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Principles for teaching reading

Currently, to have an optimal teaching reading process, a series of principles

are necessary to facilitate the learning process of the students. Reading is a
very important skill that is used for optimal academic development.

Meaning-focused Input: Its objective is that the students understand in a clear

way the text that they are reading the text should be adequate for the level of
the language that they possess since if the text is complicated they will not
understand and the learning will become more tedious. Educators should
provide students various reading techniques such as skimming and scanning.
Skimming is about reading quickly and having an overview of the text and
scanning consists of reading to hide more particular facts.

Several scientific studies have been carried out that have proven that the
teacher-student interactive method is the most effective, since it helps students
to perform better.

Meaning focused output: It’s important to relate reading to other skills. By

relating reading to listening, the activities will help students to develop skills like
listen better and increase their vocabulary. At practice, they can also repeat and
analyze the words. In this way they will improve their level of speech and lose
their fear of speak completely in the language. At the same time practice in
writing helps children build their reading skills. Incorporating the ability to write is
very important since it is something basic and essential that students must
know, since they will use them throughout their academic life.

Language-focused learning: Students must be given a series of guidelines so

that they can read in an adequate way, the support material need to be of
quality since they will learn everything that is necessary to understand the
vocabulary, the grammar and the context itself or what they are reading.

Fluency development: It is an important principle, reading fluently and without

mistakes is important for students to have optimal academic performance. They
must be ready to read in a fluent way. Students enjoy more of the texts when
they deal with topics of interest.

Constant interaction between the teacher and the student is necessary, it is

essential that the teachers are pending so that they can resolve any type of
question that the students have.


I.S.P Nation, (2009) Teaching ESL/EFL reading and writing /, 270 Madison Av,
New York: Routledge
Butte college, (B.C) Skimming and Scanning, from:

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