Jeger 1986

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Plani Pathology {]<iHf,) 35.


Components of resistance of apple to powdery mildew

{Podosphaera leucotricha)

M, J. J E G E R * . D, J. BUTT ami A. A, J. SWAIT

East Mailing Station. Maidstone. Kent MEI9 6BJ. UK

Components of resistance of apple to Podn.sphaera leucotricha were assessed in the glasshouse by

spraying shoot tipsofcultivars with conidia. Disease incidence (proportion of leafsurfaces with mildew )
and colony numbers were higher and incubation periods correspondingly shorter on the older leaves,
unrolled at the time of inoculation. Numbers nf colonies were higher on the lower surface. Spore
production per colony was bigher on the younger !eii\es. In general, a shori ineubation period on a
cultivar was associated with a higb disease incidence, many colonies and high spore produetion. For
some eultivars the associatioti between these components permitted resistance to be classified as very
higb (cv. Discovery), very low (cv. Golden Delicious), or intermediate (evs Bramley's Seedling, Suntan).
The effects of inoculum concentration and post-inoculation environment (glassbouse or outdoors) on
components of resistance were assessed in a further study. No interactions between eultivar and
inocuiutn concentration were detected. There was generally an associated variation in components
between cultivars within an en\ironment, but inconsistencies in cultivar rankings were noted between
the two environments and the two studies. Mean incubation period was shorter and eolony area larger in
the glasshouse than outdoors. Tbere were significant differenees in conidia em- eolony between cultivars
onl\ in Components conferring high resistance in cv. Discovery and low resistance in ev.
Golden Delicious were confirmed in both environments and in both studies.

INTRODUCTION the rusts (Parlevliet. 1979). and powdery mildews

of cereals (Roberts & Caldweli. 1970; Shaner.
In the UK the climate favours powdery mildew of
1973; Pauvert. 1976; Rouse et ai.. 1980).
apple, cau.sed by Podnsphaera leueoiricha (Ell. &
Everh.) Salm.. and intensive fungicide pro- This paper reports on components of partial
grammes are necessary for many commercial resistance (hereafter called resistance) to powdery
cultivars (Butt & Jeger. 1982). Sources ol"major- mildew in apple cultivars. including several culti-
gene resistance have been identified and utilized vars of commercial importance in the UK. and on
in breeding programmes (Alston. 1983). but have the consistency of assessments over years, en-
made little conitnercial impact as yet in the UK. vironment, and a range oi inoculum concentra-
Apple cultivars differ widely with respect to tions. Eaeh of these three factors has been shown
orchard epidemics o{ powdery mildew (e.g. to affect components of resistance to P. ieuco-
Sprague, 1955; Alston. l%y; Aldwinkle. 1974; tricha {Roosjc et ai.. 1965; Kaspers, 1967; Butt c;
Blazek et al.. 1979; Jeger & Butt. 1986). Differ- ai.. 1981). There is no evidence for physiological
ences in the rate of disease development or partial specialization in apple mildew (Woodward. 1927;
resistance. .%ensu Parlevliet (1979), may be attri- Butt & Souter, 1973).
buted to cultivar differences in components of
resistance, such as infection frequency, latent MATERIALS A N D M E T H O D S
period, colony growth rate and j:pore produetion.
There has been much work on assessing compo- Plant material and environment
nents of resistanee in annual crops, notably for
1980 experiment
" Present address: Tropical Development and
Research Institute, 56 62 Gray's Inn Road. London Thirty potted maiden apple trees of each of cvs
WC1X8LU. UK. Bramley's Seedling, Cox's Orange Pippin. Cris-
478 M. J. Jeger et at.
p i n . Discovery,Golcien Delicious.Gratiny Smith. lnDeulation
I d a Red. Laxton"s Superb. Spartan. Suntan and
I9H0 experiment
Tydeman"s Early Worcester, all on MM 106 root-
s i o c k . were fully randomized in an unbeated Fresh conidia wen; harvested from potted mil-
glasshouse with ihermosial-controlled cooling dewed MM 106 rootstocks kept under glass and
f a n and no artificial lighting at tbe end of March were applied over a 6-h period on 13 May 1980,
1 9J4O, Each planl was cut buck lo ;i heigbi of using a wet inoeulation technique (Hunter &
a b o u t 1 m to allow a single vigorous vegetative Blake. 1978), Spore suspensions of 5 ml at 0'22
s h o o t to grow from a lateral bud. Plants were (±0-09)>cI0^ conidia/ml were prepared every
s p r a y e d with aphicide and acaricidc w hen necess- 15 20 min by using a fine brush to detaeh conidia
a r y , but not with fungicide. The youngest from colonies into a non-ionic wetting ageni
unroJIed JearfJej/O) on each shool was labelled (Agral. OJ m)/I. ImperiaJ Chemical Industries).
o n 1 2 May and its length and breadth measured. The shooi tips of 26 Irees (one shool per tree) of
Before inoculalion and during a brief period of each cultivar were sprayed with 0-25 ml of spore
h o i weather, plants in the glas.sbouse were suspension using a DeVilbiss .-Aerograph "Sprite"
e x p o s e d to a maximum of 32 C (screened bulbt Airbrusb. The spray was applied from all direc-
a n d a minimum of 36"i. RH. During inoculalion. tion,'; al (he six Jeaves in posiliom —3 !O + 4 .
incubation, and the early period ofmildcv. assess- where Icui' 0 was the youngest unrolled leaf
m e n t , temperature and humidity were 6-28 C labelled the previous day and leaf — I was the
a n d 55-92"'" RH. respectively. Later, and prior to adjacent and older unrolled leaf. Four plants of
t h e harvesting of mildewed leaves, corresponding each cultivar were covered by inverted brown
r a n g e s were 12-25 C and 72-94% RH, paper bags and not inocuJated.

198/ experiment 1981 e.xperimeni

T h i r t y potted maiden apple trees of each of cvs All plants, except the controls, were sprayed in a
B r a m l e y s Seedfing. Cox s Orange Pippin. Dis- separate glasshouse compartment with conidia of
c o v e r y . Golden Delieious. Greensleeves, Jester. P. leucotricha on 2 June (glasshouse plants) and
S p a r t a n . Suntan. Tydeman's Early and Worces- on 3 June (outdoor plants), using the same
t e r Pearmain. on MM 106 rootstock. were divided method as in 1980. and were returned immedia-
k n l o Iwo groups at the end ol" Mareh 1981. One tely to their respective environments. Only the
g r o u p (17 plants of each cuftivar) was stood in a leaves at the shoot tip were inoculated, with the
glasshouse programmed for 19 C (but with lower (abaxial) surface of tbe inwardU rolled leaf
recorded mean, minimum, and maximum tcm- a I po.sition + 2 exposed to the spray, Suspen.sions
peratureii during the eKperitncnt of 19 7. 16 5 and of conidia were adjusted to contcnlrationsof 0 2.
2 3 - 0 C. respectively), under natural illumination. !•(), 5 0. or 250 >: 10'^ conidia ml. In each block,
T h e other group (13 plants of each eultivar) was the inoculations were done in order of increasing
s t o o d outdoors (corresponding temperatures concentration and the airbrusb was thoroughly
\K'crc I2'8. 9-.1 und J6 3 C). In each envjronmen) ivjshed with disiilled water between blocks.
t h e plants were arranged as a splii-plot design.
w i l h four main plots (inoculum concentrations)
w i l h i n blocks, and 10 sub-plots (cultivars) within Mildew anseasments
m a i n plots. There were four blocks in the glass-
h o u s e and ihres outdoors. In both environmerifs. fJfiO experiment
o n e plant of each cultivar was randomly posit- The numbers of mildew colonies on each surfaee
i o n e d and used as an uninoculated control. Each of leaves at positions - I to -|-4 at the time of
p l a n t was cut back to a hcigbt of about I m to inoculation were counted on 22. 23. 25. 27, 30
a l l o w a single vigorous vegetative shoot to grow May. 3 and 7 June, Assessments ceased when ihe
f r o m a laterat bud; all lower shool growths were first mildew colony was observed on an uninocu-
r e m o v e d in May, Tbe youngest unrolled leaf (leaf lateS plant. Irrespective of cultivar. signifying the
O) o n eaeh shoot was labelled on I June in the occurrence of secondary spread. Mildewed leaves
glasshouse and on the following day outdoors. were harvested on 9 June, washed by mechat^icaUy
T h e plants were free of visible mildew colonies on rolling each one for 10 min in 20 ml of 01 ml,!
t h e s e dates. Agrai and the number of eonidia in suspension
Resistance ofappte to powdery mildew 479
was estimated with a haemocytometer. Washed inoculated plants were obtained for eaeh cultivar
leaves were dried and their areas measured photo- X leaf position x leaf surface combination,
metrically. Tbreo-way analyses of variance of transformed
and untransformed data were done, using the
1981 experiment three-factor interaction as the error term. For
clarity, mean values and standard errors for
Mildew was monitored on the lower surface of the differences between means for main factors are
leaf wbich had been at position + 2 . two nodes given only when two-factor interactions are not
above the youngest unrolled leaf (leaf Ol at the signifieant, and for significant two-factor interac-
time ol'inoeulation. Visible colonies were mapped tions.
on record cards on 10, 12. 15. 18 and 22 June (on
wbich date mildew was first observed on an
uninoculated plant) Tor greenhouse plants and on 198} experiment
the following days for outdoor plants. Mapping With the exception of disease incidence, data
the position of mildew colonies facilitated moni- from the glasshouse and outdoor environments
toring and allowance was easily made for doubt- were analysed separate!) accordmg to a standard
ful and for merging colonies. On each date the split-plot design, with separate error terms for the
area of each colony was estimated by means of a main plots (inoculum concentration) and sub-
colony radius key and the position, relative to tbe plots (cultivar. and cultivar x inoculum concen-
current leaf 0. of eaeh inoeulated leaf was tration interaction),
recorded. Monitored leaves were harvested on 24
June (glassbouse) and 25 June (outdoors),
washed, and spore production was assessed as RESULTS
described for 19fiO, Spore production was
expressed as conidia, colony and conidia;cni-^ col- Disease incidence
Disease ineidence (calculated as the proportion of
Host shoot characteristics
leafsurfaces with mildew colonies), over all leaf
positions at each a.ssessment. is shown in Fig. !
1980 e.xperimeni
for each cuitivar. Final disease incidenee (Table 1)
The number of leaves produced between inocula- varied according lo cultivar. leaf position and leaf
tion and harvesting of leaves was counted on each surface (all at P<0-001). The highest final inci-
shoot and production rates were calculated. After dence was on Crispin (55"'ii of all leaves): the
leaf harvest, the shoot tip of each plant was lowest was on Discovery (5% of all leaves).
examined under low magnification and tbe Disease incidence was higher on the older leaves
number of rolled leaves counted, Tbe current leaf and was always higher on the lower leaf surfaee.
0 (i.e. not tbe inoculated leaf 0) was assessed The cultivar x leaf surface interaction was signifi-
against photographs for leaf hairiness on a cant [P<000]): on some cultivars (Crispin.
qualitative 1-4 scale. The length, breadth and Disco\ery and Laxton's Superb) tbe difference
area were measured and a regression equation between surfaces was not significant. Similarly,
relating the area of leaf 0 to its length and breadth the cultivar x, leaf position interaction was signifi-
was obtained, cant (P<0-01): the in disease with !eaf
age was less marked with some cultivars (e.g.
Di5co\ery. Golden Delicious). Tbe leaf position
1981 experiment X surface interaction was also significant
The number of rolled loaves, leaf hairiness, and (/'<0'001); the lower incidence on the younger
rate of leaf produetion were estimated by tbe icaves was more pronounced on the upper sur-
metbods described for 1980, faee. Each ofthe two-factor interactions was also
signifieant when data were transformed to angles,
Data analysis
1981 experiment
1980 experiment
Mean disease ineidence on leaf +2 was derived
Mean values for the varieties measured on the 26 for each cultivar and inoculum concentration in
480 M. J. Jeger et al.
Discovery Tydeman's Larly 'b 5uperb


c 0-0
o Grarny
c Ida Sunian Bramley's
HI Seedling
-^ 0-5H

o O'O
Cox's ^c'der. Delicious CULTIVAR MEAN

0-0 •
0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20 30
Day5 from inoculalion
F i g . I . Mean disease incidence (proponion of leaf surfaces, over all leaf positions, ihai devcioped milden) ploiied
u ^ a i n s t time for 11 apple L-uhivars inocuiaied with Podosphaerii hm-oiricha tonidia. Each proportion based on 26
p l a n t s x 6 leaves x 2 surraa;s = 3l2 observ'ations.

Table I. Mean disease incidence (proportion of leaves and leaf surfaces wnh
mildew. untrLmsFonned) on 11 apple cullivars inofulaled with Pwlo.tphacra
tciK nirnlm i:ouid\-d in

Leaf position al moculation Leaf surface

-I 0 +2 +4 Upper Lower

Discovery 0-OS 0-03 0-05 0-04 0-06 o-o« 002 {)(»9
Spartan 023 0 3 8 0-40 0-19 0 12 0 12 0-07 0 41
Laxton's Superb 0-4.1 O.30 0-43 017 0 1 f< 0 17 0-23 0-32
Tydeman's Earl_\ 0-3S o-:o 0 25 0-33 0-29 O-ll 0-13 0-39
Bramley's Seedling 0-48 0-45 0-50 0-29 0 23 0-15 0-20 0-50
Suntan 0 53 0-43 0-35 0 36 0-25 0-09 0-21 046
Ida Red 0 4 3 0-40 0 38 0-27 0 31 O i l 0-16 0-47
Granny Smith 0-60 0-48 0.30 0-34 0-32 0 15 O'I4 0-59
Cox's Orange Pippin 0 4 8 0-53 0 43 0-34 0-3K 0-13 0-23 0-53
Golden Delicious 0-48 0-53 0-48 0'48 )t-38 0-25 0-21 0-65
Crispin 0 85 0-75 0 75 0-42 0-36 0-19 0 51 0-60

Leaf surfaee
Upper 0-37 0-28 0 2 4 O-ll 0-iO 0-05
Lower 052 0-53 0-.M 0'4K 0 41 0-23
Coefficient of variation (%) 25-2
Standard errors of differences between means (50 DF):
Cultivar > leaf position 0 08!
Cultivar x leaf surface 0^047
Lca("po!*!lion » leaf surface 0 035
Resistanee of apple to powdery mildew 481

.? 40 Discouery Spartan Tydeman's Early Lax'on's Superb

§, 20-1

40- Ida Red 5unton Bramiey's Granny Smith

40 Cox's Orange Golden Delicious Crispin CULTIVAR MEAN

0 —r
10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20 30
Days from inoculation

Fig. 2. Distribution of incubation penods (number of days, over all leaf poMtion, from inw;ula\ioT\ lo firs! sign of
mildew on each leaf surface) for 11 apple cultivars inoculyied with Pudiisphaera Icueotritha conidia. Data are for
colonies appearing in the 25 days of the assessmcnl period.

the glasshouse and outdoor environments. High action was significant (/'<0'0OI) with a marked
levels of mildew ( >0-80) were recorded for all differenee in surface.s for some eultivars (e.g. Ida
cultivars except Worcester Pearmain and [>is- Red. Spartan) but not for others (e.g. Crispin.
covery and there wa^ good iigreemeni oi"rankings Discovery). No other imeracUons were Signifi-
between culti\yrs in both environments. Dis- cant,
covery and Wcrccstcr Pcurmain showed a low
proportion of mildewed leaves, especiuliy in the
1981 experiment
outdoor environment (0-17 and 0-25. respect-
ively). Mean disease incidence increased with The mean number of days from inoculation to
inoculum concentration in the glasshouse, but first sign of a mildew eolony on a leaf, for those
not outdoors. plants which developed colonies before assess-
ments ceased, is summarized m Table 3, Rankings
of euitivars have been inserted to facilitate eom-
Incuhation period
parison of tbe environments. The eulti\-ar x ino-
culum concentration interaeiion was not signifi-
I9H0 experiment eaiH in either environment. Tbe incubation
The distribution of incubation periods (number period varied with cultivar in both glasshouse and
of days from inoculalion to sign of the lirst outdoorenvironments(/'<0-05), but with inocu-
mildew colony on a surface) is shown in Fig. 2 for lum concentration only in the glasshouse
each cultivar. The mean incubation period for (P<l)-OS). Incubation periods were consistently
those leaf surfaces whicb developed colonie.s shorter in the glasshouse, with a narrower range
\aricd according to culti\ar (/'<()'OOI). leaf of eultivar \alues O days! than outdoors (4-5
position (/»<0001) and leaf surface (/'<001) days). Incubation periods, both in the glasshouse
(Table Z). Four days separated the cultivar with and outdoors, were consistently short on Golden
the shortest mean incubation period (Crispin, Delicious and Grcensleeves, intermediate on
16-7 days) from the longest (Spartan. 211 days). Tydeman's Early and Cox's Orange Pippin, and
The mean ineiibation periods were longer on the long on Bramley's Seedling and Worcester Pear-
younger leaves. The culti\ar x leaf surface inter- main, There were differences in rankings between
482 M. J. Jeger et al.
TaWe 2. Mean incubation period (number of days from inoculation
to first sign of mildew) on leaf surfaces of 11 apple cultivars
inoculated wiih Podosphiuni Ifuinirichu conidia in 1980

L«af surface

Upper Lower

Cul ti tar
Discovery 19-9 202
Spartan 23-9 18 3
Laxlon's Superb 16-3 20 I
Tydeman's Early 22-4 18-4
Bramley's Seedling 2M 17-8
Suntan I7'8 18 5
Ida Red 204 159
Grannv Smith 185 16 5
Cox's Orange Pippin 16-6 181
Golden Delicious 18'3 16-3
Crispin 168 16-6
Leaf position al inoculation

-1 0 -1-1 +2 -t} +4
Leaf posilion mean 16-9 17-2 177 18-7 201 20-B

Coefficient of vunaiion (".0 12-6

Standard errors of differences between means (50 DFl:
Leaf position 0 7U
Cultivar X leaf surface 1.15

environments: Jester, for example, had the short- oped on Crispin and least on Discovery, There
est incubation period outdoors but a. near-median were more colonies on older rather than younger
v a l u e in the glasshouse; Spartan had the opposite leaves, and on lower rather than upper leaf
tendencv. surfaces, k\\ three interaetions were significant,
although that between cultivar and leaf position
(/'<0-01) was not significant when data were
C o l o n y number!) analysed per unit area of leaf. The cultivar x leaf
surface interaction was significant (/*< 0001); as
I9H0 experiment with disease incidence, no difference was appar-
T h e mean number of colonies'shoot at each ent between surfaces on Crispin. Discovery, and
a s s e s s m e n i is shown in Fig. .1 for each cultivar. La,'(ton's Superb. Also, as with disease incidence,
D e c r e a s e s in numbers were due to merging of the lower colony numbers on the younger leaves
c o l o n i e s and perhaps visual "fading" with age as were more pronounced on tbe upper .surface
s p o r u l a l i o n declined, Tbe mean, maximum and (/'<0-05), Each of the interactions was also
final number of colonies during the period of significant when data were logarithmically trans-
a s s e s s m e n t (expressed per leaf surface and per formed.
u n i t a r e a of leaf, both with and without logarith-
m i c transformation) were analysed; the untrans-
I9SI experiment
f o r m c d mean number of colonies/leaf surface
g a v e t h e lowest eoefficient of variation, a satisfac- No reductions in colony numberleaf occurred
t o r y pattern of residuals and varied (Table 4) with time and tinal numbers counted were ana-
a c c o r d i n g to cultivar. leaf position and leaf lysed (Table 5), The cultivar x inoeulum concen-
s u r f a c e (all at /'<()-00l). Most colonies devel- tration interaction was not significant in either
Resistance of appie to powdery miidew 483
Table 3. Mean incubation period (days from inoculation increase the number of colonies progressively to
10 firsi sign of mildew) on lower surface of leaf + 2 (at nearly double. Logarithmic transformation of
inoculation) on 10 apple cuUivars inoculated wiih data did not improve the precision ofthe analyses
Podosphuera lemotrichu conidia al four concentrations or affeet these conclusions.
and in Iwo posl-iniiculalion environments in 1981

Colony area, area mildewed and disease intensity

Glasshouse Outdoor

1981 experiment only
Bramley's Seedling 12-5 (3)" 16-8 (2) Mean colony area, mildewed area/leaf, and dis-
Cox's Orange Pippin 11-2 (5) I5'l (5* ease intensity (proportion of leaf area mildewed)
Discovery 129 (1) 15-0 (7) were calculated and analysed after transforma-
Golden Delicious 10 1 (9) 1.V9 (9)
tion to stabilize the varianees. Disease intensity
Green sleeves 9 5 (10) 14-7 (8)
Jester 10-8 (6) 13-1 (10)
(proportion of leafarca mildewed) was estimated
Spartan 10-5 (7) 16-4 (3) for each leaf by dividing the mildewed area by the
Suntan 11-7 (4) n - 6 (1) single-surfaee leaf area at harvest. Of the three
Tydeman's Ear!y 10-5 (7) 15-1 (5) variates. mildewed area/leaf (transformed to
Worcester Pearmain 126 (2) 15 7 (4) square roots) had the lowest coefficient of varia-
tion (Table 5). The eultivar >; inoculum concen-
Inoeuliiin (conidia ml) tration interaction was not significant in either
0 2 > 10' 12-1 environment. Mildewed area leaf (transformed
1-Ox I0-' 118 to square roots) varied according to culti\ar in
5-0 X 10^ 95
25'Ox 10^
both environments (P<O'OOI) and inoeulum
concentration (P<0-0] in the glasshouse.
Overall means 11-2 [5-1 /*<0-0.*^ outdoors). Mean mildewedarea.leafwas
much greater on glasshouse plants than tbosc
Coefficient of variation (",.) 27-2 20-3 kept outdoors. The rankings of cultivars in both
Standard errors for differences of means (DF):
Cullivar I-OK (79) 1-27 (48)
environments were generally consistent except
Inoculum concentration 0-64 (9) again for Spartan, Mildewed area/leaf was smal-
lest on Discovery and Worcester Pearmain. inter-
mediate on Bramley. and extensive on Cox's
•• Cultivar rankings (I =cultivar with the value likely to Orange Pippin. Golden Delieious. Greensleeves
impart mos! resislance) in parenibeses. and Suntan, The largest mildewed area leaf on
glasshouse plants was at 5 x 10^ conidia. ml rather
than at the highest inoculum concentration. In
environment. Colony numberleaf varied with the outdoor environment, the highest mildewed
cultivar (P<0-001) and with inoculum concen- area leaf resulted from tbe highest inoculum
tration (/'<0'0! in tbe glasshouse. P<0'00! concentration.
outdoors). Colony numberleaf was about the
same in botb environments, altbough tbe
Production of eonidia
extremes were more apparent outdoors. The
rankings of eultivars in both environments were
1980 e.xperiment
reasonably consistent except that a larger number
of colonies/leaf was reeorded on Spartan out- Production of conidia. expressed per leaf, per unit
doors than would be expected from the glass- area leaf, and per colony gave similar coefficients
house result. Discovery and Worcester Pearmain of variation, Lintransformed eonidia colony gave
developed few colonies, especially in tbe outdoor the best pattern of residuals in tbe analysis of
environment. The effeet of increasing the inocu- variance despite no allowance being made for
lum five-fold, from 0-2 to 1-0 x 10'' eonidia ml. coton\ age, Conidia'colony varied (Table 6)
was to increase the number of colonies in the according to cultivar and leaf position
glassbouse environment to more than double, but (P< 0-001), Production was highest on Ida Red.
further increases in concentration did not result in lowest on Discovery, and was higher on the
more colonies. In the outdoor environment the younger Icaves. especially on cultivars with a high
effect of increasing inoculum concentration 125- mean value (cultivar x leaf position interaetion
fold from 0-2 to 25x10^ eonidia;ml was to significant at /'<O-OOI), Similar results were
484 M. J, Je^er et al.

DtSCOVery Spartan Tydeman's Early Loxlon's Supefb



-5 0
Ida Red Suntan Bramley's G'Qnny Smitri
^ 40- Seedling

40- Coxs Oronge Golden Delicious


0 -1 T~
0 10 EO 0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20 30
Days from inoculation
F i g . 3>. Mean number of mildew colonies shoot plotted against lime for II apple cultivurs inoculaied with
Podtt.sphaera leuiotruliti cnnidia.

Table 4. Mean number of mildew colonies (uniransformcd) during period of

assessment on leave.s and leaf surfaces of 11 apple cultivars inoculaied wiih
leuioiruiui conidia in I9S()

Leaf position al inoculation Leaf surface

-1 0 + 1 +2 +4 Upper Lower

Discovery 0'08 0-03 005 0-06 0-06 o i : 0-02 Jll
Spartan 0 3K 0-69 0 58 0-40 0-19 0-17 012 )-68
Laxton's Superb 0-60 0 46 0 56 026 0 25 0 17 0-31 1-45
Tydeman's EarK 0-54 0-32 0-31 048 0-39 0-14 0-17 { )'56
Bramley's Seedling 1-92 1.^8 0-81 0-55 0-37 0 22 0-31 -4.1
Sunian 140 0-«5 (1-8 i 0-55 051 0 15 0-2S -14
Ida Red iO7 1-29 I-(H) ( M l 0-40 o-i: 0 20 -23
Granny Smith M6 084 0-77 0-7i 0-51 OvlO 0-17 •25
Cox's Orange Pippin 0-95 0-98 0-93 0 70 0 70 0-23 0-34 •15
Golden Delicious M4 1 32 1 -(13 0-92 0-76 0-49 028 -60
Crispin 2-69 1-50 1-41 0-69 0-53 0'27 1 03 -.13

Leaf surface
Upper 064 0-48 0-32 016 0-12 0-05
Lower 1 53 1-28 MS 0-88 073 0'37
CoeiTicient of variation (";.) 44'6
Standard errors of dilTerences heiween means (50 DF-):
Cullivar x leaf position 029
Cullivar y. leaf surface 0-17
Leaf position >• leaf surface 0-12
Re.vislance of apple lo powdery 4S5
TaWe 5. Mean numher of mildew colonits and mildewed area, leaf (cm- Iransrurmed to
square roots) on the lower surface of leaf +2 lat inoculationl on !0 apple cultivars
inoculaied wilh Podmphaeru h-ui-niriibu conidia a( IOUT conceiHTalipns and iti two post-
in ocufation environmems in t9RI

Numher of colonies Mildewed area 'leaf

Glas^ouse Ouidoore Glssshouse Outdoors

Bramlevs Seedling 2--^ W) 2 34 <41 071 (41
Cox'.-, Orange Pippin 50 m 50 (6) 3-07 (10) 1-06 (7)
Discovery 13 (1) 0 4 (2) 0-41 (1) 0 I 2 (1)
(iolderi Delicious 43 (6) 5-4 (Bt 3fl; (9) 1-31 {%)
Greensleeves 46 (7) 41 (5) 2-fi: (7) 0'97 (5)
Jester 28 C) \-i (3) 1-73 (3) 0-57 (3)
Spartan 35 (4) b-2 (9) 2-53 i6> 1-.13 i9)
Suntan 5-0 (H) 7 3 (10) .3-01 (K) 1-40 (10)
Tydeman's Eail> 5 7 liOl 51 (7) 2-.39 (5) 1-00 (6)
Worcester Pearmain 2 « \2) » 3 tl) 0S6 t2t 0-14 (2>

Inoculum {conidia mi)

00 X 10* 2\ 2S 1 16 0-78
4-7 30 1-79 0-69
50x10' 4I 40 3-61 0-89
2 5 0 X 10- 4!> 5-4 2?i2 1^07

Overail m e a n s 39 3-K 8-42 11

Cofiricient of variation {'%• 6I-: 53-8 64 6 50-5
Standard errors of differences of means iDFl:
CuUivar 0-83 (99) 0-84 (70) 0-507 (99) 0-177 (-70)
Inoculum concentratior1 045 CJ) 015 (6) 0 462 (9) 0 102 (6)

^Cultivar rankings (I =cullivar with the value likely to impart mosi resistance) in

ohwined when (he ^wo other nieasuves of con- Host shtiot attributes
produclion were an;i]ysed. i'^HU experiment
There were significant differences between culli-
experiment viirs tP<0-05) lor each atlrihuie. lr\ general,
Production of conidia was expressed per colony large-leaved cultivars (Bramiej. Crispin. Suntan)
and per cm- of colony: logarithmic [ransforma- were hairier, produced leaves at a lower rate, and
tion was neces.sary lo stabilize the vatiancc. In the bad fewer leaves at the shoot tip ihan did small-
ouldoor etivironment ihcrc were no sigtiificani leaved eullivars (Discovery. Laxlon's Superb.
differences in eilher variaie due to uultivar or Tydcman's Early). The former combination of
tnoculumconcentration. In theglasshousc{TahEe characteristics was associated, therefore, with
7). spore production dttfered between cuttivars relative susceptibility and ihe latter with relative
(/'<0-01.peTCni'eo(ony: /'<O-Clflt. per coionyt. resistance. The remaining culfivars (e.g. Cox's
and between inoculum concentrations i,P<{)-0\) Orange Pippin) could not be categorized so
when expressed per ct)lony. l_/ntransrornicd rcadil>.
numbers of conidta cm- colony differed little
between glasshouse and outdoor ptanls; differ-
ences in conidia'colony between the two environ- experimen!
menxs were due xo the larger colonies on glass- There were significant cultjvar differences
iiouse plants. (P < 005) in the glasshouse and outdoor environ-
486 M. J. Jeger et al.
Table 6. Mean conidia/colony (ihousaiids) washed from mil-
dewed leaves of 11 apple cullivars 27 days after inoculating with
Podosphaera tciicotricha conidia in 1980

Leaf position at inoculation

Cultivar L 0 +I +2 +3 +4

Discovery 0-9 22-2 19 •4 7 .T 27'7 15•7

Spartan 24-6 17-6 17 .2 38 •6 22-9 32. 1
Laxton's Superb 17-8 IS-8 14 9 21 •3 30-6 28' 0
Tydeman's Early 15-9 37'0 36'•4 36 •4 456 49. 9
Bramlcy's Seedling 91 5'6 11 •7 25 •4 27-3 15' 9
Suntan 2i'O 23-5 28 8 35 •K 48'1 61 9
Ida Red 22'1 22'4 20- 5 45 9 49'0 95- 3
Granny Smith 103 14'2 30- 3 28' 53-6 82- 8
Cox".-; Orange Pippin 91 143 10 4 18 6 34-6 56- 8
Goldeii Delicious 17-7 20-6 41- 1 3J-•2 45-2 8!- 8
Crispin 9-7 18-0 26' 7 53- 3 42-6 S3- 4
Coefficient of variation (%) 138
Standard error of differences between means (66 DF)
Cultivar x leaf position 4-20

m e n t s . The overall mean values were similar in than expected on Cox's Orange Pippin and more
t h e I w o ejivironinents, except for leaf area at the than expected on Ida Red, Spartan and Tyde-
t i m e o f harvesting leaves (larger in the glass- man's Early. It is possible that differences in
h o u s e ) , and position of the inoculated leaf when colony size may account for thisfinding,although
c o l o n i e s were first observed flower outdoors). sporulation has been shown to vary indepen-
A r e a o f harvested leaves decreased in the glass- dently of number and size of colonies of Rtiyn-
h o u s e {/*<0'05) as the inoculum concentration ctiospon'um secalis on barley (Habgood, 1977).
i n c r e a s e d . Rankings of cultivars in both cnviron- In 1981 there was, for some cultivars. an
m e n t s \^'ere generaUy consistent. associated variiiiion of components irrespeclive
of environment; although, for example, the incu-
bation period for Suntan was long, given the large
number of colonies and area mildewed that
I n g e n e r a l there was an associated variation in the subsequently developed. Discovery had tnany
c o m p o n e n t s of resistance in 1980. A cultivar with leaves not infected and the few colonies were of
a l o w proportion of mildewed leaves had fewer small size, had a long incubation period, and
coionies/'leaf, and the colonies had a longer produced few conidia/colony. Golden Delicious
i n c u b a t i o n period, and a lower production of showed precisely tbe opposite characteristics.
c o n i d i a . Extremes of resistance were shown by Between these two extremes there were inconsis-
D i s c o v e r y (very high) and Golden Delicious and tencies in rankings of two main types. Firstly, the
C r i s p i n (very low). Likewise, a consistency in level of resistance of a cultivar depended upon
c o m p o n e n t s was shown hy some cultivars with environment: this was the case with Greensleeves
i n t e r m e d i a t e levels of resistance (Laxton's which was marginally more susceptible in the
S u p e r b . . Suntan, Bramley's SeedHng and Granny glasshouse than outdoors, and for Spartan which
S m i t h ) . As has been found in some cereal diseases was more susceptible outdoors. Secondly, culti-
(Parlevliet, 1979; Jeger el at., 1983). the associ- var rankings on a particular component of resis-
a t i o n between componenis was not consi.sien£ for tance were inconsistent between environments:
all cultivars; in each case the sporulation compo- this was apparent, for example, with respect to
n e n t varied independently of the other compo- the incubation period of Jester compared to oiher
n e n t s . O n the basis of rankings with respect to components.
o t h e r components, spore production was less The incubation period, or time from inocula-
Resistance of apple to powdery miidew 487
Table 7. Mean spore produciion from mildew colonies on leaf
+ 2 {al inoculation) on 10 apple cultivars inoculated with
Podospluiera leucotricha conidia at four concentrations and kepi
in a glasshouse in 1981

Conidia (transformed to
natural logs)

per cm-of eolony' per coiony

Bramlcy"s Seedling U-1 (6)" 12-4 (8)
Cox's Orange Pippin 11-3 (1) 12-0 (5)
Discovery 12-4 (9) 10-9 (2)
Golden Delidous n-7 (2) 12-3 (7)
Green sleeves 12-4 (9) 12-8 (10)
Jester 12-2 (8) 11-9 (4)
Spartan 12-1 (6) 12-6 (9)
Sun I an 11-8 (3) 12-2 (6)
Tydeman's Early i2-U (5) 11-8 (3)
Worcester Pearmain 11-8 (3) 10-5 (1)

Iuoculum conidia/ml):
1-Ox I0-' 11-4
5'Ox 10^
25-0x10^ 11-9
Overall means (untransformed) 2-.^xI(F 3-8 X 10-'^
Coefficient of variation {"/,.} 6-8 7-9
Standard errors of differences of means (DF):
Cultivar 0-29 (79) 0 33 (48)
Inoculum concentration 0-31 (6)

•• Cultivar ranking (I =cultivar wilh the value likeK to impar!

mosi resistance) shown in parentheses.

tion to sign ofthe first colony on a leaf surface, compromise is to qualify the incubation period
was measured with a small coefficient of variation with the corresponding value for disease inci-
iti both years and environments, A tnore impor- dence. The latter, although not a true component
tant component, cpidemiologically. is the latent of resistance, provided good discrimination
period, or time from inoculation to firsl produc- between enltivars.
tion of a mature eonidium, but this is very Colony nnmbers were more variable but pro-
diffieult to assess for apple powdery mildew vided a good range of eultivar values and gave a
-beeause sporulation may preeede symptom ex- good identification of the high resistance in
pression by many days. The latent period is also Discovery in both years. There was no apparent
more influenced by weather conditions (Butt ei advantage in standardizing colony numbers per
ai.. 1980). There are also practical prohlcms in unit area of leaf.
recording the incubation period. In this study, for The older leaves near the shoot tip had a higher
example, the incubation period was reeorded only disease ineidence and eolony nttmber and a
for those leaf surfaces that developed colonies shorter incubation period than the younger
before the end of the assessment period. Values leaves. This almost certainly reflected the relative
for cukivars sueh as Discovery with a low disease amounts of inoeulnm intercepted by leaves at the
incidence are probably loo low. so that differ- — 1.0 and + 1 leaf positions as compared with the
ences between cultivars arc underestimated. A rolled leaves at the shoot tip. For this reason a
488 M, J. Jeger et al.
b e t t e r indicalor of the intrinsic susceptibility of within a single genotype (Mowry, 1965), has often
each leaf in relation to leafage is given by spore been attributed to host characteristics. Discovery,
production. The lower leaf surface proved more Laxton's Superb and Tydeman's Eariy, all with
susceptible but this, again, reflects the higher small glabrous leaves and a high rate of leaf
p r o p o r t i o n of inoculum landing on this surface; production, proved relatively resistant; Bramley.
this explanation is supported by the significant Crispin and Suntan. with the converse character-
leaf position x leaf surf ace interaction, in thai the istics, proved relatively susceptible. The number
lower leaf surfaces of rolled leaves at the shoot tip of rolled leaves at the shoot tip and the rale ofleaf
a r e directly exposed to inoculum. production could influenee the dynamics of
T h e restriction to the lower surface of a natural infections in the field (Butt el al., 1983),
p a r t i c u l a r leaf position (leaf + 2) at inoculation in Leaf hairiness varied considerably between culti-
198 I led to no loss of precision and the more rapid vars, but there was no evidence to suggest that
assessments enabled the inclusion of area/colony hairs act either as spore "traps" or as barriers to
as a n additional and valuable component of infection. The ranking of cultivars wilh respect lo
resistance, providing information, for example, host shoot attributes was reasonably consistent
on t h e relationship between colony numbers and between environments in 1981 and between years.
m i l d e w e d area/leaf Furthermore, expressing The main diflerenees were the larger leaf areas in
s p o r e produetion as conidia per cm- oi" colony the glasshouse compared to outdoors and the
p r o v e d useful in demonstrating the importance of reduction of leaf area with inoculum concentra-
c o l o n y area as a determinant of spore production. tion in the glasshouse, demonstrating the damag-
Independent of cuhivar, there were overall ing effect of mildew. Stirprisingly, the amount of
differences between the glasshouse and outdoor unexplained variation in the analysis of host
p l a n t s . The incubation period, on average, was shoot attributes and components of resistance
a b o u t 4 days shorter in the giasshouse. Likewise. was higher for plants in the glasshouse environ-
m i l d e w e d area'leaf was about eight times larger ment than outdoors.
on p l a n t s in the glasshouse, a difference much In our experiments in 1980 and 1981, the
g r e a t e r than that for leaf area. Colony numbers/ eultivars examined differed and the assessment
leaf a n d conidia/cm-eoJony did not differ greatly techniques varied between experiments. As a
b e t w e e n the two environments. The differences in consequence, we have used the relative rankings
i n c u b a t i o n period and mildewed area/leaf in the of cultivars common to ail experiments as a
t w o environments were most apparent in the qualitative measure ofthe consistency of assessed
r e s p o n s e s to inoculum concentration. Mildew components of resistance {Table 8), If compari-
development was most extensive on glasshouse sons of the results of the experiments are re-
p l a n t s inoculated at one-fifth ofthe highest spore stricted to the leaf, inoculum concentration and
concentration; colonies on these plants had the cultivars common to both years, then there
s h o r t e s t incubation period and largest mildewed appeared to be more variation between the
area/leaf- No interaction between inoculum con- glasshouse and outdoor environments in 1981
c e n t r a t i o n and cultivar was found for colony than between the two years: the latter variation
n u m b e r s or area/colony in either environnnent in may be associated with differenees in plant mater-
1981, suggesting thai differences in inoculum ial, inoculum aggressiveness, and glasshouse con-
concentration affected cuitivars equally. ditions. Discovery and Golden Delicious showed
An inverse relationship between colony strong and weak partial resistance characteristics
n u m b e r s and area/colony (Parleviiet, 1979) may respectively, irrespeetive of environment or year.
c o n f o u n d the assessment of colony area as a The moderate level of resistance in Bramley's
c o m p o n e n t of resistance, Shaner (1973). working Seedling was stable over years and environments.
with Ery'.siphe graminis f sp, triad on two wheat The ranking of the moderately susceptible culti-
c u l t i v a r s found similar areas/coiony at high col- var Cox's Orange Pippin was also reasonably
o n y densities, whereas at iow colony densities consistent. The moderate level of resistance
a r e a s o n the susceptible cultivar were greater than (apart from spore produetion) in Spartan was
on t h e resistant cultivar. Hence, resistance p(^r,ve, only expressed in the glasshouse in 1980 and 198L
r a t h e r than colony density, may restrict the area/ Suntan. except for the long incubation period in
c o l o n y of powdery miidew on wheat; this conclu- 1981 in both environments, was moderately sus-
s i o n c a n also be inferred from the results of eeptible in all experiments. Tydeman's Early was
R o b e r t s & Caidwel! (1970). more difficult to characterize when comparing
Variation in resistance to apple mildew, even environments and seasons; this cultivar was
Resistance of apple lo powdery mildew 489
Table 8, Classiiication of seven apple cuUivars with respect to rankings within four
coinponent.s of resistance to powdery mildew in two years (!980. 19K!| and twti
environments (G. glasshouse: O. outdoors). All rankings refer to assessments made on
ihe lower surface of the leaf in position + 2 at the lime of inoculation

Di.sease Incubation Colony

incidence period n timbers
I9S1 1981 1981 colony

CuUivar 1980 G O 1980 G 0 1980 G 0 1980 198P

Very resist a at
Discovery I 1 I I 1 6 1 1 1 i 1

Moderately resistant
Spartan 2 2 4 3 5 3 T 2 6 7 7
Bramley's Seedling 3 3 2 4 2 2 4 2 3 6

Moderately susceptible
Tydeman's Early 4 7 4 2 5 4 3 7 4 6 2
Stinlan 6 5 4 5 3 1 4 5 7 5 4
Cox's Orange Pippin 5 4 3 6 4 4 6 5 3 -}

Very susceptible
Golden Delicious 7 4 6 7 7 7 4 5 A 5

" Ratikings from assessments made in glasshouse: cultivars did not differ significantly

moderately rcsislant in glasshouse evaluation in (Ell. el Ev.) Salm. in apple varielies (English
1980, suseeptible in gl!isshouse evaliaalion in abstract). I'edecke Pracc Orocnaiwla- 7, 69-85.
1981, and moderately reststanl outdoors in 1981. Buit D..I. & Jeger M.J. (1982) Decision-based manage-
Consistency in assessing resistance was obtained ment of orchard pathogens and pcsls. In: Dcci.'.iiin
where (here was a high degree of a.ssoeialion Making in ihe Practice of Crop ProlccHon. Proceccl-
between components. No eultivars were identi- ing.s ofthe 19H2 Brilisli Crop Proieciion Symposium
fied which consistently, over years and environ- (Ed. by R. B. Ausijn), pp. 167-189.
ments, showed strong resistance characteristies Butl D.J.. Jeger M.J. & Souler R.D. (1980) Apple
powdery mildew (/"ni/w/j/wcra/fi/rif/riWia). Epidemi-
with respecl to one component but weak eharac- ology. Study of components of ihc disease cycle.
leristics with respect to another. Annual Rcporl of litc Mailint; Research Siaiion
for 1979. pp. 92-93.
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