Pie Chart

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The given pie charts illustrate the origins for UK tax revenue for last year and the

UK government budget for last year.Overall,there were differences in quality and

type of catergories between two charts.
In terms of the tax revenue,the majority of revenue tax was accounted for income
tax with 28% and nation insurance with 21%,both of which occupied nearly half of
the utter.Another considerable contribution is value added tax which made up 17
percent. Involving the rest,others,corporation tax,council tax,business rates and fuel
duty attended with 17%,11%,5%,5% and 5% respectively.
Regard to the government expenditure,we can see 4 of fuldamental fields namely
pensions,healthcare,education and welfare,which accounted for majority of all
(20%,18%,14%,17% respectively).However,the spending on
defence,protection,transport,general government,other spending and interest
payments on debt filled an unremarkable amount with 7%,5%,3%,3%,7%,6%

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