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Poor undercutting of commutator:

If the commutator has high mica or

fins of mica that reach up to the brush
Restricted brush motion:
Brush motion may be restricted
because of shunt stiffness or by
The following general order of
Brushes, Sparking and
Machine Maintenance
procedure is suggested when unusual
surface, vibration and sparking may contact with some other member. sparking is observed at the brushes:
result. Similarly, any burrs of copper Similarly, something may interfere with
left as a result of the undercutting the motion of the spring itself or with 1. Check holders for damage or dirt.
operation will cause trouble. In some the hammer by which the spring 2. Check brushes for free movement
locations and atmospheres, comm- applies its pressure to the brush. within holders.
3. Check springs for freedom of FIG. 1.
utator slots may become filled with Mechanical adjustment will usually
action and adjust the pressure on Motor Rotation
foreign material. This can cause the correct these conditions.
each brush. field-form curve
brushes to vibrate or cause ring fire Out-of-round commutator: Brush

No-load neutral

No-load neutral
by permitting current to leak through 4. Examine commutator for indica- position
The commutator may be out-of-round tions of high mica, fins, or

Volts (bar-to-bar)
from one bar to the other. Correction or eccentric because of improper
of these conditions is the solution to the “slugged” slots.
finishing. As a consequence, the brush 5. Examine commutator for black-
problem. may not be able to follow the surface ened, pitted, or burned segments
Foreign material on and maintain proper contact. Care- or areas.
commutator surface: ful measurements, preferably made 0 volts
6. Check the commutator for
Any gummy or gritty material which with the armature rotated, will usually roundness and for bar-to-bar Position on commutator
between brush holders
sticks to the commutator surface may disclose this defect. deviations.
cause sparking. Oil may be beneficial High bars or flat spots: 7. Examine risers at end of commu-
in extremely small quantities but These conditions can usually be tator for signs of poor contact. “The little brush gets all the blame” is a statement commonly heard in the industry, but the blame is
frequently causes gumming when identified by careful examination of 8. Run the machine at its usual usually misdirected. Here are some of the common machine ailments and their cures with hints on
used excessively. Careful examination the commutator when it is not load and take data for a brush how to obtain longer brush life and better performance.
of the commutator will usually disclose running. A high bar will usually be drop or field-form curve, as
such conditions. Thorough cleaning polished and followed by several explained herein. By M.S. May, Speer Carbon Co., St. Mary’s, PA (currently E-Carbon America, a Helwig Carbon Products, Inc. company)
is recommended. bars which look rough and pitted or 9. Examine brushes visually and
Black commutator films: burned. The high bar will usually result tactually for vibration. (A piece of The much-maligned carbon brush the resistance offered to the flow
(3) It must operate with low friction to
Abnormally dark commutators may in a flat spot because it lifts the brush insulating material held on top of is not responsible for most of the of current between brush face and
avoid power losses and excessive
result from sulfur, excessive humidity off the commutator and the following the brush is a safe way to feel its machine malfunctions attributed to it. commutator surface - is normally
commutator wear.
and other gaseous materials. This bars may be burned so that their action.) Sparking at the brush face is usually expressed in ohms or voltage drop.
When we consider that the surface
condition may cause selective action height is reduced. To correct, the 10. Check the bearings for excessive the first symptom of trouble elsewhere. It is effective in improving commuta-
with which the brush is in contact is
and result in sparking on the commutator should be ground or turned. vibration. tion because the load current impelled
To properly appraise and remedy the built up of many commutator bars
heavily-loaded brushes. Solution of If the trouble develops again, the These tests may indicate the cause difficulties, the technician must separated by open slots and running at by high voltage must pass over the
the problem may be difficult when commutator probably needs tightening of the sparking and suggest the contact only once, while the circulating
understand what a brush is supposed speeds up to two miles per minute or
commutator speeds are too high. A by an expert. remedy. If they do not, or if available to do and what special qualities it must more, we begin to realize how difficult current in the shortcircuited coil must
rather abrasive brush may be the answer. It is sometimes observed that facilities do not permit correction of pass over the contact twice and has
have to accomplish its purpose. this job is, especially since the
In other cases, frequent polishing of the commutators may be perfectly round the indicated difficulty, the machine only low voltage behind it.
Brush Qualities commutator is subject to distortion
commutator may be required. when tested cold but develop a high manufacturer should be consulted.
(1) A brush must be a good conductor. because of temperature changes and Why are machines not designed
Brushes binding in holder: bar in operating under conditions of centrifugal forces and cannot be so that interpoles and commutating
In a DC machine, the full load is carried
When brushes are not of the correct speed and load. Consequently, the consistently maintained as a perfect windings take care of current reversal
through the brushes.
size or when brush hardware projects problem of loose bars is not always cylinder. without any contact drop in the sliding
too far at some point, brushes may easy to diagnose. (2) It must assist the fields, interpoles, member? This is not feasible because
and compensating windings in Brushes used in the first few motors
bind in their holders. Damage to Machine vibration:
reversing the current quickly as each were built of copper. Before long, how- armature reaction varies with load and
holders may also cause binding. If Vibration of the machine itself may speed, and the self-inductance in the
the brushes are too tight in the pair of commutator bars pass under it. ever, carbon brushes became standard short-circuited coil cannot be elimi-
cause brush sparking and eventually because of their higher contact
holders, their proper motion will be This means it must hold back nated by any practical design. Also,
result in commutator damage. Such resistance, low friction against the
restricted so that they cannot maintain current flowing in the short-circuited designers must make compromises to
vibration may be caused by imbalance commutator, and ability to withstand
contact with the commutator coil without, at the same time give satisfactory machine operation at
in the armature, by poor foundations arcing.
and sparking may result. If they appreciably interfering with the flow minimum cost and size.
or other mechanical faults. It can also
are too small, they may wobble in of useful load current. The contact resistance or drop -
result from defective bearings.
the holders and thus tend to break Pinpointing the cause of vibration
contact with the commutator and will indicate the corrective course to Reprinted from December 1960 issue Electrical Construction and Maintenance
bring about the same result. The follow. © Copyright 1960 McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, Inc. - All rights reserved
specific cause of binding should be
determined and eliminated by repair Distributed by Helwig Carbon
or replacement.
8900 W. Tower Avenue • P.O. Box 240160 • Milwaukee, WI 53224-9008
Toll Free Phone: 800.962.4851 • Toll Free Fax: 800.365.3113 • Email:
TA1 96_Rev 2013 Visit us online at
FIG. 2. FIG. 3.
Motor field-form curves under brushes Motor brush-drop curves
Brush holders damaged or dirty: to the armature. In either event, repair Defective armature windings:
Any physical damage to the holder or correction may be facilitated through Any defect in the windings may show
or an accumulation of dirt on its inside use of field form and brush drop curves up as sparking at the brushes. It will
Rotation may interfere with the free motion of (see test procedures described below. frequently also be apparent by one
Brush the brush in the holder and thus result Overloads: or more burned places on the commu-
Brush thickness in sparking. Since the commutator is tator. Check for high-resistance
position 3 Excessive overloads may result in
seldom perfectly round or concentric, severe sparking, especially if the connections where the risers are
the brush must move in and out of its interpoles have passed their saturation soldered or brazed to the commutator
2 holder in order to maintain effective point and are therefore, unable to or for poor connections in one
contact. Visual examination and testing increase their strength as required. or more of the equalizers. Remember,

0 volts the free action of the brush with the If the machine has an ammeter, though, that any other fault in
1 fingers are usually sufficient to reveal compare its load with the nameplate the armature may also show up as
this condition. Thorough cleaning or rating. Make any load adjustments sparking. Where other tests verify
Properly Over- Under- complete replacement will improve necessary. an armature fault, the winding
compensated compensated compensated 0 operation. must be replaced.
Properly Over- Under- Underloads:
compensated compensated compensated Holders too far from Contrary to what might normally be Incorrect spring pressure:
commutator surface: Contact drop of a brush is influenced
expected, too little current flowing
If the holder is too far from the surface by the pressure with which it is forced
through the brush frequently causes
of the commutator, it fails to support against the commutator. If the
difficulty. The friction apparently
Most machines are designed so that Sparking Causes and Cures To correct, move the brush holders so or guide the brush properly. This may
increases drastically at very light loads, pressure varies from brush to
the proper brush will give satisfactory Following is a brief rundown of the that adjacent holders are all equally result in the brush cocking in the brush, those brushes carrying a
resulting in brush vibration and very
commutation, good operating results, more common causes of sparking, distant from one another. holder and binding, or in the brush higher pressure will have a lower
often in sparking. It sometimes
long commutator life, and reasonable along with suggestions for their Brush holders off electrical neutral: vibrating and losing contact with the contact drop and will tend to take
becomes severe enough to break
brush life. But different machines have diagnosis and treatment. Even though the holders are equally commutator. The obvious remedy is to more than their share of the current.
up the brushes or fray their shunts.
different brush requirements. That’s adjust the brush holders so that their
Brush holders not equally spaced: spaced, they may be out of their The remedy is to increase the load on the This can sometimes be determined
why all manufacturers supply a nearest point is 1/16 to 1/8 in. from the
This condition may appear as unequal correct position and cause sparking machine in some manner or replace it by by checking the temperature
number of different brush grades. which may be equally severe on all commutator surface, depending on the of the brushes immediately after
sparking on different holders. It can be a smaller unit. In some cases, however,
Furthermore, operating conditions brushes of the same polarity. This fault type of machine. shutting down the machine. If this
determined by counting the number the situation may be helped by chang-
in industry are often not ideal; and can be detected by running a field Wrong interpole strength: fault is suspected, check the spring
of bars between holders or by putting ing to a high resistance, higher quality
proper machine inspection and form curve as described in an This may be caused by a flaw in the pressure on each brush with a scale.
a band of paper around the commuta- graphite brush.
maintenance are necessary if good accompanying box. The trouble may interpole winding such as a broken Adjust to the level recommended by the
operating conditions are to persist. tor, marking the positions of the brush manufacturer.
toes, removing the paper, and measur- be corrected by shifting the brushes. wire or short circuit, or by incorrect
ing the distance between marks. spacing of the pole face in relation

Field-Form Test The portion of such a curve under the brushes

....... This test involves the measurement of voltages across is the most significant, indicating the degree of Pencils
successive commutator bars with the machine running compensation (correction for armature reaction).
at normal load. The readings may be taken readily The compensation may be interpreted as shown

using two graphite electrodes (soft lead pencils will do) by the three illustrations in Fig. 2. Brush
insulated from each other, separated by the width of one terminal
Pencils commutator bar plus slot, and connected to a low-reading
Grooves (5-volt) dc voltmeter. The pencils may be held in the hands Brush Drop Test
Fiber Brush or steadied by a piece of insulating paper (such as fiber) By measuring the voltage from the brush terminal to
clamped to adjacent brush arms and cut to conform with various points on the commutator under the brush, we
the curvature of the armature, as shown in the illustration. can plot a brush-drop curve. This curve illustrates the
Notches may be cut into the fiber to guide the pencils and current distribution at the brush face and thus indicates
insure proper separation. Readings are taken, moving the the condition of the effective magnetic field. The same
pencils around the armature between the two brushes, graphite electrode or pencil used for the field-form curve
to provide a sufficient number of points to plot a curve may be used for this test, as shown in the illustration. The Commutator
Commutator such as is shown in Fig. 1, plotting voltage as the ordinate
bars results are shown in Fig. 3 for proper compensation and bars
and position of the abscissa. The readings thus show the for under- and over-compensated conditions.
voltage between adjacent commutator bars at various
points on the periphery with regard to the brush location.
FIG. 2. FIG. 3.
Motor field-form curves under brushes Motor brush-drop curves
Brush holders damaged or dirty: to the armature. In either event, repair Defective armature windings:
Any physical damage to the holder or correction may be facilitated through Any defect in the windings may show
or an accumulation of dirt on its inside use of field form and brush drop curves up as sparking at the brushes. It will
Rotation may interfere with the free motion of (see test procedures described below. frequently also be apparent by one
Brush the brush in the holder and thus result Overloads: or more burned places on the commu-
Brush thickness in sparking. Since the commutator is tator. Check for high-resistance
position 3 Excessive overloads may result in
seldom perfectly round or concentric, severe sparking, especially if the connections where the risers are
the brush must move in and out of its interpoles have passed their saturation soldered or brazed to the commutator
2 holder in order to maintain effective point and are therefore, unable to or for poor connections in one
contact. Visual examination and testing increase their strength as required. or more of the equalizers. Remember,

0 volts the free action of the brush with the If the machine has an ammeter, though, that any other fault in
1 fingers are usually sufficient to reveal compare its load with the nameplate the armature may also show up as
this condition. Thorough cleaning or rating. Make any load adjustments sparking. Where other tests verify
Properly Over- Under- complete replacement will improve necessary. an armature fault, the winding
compensated compensated compensated 0 operation. must be replaced.
Properly Over- Under- Underloads:
compensated compensated compensated Holders too far from Contrary to what might normally be Incorrect spring pressure:
commutator surface: Contact drop of a brush is influenced
expected, too little current flowing
If the holder is too far from the surface by the pressure with which it is forced
through the brush frequently causes
of the commutator, it fails to support against the commutator. If the
difficulty. The friction apparently
Most machines are designed so that Sparking Causes and Cures To correct, move the brush holders so or guide the brush properly. This may
increases drastically at very light loads, pressure varies from brush to
the proper brush will give satisfactory Following is a brief rundown of the that adjacent holders are all equally result in the brush cocking in the brush, those brushes carrying a
resulting in brush vibration and very
commutation, good operating results, more common causes of sparking, distant from one another. holder and binding, or in the brush higher pressure will have a lower
often in sparking. It sometimes
long commutator life, and reasonable along with suggestions for their Brush holders off electrical neutral: vibrating and losing contact with the contact drop and will tend to take
becomes severe enough to break
brush life. But different machines have diagnosis and treatment. Even though the holders are equally commutator. The obvious remedy is to more than their share of the current.
up the brushes or fray their shunts.
different brush requirements. That’s adjust the brush holders so that their
Brush holders not equally spaced: spaced, they may be out of their The remedy is to increase the load on the This can sometimes be determined
why all manufacturers supply a nearest point is 1/16 to 1/8 in. from the
This condition may appear as unequal correct position and cause sparking machine in some manner or replace it by by checking the temperature
number of different brush grades. which may be equally severe on all commutator surface, depending on the of the brushes immediately after
sparking on different holders. It can be a smaller unit. In some cases, however,
Furthermore, operating conditions brushes of the same polarity. This fault type of machine. shutting down the machine. If this
determined by counting the number the situation may be helped by chang-
in industry are often not ideal; and can be detected by running a field Wrong interpole strength: fault is suspected, check the spring
of bars between holders or by putting ing to a high resistance, higher quality
proper machine inspection and form curve as described in an This may be caused by a flaw in the pressure on each brush with a scale.
a band of paper around the commuta- graphite brush.
maintenance are necessary if good accompanying box. The trouble may interpole winding such as a broken Adjust to the level recommended by the
operating conditions are to persist. tor, marking the positions of the brush manufacturer.
toes, removing the paper, and measur- be corrected by shifting the brushes. wire or short circuit, or by incorrect
ing the distance between marks. spacing of the pole face in relation

Field-Form Test The portion of such a curve under the brushes

....... This test involves the measurement of voltages across is the most significant, indicating the degree of Pencils
successive commutator bars with the machine running compensation (correction for armature reaction).
at normal load. The readings may be taken readily The compensation may be interpreted as shown

using two graphite electrodes (soft lead pencils will do) by the three illustrations in Fig. 2. Brush
insulated from each other, separated by the width of one terminal
Pencils commutator bar plus slot, and connected to a low-reading
Grooves (5-volt) dc voltmeter. The pencils may be held in the hands Brush Drop Test
Fiber Brush or steadied by a piece of insulating paper (such as fiber) By measuring the voltage from the brush terminal to
clamped to adjacent brush arms and cut to conform with various points on the commutator under the brush, we
the curvature of the armature, as shown in the illustration. can plot a brush-drop curve. This curve illustrates the
Notches may be cut into the fiber to guide the pencils and current distribution at the brush face and thus indicates
insure proper separation. Readings are taken, moving the the condition of the effective magnetic field. The same
pencils around the armature between the two brushes, graphite electrode or pencil used for the field-form curve
to provide a sufficient number of points to plot a curve may be used for this test, as shown in the illustration. The Commutator
Commutator such as is shown in Fig. 1, plotting voltage as the ordinate
bars results are shown in Fig. 3 for proper compensation and bars
and position of the abscissa. The readings thus show the for under- and over-compensated conditions.
voltage between adjacent commutator bars at various
points on the periphery with regard to the brush location.
Poor undercutting of commutator:
If the commutator has high mica or
fins of mica that reach up to the brush
Restricted brush motion:
Brush motion may be restricted
because of shunt stiffness or by
The following general order of
Brushes, Sparking and
Machine Maintenance
procedure is suggested when unusual
surface, vibration and sparking may contact with some other member. sparking is observed at the brushes:
result. Similarly, any burrs of copper Similarly, something may interfere with
left as a result of the undercutting the motion of the spring itself or with 1. Check holders for damage or dirt.
operation will cause trouble. In some the hammer by which the spring 2. Check brushes for free movement
locations and atmospheres, comm- applies its pressure to the brush. within holders.
3. Check springs for freedom of FIG. 1.
utator slots may become filled with Mechanical adjustment will usually
action and adjust the pressure on Motor Rotation
foreign material. This can cause the correct these conditions.
each brush. field-form curve
brushes to vibrate or cause ring fire Out-of-round commutator: Brush

No-load neutral

No-load neutral
by permitting current to leak through 4. Examine commutator for indica- position
The commutator may be out-of-round tions of high mica, fins, or

Volts (bar-to-bar)
from one bar to the other. Correction or eccentric because of improper
of these conditions is the solution to the “slugged” slots.
finishing. As a consequence, the brush 5. Examine commutator for black-
problem. may not be able to follow the surface ened, pitted, or burned segments
Foreign material on and maintain proper contact. Care- or areas.
commutator surface: ful measurements, preferably made 0 volts
6. Check the commutator for
Any gummy or gritty material which with the armature rotated, will usually roundness and for bar-to-bar Position on commutator
between brush holders
sticks to the commutator surface may disclose this defect. deviations.
cause sparking. Oil may be beneficial High bars or flat spots: 7. Examine risers at end of commu-
in extremely small quantities but These conditions can usually be tator for signs of poor contact. “The little brush gets all the blame” is a statement commonly heard in the industry, but the blame is
frequently causes gumming when identified by careful examination of 8. Run the machine at its usual usually misdirected. Here are some of the common machine ailments and their cures with hints on
used excessively. Careful examination the commutator when it is not load and take data for a brush how to obtain longer brush life and better performance.
of the commutator will usually disclose running. A high bar will usually be drop or field-form curve, as
such conditions. Thorough cleaning polished and followed by several explained herein. By M.S. May, Speer Carbon Co., St. Mary’s, PA (currently E-Carbon America, a Helwig Carbon Products, Inc. company)
is recommended. bars which look rough and pitted or 9. Examine brushes visually and
Black commutator films: burned. The high bar will usually result tactually for vibration. (A piece of The much-maligned carbon brush the resistance offered to the flow
(3) It must operate with low friction to
Abnormally dark commutators may in a flat spot because it lifts the brush insulating material held on top of is not responsible for most of the of current between brush face and
avoid power losses and excessive
result from sulfur, excessive humidity off the commutator and the following the brush is a safe way to feel its machine malfunctions attributed to it. commutator surface - is normally
commutator wear.
and other gaseous materials. This bars may be burned so that their action.) Sparking at the brush face is usually expressed in ohms or voltage drop.
When we consider that the surface
condition may cause selective action height is reduced. To correct, the 10. Check the bearings for excessive the first symptom of trouble elsewhere. It is effective in improving commuta-
with which the brush is in contact is
and result in sparking on the commutator should be ground or turned. vibration. tion because the load current impelled
To properly appraise and remedy the built up of many commutator bars
heavily-loaded brushes. Solution of If the trouble develops again, the These tests may indicate the cause difficulties, the technician must separated by open slots and running at by high voltage must pass over the
the problem may be difficult when commutator probably needs tightening of the sparking and suggest the contact only once, while the circulating
understand what a brush is supposed speeds up to two miles per minute or
commutator speeds are too high. A by an expert. remedy. If they do not, or if available to do and what special qualities it must more, we begin to realize how difficult current in the shortcircuited coil must
rather abrasive brush may be the answer. It is sometimes observed that facilities do not permit correction of pass over the contact twice and has
have to accomplish its purpose. this job is, especially since the
In other cases, frequent polishing of the commutators may be perfectly round the indicated difficulty, the machine only low voltage behind it.
Brush Qualities commutator is subject to distortion
commutator may be required. when tested cold but develop a high manufacturer should be consulted.
(1) A brush must be a good conductor. because of temperature changes and Why are machines not designed
Brushes binding in holder: bar in operating under conditions of centrifugal forces and cannot be so that interpoles and commutating
In a DC machine, the full load is carried
When brushes are not of the correct speed and load. Consequently, the consistently maintained as a perfect windings take care of current reversal
through the brushes.
size or when brush hardware projects problem of loose bars is not always cylinder. without any contact drop in the sliding
too far at some point, brushes may easy to diagnose. (2) It must assist the fields, interpoles, member? This is not feasible because
and compensating windings in Brushes used in the first few motors
bind in their holders. Damage to Machine vibration:
reversing the current quickly as each were built of copper. Before long, how- armature reaction varies with load and
holders may also cause binding. If Vibration of the machine itself may speed, and the self-inductance in the
the brushes are too tight in the pair of commutator bars pass under it. ever, carbon brushes became standard short-circuited coil cannot be elimi-
cause brush sparking and eventually because of their higher contact
holders, their proper motion will be This means it must hold back nated by any practical design. Also,
result in commutator damage. Such resistance, low friction against the
restricted so that they cannot maintain current flowing in the short-circuited designers must make compromises to
vibration may be caused by imbalance commutator, and ability to withstand
contact with the commutator coil without, at the same time give satisfactory machine operation at
in the armature, by poor foundations arcing.
and sparking may result. If they appreciably interfering with the flow minimum cost and size.
or other mechanical faults. It can also
are too small, they may wobble in of useful load current. The contact resistance or drop -
result from defective bearings.
the holders and thus tend to break Pinpointing the cause of vibration
contact with the commutator and will indicate the corrective course to Reprinted from December 1960 issue Electrical Construction and Maintenance
bring about the same result. The follow. © Copyright 1960 McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, Inc. - All rights reserved
specific cause of binding should be
determined and eliminated by repair Distributed by Helwig Carbon
or replacement.
8900 W. Tower Avenue • P.O. Box 240160 • Milwaukee, WI 53224-9008
Toll Free Phone: 800.962.4851 • Toll Free Fax: 800.365.3113 • Email:
TA1 96_Rev 2013 Visit us online at

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