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Are you the actual supplier or do you subcontract the deliveries by

barge/trucks? Yes, we are
2. Are you the Seller of products delivered to our vessels? Yes
3. For the subcontracted deliverers, are you using your own BDN or the
contractor's one? Yes, we own our BDR.
4. Are you supplying with owned or chartered barges? We supply with owned and
chartered barges
5. If owned, are you handling the manning of the barges? Yes, we have a Ship
Management Department
6. Do you have amongst the employed crew a dedicated Supercargo/Cargo
Officer? Yes, we have
7. If chartered, long term charter or on spot basis? Please precise. We have long term
charter exclusive for Kamca operation
8. Do you have a vetting process when contracting a barge? Can it be made
available to us? Yes, we have
9. If chartered barge, do you send your own representative/Supercargo/Cargo
Officer or use someone of the barge’s crew? We do have a Superintendent that goes on
board to verify and supervise the operation
10.Do you have an OPS department and a PIC that can be contacted 24/7? Yes, we
have an operation department and a Person on duty 24/7
11.Do you take a loading certificate from the loading terminal when loading
the barge? Can this certificate be made available for inspection by the
attending surveyor and vessel’s CE in case of dispute? We have a loading Certificate by
the terminal and also an inspection report from a Inspection Company.
12.Do you take samples when loading the barge at the terminal? Yes we take drip
samples during the loading operation.
13.Does the terminal provide you with a quality certificate of the loaded cargo?
Can this certificate be available for inspection by the attending surveyor
and vessel’s CE before the bunker delivery? Yes, before loading we already have the
quality certificate of the product to be loaded. This certificate is available for inspection
14.What is the crew control procedure in terms of: reliability, trustworthiness,
turnover of the barge crew if manning is under your responsibility? Yes, is under our
15. Is there any periodic audit carried out on the barge for bunkering
operation? Who is in charge of it? Could we get his contact detail? The Maritime
Authority carries periodical audits by an Annual Ship Inspection also according to our
procedures we carry periodic audit based on our Quality Safety Manual and
16.What is the barging company procedure for barge alongside seagoing
vessel?. Every time a barge will proceed to come alongside a seagoing vessel the
Master from the barge will contact the Master of the receiving vessel in order to
coordinate the location and maneuver.
When the barge is alongside a key meeting will take place in order to coordinate the
operation and fill the pre-delivery information required to agree all the aspect to be
A pre- delivery conference should be conducted between the Cargo Officer, Chief
Engineer and Surveyor if is present. Such meeting should include SHE check, a review
of pre delivery safety checklist and the establishment of communication link. A pre-
delivery safety checklist shall be completed, sign and stamped by the Officer Cargo and
Chief Engineer with their names clearly printed.
17. If your barge is fitted with Radar system, what is the periodic control over
the device and temperature?
The control of the Radar system is according to the manufacture recommendation, and
every year all critical equipment pass thru a periodical evaluation
18.Does somebody ashore and on board the barge has full control over fuel
stocks on board? Yes the operation department carry and keep full control of the fuel
inventory on board the vessel. On daily basis the inventory stock is been reconcile to
avoid discrepancy or human mistakes.
19.Could you revert with barges plan tank capacities, barge fleet description
with date of built, pumping rate capacity, radar fitted or not, beam, loa, etc.

20.Do barges have readily available onboard the certificates/certified copies of:
barges tanks calibrations approval, Yes
hull plans and eventual plan modifications, Yes
lines and hoses pressure tests Yes
gear flowmeters No

21.What are the procedure in place in terms of control over cargo on board
the barge?
The inventory and cargo on board the barge is controlled on daily basis. The barge
should keep a cargo movement record with all the daily operation. We check all physical
and sounding report in order to verify the cargo on board. On the other hand we
nominate and Inspection Company to provide physical sounding report of all our barge
inventory monthly and random visits. This report is reconciled with the Cargo Officer

22.Can you describe your sampling process (quality control & integrity over
the product)?
In every delivery a single representative sample is taken during the bunker operation.
This samples should be witnesses by the Cargo Officer and Surveyor if is attending the
operation. The sample are taken by a drip sampling device continuously. The 1 Gallon
taken from the dris sampling device is divided in 4 quarter. One for the receiving
vessel, one for the Barge, a Marpol Sample one for the Supply Company
23.Will you accept our independent surveyor to put the barge under a
magnifying glass during bunkering? Yes, we accept to have independent surveyor on
board during as a witness during the bunkering operation

24.Are the barges you are using conforming to the international safety/security
standards? ( double hull / pressure tests / maintenance & dry docking
intervals / etc) Yes
25.Are you in agreement that our appointed surveyor perform the following
requirements from our side:
to confirm that calibration tables on board your barges are duly
approved and certified by the National Metrology Institute, with the
latest date of certification, Yes
to ensure that sounding pipe are located in a way that correct
measurement can be done (center) Yes
to obtain the piping diagram of the barge (to see if there are no
modification after DD period) Yes
to ask the Barge Captain to use our surveyors temperature certified
device and hand tape measurements (certificate of calibration available
at all time on each surveyor device) Yes
to ask the barge Captain to correct the barge to even keel position to
get it upright for proper measurement (in ARA no trim correction tables
available) Yes
to ask the barge Captain can be contacted 24/7 by our surveyor/agent Yes
to provide the loading certificate of your barge after loading or/and Yes
to provide the surveyor/Chief Engineer the stock movement records
26.At the loading terminal what are the differences in % between loading
figures and barge figures? According to the Terminal procedures is 0.3% of difference
27.What is your key contact (full style) that can be reachable locally 24/7 in
case of problem?
Vanessa Mazza
Operation Manager
Kamca Trading
Celular +507 65025665
28.Regarding your chartered barges list (long time or spot):
For spot is it the same crew & Captain that operate the barges or are
they fully controlled by you? For Spot Charters the crew is controlled by the Barge
What is your market share on spot basis versus contract? Less than 5%
Vetting process: EBIS accreditation and SIRE/BIRE?
Do you intend to select specific barges for CMA CGM vessels?
Do you adhere to ABC measurements?
Do Captain and crew are under your payroll?
Who’s in charge of controlling the stock of fuel on board if you do not
control the crew/Captain? For Spot Barges they have no stock on board, the are
nominated to load the exact quantity for the operation nominated in spot basis.
29.Pros & cons about Mass Flow Meter and your approach on this device and
The Mass flow meter  has high accuracy and is highly reliable and low
maintenance. Enable bunkering operations to be more transparent. Installation of a
Mass Flow Metering system on a bunker barge costs around 150.000 USD

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