Prog Neurol Psychiatry - 2021 - Sadik - Depression With Psychosis Following Pregabalin Discontinuation

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Pregabalin withdrawal symptoms I Case notes

Depression with psychosis following

pregabalin discontinuation
Aws Sadik BA, MBBChir, Matthew Jelley MBChB, FRCPsych, Rosalind Ward MBChB, MRCPsych
There has been controversy about
Table 1. Blood test results on admission (abnormalities highlighted in bold)
the efficacy of pregabalin for
some indications, as well as the Test Result Reference range
potential for misuse and adverse
effects. Here, the authors discuss White blood count 10.5 x109/L 4.0–11.0
a female who was admitted with Haemoglobin 124 g/L 115–165
symptoms of severe depression
Platelets 334 x10 /L9
and psychotic features with a
potential causation of Sodium 130 mmol/L 133–146
discontinuation of pregabalin that Potassium 4.9 mmol/L 3.5–5.5
had been used for several years.
due to chronic back pain. Creatinine (serum) 95 µmol/L 45–84

Urea 9.7 mmol/L 2.5–7.8

P regabalin is a widely prescribed

medication with indications includ-
ing neuropathic pain, generalised
Calcium 2.62 mmol/L 2.20–2.60

Adjusted calcium 2.59 mmol/L 2.20–2.60

anxiety disorder and as an adjuvant in
focal seizures. However, there has Phosphate 1.8 mmol/L 0.8–1.5
been controversy about the efficacy of Albumin (serum) 47 g/L 35–50
pregabalin for some indications,1 as
well as the potential for misuse and Bilirubin 18 µmol/L <22
adverse effects.2 In the UK, pregabalin TSH 5.66 mIU/L 0.30–5.00
and gabapentin were reclassified as
class C controlled substances from Free T3 27.3 pmol/L 12.0–22.0
April 2019 due to evidence of rising CRP 1 mg/L <5
fatalities linked to their use.
There is little published evidence discussion around the extent to which reduced appetite and weight loss; four
regarding the risks of pregabalin dis- this psychiatric presentation can be weeks of reduced concentration,
continuation. In our clinical practice attributed to pregabalin. anhedonia, social withdrawal and
we have observed several cases of pro- hopelessness, and three weeks of eat-
longed psychiatric symptoms follow- Case presentation ing no proper meals at all through
ing the cessation of pregabalin. A 74-year-old female presented to the lack of appetite.
Building the evidence base around emergency department with slowed Further collateral history from her
possible sequelae of pregabalin dis- thoughts and suicidality. She was husband included a past medical his-
continuation, and management of accompanied by her husband who tory of hypothyroidism, migraine,
these, is important to the safe use of described 72 hours of unusual behav- lumbar discectomy and chronic back
this medication. iour, including sitting in silence at the pain. He was not aware of any psychi-
We believe that this is the first pub- end of the bed with a vacant expres- atric history or allergies. Current med-
lished account of a case of depression sion for prolonged periods, picking ications were levothyroxine 75mg
with psychotic features following pre- up dust from the carpet and a scream- once daily, paracetamol 1g four times
gabalin discontinuation. It serves to ing episode overnight. a day and candesartan 2mg once daily.
highlight depression with psychosis He also described a five-month his- He also reported that the patient had
as a possible consequence of pregab- tory of low mood, anxiety and suicidal titrated down pregabalin over several
alin discontinuation and encourage thoughts; six weeks of insomnia, months and stopped it one month Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry I Vol. 25 Iss. 1 2021 I 19

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Case notes I Pregabalin withdrawal symptoms

prior. The patient had frequently urea, phosphate, thyroid stimulating stimulating hormone and free T3
visited her general practitioner (GP) hormone and free thyroxine levels levels are characteristic of inconsistent
over the prior five months, in order to (Table 1). levothyroxine administration. This
titrate down pregabalin and attempt Disorders such as thyroid autoim- aetiology can be confirmed by repeat-
to manage the symptoms described in mune conditions, adrenal insuffi- ing the thyroid function tests after sev-
the previous paragraph. Additionally, ciency, hyperparathyroidism and eral days of consistent medication
she had attended the emergency myeloma were essentially ruled out by administration. Hyponatraemia, acute
department one week before this pres- subsequent blood tests to investigate kidney injury and hyperphosphatae-
entation, reporting chronic back pain, these derangements. Serum thyroid mia each have a range of potential
and was discharged to the care of her antibodies, cortisol, parathyroid hor- underlying causes that can be elicited
GP after no indications for urgent mone, immunoglobulins, free light through examination and further
investigation or admission were iden- chains and protein electrophoresis investigations. In this case, further
tified. A referral to the local Improv- were all within reference ranges. Addi- investigations were unremarkable,
ing Access to Psychological Therapies tionally, urine Bence-Jones protein, indicating that each of these was
service was subsequently made by the sodium, potassium and osmolality explained by dehydration secondary
GP. A timeline and further details of were also within reference ranges, rul- to reduced fluid intake.
these visits are summarised in the dis- ing out myeloma, renal salt loss and Withdrawal from a range of sub-
cussion section of this report. syndrome of inappropriate antidiu- stances may trigger psychotic symp-
The patient was reported to be a retic hormone secretion (SIADH). A toms. Alcohol withdrawal is an
non-smoker and non-drinker, with no chest X-ray showed no abnormality, important consideration; however, the
family history of psychiatric condi- such as evidence of a malignancy or patient was reported not to drink alco-
tions. She lived with her husband and pneumonia, that could cause hyper- hol and there were no other findings
premorbidly was fully independent calcaemia or acute kidney injury, characteristic of alcohol withdrawal.
with activities of daily living, although respectively. Pregabalin cessation was raised by
always had ‘a degree of anxiety’. A CT head scan was performed on family members as a possible cause for
On mental state examination, the admission and showed no acute this presentation. Pregabalin is not
patient appeared anxious with fidgety intracranial abnormalities. Subse- widely considered a cause of severe
hands, a taut facial expression and quent MRI brain also did not find any depression or psychosis, however, this
tearfulness. Her verbal responses were structural abnormalities. is considered further in the discussion
delayed, very slow and broken. Phrases section of this report.
spoken included: ‘I can’t talk to any- Differential diagnosis
one now’; ‘I’m too far in my mind’, The patient presented with symptoms Treatment
and ‘I feel sorry for…’ with no further of depression and evidence of halluci- Following baseline investigations, can-
explanation. She expressed suicidal nations. The new onset of these symp- desartan was stopped (due to acute
ideation, but no plans, and denied toms warranted investigations for kidney injury) and intravenous fluids,
hallucinations, however, she appeared organic causes, particularly given the intravenous thiamine, oral laxatives
to be responding to unseen external age at onset and severity of symptoms. and nutritional supplements were
stimuli. She was orientated to time The list of possible organic causes of started. Following a review by the men-
and place, but showed poor concen- depression and psychosis are exten- tal health liaison team, olanzapine
tration. No positive findings were elic- sive and include neurodegenerative, 5mg once daily was started for treat-
ited on physical examination, neurological, infectious, inflamma- ment of psychotic depression. Mir-
including signs of infection, organo- tory, metabolic, endocrine and onco- tazapine 15mg once daily was added
megaly or focal neurological deficit. logical causes, as well as adverse effects two days later.
The patient was admitted under of substances or their withdrawal. By the eighth day of the admission,
the medical team for the investiga- Physical examination elicited no blood test derangements had normal-
tions of behavioural and cognitive symptoms suggestive of a particular ised with no improvement in mental
changes. Input from the mental organic cause. Initial investigations state. Further evidence of hallucina-
health liaison team was also invited. identified hyponatraemia, acute kid- tions, suicidality and confusion was
ney injury, hyperphosphataemia and seen and medications, food, fluids
Investigations thyroid hormone derangements. and a nasogastric tube were being
Initial blood tests demonstrated In a patient with known hypothy- refused. Thus, a decision was made to
derangements in sodium, creatinine, roidism, concurrently raised thyroid apply for detention under the Mental

20 I Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry I Vol. 25 Iss. 1 2021

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Pregabalin withdrawal symptoms I Case notes

Health Act (MHA) 1983, of England was gradually reduced and stopped at Three and a half months prior to
and Wales, and to start emergency seven months after admission. There this admission, a plan to titrate down
electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) for had been no relapse as of 11 months the daily dose of pregabalin by 50mg/
life-threatening depression with psy- post-admission and the patient’s regu- day each week and then stop was
chosis. The MHA assessment was com- larly prescribed medications at that agreed. As the dose of pregabalin was
pleted the following day and the point were levothyroxine 75mg once reduced, a number of symptoms
patient was detained under Section 2 daily, mirtazapine 45mg once daily, emerged, including low mood, insom-
of the MHA 1983. During the MHA paracetamol 1g four times a day and nia, nausea, poor appetite, dizziness
assessment, a capacity assessment was sumatriptan 50mg, when required and back pain, with trials of duloxe-
carried out; the patient was felt to be for migraine. tine, cyclizine and a buprenorphine
able to understand, retain and com- patch carried out in order to manage
municate information around mental Discussion some of these. Complete cessation of
health treatment, but unable to use or Our primary point of interest in this pregabalin was achieved approxi-
weigh up this information due to her case is whether the episode of depres- mately 30 days before the admission,
low mood and hopelessness. sion with psychosis was precipitated by however, the symptoms continued to
the discontinuation of pregabalin, as worsen during this time. A timeline
Outcome and follow-up an understanding of the aetiology of a of medication changes and symp-
ECT was first administered on the condition is the foundation to its pre- toms before admission is presented
tenth day of admission under Section vention. With this hypothesis in mind, in Table 2.
62 of the MHA 1983, with an improve- a review of the primary care records The patient reported that she felt
ment in behaviour, appetite and fluid was carried out, as well as further dis- symptoms worsening with every
intake evident the next day. A second cussion with the patient. decrease in the pregabalin dose.
opinion appointed doctor (SOAD) Throughout the patient’s primary Additionally, she recalled two
report and form T6 were completed care records there was no docu- previous occasions when she had
after the second administration of mented diagnosis of depression, anxi- forgotten to take a dose of pregaba-
ECT, allowing up to 12 ECT treat- ety or psychosis, although trials of lin and felt ‘awful withdrawal symp-
ments in total. On the eighteenth day mirtazapine and citalopram had pre- toms’ for up to several days.
of admission and after the third viously occurred for unspecified indi- Pregabalin discontinuation symp-
administration of ECT, the patient was cations. The patient had experienced toms are a recognised phenomenon.
well enough to be discharged from back pain for many years, with amitrip- The British National Formulary rec-
hospital having undergone a period of tyline and nortriptyline briefly trialled ommends that, if treatment cessation
monitoring for refeeding syndrome in the past for this indication. These is planned, pregabalin should be
(a potentially fatal disturbance in fluid were stopped due to adverse effects: tapered over at least one week.3 The
and electrolytes that can occur during hallucinations and constipation, Electronic Medicines Compendium
the reintroduction of nutrition in respectively. Gabapentin was started reports that withdrawal symptoms
starved individuals.) It was agreed seven years prior to this admission, have been observed in some patients
that medication and ECT would be used up to a dose of 600mg three in the past, with pain, insomnia, nau-
continued on an outpatient basis. times a day, and stopped four years sea, anxiety, depression and convul-
Thirty days after the original prior to this admission due to a loss of sions included as mentioned events. It
admission date and following five effectiveness. Gabapentin was is recommended that patients should
administrations of ECT in total, it was replaced by pregabalin, which was be informed of about this at the start
agreed to pause ECT treatment and titrated up to 300mg twice daily and of treatment.4
increase the dose of mirtazapine to continued for over three years. Psychotic symptoms have been
30mg once daily. Thirty-seven days Five months prior to this admis- reported in case reports as conse-
after the admission date, it was agreed sion, a plan to titrate down the daily quences of pregabalin use5,6,7 and
to stop ECT and continue olanzapine dose of pregabalin by 100mg/day cessation,8 as well as following the
5mg once daily and mirtazapine 30mg each week and then stop was agreed, initiation9 and cessation10,11 of the
once daily. due to the patient’s concerns around closely related medication gabapen-
Outpatient follow-up continued, reports of pregabalin addiction. After tin. Several substances that increase
with a full remission from the one week, the plan was abandoned GABA receptor activity are well
depressive episode declared at three temporarily due to severe headaches known to cause psychotic symptoms
months after admission. Olanzapine when the dose was reduced. on discontinuation, including alcohol Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry I Vol. 25 Iss. 1 2021 I 21

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Case notes I Pregabalin withdrawal symptoms

and benzodiazepines. Although pre- decisions are being made to start pre- and psychosis can be precipitated by
gabalin does not act directly at GABA gabalin. Furthermore, this case report the discontinuation of pregabalin.
receptors, it is thought to increase syn- indicates that regular review may be
aptic GABA concentrations and shares helpful in identifying and managing Declaration of interests
other characteristics with substances the development of psychiatric symp- No conflicts of interest were declared.
that do increase GABA activity, such as toms during pregabalin cessation. In
anxiolysis and sedation. It has been this case, the general practitioner did Dr Sadik is Core Psychiatry Trainee at
suggested that psychosis may be trig- indeed keep frequent contact with the Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Part-
gered by an increase in dopaminergic, patient and actively sought to manage nership NHS Trust; Dr Jelley is Consultant
serotonergic and noradrenergic activ- the emerging symptoms, highlighting Liaison Psychiatrist for Older People at
ity when the GABAergic effect of pre- that it may not always be possible to Bath and North East Somerset Acute &
gabalin is withdrawn. prevent the onset of psychopathology Royal United Hospital A&E Acute Liaison
We cannot confidently quantify despite our best efforts. Team, Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health
the role of pregabalin versus other fac- Partnership NHS; Dr Ward is Consultant
tors in the development of severe Learning points Old Age Psychiatrist and Training Pro-
depression with psychosis in this case. • Pregabalin discontinuation can be gramme Director at Avon and Wiltshire
However, we strongly suspect with- associated with distressing symp- Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust
drawal of pregabalin as a counterfac- toms, although these are not well and Severn Postgraduate Medical Educa-
tual cause12 (ie if the use and cessation characterised. tion School of Psychiatry.
of pregabalin had not occurred, • Before starting treatment, it is impor-
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22 I Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry I Vol. 25 Iss. 1 2021

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