Internship Report

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1. kuma Telila Bacha ugr/19676/12 Mr. Yared Daba
2. Chala Olani Geleta ugr/19558/12 Mr. Yared Daba


DURATION: two months

Executive summary
This paper is conducted on internship program works to know the objective of the internship
program, background of the organization, objectives, general description of the section, results,
and discussions, and conclusion and recommendation about the Oromia Science and Technology
Authority(OSTA), System Engineering and Development department also we tried to express
methodology we used in collecting information and problem analysis solution to the problem,
difficulties in the internship program and we had discussed on the mission and vision of the
Oromia Science and Technology Authority(OSTA).

First, we would like to thank Adama Science and Technology University(ASTU) for
arranging this two-month internship period. Next, we would like to sincerely thank Oromia
Science and Technology Authority(OSTA) for giving us this great opportunity to undergo
internship training in their organization.
Our appreciation and gratitude is extended to all staff on OSTA for their guidance, and
generosity to share their tremendous knowledge, and for giving continuous and unlimited
motivation from the start of the internship until the end of the program.
Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to our advisors Mr. Tadele and Mr. Yared for
their help, support, and advice, and also for checking out on us any time and for giving us
their valuable feedback without any hesitation.

✔ OSTA: - Oromia Science and Technology Authority
✔ ASTU: - Adama Science and Technology University
✔ ICT: - Information Communication Technology
✔ HTML: - Hypertext Markup Language
✔ CSS: - Cascading Style Sheets
✔ PHP: -Hypertext Preprocessor
✔ JS: - Javascript
✔ OOA: - Object Oriented Analysis
✔ OOD: - Object Oriented Design

1. Introduction
The internship is an opportunity for a student to gain practice in the real world of work under the
guidance of an experienced supervisor. It is an integral part of the curriculum and learning
activity. Every student at the school of Electrical Engineering and Computing at ASTU is
required to complete a program of study that includes a compulsory internship to earn their
academic degree in their field of specialization.
During Our internship, We got a chance to work in the department to know about how software
is developed and produced to be used by various financial institutions, educational institutions,
and so on. The term we spent at OSTA was more engaged with the learning part through
assignments. All our experience helped us realize parts like grouping work, work environment,
and peering support carried out in the organization. Thus, the internship duration provided us
with the opportunity to broaden our knowledge and acknowledge our strengths/weaknesses
which would be more helpful to shape our career in the future.
1.1. General overview of the internship
1.1.1. The objective of the internship
The objective of the internship program is to enable the students to change their theoretical
knowledge to practical and share ideas for the host organization to develop the student’s practical
skills from the student’s theoretical knowledge that they acquire from school and to get to know
the work environment. The internship should provide the students with valuable insights into the
professional and industry-oriented side of their field of study. It should enable students to put
into practice the skills, techniques, and knowledge acquired in university through lectures that
are important for success in their future life.
It helps us with our field of the profession: -
✔ To develop practical knowledge interacting with theoretical knowledge
✔ To develop interaction with co-workers
✔ To develop problem-solving skills
✔ To learn to handle work pressure.
✔ Learn real-world working environment
✔ To learn and apply theoretical knowledge practically in the workplace.
✔ To develop interpersonal, managerial, and communication skills.
1.1.2. scope of work expected
An internship program adds great value to our future, it shows a willingness to learn and work in
a professional environment and change the way of thinking and expectation of real-world work.

1.2. Background of the organization

1.2.1. Description of the organization
The National Regional State Government of Oromia Science & Technology Authority Oromia
Science and Technology, (OSTA) is located in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia which is mandated to
seek innovative ways to solve issues in various Oromia regions which are bottlenecks for better
delivery of service in the public sector with a proactive approach toward the changing needs of
the society.

The government-initiated series of measures to make the civil and public service more efficient
and effective in the delivery of government services; along with institutional reforms,
improvements in working processes and procedures, and attitudinal changes.
1.2.2. Mission
Developing state-of-the-art ICT infrastructure and providing superior quality services for the
Oromia governmental region and non-governmental organizations in Ethiopia is carried out by
utilizing the resources and services efficiently and effectively.
1.2.3. Vision
The Vision of OSTA is for 2030 to see a globally competent National Software infrastructure
and new technology in information communication that plays a key role in the renaissance of the

1.2.4. Products and services of the organization

The company we have working on our internship program has high-quality ICT resources for the
purpose of an efficient work environment.
The office provides different kinds of services efficiently and effectively for the satisfaction of
clients and consumers.
The main services are: -
✔ Networking and installation
✔ Providing computer training
✔ Software and hardware maintenance
✔ Preparing specifications of ICT equipment
✔ Services on software development

2. Management, training, and employee information

2.1. Major Duties
The focus of our duty was mainly related to our department’s work; that is on website
application development. The second focus of our work was learning to be a full-stack web
developer as much as trying new things. We tried to use the languages of the web HTML, CSS,
PHP, JS, and frameworks like Laravel. By working on simple and small projects, we have tried
to have a better understanding of the concept of what we are dealing with.
During our internship, we were able to gain knowledge from the system development team, some
of them are concerned with how to build web-based applications using PHP and Laravel.
Developing our skills, knowledge, and confidence was a priority and our supervisors took us
with them on their daily work tasks and showed us how they complete every task no matter how
simple a task might be it is essential to have the knowledge and skill to do it so we can build our
confidences for larger and more complicated tasks.
2.2. Becoming oriented with the job
The system development team of the organization helped us and gave us advice on how
important it is to complete the task in the given time and how to formally present our projects in
front of the system development team.
Our supervisor helped us to accomplish our task by giving us different opinions, ideas, lecture
videos, and other reading assignments that can help us in completing our tasks and future tasks.
We were also able to use our Internet programming knowledge to develop websites and used
other programming language knowledge to develop applications.
2.3. Qualities Developed
They took us to their jobs around the offices and showed us how they conducted their work, and
we were able to help and gain knowledge from the real-life tasks they encountered at their job.
We were able to develop some qualities provided with help by our System development team on
how their daily office tasks were, and they have also given us the knowledge and skills which
they have developed through their careers.
While we were performing our internship project, we used theoretical and practical skills we
possessed from our last 3 years of learning. Generally, our main performance was website
development and solving computer problems. We have also improved our team and individual
working skills.
Also, to increase our confidence in problem-solving during work and get some experience in
Among the most important skills that we developed during the internship are our communication
and team spirit. In our company all the workers are sociable. Most of the time we discuss work
and other related issues wisely.
We have learned the following skills from them: -
✔ Sharing of information between team members.
✔ From our internship program, we gained the way of sharing information, knowledge, and
experience to take the initiative to keep other team members informed
✔ We have learned that one team member must care about what the team members are
doing and their contribution to its success.
✔ We understood that the knowledge of a team is stronger than the individual person’s
knowledge and it is more effective.
✔ We understood even in the future the knowledge of the team is important if we share
information and work together.
✔ Be patient and wise and respect the fullness of the voice of others.
✔ Focus on the positive and take the negative in stride not let them down
Practical skill development is one of the bedrocks of any given profession and it is a sign of the
continued survival and growth of any given profession, especially in the computing sector.
Practical skills development in software engineering is related to the whole productivity of the
student. Practical knowledge involves developing skills using different tools, different software,
and systematic thinking and reasoning to perform tasks that are related to the field of study.
Finally, we have gained many benefits from the internship program. This internship program
helped us develop skills in different areas. This includes work ethics, interpersonal
communication, what teamwork looks like, and what the need for it is. In addition, we have
gotten an insight into what a software engineer should focus on. The change from school to the
workplace itself was another learning opportunity, conditioning us to adapt to the work

3. Specific job information

3.1. Technical Duties
We were working on the section of website development. We used front-end and back-end
technologies including frameworks to do our tasks. Also, we have used databases to store
information and data from the website we were working on.
The main tasks we’ve been working on are as follows:
● Identifying the problem and
● Analyzing the problem on the system during website development.
The following procedure was used to overcome our problem:
● First, we gathered information about our task to do.
● Then we made some analysis for the task.
● After this, we prepared our plan which included how and when to finish the task.
● Then we implemented the plan
● At last, we made a backward check mechanism to see how our work and plan is going on.
3.2. Other Responsibilities
▪ We were expected to work 40 hours per week and worked along with our supervisors
three days in the lab and another two days from the home online.
▪ We were responsible for the Lab (computers) given to us.
3.3. Technical Knowledge
We were able to use our Internet programming and other programming language knowledge to
do our assignments and tasks.
We also combined the new knowledge we gained about the Laravel Framework and our previous
programming knowledge to design interactive web pages that can be helpful for both customers
and pharmacies.
We also see how to build a stable system by using Laravel and front-end programming
We have been dealing with some concepts regarding some issues in software engineering and
software development. As we all know, the software engineering area of study came into
existence when the crisis of software became large. Software engineering tries to fix this
problem by applying engineering principles in software development. This supports the
developers to develop customer-focused, maintainable, cost-effective, and on-time software with
good performance and security. This all should be documented with the guidance of the
developers, testers, and maintainers.
More recently, the agile methodology of software development is taking dominance over other
methodologies. Agile supports rapid application development (RAD) by involving different
stakeholders like customers, project managers, developers, testers, business analysts, and others.
3.4. Relevant projects
In our time at Oromia Science and Technology Authority, we have spent almost more than 90%
of our time as an intern of the company on a project titled online pharmacy management system.
By considering this process our project concerns working on customer ease of achieving the
medicine in the most comfortable way possible. And pharmacies can promote their product
through the web application which is easily accessible to customers.
The problem is, For buying medicine the customer goes to the shop and purchases the medicine
required. If he does not get the medicine he wants he gets another pharmacy and checks it. So a
lot of time is wasted and people get tired.
● Handling Stock (Available stocks, expiration date) for pharmacy.
● Difficulty getting drugs easily for customers.
● Difficulty to promote their available drugs or products for pharmacy owners
● Difficult communicating with pharmacists
The main objective of this project is to build web-based applications for online pharmacy
management systems.
By considering this process our project concerns working on customer ease of achieving the
medicine in the most comfortable way possible. And pharmacies can promote their product
through the web application which is easily accessible to customers.
Specific objective:
● To create a system that reduces manual work.
● To develop a user-friendly interface
● To develop a system that shares information easily between the customer and pharmacy
● To develop a system that provides fast and secure services.
● To develop a system in which all transactions and payments are available and easy
In designing and analyzing the system there are two phases involved: -
a. Object Oriented Analysis (OOA)
b. Object Oriented Design (OOD)
Actors of the system and their actions:
A) Admin:
✔ Create, Read, Update and Delete pharmacy
✔ Create, Read, Update and Delete another admin
✔ update account
✔ approve pharmacy
✔ decline pharmacy
B) Customer
✔ Read the drugs or products
✔ buying the drugs or products
✔ looking the price of the drug or products
✔ looking the availability of the drug or products
✔ update their account
C) Pharmacy
✔ Create, Read, Update and Delete drugs or products
✔ Delete the expired drugs
✔ Selling their products
✔ update their account
Fig – 1 Relationship among models
Site Map of the project
Fig – 2 Site map of the project
Design-mockup and working principle
The three different actors mentioned above will have a different type of access to the site
according to their Roles (whether they are admins, pharmacies, or customers).
Main Page:
Registration page:

Login Page:

Admin page:
Pharmacy page:
4. Reflection and conclusion
4.1. Evaluation and critique
Our internship was able to change our way of thinking. At the time we start the internship
program our knowledge about real work is improved.
Thanks to OSTA employees who were so helpful and willing to help us in every moment, our
way of thinking changed, and we established more self-confidence.
4.2. Career goal during internship
Our career goal before this internship experience was not much but this internship helps us to
change our career goal and helps to be more confident about our career goal. All of us
understood the goals of taking this internship.
As a result, most of the students were able to change or improve their ideas on future career
goals. Some others included, we were able to have a career according to our interests and we
never gave up our hope.
4.3. Value of the internship
We would like to thank ASTU for permitting this apparent and OSTA which demonstrates and
initiates us for this job. Everyone who was around us and supported us also should be
We believe that this internship program has changed our way of thinking by making us more
confident about our abilities.
Most of the students that we know are very happy to have an experience like this. It makes us
very confident and has full awareness of the working environment. not only that but also it
creates an opportunity for future collaboration in projects with the host organization.
4.4. Challenges we faced during the internship
Of Course some challenges faced during our practice time from those we were faced like: -
● Lack of self-confidence the first time.
● We were afraid to communicate and work with the employees at the beginning of the
internship program.
● Lack of practical knowledge especially in new platforms.
● Getting our advisor because of overlapping of different responsibilities
4.5. Strengths and areas for improvement
4.5.1. Strengths
we were able to respect the rule and regulations of the organization such as -
✔ Be punctual
✔ Work for many hours
✔ Respect work
✔ Develop good working habits
✔ Respect our career
✔ Respect, other employees,
✔ Be more active

4.5.2. Areas for improvement

We figure out there are some problems to be corrected according to us and the campus and
When we start the problems made by students, some of them get involved at working time, got
no interest in working. This problem should have to be improved, students should be able to
know the purpose of the internship.
On the other hand, the ministry of education or any officials who are responsible for this should
be able to have a new and trustful curriculum on internship cases. Because most students were
very tired of finding organizations to start their internship program. Even if they got an
organization the organization is not helpful to show them. Organizations are not ready to help
students to show real-life work.
There are so many companies too who are accepting students and making them fit. This
company needs appreciation from the government and from us too. We would like to thank and
give appreciation to all who support us and make us prepare for the next.
4.6. Conclusion
As we tried to learn and develop our theoretical and practical skills, we noticed that more work
and exercise are needed to be a successful developer. We have known that using frameworks and
the latest tools & technologies helps to speed up work and make efficient systems that can be
implemented in all businesses. Furthermore, we will try to update ourselves and learn to bring
more secure and competitive products for users and government companies that will help to
decrease labor and manual work.
In addition, we try to dive into upcoming and in-demand computer science fields like -
✔ Networking
✔ Software maintenance
✔ testing software
Internship programs are designed to familiarize students with the real-world working
environment where they will be assigned after completion of the university period. Interns are
beneficial academically, ethically, and professionally to the intern period. When students come
back to their university after their internship, they will be motivated and committed to being
competitive in their field of study.
The internship is a good opportunity for the student to have enough knowledge that helps
students in the future, and it's a good opportunity to know the work environment and prepare
themselves for their future goals and to have good aims before graduation.
In general, in our internship, we understand clearly the practical duties and responsibilities at the
different wings of the ICT office. And generally, the activity takes place in the offices of the
levels of ICT development in Ethiopia.
We concluded that this internship program has three general purposes: -
I. To improve our knowledge of communication skills and techniques with the organization
II. To develop our own ability to analyze interpersonal communication in the future.
III. To increase our own ability to communicate in ways that achieve results and maintain
good interpersonal relationships.

5. Recommendations
5.1. Recommendation about the organization
✔ The coordination between high level to low level should be stronger than before
✔ And lastly, we recommend this organization for those who have some previous
knowledge of programming and some hands-on experience in projects.
5.2. Recommendation about internship
Internship curriculum must be continued by improving some of its weaknesses.
❖ The supervisor from the campus must have to see the student at their practical workplace
at least 2 times.
❖ The government, especially the ministry of education, should facilitate places for students
to work to decrease stress among students.
❖ The policy should have reform on the internship and consider it as the biggest issue
because it’s a great source of knowledge.
❖ Universities should follow the same policy in every curriculum and internship case.
❖ The amount of money paid for students to do practical attachment is not sufficient.
Therefore, it must be improved for the future.
❖ Some evaluation guidelines should be given to the advisor.
With these ideas, we think every intern agreed we want to thank the department and the campus
for letting us and getting trust us. If every official agrees and makes it, we can see the next
internship students will have a better place and opportunity.

❖ Old the same projects

❖ our supervisor

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