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1st Phase

Hootsuite Membership $228 (Annually)/$29 (Monthly) – Professional

• Bulk Scheduling weeks in advance

• PayPal compatible
• Real Time Analytics


Post Schedule
Monday – (Possible) 1pm & 4pm

• Monday is a hit or miss day compared to statistics gathered from multiple studies

Tuesday through Wednesday – 12:30pm & 3pm

• Tuesday through Thursday shows to be consistent with its peak times shown from the same
studies due to the work week.

Friday and Saturday- 11am, 1:30pm, 3:30pm

• The peak times stay consistent due to the fact it is heading into the weekend.

The social media market is maneuvered by the actual work week. Saturday and Sunday show the lowest
percentages in ad clicks and post engagements; but going Live on FB and Instagram show a major
increase in views and engagements


Campaigns (FB/Instagram)

Band Cash Face Book Page (Book Now/Exposure) – Bi Weekly

• $30 ad for both Book Now and Page Exposure ($60)

▪ There are added charges when someone engages the ad which will result in the
total pay out to be more than $30ea ($60)
• (optional) Instagram can have its own ads running specifically structured
for Instagram and it will just redirect it back to the FB Band Cash page
since FB owns Instagram. Instagram doe not have a dedicated server for
its ads, it shares it with FB.

▪ Ads will be specifically targeting DFW, Men and Woman between ages 18-40 w/
specific targeting around interests and employments

The campaigns will be running along side of the scheduled posts to maximize a sense of “online
consistency”. While the campaigns and the scheduled posts are running both Chris and I will be
engaging with the community throughout the day to create a sense of authenticity instead of coming off
as “spamming”


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