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In line with the class discussion on the Central Bureau of Investigation, I would like to

discuss the autonomy and integrity of the institution in handling corruption cases.
In its reply to the question in the Rajya Sabha, the Government said that the
conviction rate of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has increased from
74.6% in 2022 to 68.0% in 2018. However, if we closely look at the number of
convictions in absolute terms, the convictions were 1136 for 2013, 993 for 2014, 878
for 2015 and 71 for 2016. The number of convictions in absolute terms has been
decreasing yearly during the period.
While the Government claims that it is fighting corruption, the ranking of India in
fighting corruption does not support the Government’s claim. As per the Corruption
Perception Index, India ranked 85 in 2022 compared to 76 in 2015, which is a fall in
corruption rank by 9.
Further, data shows that during the NDA government from 2014, 118 CBI cases
have been filed against the opposition leaders as against 43 during the UPA
government (2004-2014), which is an increase from 60% to 95% of the total political
cases. This indicates that the ruling party has targeted the opposition party leaders
by using CBI to make them fall in their line. This is evident when opposition leaders,
after facing the CBI charges, joined the ruling party or changed their stand on the
ruling party.
The handling of the cases by the CBI in some of the notable cases which grabbed
national and media attention such as Bofors Scandal, Coalgate Scam, Vyapam
Scam, and Aircel-Maxis Case, cast significant doubt on the CBI’s credibility and
independence of the CBI. It was evident from the fact that the then CBI Director Alok
Verma has been removed from his office with critics arguing that it was a politically
motivated decision aimed at curbing investigations against powerful individuals.
To conclude, the number of absolute convictions, the dropping rank of India in
fighting corruption, the increase in cases against opposition leaders, and its inability
to convict the culprits in major cases reflect that the CBI works as per the whims and
caprice of the ruling party. It is used as an instrument to threaten the opposition
leaders by filing cases who raise their voices against the ruling party. As rightly said
by the Supreme Court that CBI is a “caged parrot” which acts as per “its master’s
Source: The Indian Express

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