The Nordstream Ghost Ship

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Duits Engels


Anti-Illuminates TV • April 05, 2023

Article written by Seymour Hersh

The false details in the CIA cover story

Gas leak from the Nord Stream 2 pipeline in the Baltic Sea, September
28, 2022. / Swedish Coast Guard.

The American secret service, the Central Intelligence Agency, is

constantly conducting covert operations around the world, and
everyone must have a cover story in case things go bad, which
Duits Engels
important to have an explanation when
they often do. It's just as
things are going well, like last autumn in the Baltic Sea. Insiders
just a few weeks after my report that Joe Biden had committed
the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines, the agency ran a
cover story and found willing buyers in the New York Times and
two major German publications.

The agency followed protocol by inventing a story about deep-sea

divers and a crew that didn't exist, and the story would have been
part of the first days of the secret planning to destroy the
pipelines. The western element was a mythical yacht ironically
named Andromeda - after the beautiful daughter of a mythical
king, chained naked to a rock. The cover story was shared with
and commented on by the BND, the German Federal
Intelligence Service.

My first report received worldwide attention but was ignored by

major newspapers and television networks in the United States.
As the story gathered steam in Europe and elsewhere abroad, on
March 7 the New York Times published a report quoting US
officials who claimed that American intelligence had gathered
information suggesting that a pro-Ukrainian group sabotaged the
pipelines. The report said officials who "reviewed" the new
information described it as "a step toward establishing
responsibility" for the pipelines' sabotage. The Times story drew
worldwide attention, but since then the newspaper has said
nothing about who did
Duits Engels
what. In an interview for a Times podcast,
one of the article's three authors candidly explained why the
story was dead from the start. The author was asked about the
alleged pro-Ukrainian group's involvement: "What makes you
think this happened?" He replied, "I should say very clearly that
you really know very little. Right?"

On April 3, the Washington Post reported that some European

investigators now doubt that the Andromeda could have
sabotaged the pipelines without the help of a second ship. Some
in Europe wondered if Andromeda's role was "a distraction or just
part of the picture". The article did not claim that the Biden
administration was implicated in the pipeline's destruction, but
quoted an unnamed European diplomat as saying that everyone
could see there was a body but everyone was pretending it was
all OK. "It's better not to know," said the diplomat. No American
official was quoted, even anonymously, by the Post. The Biden
administration has become a Nord Stream non-reporting zone.

A credit to the various CIA officials who have fed false stories to
the media at home and abroad to steer the world towards
possible suspects outside of the most logical suspect, the
President of the United States.
The Times also reported that a European lawmaker, briefed by
Duits Engels
services, said the service was gathering
his country's intelligence
information on about forty-five ships whose transponders were
not working as they passed the area where the pipelines were
blown up. One of these so- called "ghost ships" could have
planted the mines and later pulled the trigger.

After The Times went online, Die Zeit, Germany's largest

newspaper, rushed to publish a report on an investigation into
the Nord Stream bombing that it had been conducting for months
in conjunction with a public television station. The weekly had
something new: it identified a yacht it said was "rented from a
company in Poland, apparently owned by two Ukrainians." The
group that rented the yacht and carried out the pipeline
destruction reportedly included a captain, two divers, two dive
assistants and a doctor. The persons referred to by "Zeit" as
"assassins", whose names were neither published nor known,
used forged passports and had transported the required
explosives to the scene of the crime.

The newspaper reported the yacht was returned to the company

that leased it - such yachts can be rented for $2,000 a week or
more - in an "uncleaned condition" which enabled German
investigators to find traces of an explosive on a cabin table. It was
later said investigators also found two fake Ukrainian passports
on the yacht. A later report in the German weekly Der Spiegel
Duits Engels
 was named Andromeda.
said the yacht in question

I then published an article suggesting that the information that

the German federal police had provided to both Die Zeit and
Spiegel came from US intelligence. The author of the Zeit report,
Holger Stark, a veteran journalist I've known since he worked in
Washington about a decade ago, contacted me to complain about
this allegation. Stark told me that he had excellent sources in the
German Federal Police and learned what he had done from those
connections and not from any intelligence agency, either German
or American. I believed him and corrected the story immediately.

I admit that it is difficult for any journalist to write about a fellow

journalist, especially a good one. But in this case it is about
accepting facts that should have been questioned. For example, I
didn't ask Stark if he wonders why an American newspaper
nearly four thousand miles away is publishing the same
allegation about a group of unnamed Ukrainians unconnected to
the leadership in Kiev that officials in Germany say they
persecuted them. We talked about a fact he mentioned: shortly
after the pipeline bombings, officials in Germany, Sweden and
Denmark decided to send teams to the site to recover the one
mine that hadn't exploded. He said they were late; an American
ship was there within a day or two and recovered the mine and
other materials. I asked him why he thought the Americans got
there so quickly, and he waved his hand back, "You know how
Duits  want to be the first." There was
Americans are. They always
another very obvious explanation.

* Available here

The trick to a good propaganda operation is to provide the target

audience - in this case, the Western media - with what they want
to hear. One intelligence expert put it even more succinctly for
me: "When you conduct an operation like the pipelines, you have
to plan a counter-operation - a diversionary tactic that has an
element of reality. And it has to be as detailed as possible for it to
be believed."

"People today have forgotten that there is such a thing as a

parody," says the expert. "Gilbert and Sullivan's HMS Pinafore is
not a story of the 19th century Royal Navy. It is a parody. The
CIA's aim in the Pipeline case was to produce a parody good
enough for the press to believe. But where where to start You can'
t have the pipelines destroyed by a bomb from an airplane or by
sailors on a rubber boat.
"But why not a sailboat? Any serious student of the event would
Duits  a sailboat in waters 260 feet deep" -
know that you cannot anchor
the depth at which the four pipelines were destroyed - "but the
story was not on addressed to him, but to the press, which does
not recognize a parody when presented to them."

The intelligence expert listed all the elements required before an

individual or group can charter an expensive yacht. "You can't
just go out on the street with a fake passport and rent a boat. You
have to either accept a captain provided by the rental company or
yacht owner, or a captain who has a certificate of proficiency, as
required by maritime law. Anybody who has chartered a yacht
before, knows that." Similar demonstration of expertise and
competence for deep sea diving using Nitox, a special mixture of
oxygen and nitrogen, would be required of the divers and the

The expert had other questions about the alleged yacht. "How
can a 49-foot sailing boat find the pipelines in the Baltic Sea? The
pipelines aren't that big, and they're not marked on the nautical
charts that come with the lease. Maybe they wanted to let the
two divers into the water." - which is not so easy from a small
yacht - "and let the divers search for it. How long can a diver stay
down in his suit? Maybe fifteen minutes. That means it would
take a diver four years to search a square mile .
"None of these questions are asked by the media. So you have six
Duits  divers, two helpers, a doctor and a
people on the yacht - two
captain who rents the boat. One thing is missing - who will crew
the yacht? Or the cook What about the logbook that the leasing
company has to keep for legal reasons?

"None of that happened," the expert told me. "Stop associating

this with reality. It's a parody."

Reports in the New York Times and European press contain no

indication that a journalist was able to board and physically
inspect the yacht in question. Nor do they explain why passengers
on a yacht would leave fake or other passports on board after a
rental. Photos of a dry-dock sailboat named Andromeda have
been released.

None of this can save a bad cover story, Intelligence Export told
me. "The attempt to turn fiction into truth will go on forever.
Now, following the investigation, an image of a sailboat that can't
be traced - with no mark where it really belongs - emerges. The
Andromeda has replaced the Piltdown Man in the press."
Duits Engels

* Available here

The expert had one final thought: "In the world of professional
analysts and operators, anyone in the world of professional
analysts and operators will generally and correctly conclude from
your story that the diabolical CIA has concocted a counter-
operation so ridiculous
Duits Engels
and childish at first sight that the real
purpose was to corroborate the truth."


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in times of crisis and disaster

Crisis Preparedness - Prepare for crises &

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* Codex Humanus Volumes 1-3

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that something is incurable." Frederick F Friedman

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