Sasikumar Chandran1

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Software Developer

pillayyar kovil street,kanagam road ,taramani chennai, +91 8122735625

Aug 2015 - May 2019
park college of engineering and technology, coimbatore

Software developer Nov 2021 - Present
Sudha Gopalakrishnan Brain Center(R&D) | IITM, Chennai
The project involves the creation of a web application for brain cell annotation and mapping, utilizing OpenLayers
and Konva libraries.
The application will handle a large amount of data, specifically petabytes of data.
The purpose of the application is to facilitate the process of annotating and mapping brain cells, which can
be a time-consuming and complex task.
By utilizing these libraries and handling large amounts of data, the application aims to provide a user-friendly and
efficient tool for brain cell annotation and mapping.

Angular javascript


Python Django

Docker Github


Committed to continuous learning and professional development

Tamil English

I have a solid understanding of Angular's architecture, data binding, and directives.
I can use TypeScript to create classes, interfaces, and modules, and to write type-safe code.
I can use CSS frameworks like Bootstrap and Material Design to create consistent and modern UIs. I have
experience using the Angular CLI to generate components, services, and modules, and to manage
dependencies and configurations.
I have experience working with RxJS to handle data streams and events in Angular applications. I can use RxJS
operators like map, filter, and merge to manipulate data streams.
I have experience using Docker to create development and production versions of Angular applications,
which helps to ensure consistency and portability across different environments. I have experience
configuring Nginx to run Angular applications and improving performance by caching static assets and
compressing responses.
I have experience configuring Varnish to cache responses from an Angular application and delivering those
responses quickly to clients.
I have experience writing Python scripts to automate tasks related to Angular development, as well as working on
Python-based web frameworks like Django.
I am proficient in using Git and GitHub to manage code changes for Angular applications, including creating new
repositories, committing changes, and merging branches.
I have experience using JIRA to track issues and bugs for Angular applications, as well as to manage sprints and
backlogs. I have experience using Jenkins to create new nodes and jobs for Angular applications, as well as to
connect to APIs and schedule processes

Committed to continuous learning and professional development

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