Pronunciación Unit 9

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Kelly: Hi Mary. What are you doing?

Mary: Hi Kelly. There is a recycling campaign in the area and I am taking the bags
out of my recycling bin. Look, each one has its label.
Kelly: Wow (guau)… that's great (greit)! I would like(wud laik) to help with that,
how(hau) is it recycled(risaicold)?
Mary: There are many ways to recycle. For example, when you print at home, use
the double-sided option. Since you are printing on both sides, it will reduce the
amount of paper you use by 50%.
Kelly: Great! (Greit) I hadn't (had.ent) thought (thot) of it that way (Wei).
Mary: Sure! When they're out of use, reuse the paper for coloring or art projects.
You can donate it to your little sister who is in elementary school.
Kelly: It's true(tru)! Paper(peiper) and cardboard(carbord) are also(oulso)
welcomed(welcomd) by(bai) kindergartens(kindegorden) and middle(midol)
schools for use (yius) in art projects(proyect). I can(ken) donate(douneit) at my
sister's school.
Mary: Great! You already have some ideas.
Kelly: Wow… these(dis) are amazing!(ameizin) Can(ken) I have them(dem)?
Mary: Yes. Sure, why not?
Kelly: Thank you! They will be(wil bi) great(greit) for storing(stor) my
homemade(jommeid) tomato(tomeitou) sauce(sous).
Mary: You know, Kelly, maybe we should do a trade every month and hopefully
we'll find some useful things to trade. As they say, “One person's trash is
another person's treasure”.
Kelly: Yeah(yea), great(greit)! After all(aftero ol), I'm(aim) keeping(kipein) these
(dis) things from ending up(endin ap) in a landfill( laendfil), right(raigt)?


Falta un título

Cuidado con la falta de lo solicitado. No tiene grammar ni vocabulario resaltado.

El diálogo esta bien estructurado, felicitaciones.

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