Raymond consider disorders in humans, production traits in plants and
the issue of the alternative hypothesis: is one con- animals). Since disturbances to panmixia are expected
cerned with selection or a disturbance to panmixia? to affect all sites in the genome, rare departures from
Guo & Thompson (1992) and Rousset & Raymond HWE found for a few SNPs in the early stages of a
consider ‘exact’ tests for the case of multiple alleles; genome-wide scan are likely to arise by chance or pos-
microsatellite markers are widely used in population sibly from mistyping.
studies, and multiple alleles are the norm with these However, Zou & Donner (2006) dispute the valid-
markers. Many coding genes also exhibit multiple ity and hence utility of such testing in case-control
alleles and are significantly associated with disease. studies. (See their paper for many references support-
For example, consider the data on human APOE in ing such preliminary screening).

Twin Research and Human Genetics June 2008 253

Oliver Mayo

In general, if a departure from HWE is shown to Bulmer, M. G. (2003). Francis Galton, pioneer of heredity
be of interest, it should indicate, through a deficiency and biometry. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins
of either or both homozygotes, or of heterozygotes, University Press.
etc., the type of explanation that might be sought. Castle, W. E. (1903). The laws of Galton and Mendel and
Since an individual SNP is unlikely to be influential in some laws governing race improvement by selection.
selection (recognizing that exceptions, like the Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and
malaria-related polymorphisms, exist), patterns Science, 35, 233–242.
involving closely linked SNPs must then be examined. Chetverikov, S. S. (1926). On certain aspects of the evolu-
Weir et al. (2004) provide an appropriate statistical tionary process from the standpoint of modern
approach to follow in these circumstances. genetics. Zhurnal Eksperimental’noi Biologii, A2,
While technical mistakes are more likely a priori 3–54. (Originally published in Russian; this transla-
than selection as a cause of disturbed segregation, tion by M. Barker originally published in 1961 in
nonconforming loci must be followed up. As Edwards American Philosophical Society Proceedings, 105,
(2007) wrote of one major continuing study: 167–195 and reprinted in D. L. Jameson (Ed.) (1977),
The HapMap set of data restricts analysis to loci con- Benchmark papers in genetics, vol. 8 evolutionary
forming to the simple genetic background imposed by genetics. Stroudsburg, PA: Dowden, Hutchinson &
rejecting genotypes inconsistent with Mendel’s first Ross, pp. 234–262.)
law, and consistent with what Stern termed the Church, W. B. (1908). The influence of heredity on
Hardy–Weinberg law (Hardy, 1908; Stern, 1943; disease, with special reference to tuberculosis, cancer
Weinberg, 1908). The rejects — the golden dross for
and diseases of the nervous system (with discussion).
the recognition of recessive lethals — are not dis-
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 2, 8–142.
cussed in detail although they account for over 10%
of loci even though rejection was based on very high Crow, J. F. (1999). Hardy, Weinberg and language impedi-
levels of significance (P <.001). (p. 390) ments. Genetics, 152, 821–825.
As outlined in the previous section, HWE is the funda- Demmler, A. (2003). Wilhelm Strohmeyer (1874–1936)
mental starting point for all population–genetical Ein Wegbereiter der Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie.
investigation, whether the goal is detection or estima- MD dissertation, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena.
tion of the effects of all the forces that disrupt HWE. Diaconis, P. (2002). G. H. Hardy and probability???
While Mendel conceived the independent binomial Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 34,
sampling of gametes from parents and hence could be 385–402.
regarded as the first to have considered a popula- Edwards, A. W. F. (2000). Foundations of Mathematical
tion–genetical example (the effects of crossing of pure Genetics (2nd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University
lines) (Edwards, in press), the generalization to arbi- Press.
trary gene frequencies to give HWE was the true
Edwards, A. W. F. (in press). G. H. Hardy (1908) and
foundation of population genetics.
Hardy–Weinberg Equilibrium. Genetics.
Acknowledgments Edwards, J. H. (2007). Genome scans and the ‘old genet-
ics’. In O. Mayo and C. R. Leach (Eds.), Fifty years of
I thank A. W. F. Edwards for an advance copy of his
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A. Sved and P. M. Visscher for useful comments on me. Nature Genetics, 31, 9–10.
this note, and N. G. Martin for suggesting I write it. I Fisher, R. A. (1918). The correlation between relatives on
also thank CSIRO for provision of a research fellow- the supposition of Mendelian inheritance.
ship during which the note has been written. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 52,
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