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Week 5 Report
Module 1. Let's Introduce Ourselves
Module 1. Experience with Technology in Language Teaching
Module 2. Reflecting on How to Find Reading Texts
* Module 2. Share How You Use Technology for Teaching Writing
* Module 3. Teaching Speaking in Large Classes
* Module 4. Using Technology to Teach Vocabulary
* Module 5. Next Steps and Farewells
● Themes, misconceptions, or questions that you saw repeatedly. OR
● One or two interesting posts along with why you think they are interesting or what you
learned from them.

These weeks have been a little challenging since my availability is on Sunday morning, I tried to
reply to the most recent posts which had not been replied by another Alumni facilitator but it was
kind of difficult because usually all of them have been replied by another Alumni facilitator.

One comment that I remember is the one from Miriam Nakatani Miqui, she shared a tool to teach
vocabulary, the resource she uses is the Nova Escola, I explored the app and it is easy to use and
engaging for students to learn and practice new vocabulary. What I found interesting is that most
of the participants use Voice of America Website to teach vocabulary.

I believe most of the participants enjoyed the course and all of them are eager to explore the tools
they learned about and also the ones the alumni facilitators and teachers suggested.

From all the comments I read I think most of the participants enjoyed module 2, Yohana
Warioba Juma said that he enjoyed this module because it has helped him to grab knowledge on
how to use technology for teaching Reading and Writing English Language to his students.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to learn from other teacher’s experiences.

Warm regards,

Cinthya Yelma

Alumni Facilitator for the OPEN Program

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