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A Thesis
Submitted to Adab and Humanities Faculty
In Partial Fulfillment of One of The Requirements
For The Strata 1 Degree

By :



I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my

knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by

another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the

award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of higher

learning, except where due acknowledgment has been made in the text.

Jakarta, May 31 2007

Eti Kusumawati

This thesis entitled “An Analysis on intrinsic Elements of Agatha Christie’s “The

Pale Horse” has been defended before the Adab and Humanities Faculty’s

examination Committee on May, 31 2007. The paper has already been accepted as

a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Strata 1 Degree.

Jakarta, May 31, 2007

Examinition Committee

Chair Person, Secretary,

Dr. M. Farkhan, M.Pd. Drs.Saefuddin, M. Pd.

NIP. 150 299 480 NIP. 150 261 902


Elve Oktafiyani,M.Hum. M.Supardi,M.Hum

NIP. 150 317 725



A Thesis
Submitted to Adab and Humanities Faculty
in Partial Fulfillment of One of the Requirement
for the Strata1 Degree

Eti Kusumawati
NIM. 203026002097

Approved by:

Dr. M. Farkhan, M. Pd.







Eti Kusumawati, An Analysis on Intrinsic Elements of Agatha Christie’s “The

Pale Horse”. A thesis. Jakarta: Adab and Humanities Faculty. State Islamic
University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, September 2007.

The purpose of this research is to analyze the intrinsic elements of the

novel. By doing this, the writer will find out how Agatha Christie develop the plot
of the novel. In this research, the writer uses descriptive analysis method where the
writer describes the data that have relation to the method and the research
questions based on the relevant theory.
As the conclusion, the writer ascertains the relationship among the intrinsic
elements in the novel. However, the intrinsic elements cannot be separated each
other because plot, theme, character and characterization, point of view and setting
are the unity that built a novel from inside. Agatha Christie through her novel The
Pale Horse shows that wealthy can make a human become cruel even kill
someone to reach the wealth. Moreover, something evil must loose against the
truth. And through Mark Easterbrook, a main character of this novel, this murder
can reveal.

ABSTRACT ………………………………………………………………. i

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ………………………………………………….. ii

TABLE OF CONTENT ……………………………………………………. iv


A. Background of The Study ………………………………….. 1

B. Focus of The Research ……………………………………... 4

C. The Research Questions …………………………………….. 4

D. Objective and Significant of The research ………………….. 5

E. Methodology of The Research ……………………………… 5

1. Method ……………………………………....... 5

2. Instrument of research …………………………………… 5

3. Technique of Analysis …………………………………… 5

4. Unit of Analysis ………………………………………... 5

5. Time and Place of Research………………………………. 6


A. Plot ………………………………………………………… 7

1. Exposition ………………………………………………... 9

2. Rising Action …………………………………………….. 9

3. Climax …………………………………………………. 10

4. Falling Action ………………………………………….. 10

5. Resolution ……………………………………………… 10

B. Character ……………………………………………… 10

C. Theme ……………………………………………… 13


AND THEME ………………………………………….. 16

A. Summary of The Pale Horse ……………………………… 16

B. Intrinsic Element …………………………………………… 19

1. Plot ………………………………………………. 19

a. Exposition…………………………………………… 19

b. Rising Action……………………………………….. 19

c. Climax ……………………………………………… 35

d. Falling Action……………………………………...... 37

e. Resolution ………………………………………….. 39

C. Character ………………………………………………. 40

1. Main Character ………………………………………….. 40

2. Characterization ………………………………………….. 41

a. Mark Easterbrook ………………………………. 41

b. Ginger ………………………………………. 42

c. Detective Lejeune………………………………. 43

D. Theme…………………………………………………........... 45

A. Conclusion…………………………………………………...... 47

B. Suggestion ………………………………………............... 49

REFERENCES …………………………………………………………….. 50


A. Background of The Study

Literary works can be differentiated into two parts, fiction and

nonfiction. And novel is one of the most well known fiction. The

word “ Novel” is taken from Italian word, novella, Spanish novella,

French Nouvelle means “new”, or “short story of something new.”1

Novel is fictions prose narrative or table of considerable length (now

usually long enough to fill one or more volumes) in which characters

and actions representative of the real life of past or present time are

portrayed in a plot of more or less complexity.2

Novel is a kind of media that is used to express the idea of an

author. The idea might come from many resources such as

experiences either from the author, one’s experience or the condition

when the book was written at the time. Usually the author will do it

selectively and

Jeremi Hawthorn, ”Studying The Novel” ,(New York: Oxford University,2001),P.102
from the story based on the purpose while on the same time the

author will also include the element of entertainment information

such as the human’s life to make novel looks interesting. 3

Novel offers various problems of human being and humanity

because novel usually based on a true story, myth or even religious

belief of the culture. Novel has many sub plot, therefore novel could

not be read in one time but it’s need time even days to read for good


In addition, studying a text novel, readers would know several

aspects that built a novel. They are intrinsic and extrinsic elements.

Intrinsic elements are the elements which develop the literary work

from inside such as plot, theme, setting, character and

characterization, and of course point of view. All of this make a story

come to life. Beside the intrinsic elements that built a novel from

inside, readers who want to analyze the novel also have to understand

the background of the author, the social background where the novel

has been created, the psychology of the characters of the novel, the

world view about the novel itself and those called extrinsic elements.

Patrick Swiden, “The English Novel of History and Society”,( London:Macmillan Press
The extrinsic elements are the elements which built the novel from

outside such as literature and society, psychology literature,

feminism, genetic structuralism, and so on.

Although novel is a kind of fiction, many advantages we can

get when we read it. It is not only the pleasure but also the utility

since it might consist of a special message to be delivered inside the


This thesis is to analyze the intrinsic elements of The Pale

Horse. The Pale Horse is one of Agatha Christie’s novel. It tells

about three old women who believe the supernatural and make the

society believe that they are witches who are able to make someone

dies. If the client comes to them, they will show the black magic

equipment which can make the clients believes. They do their job by

using thallium poison through the air scattered. They have an

organization network which structured clean even the police cannot

do anything without a proof. They are three old virgins’ women who

are far away from the society. To add the mystical situation they

named their old cottage “The Pale Horse” where name board has a

picture of horses.

Drs.Burhan Nurgiantoro.Mpd., “Teori Pengkajian Fiksi”.,(Yogyakarta: Gadja Mada University
Like Agatha christie’s other novel, The Pale Horse is a murder

mystery. Agatha Christie was born as Agatha Mary Clarissa Miller in

Torquay, Devon. To an America father and an English mother. Her

father was Frederick Alvah Miller, a rich American stockbroker, and

her mother was Clarissa Margaret Boehmer, the daughter of a British

army captain. Her father died when she was eleven years old. Her

mother taught her at home, encouraging her to write at a very young

age. At the age of 16 she went to Mrs Dryden’s finishing school in

Paris to study singing and piano. Her first marriage, an unhappy one,

was in 1914 to Colonel Archibald Christie, an aviator in the Royal

Flying Corps. The couple had one daughter, Rosalind Hicks, and

divorced in 1928. it was during this marriage that she published her

first novel in 1920, The Mysterious Affairs at Styles. Agatha

Christie’s first novel The Mysterious Affairs at Styles was published

in 1920 and introduced the long-running character detective Hercule

Poirot, who appeared in 30 of Christie’s novels and 50 short stories.

Poirot is the only fictional character to have been given an obituary in

The New York Times, following the publication of Curtain in 1975.

Following the great success of curtain, Christie gave permission for

the release of Sleeping Murder sometime in 1976, but died in January

1976 before the book could be released.5

B. Focus of The Research

This research is focused on intrinsic elements of the novel,

consisting of characters and characterization, the theme and the plot.

C. The Research Questions

Based on the background of the studies, The research questions are:

1. How does the writer develop the plot in the novel ?

2. What Theme is intended by Agatha Christie ?

3. Who are the main characters of the novel ?

4. How does Agatha Christie characterize the main characters of the

novel ?

D. Objective and Significance of The Research

The Main Objective of the research are :

1. To know how the plot of the novel is developed.

2. To know the theme of the novel.

3. To know the main characters of the novel.

4. To know how Agatha Christie characterize the main characters of

the novel.

E. Methodology of The Research

1. Method

The method which is used in this research is descriptive one.

2. Instrument of research

The instrument which is used here is the writer herself by the

check listing and tabulating the evidence which had connected with

the questions through reading the novel and the other references to

supported the result.

3. Technique of Analysis

In this research, data concerning with some events of expression,

and conflict that happen in the story are analyzed by structural


4. Unit of Analysis

Unit of analysis is The Pale Horse Novel written by Agatha Christie

in 2002, London.

5. Time and Place of research

This research has been made since October 2006 at The English

Department, Faculty of Humanities of Syarif Hidayatullah State

Islamic University Jakarta.



As the writer mention in chapter 1, the literary work is built with

intrinsic and extrinsic elements and to analyze the novel there are two ways,

they are analyze the intrinsic elements and analyze the extrinsic elements.

To analyze to extrinsic elements we can use feminism, structuralism,

cultural studies and so on. And to analyze the intrinsic elements, we can

analyze the plot, theme, setting, points of view, language, etc. and because

this research is about intrinsic elements and focuses on plot, theme,

character and characterization, so in chapter II, the writer only explains the

plot, theme, character and characterization.

A. Plot.

Plot is a story that contains a causal relation. However, each part of

the story is connected by cause and effect.6 Plot is the way in which events

are arranged in a work of literature.

Plot gives information about the details of the story in the novel.

From the plot, the writer can find the theme of the story itself and how the


characterizes the main character in the novel because plot itself consist of

idea, tendency, motive and message leading from both of the incident and

the character. Plot is a basic of the story. It is too important because without

a plot there will not be a good story.

Plot is divided into two categories, they are chronology and

unchronology. The chronology is called the progressive plot and

unchronology is called flashback or regressive plot. The plot of novel is

called progressive plot is :

C Climax

Rising Action B D Falling Action

A. E

Exposition Resolution

Novel, short story, drama that use progressive plot usually start with

introduction or exposition (A) to the rising action (B) culminating in the climax

(C) the falling action (D) leads to the resolution (E). Plot called regressive, if

the story does not begin from the first (exposition) step. Usually this kind of
plot shows the conflict in the first story 7. The schema of regressive plot is :

D1 – A – B – C – D2 – E .

1. Exposition

Exposition or introduction presents characters and setting and introduces

the basic situation in which characters are involved. Exposition is antecedent

information necessary to understand the forward progress of the action; it includes

knowledge of the character and their relation to each other, the time, the place, the

situation out of which the conflicts develop.8

2. Rising Action

After exposition is shown, conflicts begin to happen. In this part the

antagonist always causes the problems for the protagonist and will not let

the protagonist enjoy his life. There are 2 (two) conflicts that are faced by

the protagonist., they are internal and external conflict.

Internal conflict is the inner conflict that is faced by the protagonist

while external conflict is the conflict that appears from the characters. Both

conflicts happen between the protagonist and antagonist and the protagonist

and the other characters. This part is usually known as rising action. Rising

Ralph.H.Singleton, and Stanton Millet, “ An Introduction to Literature”, (Cleveland and
Newyork : The world publishing company, 1996). P.290
action is the portion of the play where the complication and entanglements


3. Climax

Climax is the top of conflict both internal and external conflict that

happens between protagonist and antagonist. Climax is synonymous with

turning point, to change the story from rising action to falling action.10

4. Falling Action

Following the climax, the rest of the novel is devoted to showing

what the characters lives like after this major change in their fortunes. In

falling action one by one of the problems or conflict that occurs in rising

action can be resolved.11

5. Resolution

The falling action leads to the resolution. Resolution is the end of the


B. Character.

Lloyd J. Hubenka And Reloy Gracia,“The Design of Drama : An Introduction”,( Newyork:
Mcckay Company Inc.,1973). P.13
Soenarto,Yudhi,SS,MA.,”Introduction to drama I”,(Faculty of letters,UI Depok.,1998)P.35
Lloyd J.Hubenka And Reloy Gracia,Loc it
Yudhi Op.cit,P.40
Plot and characterization are two sides of the same coin. Plot is a

sequence of events that challenge the characters to grow; but the characters,

of course can also initiate events. According to Abrams people who’s shown

in a narrative work, or the drama which is translated by the reader who had

quality moral and the willingness to concern like the expressive in

pronunciation and what have to do in the action.13

Another definition about character is an imagined person in story,

whom we know from the work we read on the page.14 There are two main

characters in the story, antagonist and protagonist. The antagonist is known

as a person who makes conflict with protagonist. According to Pierre

Laurence in literature structure, sound, and sense, characters are the people

in the text: there is part of the ordinary life that meets when the readers


Richard said: “Character is a person in a literary work, whereas

characterization is the way in which a character is created. Characters are all

the product of characterization. That is to say they have been made a

particular way.16

Nurgiantoro,Opcit P.165
Sven P.Birkert,., “Literature the involving canon”, (Boston: Allyn & Bacon a division of Simon
schuster Inc., 1993), P . 47
Laurence Pierre, “Literature, Structure, Sound, and Sense”, (London: Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich, 1984), fifth Edition, P. 90
Richard Gill, “Mastering English Literature”,(London: Prentice-Hall, Inc, 1997), Fourth
Edition, P.105
Meanwhile, Steven Martin says that a character is presumably an

imagined person who inhabits a story although that simple definition might

admit to a few exceptions. Characterization means how the writer tells the

readers about the physical and non physical characteristics of the person in

the story.17 To understand the character, the reader can find it through (1)

how the author tells about the character, (2) The description that author

gives through their environment and how they dressed, (3) how the attitude,

(4) how the characters talks about themselves, (5) understand how their

mind,(6) how the other character talk about him/herself, (7) how the other

character talk to him/herself, (8) how the others character interaction with

him/herself, (9) how the character in reacts other character.18

Beside antagonist and protagonist, there are also round and flat

characters. The round character is complex, the flat character is simple;

the round character can surprise us, remaining unpredictable but

probable; the flat character remains predictable, summed up in a few traits.19

In addition, Judith A. Stanford as also says that flat character tends to stay

the same throughout a story. Meanwhile round character often changes-

Steven Martin , “An Introductory Guide to English Literature”, (Essex:Longman Group Ltd,
Aminudin,,Opcit. P. 80
Brikert,Opcit, P. 48
learns or became enlightened, growth or deteriorate.20 Moreover, Judith also

describes the types of characters as follows:

a. Dynamic Character is a Character who changes in some significant

way during the course of the work.
b. Round character is a character who shows many different facets :
often presented in depth and with great detail.
c. Flat character is a character who usually had only one outstanding
trait or feature.
d. Static character is a character who does not change in any significant
ways during the course of the work.
e. Protagonist character is a major character with whom we generally
f. The antagonist character is a character with whom the protagonist
was in conflict, generally not sympathetic character.21

However, the readers need to remember that they do not have lives

outside the pages of the novel and so it is rarely useful to speculate about

their past or future experiences.

More important, the reader need to pay attention to how they are

presented and how the relation the character to the plot. The characters are

revealed to the reader in various ways : description, dialogue, thought and

feelings, action and reaction, and imagery and symbol.

So, the writer concludes that characters are presumably an imagined

person who inhabits a story, and the best guide to understand them is what

they do and what they say.

Judith A. Stanford, “Responding Two Literature: Stories, Poems, Plays, and Essays”, (
Newyork: McGraw-Hill 1 Higher Education, 2003), Fourth Edition, P. 38
Judith A. Stanford,
C. Theme

Theme is not summary of the story. Theme in literature is important

subject and experiences of our public and private lives such as, love, death,

marriage, hope, despair, and so on. The common experiences in lives can be

a theme in literature.22

Like the other elements, a theme has also an important role in the

story. The story without theme will be dry, unclear and unlived. How

important the theme makes the writer anxious to know the definition of


Moreover Robert has pointed out that a word theme is defined by the

presence of this idea, for being theme; a piece of writing must have the

central idea as its core. Everything in the theme should be directly related

to this idea or should contribute to the reader, understanding of the idea.23

Meanwhile Stanton and Kenny says that theme is the real meaning

inside the story. To find out the theme of a fiction we should understand

and find the message through story and the elements which are build the

story because it is impossible theme has been told directly.24

Nicholas Marsh, “An Introduction to Literary Studies” ( London: Rutledge, 1999) 1st ed. P. 2
Robert Edgar V, “Writing Theme about Literature” (Prentice-Hall, Inc., englewood chiffs, 5th
ed.,New Jersey, 1983), P. 8
Nurgiantoro, Op.cit P.80
Therefore, the theme of a piece of fiction is controlling its central

insight. It is the unifying generalization about life started or implied by the

story. In many stories the theme might be equivalent to revelation of human

characters.25 Shipley differentiates the theme of literary work based on the

level of soul experience, from the simple one to the complex. There are the

five levels of theme:

1. Physic level of theme, human as molecule. This kind of theme is

more to the physic activity then soul conflict of the characters.
2. Organic level of theme, human as protoplasm. This kind of
theme is more tells about sexuality problems.
3. Social level of theme, human as social
4. Ego level of theme, human as individual
5. Divine level of theme, human as the highest creature which is
sometime not all human deal with. The problems in this theme
are the problems between creature and their creator. For example
a short story “Robohnya Surau Kami”Written by A.A.Navis 26

In short, the theme is a main idea and central in a story. It also can be

defined that what is an important and significant about the things that go on in a


Jerome Beauty, “fiction”, (Newyork: Norton Company. Inc, 1979), P.612
Nurgiantoro, P.80


In this chapter the writer will analyze the plot, character and the

theme of the story to find out how the stories happen with all the problems

inside it. Then from the plot the writer tries to find out what the characters

and theme of the story itself is. And also the writer will put the summary of

The Pale Horse, to give a little description about the story.

A. Summary of The Pale Horse

Mark Easterbrook, the hero of the story, the narrator and the young

historian, is accused of murdering father by uncompromising detective

Lejeune with only a list of names given to him by Father Gorman before his

death. Before Mark knew about this mystery, Mark saw fought between two

girls in a Chelsea, England coffee bar. At dinner with a friend, Poppy

mentions about the pale horse that arranges murder, but is suddenly scared

and frightened at having mentioned it and will say no more. After the death

of Father Gorman, the detective came to crime scene and found out the list

of name in his shoes. Detective Lejeune showed the list to

Dr. Jim Corrigan, because name was included in the list. The captain knew
that Dr.Jim Corrigan was in the list and the list includes the names of

Mark’s godmother’s Lady Heskith-Dubois who has recently died of what

appear to be a natural causes and of Thomasina Tuckerton. He begins to fear

that the list contains the names of those dead or shortly to die.

Detective Lejeune accepted a letter from Zachariah Osborne, one of

the witnesses of Father Gorman murder. Zachariah wrote that the man who

walked behind Father Gorman at the night was Mr.Venables who lived at

priors court, Much Deeping. After reading the letter Lejeune and Dr.Jim

decided to investigate Mr.Venables. After talking with Mrs.Dane Calthrop,

he wanted to investigate the pale horse and the possible connection between

the list of name. Mark asked his friend Hermia to help him to investigate,

but Hermia refused to help because of her busy. How ever he receives

support from Ginger and Dr.Jim refused to help Mark, he thought that all of

that was balderdash, did not make sense at all.

Mark also makes an ally of Ginger Corrigan, a girl whom he has met

in the neighborhood and who successfully draws Poppy out about the pale

horse organization. Ginger found the information about Mr.Bradley who

had connection with pale horse. Ginger wanted Mark to visited Mr.Bradley

to get more information. Mr.Bradley, a lawyer who outlines to him the

means by which the pale horse can kill someone for him without breaking
the law. To get more information about how the process of killing people,

Mark and Ginger planned to be a client of Mr.Bradley. They were making a

reason who the one to be a target. Ginger pretend to be Mark’s wife, after

telling everything to detective Lejeune, Mark visited Mr.Bradley. As he

arrived, Mark told everything and wanted to do the bet.

At a ritual of some kind at the pale horse, Mark witnesses Thryza

apparently channel a malignant spirit through an electrical apparatus.

Shortly afterward, Ginger gets sick and begins rapidly to decline. In

desperation, Mark turns to Poppy again who know mentions a friend

(Mrs.Brandon), who worked at Customers Reactions Classified but she

quitted because she thought there was a connection to pale horse. It became

more interesting because the woman who gave Father Gorman the list also

worked at C.R.C. and of course Ginger once welcomed a girl at C.R.C.

Mark thinks that the same thing happened to Lady Heskett-Dubois, Mary

Delafontaine and Thomasina’s has lost her hair during her illness. More

over, Ginger has begun to shed her own hair. Mark told Lejeune that

Ginger’s hair comes out was not because of high fever but of thallium

poisoned. At the end revealed that Mr.Osborne as the man behind the scene.

The Black Magic element just a mask for the part while the real murders
were committed by visiting the victim’s houses with those poisoned with


B. Intrinsic Element

1. Plot

a. Exposition

The story began in Chelsea, England. It started when Mark arrived in the

café. He was a writer with an old thought when he sat in the café he felt

uncomfortable. With all the modern things inside the café. The espresso machine

for him sounded like devilish. He thought that all the sound from the modern

things made him frighten. He thought world was very dangerous.

The espresso machine behind my shoulder hissed like an angry snake.

The noise it made had a sinister, not to say devilish, suggestion about it.
Perhaps, I reflected, most of our contemporary noises carry that
implication. The intimidating a very scream of jet planes as they flash
across the sky; the slow menacing rumble of a tube rain approaching
through its tunnel ; the heavy road transport that shakes the very
foundations of your house………even the mirror domestic noises of
today, beneficial in action through they may be, yet carry a kind of alert.
The dish-washers, the refrigerators, the pressure cooker, the whining
vacuum cleaners – ‘Be careful, ‘they all seem to say. ‘I am genie
harnessed to your service, but if your control of me

In the beginning of the story, Agatha Christie introduces his first character as a

man named Mark Easterbrook and he describes the situation inside his

b. Rising Action

In rising action the writer finds that the following problems happen.

They include the death of:

1. The death of Mrs. Davis.

Before Mrs. Davis died, she had to meet the Father Gorman to

confess something before she died.

‘you’ve come …….there isn’t much time-‘she spoke between panting

breath. ……’wickedness……such wickedness….. I must …. I must… I
can’t die like this …. Confess – confess- my sin-grievous- grievous …
‘the eyes wandered ….half closed … (Christie,2000:30)

In this page, Mrs.Davis wants to confess something that she had

done. She cann’t relax because what she has known. And then she

died before a doctor and an ambulance had arrived.

2. The death of Pastor Gorman.

After the pastor had served a confession from Mrs. Davis, he went

back to church. On his way to the church he came by at the coffee

shop to write down the names that he might forget. After listed the

names he continued to the church, but in the middle of the road he

was killed.

The fog was coming on fast. Father Gorman quickened his steps.
He knew his district very well. He took a shortcut by turning down
the small street which ran close by the railway. He may have been
conscious of steps behind him but thought nothing of them. Why
should he ?
The blow from the cosh caught him completely unaware. He heeled
forward and fell …..(Christie,2000:.32)

Pastor Gorman feel frightened and there is something wrong because

he has knew that he had followed by someone, he didn’t knew.

After the death of the Father Gorman, the detective came to crime

scene and found out the list of name in his shoes. Detective Lejeune

showed the list to Dr. Jim Corrigan, because Corrigan name was

included in the list. The Captain knew that Dr. Jim Corrigan was in

the list.

Lejeune reached into a drawer and took out a flimsy piece of

creased paper.
‘just a list of names,’he said.
Corrigan looked at it curiously.
Ormerod Hesketh – Dubois Tuckerton
Sanford Show Corrigan?
Parkinson Harmonds worth Delafontaine?
His eyebrows rose.
‘I see I’m on the list !’
‘Do any of the names mean anything to u ? asked inspector.
‘None of them.’ (Christie,2000:34-35)

The Detective speculated the list that the list was the names of the

victims of blackmail, and the person who killed father Gorman

actually wanted the list. It was not a robbery because the father

Gorman was not rich.

Before her death, Mrs.Davis confessed to father Gorman – and told

several names as written down by the father Gorman.

The dying woman told him something and he got these names down
on paper as soon as he could before he forgot them ? the only thing
is – would he have done that if he’d been told under seal of the
confessional ?’
‘It needn’t have been under a seal of secrecy,’said
Lejeune.’suppose, for instance, these names have a connection of –
say, blackmail – ‘ (Christie,2000:37)

Dr. Jim Corrigan concentrated on the list and he was interested in

Hesketth – Dubois (included in the list) but when he called Heskett –

Dubois she had already been dead.

And Lady Heskett – Dubois had a godchild, named Mark

Easterbrook and she heritaged some of her pictures. When Mark

came to pick three of her pictures, Mark met Dr. Jim Corrigan. Mark

and Dr. Jim were friends when they were in college.

Carrying the three water colours of my choise under my arm, I

emerged from forty – nine Ellesmere Square and immediately
cannoned into someone coming up the step to the front door. I
apologised, received apologies in return, and was just about to hail
a passing taxi when something clicked in my mind and I turned
sharply to ask :
‘ Hallo – isn’t it corrigan ?’
‘It is – and – yes – you’re Mark Easterbrook !’
Jim Corrigan and I had been friends in our oxford days – but it
must have been fifteen years or more since we had last met.

Dr.Jim Corrigan had speculated this mystery with Mark, they are old

friends when in the college and then Lady Heskett-Dubois was his

Before leaving, Jim Corrigan told that Lady Heskett – Dubois was

included in the list. Jim wanted to ask some question for the

information about Lady Heskett – Dubois. Mark told that his

godmother (Lady Heskett – Dubois) was a good person. She was

never in valued in a crime such as drugs, blackmail or secret agent.

She lived her live in good way and she did not have children. She

only had a nephew and a niece.

‘Neither a dope addict nor a dope smuggler, ‘ I assured him.

‘certainly not a secret agent. Has led for too blameless a life to
have been blackmailed. I can’t imagine what kind of a list she could
possibly be on. Her jewellery she keeps at the bank so she wouldn’t
be hopeful prospect for robbery.’
‘Any other Heskett – Dubois that you know about ?
Sons ?’
‘No children. She’s got a nephew and a niece, I think, but not of
that name. He husband was an only child.’ (Christie,2000:73)

In this paragraph, Mark mention that the Lady Heskett-Dubois was

an old lady who lived alone. Beside that she is a perfect woman and

good godmother for her nephew and niece. She gave Mark’s heritage

such as old painting which is very important for her. This paragraph

shows that relationship of Mark to Lady Heskett-Dubois is as a good

ship, because they trust each other.

3. The appearance of Pale Horse

After the meeting with Dr. Jim, Mark called David his friend to find

some information about Poppy, the girl with whom when they had
dinner days ago. Mark remembered that Poppy once told about pale

horse, that if those who knew or visited Pale Horse, will be killed.

‘But one can do that in a way, can’t one ? ‘said Poppy.

we turned towards her
‘what way, Poppy ?’asked David.
‘well, I mean, people can do that if they want to …..
people like us, as you said. Only I believe it’s very expensive.
Poppy’s eyes were wide and ingenuous, her lips were slightly
‘what do you mean ?’ asked David curiously.
Poppy looked confused.
Oh…. I expect – I’ve got it mixed. I meant the pale horse. All that
sort of thing.’
‘A pale horse ? what kind of a pale horse?’
Poppy flushed and her eyes dropped.
‘I’m being stupid. It’s just something someone mentioned – but I
must have got it all wrong.’ (Christie,2000:63)

At the time, friend of David told about Pale Horse and she looks

nervous because if someone knew about the pale horse that person

can be died.

Mark remembered about that, and thought that the pale horse had

closely related to the list. After David gave him, it was a flower

studies Ltd. After finding Poppy, Mark asked about the pale horse

that she ever mentioned few days ago, but she denied that she never

told about pale horse and she look very frightened.

‘I was asking you about the pale horse.’

‘ A pale horse ? what do you mean ?’
‘ You mentioned it the other evening.’
‘ I’m sure I never did anything of the kind ! I’ve never heard of any such
Finding David friends only wants to know more about the pale horse

mystery. This paragraph also gives a clue that Mark begins to asking

a Poppy as close friend of David.

4. Mark’s visit to his cousin

Mark came to visit Rhoda, his cousin. After the fete, Mark and the

other’s Rhoda and her husband colonel Despard, Miss Macalister

which called Ginger, Mrs. Oliver, Caleb Dane Calthrop and his wife

having dinner. In the middle of conversation someone mentioned

about pale horse which was an inn.

‘it was an old inn.’said Despard.’mostly sixteenth century I’d say.

But it’s just an ordinary house now. I always think they should have
changed the name.’ (Christie,2000:82)

In this conversation, Despard didn’t believe about the mystery of

Pale Horse. It just an old name of motel who lived by three woman.

There were three women staying in the pale horse, Thryza Grey,

Sybill and Bella. They look strange and believe in magic. One of

them Bella as the cooker was known to be a witch.

It belongs to Thryza Grey. ’said Rhoda. ‘ I don’t know if you saw

her today? Tall woman with short grey hair.’
‘she’s very occult,’said Despard.’Goes in for spiritualism and trances,
and magic. Not quite black masses, but that sort of thing’
‘oh, there’s a friend who lives with her. Sybill Stamfordis. She acts
as medium, I believe. You must have seen her about – lots of
scarabs and beads – and sometimes she puts on a sari – I can’t
think why – she’s never been in India – ‘
‘and then there’s Bella. ‘said Mrs.Dane Calthrop. She’s their
cook,’she explained. ’And she also a witch. She comes from village
of little Dunning. She had quite a reputation for witch craft there. It
runs in the family. Her mother was a witch too. (Christie,2000:82-

Thryza Grey, Sybill Stamfordis and Bella, they believe about spiritual

and magic.

The next day, they all went to the church after that they had been invited

by Mr.Venables for lunch. They all went to the prior court where

Mr.Venables lived. While they had lunch they also talked about pale

horse. For them that pale horse was a mysterious place.

‘The pale horse ? yes. I rather wish it had been left as an inn. I always
feel that place has had a mysterious and unusually wicked past history. It
can’t have been smuggling ; we’re not near enough to the sea for that. A
resort for highwaymen, perhaps ? or rich travellers spent the night there
and were never seen again. it seems, somehow, rather tame to have
turned it into a desirable residence for three old maids.’
The place who lived three old maids gave frightened situation to the

5. Visiting Pale Horse

After having lunch in Mr.Venables house, they went to the pale

horse. As soon as they arrived, Miss Thryza Grey waited in front of

the door for them. Thryza welcomed them warmly and friendly. After

that she shown her house with little trip along the house. Pale horse

was built in fifteenth century.

Rhoda introduced us an explained that we had been lunching with

Mr.Venebles at prior Court.
‘Ah !’said Miss Grey.”that explains it ! fleshpots. That italian cook
of his ! and all the treasures of the treasure house as well oh well,
poor fellow – got to have something to cheer him up. But come in –
come in. we’re rather proud of our own little place. Fifteenth –
century – and some of it fourteenth.’
The hall was low and dark with a twisting staircase leading up from
it. There was a wide fireplace and over it a framed picture.’
After the trip, Thryza talked to Mark about magic. Thryza believed in

magic while Mark him self didn’t believe in such things called

magic. Thryza told about how to kill people without touching the

victim, we only asked the victim to die, through thought.

‘The maid knowledge of what the mind is – what it can do- what it
can be made to do.’
‘please go on. This is most interesting.’
‘The principle is well known. Medicine – men have used it in
primitive communities for centuries. You don’t need to kill your
victim. All you need do is – tell him to die.’ (Christie,2000:104)
This is Thryza’s statement when she describes the magic. She wants

to show Mark what magic she can do and knowledge can not be

reach it.

6. Mark’s visit to Mrs. Dane Calthrop

Mark went to visit Mrs. Dane Calthrop, and told about what he had

talked about with Thryza, that she could kill without touching the

victim. Although it sounded impossible but it could happen, Mrs.

Dane Calthrop said. Mark also talked about the death of father

Gorman and the list. She thought that pale horse was suggestive.

Mrs. Dane Calthrop asked Mark to investigate more about the list and

found out any connection between the death people in the list with

the pale horse.

She was silent for a moment and then said : ‘what we really need is
a link of some kind. A link between one of these names and the pale
horse. Something tangible.’(Christie,2000:121)

This conversation shows that the connection between pale horse and

the death people.

7. A Letter for Detective Lejeune

Detective Lejeune accepted a letter from Zachariah Osborne, one of

the witness of father Gorman’s murder. Zachariah wrote that the man

who walked behind father Gorman at that night was Mr.Venables

who lived at priors court, much Deeping. After reading the letter

Lejeune and Dr.Jim decided to investigate Mr.Venables.

‘so you think there may be something in it ? what are you going to do
about it ?
‘There will be no harm, in any case. In making a few discreet
inquiries about this Mr.Venables of – he referred to the letter – of
priors court, Much Deeping.’(Christie,2000:129)

This paragraph shows another clue which the mystery can be solve.

8. Mark’s investigation of the pale horse

After talking with Mrs.Dane Calthrop, he wanted to investigate the

pale horse and the possible connection between the lists of name.

Mark asked his friend Hermia to help him to investigate, but Hermia

refused to help because of her busy.

I told him of my conversation with Thryza Grey.

His reaction was immediate.
‘what unutterable balderdash !’ (Christie,2000:134)

After long conversation, Mark asked Dr. Jim to help him to

investigate pale horse with all the possible connection to the list. Dr.

Jim refused to help Mark, he thought that all of that was balderdash,

did not make sense at all.

‘ Listen, Jim. I want to investigate this claim of Thryza Grey’s. will

you help me ?’
‘ No, I won’t ! I can’t understand a clever educated fellow like you
being taken in by such balderdash ?
I sighed.
‘ Can’t you use another word ? I’m tired of that one.’
‘ Poppycock, if you like it better.’
‘ I don’t much.’
‘ Obstinate fellow, aren’t you, Mark ?’
‘ As I see it.’ I said, ‘ Somebody has to be !’ (Christie,2000:140).

In his note, Mark need some help for his investigation. He more

curious about Thryza and pale horse, but his friend Hermia and Dr.

Jim refused it.

9. Ginger’s to help for Mark.

Mark was almost hopeless because there was no one wanted to help

him to investigate. Suddenly he remembered Ginger. He asked

Rhoda for the address and phone number. He made a meeting with

Ginger, and talked about what happened. Ginger responded the story

and she loved to help him. They started to make plan about what to

do. She wanted to meet Poppy, if there was information she could

have. She asked Mark to investigate about Thomasina Tuckerton

(one of in the list, which already dead), found out who wanted her


‘ That’s where I can help. ’said Ginger confidently.

‘ She’d fell me things she wouldn’t tell you. Can you arrange for us
to meet ? your friend and her and you and me ? A show, or dinner
or something ?’ Then she looked doubtful. ’or is that too expensive
I assured her that I could support the expense.
‘ As for you – ‘ Ginger thought a minute. ‘ I believe,’ she said
slowsly, ’that your best bet would be the Thomasina Tuckerton
‘ But how ? she’s dead.’
‘ And someday wanted her dead, if your ideas are correct ! and
arranged it with the pale horse. There seem two possibilities. The
stepmother, or else the girl she had the fight with at Luigi’s and
whose young man she had pinched. (Christie,2000:155-156)

A few days later, Mark told to Ginger about his investigation to

Thomasina and others who has related to Thomasina. He investigated

Lou – the girl once fighter with Thomasina the other night about man

-. Lou told Mark that she fighted with Thomasina because Gene – the

man – broke her up for Thomasina, because she grabed

Thomasina’s hairs.

‘ not much to report,’she said cheerfully. ‘ I’ve been on to Lou. The

man they quarrelled about was Gene Playdon, by the way. A nasty
bit of goods, if you ask me. Very much on to make. The girls all
adore him. He was making quite a play for Lou and then Tommy
came along. Lou says he didn’t care for a bit, he was after her
money – but she’d probably want to think that anyway, he dropped
Lou like a hot coal and she was naturally sore about it. According
to her, it wasn’t much of a row – just a few girlish high spirit.’
‘ Girlish high spirit ! she tugged Tommy’s hair out by the roots.’

In this passage, Mark mentions that Thomasina is the beginning

The other name that Mark wanted to investigate was Thomasina’s

step mother, but she was abroad. Mark made an appointment with

Thomasina’s step mother to get some information about Thomasina .

10. When Ginger found some information from Poppy.

Ginger found the information about Mr. Bradley who had connection

with pale horse. Ginger wanted Mark to visit Mr. Bradley to get more

information. Mark went to visit Mr. Bradley and he found that Mr.

Bradley was a person who does the bet. A bet is a dead of a person. If

there was a bet Mr. Bradley would continue by seeing Thryza Grey

to talk about the killing person.

‘ five hundred to one ? that’s pretty steep.’ (Christie,2000:173)

The price to make someone die, soul of someone can be gone.

Mr.Bradley is a lawyer Thryza Grey’s and he is bad person.

11. When Mark met Mrs. Tuckerton (Thomasina’s Step Mother)

Mark went to Mrs. Tuckerton house to get information about her

connection to Thomasina’s death. Because of the heritage, there was

possibility that Mrs. Tuckerton killed Tommy – short for Thomasina

– through pale horse. According to Thomasina’s father, that all of her

father wealth would be hers by the age of twenty – one all of her

heritage would be her step mother.

A sum in trust, the income to be enjoyed during her lifetime. The residue
of his state, which ran into a sum of six figures, to his daughter
Thomasina Ann, to be hers absolutely at the age of twenty – one, or on
her marriage. If she died before twenty – one unmarried the money was
to go to her stepmother. There had been, it seemed, no other members of
the family. (Christie,2000:182)

When Mark asked her about pale horse, she looked nervous and said

that she never knew about pale horse.

‘By the way, ‘ I said,’ I think you know the pale horse, don’t you ?’
There wasn’t any doubt of the reaction. Panic, sheer panic, showed in
those pale eyes. Beneath the make-up, her face was suddenly white and
afraid. Her voice came shrill and high :
‘ pale horse ? what do you mean by the pale horse ?
I don’t know anything about the pale horse,’ (Christie,2000:184-185)

In this action, Mark directly gives some statement which make

Thomasina step mother nervous and frightened because the wealth

will through to her step mother.

12. When Mark and Ginger plan to be a client.

To get more information about how the process of killing people,

Mark and Ginger planned to be a client of Mr. Bradley. They were

making a reason who the one to be a target. They made a story that

Mark once married but separated for many years. When Mark wanted

to marry his girlfriend his wife refused to divorce. Mark wanted his
wife to kill so he could marry Hermia – his girlfriend - , and Ginger

will take a rule as Mark’s wife.

‘ you won’t need to hedge. To do the thing properly the wife has got
to be there – and she will be there !-
‘ Brace yourself, ‘ said Ginger. ‘ I’m your wife !’

Mark did not like with the plan. He was afraid if there was something

bad happened with Ginger. Because of that they would tell the plan

with the police for incase.

‘ I don’t like it. I don’t like to think of you – alone in some place
under a false name – with nobody to keep an eye on you. I think,
before we embark on this, we ought to go to the police – now –
before we try anything else.’(Christie,2000:199).

And then Ginger prepared to be entices to in this mystery and Mark

disagreement to this plan which can scarified ginger self, someone

should know if they want to investigate more.

13. Mark came to Detective Lejeune

Mark came to the detective Lejeune and told about pale horse, three

women (Grey, Sybill and Bella), Mr. Bradley and his plan to be his

client to investigate and get more information about the truth.

‘ Mr.Easterbrook, I see your point. Circumstances have, so to

speak, given you the entrée. But I don’t know whether you fully
realize that what you are proposing to do may dangerous – these
are dangerous people. It may dangerous for you – but it will
certainly be dangerous for your friend,’ (Christie,2000:209)
Furthermore, Mark insist to investigate the pale horse because to

many crimes and doesn’t make sense at all.

14. When Mark visit Mr. Bradley.

After telling everything to detective Lejeune, Mark visited Mr

.Bradley. As he arrived, Mark told everything and wanted to do the

bet. He wanted his wife dead so he could marry his girlfriend. Mark

did the bet for killing his wife.

‘well, the odds are on your side, I admit …. But let’s have a wager
on it. Fifteen hundred to one the lady dies between now and
christmas : how’s that ?
‘ sooner ! it will have to be sooner. I can’t wait.
There are things …. (Christie,2000:126)

After having a deal and signed some form it was time for the next

step, which went to pale horse and met Thyrza Grey. As soon as he

arrived in much deeping he went to the pale horse and Thryza Grey

welcomed him in. Before doing séance they all had dinner together.

After that they all went to the barn where the seance would be.

‘the old magic and the new. The old knowledge of belief, the new
knowledge of science. Together , they will prevail

At last, Mark meet Mr.Bradley and Thryza to make his wife dead

and mark can married with his girlfriend. Mark in to the dark

organization which is didn’t know about love. They only think that

money is everything.
15. When Ginger got sick.

Ginger get sick, Mark looked worried and according to her doctor

that she has broncho – pneumonia. And it’s a normal disease.

And, of course, all that he said was true. Ginger had broncho –
pneumonia. There was nothing mysterious about the disease from
which she was suffering. She just had it – had it badly.

Mark knows about the disease which Ginger suffers and looked so

badly. The doctor thinks that Ginger disease is not too bad.

16. When a job in C.R.C (Customers Reactions or research) become


Poppy told that, she had a friend who worked at C.R.C, but she

quitted because she thought there was a connection to pale horse. It

became more interesting because the woman who gave father

Gorman the list also worked at C.R.C. and of course Ginger once

welcomed a girl worked at C.R.C.

It was a woman employed by an association of this kind who had been

visited by father Gorman on the fatal night. And – yes – of course,
someone of that kind had called on Ginger at the falt ….
Here was a link of some kind.
‘ why did she chuck up their job ? because she got bored ?’
‘ I don’t think so. They paid quite well. But she got a sort of idea
about it – that it wasn’t that it seemed.’
‘she thought that it might be connected, in some way, with the pale
horse ? is that it ?’ (Christie,2000:289)
According to Poppy friend the pale horse has connected with the

murder. And the girl who visited Ginger to offer something had

worked at C.R.C.this organization worked so clean, and the law can

not touch it.

c. Climax

Climax is the peak of the story, turning point from rising action to

falling action.

Mark was about to go to meet Poppy’s friend who once worked at

C.R.C but phone rang. That was Mrs. Oliver. She told Mark to hire a

woman to help her to mind the house. The girl who came was Edith

Binns. She was the girl who once took care to Lady Heskett –

Dubois. She told that old lady was very sad, her hair was pull out in

handful. Mrs. Oliver said that was exactly what happened to her best

friend Mary Delafontaine, her hair came out, and Thomasina also

been through it . It was some kind of new disease Mrs. Oliver said.

Hearing all about this, Mark thought about everything, about medical

journal article that he had read in New York. Suddenly he got the

answer. He called the detective Lejeune and asked that Ginger’s hair

come out, and the answer yes. Mark told Lejeune that Ginger’s hair

comes out was not because of high fever but poisoned Thallium.
I cluthed the receiver and my head swam. Things, half – remembered
scraps of knowledge, drew together. Rhoda and her dogs on the lawn –
an article I had read in medical journal in New York – of course…Of
course !
I was suddenly a ware that Mrs. Oliver was still quacking happily.
‘ Bless you, ‘ I said. ‘ you’re wonderful !’
I slammed back the receiver, then took it of again.
I dialled a number and was lucky enough this time to get Lejeune straight
‘ Listen,’ I said,’ is Ginger hair coming out by the roots in
handsfuls ?’
‘ well – as a matter of fact I believe it is. High fever, I suppose.’
‘ fever my foot, ‘ I said. ‘ what Ginger’s suffering from, what they’ve all
suffered from, is Thallium poisoning. Please god, we may be in time ….’

d. Falling Action

In falling action usually the problems resolved one by one.

1. Pale horse is not about magic but poison.

Finally Mark found out that actually Pale Horse was not magic.

Thyrza used magic as a mask. They used thallium through C.R.C

employee who visited the victim.

‘ At any rate, they’ve verified that it was thallium .’

‘ Yes, they’ve verified that.’
‘ So , that’s the simple truth behind the Pale Horse. Poison . No
witchcraft, no hypnotism, no scientific death rays. Plain poisoning !
and she flung that at me. Damn her. Flung it in my face. Laughing
in her cheek all the while, I expect .’ ( Christie,2000: 297 – 298 )
To find what the true is, Mark was very upset and cursed to what

Thyrza have been done. Mark felt have been fooled by believe in

what Thyrza said about the magic.

2. Someone who take control

Mark believed there was someone behind these whole things. Every

person had their own job, Mr. Bradley handled about the bet, Pale

Horse ( Thyrza, Bella, Sybill ) handled about the process of killing

people, and people from C.R.C took control to spread the poison, but

there was someone controlling all of this things.

‘ As far as the Pale Horse is concerned, yes. But she’s not real
brains of the show. The real brain works behind the scenes. The
plans and organizes it’s all beautifully dove – tailed, you know.
Everyone has his or her job, and no one has anything on anyone
else. Bradley runs the financial and legal side. Apart from that, he
doesn’t know what happens elsewhere. He’s handsomely paid, of
curse; so is Thyrza Grey.’ (Christie,2000: 299).

3. Job in C.R.C looks weird.

Lejeune interviewed a woman named Eileen Brandon who once

worked at C.R.C. She resigned from C.R.C because she thought

something wrong with that job. Her job was to visit the name on the

list and give some question about cosmetic, food, etc. because she

thought it’s a little bit weird she resign.

‘ I told you I couldn’t be definite. She didn’t tell me in so many
words. Only that from what she had overheard, the whole set-up
was a racket of some kind.
“ It’s not what it seems to be.” That is what she said. Then she
said: “ oh, well, it doesn’t affect us. The money’s very good and
we’re not asked to do anything that’s against the low – so I don’t
see that we need bother our heads about it.” ( Christie,2000: 305 –
306 ).

The offered to work in this organization is good, so Eileen Brandon

is sales who visited a victim which she got the name from hers office.

4. Zachariah Osborne as the man behind the scene.

Detective Lejeune made a dramatic situation by pretending that

Mr. Venables was the man behind the scene. But the true was that

Lejeune already knew that Mr. Osborne was the man. Lejeune had

been investigated Mr. Osborne. He found that Mr. Osborne put a

pack of thallium in Mr. Venables’s barn, so Mr. Venables could be

accused as the man behind the scene. But Mr. Osborne didn’t know

that he had been monitored by detective Lejeune.

‘ Let me introduce you, Mr. Venables, to Mr.Zachariah Osborne,

Pharmacist, late of Barton street, Paddington. You’ll feel a
personal interest in him when I tell you that Mr. Osborne, who has
been under observation for sometime, was unwise enough to plan a
packet of thallium salt in your potting shed. Not knowing your
disability, he’d assumed himself by casting you as the Vallain of the
piece ; and being a very obstinate, as well as a very stupid man, he
refused to admit he’d made a bloomer.’ ( Christie,2000: 319 )

At last, everyone knew the brain of crime was Mr.Osborne and the

mystery had solved.

e. Resolution

Resolution is the end of the story. The end of this story is that they

find out what is behind the scene in the pale horse. Because of that

investigation both Mark and Ginger got close to each other.

‘ I took a letter from my pocket.

‘ This came three days ago, asking me if I’d come to the old vic with her
to see love’s labour’s lost.’ Ginger took the letter out of my hand and
tore it up.
‘ if you want to go to the old vic ‘in future, ‘she said firmly, ‘ you’ll
go with me.’ (Christie,2000:332)

In this conversation, Ginger show hers interest to Mark.

C. Character
From many characters in the novel, the writer only discusses three

characters because the writer only focuses for the main characters which are

considered have characteristic because of that this analysis is divided into

three characters which is become important part of the novel. The three

characters have a dominant personality trait that makes them have all view

about their position in the neighborhood and the three characters are also

nuclear the neighborhood in the novel.

How Mark Easterbrook involved in the circle of crimes to the story

and relation to the death of someone. The heritage and wealthy can makes

someone change. The story in this novel as a mirror life of human nature.
So, the writer interest to find out how the character of Mark, Detective

Lejeune and Ginger which always makes the reader read more deeply.

1. Main Characters

Characters are the persons presented in works of narrative or drama

who convey their personal qualities through dialogue and action by which

the reader or audience understands their thought, feelings, intentions and


In every story there must be major character and minor character.

Major character or main character means that the characters which are took

a big role or dominant in story. As the writer analyze that the main character

in the novel of “the Pale Horse” are Mark Easterbrook, Ginger and

Detective Lejeune. The writer assume that the main character in this story

that their characters who had been solved the puzzle in the story. The three

of them solve the puzzle by investigating the problem of the murderer they

find out that the murderer was caused by Thallium which done by Pale


2. Characterization
a. Mark Easterbrook
Mark is a writer and historian. He is Friendly and a clever man

And here was I, Mark Easterbrook, Scholar, Author,

man of the world, Confrenting a grey-haired weather-beaten
woman with fine eyes, prepared to lay my troubles in her lap.

Mark put himself in the middle of the problem that is problem of the
murderer. He has been hold by detective lejeune that father Gorman
has died and he bought a list of name which each of the name on the
list was already died. Mark felt curious about the puzzle of the list.
And Mark investigates the problem by invoice inside of it. Until the
problem went into the Pale Horse. Pale Horse had been lived by three
woman (Thryza Grey, Sybill & Bella) known as a witch, first, Mark
assumed that all the death people causes by magic. Ironically that
Mark did not believe in things called magic, he is a rational person.

I turned my head to find thyrza looking at me quizzically.

You don’t believe any of it, do you? ‘she murmured but you’re
wrong, you know. You can’t explain away everything as
superstition, or fear, or religious bigotry. There are elemental
truths and elemental powers. There always have been. There
always will be. (Christie,2000:100)

Since he never believed black magic things, he keeps on the

investigation by put himself being the client who wants someone
death. Until finally he found out that the cause of the death is because
of poison of Thallium not because of black magic.

So that’s the simple truth behind the Pale Horse poison. No

witchcraft, no hypnotism, no scientific death rays. Plain poisoning!
After long conversation, Mark thinks about all this mystery more
interesting. His investigating works and he can solve the puzzle of the

b. Ginger
Mark knows Ginger when he attended Rhoda’s fête. After the fete
they all have dinner. Ginger is only the nick name, her name is Miss
Macalister. She has red hair and work at the painting boutique.

The party consisted of my cousin Rhoda, and her husband

colonel Despard, miss macalister, a young woman with red hair
suitably called Ginger, Mrs. Oliver, and the vicar, the Rev.

When Mark needs to investigate the relation between Pale Horse and
the dead he asks Ginger to join him to find out the truth. Ginger was
curious to find out the puzzle, and she agree because she don’t want
just do nothing while a crime happen around. She cares to what
happen in all around her. She starts to investigate to find the evidence
by asking anybody who knows Pale Horse or anybody which have
relation with the person on the list who already die.

Ginger’s voice came briskly.

‘that’s all, is it?

That’s all. I admitted

What are you going to do about it?

You think – I should do something about it?

Well, of course! Someone’s got to do something!

You can’t have an organization going about bumping people off
and not do anything.’ (Christie,2000:154)

She start asking Poppy, Ginger good in finding clue from the people
she been asking too. Ginger is a person that never gives up until she
find what she want.

‘yes, I’ve been working on Poppy in a big way. I told you I

could get something out of her if I tired. Once I got her
softened up, it was easy.’ (Christie,2000: 163)

When Mark being a client and create a story, where Mark want to
marry Hermia while Mark already married. Mark wants to kill his
wife and Ginger pretend to be Mark’s wife. Ginger willing to be the
victims. Ginger is very brave, it is dangerous she could hurt herself,
she could be dead. She does that as long as the truth open and the
murderer should stop.

It’s all very well to invent a fictitious wife, resurected from the
past-they’ll want details-where she lives-all that. And when I try
to hedge-you won’t need to hedge. To do the thing properly the
wife has got to be there-and she will be there- ‘Brace yourself,’
said Ginger. ‘I’m your wife!’ (Christie,2000: 195)

This conversation talk that Mark and Ginger want to investigate the

pale horse and Ginger wants pretend to be Mark’s wife. Ginger thinks

that interesting mystery.

c. Detective Lejeune
Lejeune is a detective who in charge in father Gorman is dead. He is
a man, dark hair and gray eyed. He looks calm.
‘he was a sturdy man, dark haired and gray eyed. He had
misleadingly quiet manner, but his gestures were sometimes
surprisingly graphic and betrayed his French Huguenot ancestry.’

Lejeune asked people around who was here or see father Gorman.
One of the others was Zachariah Osborne. Zach told detective
Lejeune about the man who walk behind father Gorman that night.
The man that Zach describes is Mr. Venables. But that was
impossible because Mr. Venables was paralyzed. Lejeune collect the
evidence, and all gone to Zachariah Osborne.

‘let me introduce you, Mr. Venables, to Mr. Zachariah Osborne,

Pharmacist, late of Barton street, Paddington. You’ll feel a
personal interest in him when I tell you that Mr. Osborne, who has
been under observation for sometime, was unwise enough to plant a
packet of Thallium salts in your potting shed. Not knowing of your
disability he’d amused himself by casting you as the villain of the
piece; and being a very obstinate, as well as a very stupid man, he
refused to admit he’d made a bloomer.’ (Christie,2000:319).

Mark likes detective Lejeune, Mark saw Lejeune as a person who

reflected the ability and calmness. Also Lejeune had a great
imagination, he was flexible and not orthodox.

I like Divisional Detective-Inspector Lejeune at first sight. He had an air

of quite ability. I thought, too, that he was an imaginative man-the kind of
man who would be willing to consider possibilities that were not orthodox
. (Christie,2000: 201).

Lejeune cleaver to put the evidence together became one clue.

With his forefinger Lejeune traced interlacing circles on the table in front
of him. Then he looked up sharply. (Christie,2000: 205).

At last the police can solve the mystery and had the evidence

D. Theme

Theme is not summary of the story. Theme in literature is important

subject and experiences of our public and private lives such as, love,

death, marriage, hope, despair, and so on. The common experiences in life

can become a theme in literature.27

And the word theme is defined by the presence of this idea, for to be

theme; a piece of writing must have the central idea as its core. Everything

in the theme should be directly related to this idea or should contribute to

the reader, understanding of the idea.28

The theme in this novel is about murderer which the greedy as the

background of the murderer itself. All the death people became the victims

of the murderer. The client came to Mr. Bradley to get a bet and then

people from the pale horse will take control. First, the assumption was that

people died because of black magic, because the people from the pale

horse were known as a witch. But finally Mark Easterbrook found out that

all the people whose dead are poisoned by Thallium.

Nicholas Marsh,An Introduction to literary studies, London: Rutledge,1999,1st .ed.P.2
Robert,Edgar V., Opcit P.8
‘so that’s the simple truth behind the pale horse. Poison. No witch
caft, no hypnotism, no scientific death rays. Plain poisoning ! And
she flung that at me, damn her. Flung it in my face. Laughing in her
cheek all the while, I expect.’(Christie,2000:297-298)

Why I said the greedy became the background of the murderer. It

because that the entire client who comes to Mr. Bradley wanted money

from the victims. It is just what happens with Mrs. Tuckerton had a step

daughter named Thomasina Tuckerton which heritage her father’s

wealthy. All her father’s wealthy will be hers if she reached age 21st but if

she die before 21st all her wealthy will be taken by her step mother.

Bequest to old servants, to a couple of god children, and then provision for
his wife – sufficient , but not undully generous. A sum in trust, the income
to be enjoyed during her lifetime. The residue of his estate, which ran into
a sum of six figures, to his daughter Thomasina Ann, to be hers absolutely
at the age of twenty – one , or on her marriage. If she died before twenty-
one unmarried, the money was to go to her step mother. There had been, it
seemed, no other members of the family.(Christie,2000:182)

Because that fact the writer assumed that Mrs.Tuckerton did that because

she was not satisfied with the heritage. Mrs.Tuckerton used lived luxury

that was why she decided to kill her step daughter, Thomasina Tuckerton,

so all her wealthy would be hers.



A. Conclusion

Based on analysis, I got some conclusion from the research, there are:

In her novel, Agatha Christie said that The Pale Horse is a place

where three woman lived in. three of the women known practicing black

magic. They do supernatural things to talk to dead people.

The people on the list which already dead known murder by the

organization that have connected with Pale Horse. First, the client came

to Mr. Bradley to do the Bet, that person the client want to die will be

dead. And after that the client came to Pale Horse to do the ritual of

black magic. Then the client waits until the person is dead. But, black

magic was a lie, the person is dead because of the poison of Thallium.

And the person behind the murderer was Zachariah Osborne.

And most of the client came for money. The client wants to kill the

victim to get the wealthy that they have. It can say that greedy as the

background of the murderer.

The characters of Mark Easterbrook, as the main character that he the

one who investigate about the murderer because of curiosity. He does

not believe that someone could kill without touching the victim. He is

rational person. He keeps on searching the causes of the murder, until he

found that Thallium poisoned the victim.

The character of Ginger, who helped Mark investigates about the

murderer. She is good in finding evidence. She helps Mark until she

danger herself. She could be dead, but she does not care as long as the

man behind the whole things arrested.

And the character inspector-detective, the man who find the man

behind the whole things. He the one can prove that Zachariah Osborne

as the man behind the curtain. He has ability to put the evidence gather

and found the answer.

B. Suggestion

In making this research, the writer has tried to do it as good as

possible. However, I do admit that the research is very far from being

perfect. There may still be a lot of weakness in either grammar,

sentences, explanation, analysis or other important aspects of this

research. Useful input and critics from any readers are very expected to

complete and make it better.

One of way to analyze about novel is by intrinsic approach. In here,

analyze plot is to find what is story tells about. And also to find every

detail of the problems that happen in the story. When the plot been

analyzed, it is easier to find the theme of the story itself.


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