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Fuzzy Implications

and Inferences
Dr. Debaleena Datta
Topic Details

• Fuzzy Implication Rule

• Examples of Fuzzy Implications
• Interpretation of Fuzzy Implication Rules
• Product Operators
• Zadeh’s Max Min Rule and Examples
• Fuzzy Inferences

Fuzzy Implication Rule (FI)
• A fuzzy implication rule (a.k.a., fuzzy ‘if-then-else’ rule or fuzzy conditional
statement assumes the form:
“If x is A then y is B”
where x and y are two linguistic variables (i.e., variables whose values are
words or sentences in a natural or artificial language) defined by fuzzy sets A
and B on the universe of discourses X and Y, respectively

• ‘x is A’ is called the antecedent/premise, while ‘y is B’ is called the


• The FI rule is denoted as R:A→B, where R represesnts a binary fuzzy

relation on A×B
Fuzzy Implication Rule (FI) : Linguistic Examples
• If pressure is High then temperature is Low

• If mango is Yellow then mango is Sweet else mango is Sour

• If road is Good then driving is Smooth else traffic is High

Fuzzy Implication Rule (FI) : Practical Example
• Suppose, P and T are two universes of discourse
• P= ‘Pressure’ = {1, 2, 3, 4}
• T= ‘Temperature’= {20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50}
• Let, the fuzzy implication rule “If temperature is high the pressure is low”
is defined as:

Fuzzy Implication Rule (FI) : Practical Example

• The linguistic variables ‘High Temperature’ and ‘Low Pressure’ is given as:

• If Temperature=40, then what are the probable low pressures?

PLow(T=40) = {(1, 0.7), (2, 0.7), (3, 0.6), (4, 0.4)}

Interpretation of Fuzzy Implication Rules :
A Coupled with B
• This rule can mathematically be expressed as:

• Based on the T norm operator as defined, we can automatically define the

fuzzy rule R:A→B as a fuzzy set with a two-dimensional MF:
𝜇R(x,y)= f(𝜇𝐴(𝑥),𝜇𝐵(𝑦))= f(a,b)
where a=𝜇𝐴(𝑥) and b=𝜇𝐵(𝑦), and f is the fuzzy implication function

Interpretation of Fuzzy Implication Rules :
A Coupled with B
The most frequently used T-norm operators are:

• Minimum: Rm = A×B = Tmin =

• Algebraic Product: Rap = A×B = Tap =

• Bounded Product: Rbp = A×B = Tbp =

= fbp(a,b)=
• Drastic Product: Rdp = A×B = Tdp =

Interpretation of Fuzzy Implication Rules :
A Entails B

Interpretation of Fuzzy Implication Rules :
A Entails B

Zadeh’s Max-min Rule

“If x is A then y is B”

• The equivalent Zadeh’s max-min rule is written as:

Zadeh’s max-min rule : Example 1

• Suppose, X ={a, b, c, d} and Y = {1, 2, 3, 4}

• Two Fuzzy sets A and B are given by:
A={(a, 0.0), (b, 0.8), (c, 0.6), (d, 1.0)}
B={(1, 0.2), (2, 1.0), (3, 0.8), (4, 0.0)}

Apply the Zadeh’s max-min rule to determine the FI rule (Rmm) for
“If x is A then y is B”

Zadeh’s max-min rule : Example 1

Zadeh’s max-min rule : Example 2
• Suppose, X ={a, b, c, d} and Y = {1, 2, 3, 4}
• Three Fuzzy sets A and B are given by:
A={(a, 0.0), (b, 0.8), (c, 0.6), (d, 1.0)}
B={(1, 0.2), (2, 1.0), (3, 0.8), (4, 0.0)}
C={(1, 0.0), (2, 0.4), (3, 1.0), (4, 0.8)}

Apply the Zadeh’s max-min rule to determine the FI rule (Rmm) for
“If x is A then y is B else y is C”
[Rmm =
The membership function Rmm of is given by:

Zadeh’s max-min rule : Example 2

Fuzzy Inferences

• Most common propositional logics are:

Fuzzy Inferences
• Two important inferring procedures used in fuzzy systems are:

Fuzzy Inferences

Fuzzy Inferences Example: GMP

Fuzzy Inferences Example: GMP

Fuzzy Inferences Example: GMP

Fuzzy Inferences Example: GMT

Fuzzy Inferences Example: GMT

Fuzzy Inferences: Practical Example
Consider the following proposition:
P: If service is good then customer is satisfied
Q: Service is very good
Customer is very satisfied
The universe of discourses are given as:
Service–rating = {a,b,e,d,e}
Satisfaction-grade= { 1,2,3,4, 5}
Both set having the elements in the ascending order.
The fuzzy sets for the propositions are given as:
Good-service= { (a, 1), (b, 0.8), (c,0.6) , (d,0.4) , (e,0.2)}
Satisfied = { (1,0.2) (2,0.4),(3,0.6),(4,0.8 ), (5,1)}
Very good-service= {(a,0.8), (b,0.6),(c, 0.4 ), (d, 0),( e, 0)}
Use appropriate FI rule to find the fuzzy set for ‘Very satisfied'.
Fuzzy Inferences: Practical Example
Consider another Proposition :
P: If service is good then customer is satisfied
Q1: Customer is not satisfied
Service is not good
If the fuzzy set is given as following:
Not-satisfied ={ (1,0),(2,0),(3,0.2),(4,0.4),(5,0.6)}
Use appropriate FI rule to find the fuzzy set for ' Not good-service '.

Fuzzy Inferences: Practical Example

For the first solution, we need to use the Generalized Modus Ponens(GMP)
rule. To find the FI Rule we first need to find out the following components:
Good-service X Satisfied =

Fuzzy Inferences: Practical Example

Fuzzy Inferences: Practical Example

Fuzzy Inferences: Practical Example

Fuzzy Inferences: Practical Example
For the second solution, we need to use the Generalized Modus
Tollens(GMT) rule. We have already found Rmm. Thus,

Fuzzy Inferences: Practical Example


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