MS and Sustainable Development

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Management systems and sustainable

The moving goal posts
from environment to
corporate responsibility
Across all countries and sectors, companies are assessing their approach to non-financial
business issues. And the goalposts keep moving. At first, the issues were mainly envi-
ronmental. Then the term “ sustainable development ” came to the fore. Now corporate
social responsibility and corporate governance are setting the agenda. This article looks
at issues and trends over the past decade.


Paul Scott is Director of Next

Step Consulting, a specialist
consultancy focusing on
corporate policy, strategy and
Next Step Consulting also
the world’s largest online
directory of published corporate
environmental and social reports.

Next Step Consulting Ltd., 20

Brondesbury Road, London NW6 6AY,
United Kingdom.
Tel. + 44 (0)20 8930 9222.
Fax + 44 (0)20 8930 9333.

ISO Management Systems – September-October 2003 27


The wave of environmentalism sector and country. But the upsurge

in EMS at this time reflected the
It was following a series of high-
pressures on business, together with
profile pollution disasters during the
the realization that the presence of a
1980’s that newspaper headlines, the
functioning EMS might be a mitigat-
growth of campaigning groups and
ing factor should a company find itself
increased environmental legislation
in court for environmental breaches.
led to the realization that companies
Both the reporting and EMS
which polluted needlessly would be
developments remained voluntary,
called to account.
with increased momentum in the
In the USA, in particular, the
early 1990’s, especially in Europe.
increasing concern at corporate envi-
The early reporters in the USA found
ronmental pollution led to the “ right
their reports well received and they
to know ” Toxic Release Inventory
encouraged their overseas subsidiaries
legislation, which placed comprehen-
to follow suit.
sive information on toxic releases
Environmental reporting was
especially successful in Europe, which
The realization continues to lead the world in both
the quantity and quality of reports.
that prevention was Companies with an environmental
management system discovered
better than cure led
the “ low-hanging fruit ” of identifi-
to an increase in able reductions in waste management,
energy and water costs – and the word
environmental auditing was passed on. In an era of self-regula-
and the growth tion, governments encouraged the vol-
untary aspect of these activities, seeing
of environmental the prospect for progress without the
management systems need for confrontation.
To be fair, at this stage some com-
panies embarked on programmes of
reporting and EMS out of a conviction
in the public domain. The pressure of “ doing the right thing ”, under the
on businesses perceived to be heavy banner of corporate citizenship. More
polluters – especially those in the often, however, risk minimization was
petro-chemical industry, with a grow- the primary driver – whether risks
ing track record of spills, fires and from actual and anticipated legisla-
tanker collisions – induced a number tion, or those to corporate and brand
to tell “ their side of the story ” in reputations.
environmental reports. Then in the early 1990’s, both
At the same time, the realization reporting and EMS received
that prevention was better than cure added impetus. A flurry of articles,
led to a parallel increase in environ- magazines and books announced the
mental auditing and the growth of “ green wave ” of corporate environ-
environmental management systems mentalism. Yes, business had sub-
(EMS). stantial impacts on the environment
In contrast with the new phenom- – but also the flexibility, ingenuity,
enon of environmental reporting, resources and, perhaps, the will to
by the late 1980’s many companies address them.
already had documented environmen- The most influential of publica-
tal policies and performance controls tions, following on the challenges
in place, in some cases for years, even and dilemmas outlined in the World
decades – usually in proportion to the Commission on Environment and
amount of “ command and control ” Development’s Our Common Future
legislation in operation in a particular in 1987, was Stephan Schmidheiny’s

28 ISO Management Systems – September-October 2003


Changing Course, which set out an of environment, social activity and the
analysis of voluntary responsibility economy.
on the part of industry. Secondly, it became clear that
Everywhere, the message was the command and control regulation
same : business has the responsibil- could not address the many inter-
ity to change the direction of world connecting balances and decisions
development – to make development needed on the path towards sustain-
sustainable. In 1991, The International ability – and responsible companies,
Chamber of Commerce formulated especially multinationals, could no
its Business Charter for Sustainable longer use compliance as a universal
Development, a set of 16 principles, shield against the expectations of civil
which companies must implement society.
within their management procedures.
Within a year, 600 companies had
signed up to them. Companies with
an environmental
Addressing sustainable development management system
The media event of 1992 was discovered the
undoubtedly the United Nations
Conference for Environment and ‘ low-hanging fruit ’ of
Development, better known as the identifiable reductions
“ Earth Summit ”. Convened by the
UN in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 20 in waste management,
years after the UN Conference on the
energy and water costs
Human Environment in Stockholm, it
changed mind-sets around the world,
with reports from over 7 000 accred-
ited journalists covering the debates And thirdly, it became clear that
and deliberations of over 100 heads developing countries could not be
of state and thousands of representa- expected to attain the living standards
tives from all sectors of civil society. they desired, while implementing
The Earth Summit changed the checks and balances needed to
outlooks in several ways. Firstly, it prevent impending environmental and
became received wisdom that sustain- social disaster, by pulling on their own
able development should address not boot-straps.
only environmental issues, but should These changes in outlook have pro-
seek equilibrium between the aspects foundly changed the way companies

80 %
Evolution in the types of
corporate non-financial reports
70 % published over the period
1996-2003 – based on 3 879
60 % reports, received to 30 June
Environment, Health and Safety
50 % Social (Source :,
Sustainable July 2003.)
40 % CSR (Corporate Social Responsabilty)

30 %

20 %

10 %

1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003*

ISO Management Systems – September-October 2003 29


address their responsibilities – and Many see them as interchangeable

indeed, how they define them. In terms, while the more cynical dub
turn, their public reports have shown CSR “ sustainable development lite ”.
a marked change from the purely A key differentiator is the approach
environmental to to essential business
the current wave of Everywhere the message issues. Whereas a
sustainable develop- thorough sustain-
ment and corporate was the same: able development
responsibility report- approach might
ing. The change of
business has the question the sustain-
emphasis has hap- responsibility to change ability of a compa-
pened gradually, and ny’s practices, even
the pendulum is still the direction of world its core business,
swinging – hardly development – to make CSR tends to focus
surprising when it less on the company
takes so much longer development sustainable itself and more on
to address new issues its activities – its
than it does to recognize and define community and social engagement,
them. its charitable donations, as well as the
300 12 000

Companies with ISO 14001 certification

250 Number of companies reporting 10 000
Companies reporting per country

ISO 14001 Companies

200 8 000

150 6 000

100 4 000

50 2 000

0 0
Comparison of number of



South Korea

The Netherlands


South Africa



companies publishing non-

financial reports with number
of companies holding ISO
14001 certification in 27
countries. The best reports now outline such environmental aspects. It is therefore
(Source :, issues as product stewardship (the less inward and more outward looking.
July 2003.) life cycle of products from cradle to Indeed, if CSR is to become a widely
grave), corporate contribution to local accepted, if less threatening alterna-
communities and society in general, tive to corporate sustainability, it will
ethics, globalization and supply chains, need to drop the “ S ” and become
of which more later. simply “ corporate responsibility ”.

The latest trend – corporate social Measuring management

responsibility (CSR) So far, we have not witnessed
Whereas the concept of sustain- the same transition in management
able development developed over a systems. The British Standards Institu-
number of years and seemed firmly tion’s BS 7750, introduced in 1992, was
established, the new “ CSR ” buzzword a leader in its day and opened the way
has emerged from the business com- to the publication of the International
munity over the past three years. In Standard, ISO 14001, on 6 September
what way do the concepts differ ? 1996. But BS 7750 looked only at

30 ISO Management Systems – September-October 2003


environmental aspects, specifying lished by companies in sectors which

“ requirements for the development, were under direct pressure to justify
implementation and maintenance of their performance, such as chemicals,
environmental management systems utilities, metal industries and mining.
aimed at ensuring compliance with In such sectors, inputs and outputs are
stated environmental policy and directly quantifiable and are reported
objectives ”. The same is true of ISO as a measure of progress.
14001. While it has helped thousands
Environment, Social
of companies measure and document
Health 3%
their conformity with environmental and Safety
aspects of corporate policies, it does 15 %
not address the wider aspects of sus-
tainable development.
However, there are important
interactions between ISO 14001 and
corporate reporting. Firstly, a com-
pany with a well-developed manage-
ment system, such as one certified
Types of corporate non-
to ISO 14001, is far better placed to financial reports published in
report on its environmental aspects. 1995 – based on 159 reports.
This should be self-evident. Secondly, 82 %
attaining ISO 14001 certification is an (Source:,
indication of commitment. July 2003.)
This partly explains the commend-
able degree of take-up of ISO 14001 Responsibility
by companies in Germany and Japan Social 5%
– companies achieving certification 6%
are demonstrating that they are and Social
prepared to put resources – often, 10 %
significant resources – into this area of
operations, and to integrate manage-
ment of environmental aspects into
their overall management operations.
Thirdly and possibly most interest-
ingly, companies can use certification 15 % Types of corporate non-
to ISO 14001 as a benchmark by which financial reports published in
to measure the commitment of the Environment
Environment, 45 %
2002 – based on 549 reports.
links in their supply chain. For compa-
Health and Safety (Source:,
nies such as Kingfisher (see following 19 %
article) this is an important criterion, July 2003.)
allowing thousands of potential sup- As reporting has progressed, so
pliers to be evaluated within an over- new sectors have reported, from for-
all supply management system. estry to food producers. Companies
For many companies whose major are now reporting which themselves
environmental aspects lie not within have relatively insignificant direct
their own operations, but within the environmental and social impacts,
remit of their business partners – such but much larger indirect ones. An
as producers around the world in the example is the financial service sector.
case of a retailer, or clients and inves- Here, the indirect impacts arising from
tors in the case of financial services core financial transactions – lending
– having a single criterion applying and investments – are incomparably
across all countries and sectors is greater than the direct, office-based
proving invaluable. impacts.
There is a parallel here with report- In this case, screening a potential
ing. The first wave of reports was pub- investment in, say, a pulp mill in

ISO Management Systems – September-October 2003 31


Companies can use Indonesia, to check it is not using in full compliance with its complete
virgin rainforest as its input – and set of guidelines, choosing instead to
certification to quantifying, documenting and report- follow their general direction.
ISO 14001 as a ing the results – is similar to a retailer In view of the vastly different
checking that its Indonesian timber issues facing different business sectors,
benchmark by which products supplier is certified to ISO the GRI is producing specific sectoral
14001. As reporting and systems man- supplements, starting with financial
to measure the
agement become more sophisticated, services, tour operators, automotive
commitment of the links so they become more interconnected. and telecommunications.
The ISO community is also
in their supply chain addressing the communication aspect
Communicating performance of environmental management in
The Global Re- the form of a new
porting Initiative Public reports have standard, ISO 14063,
(GRI), a multi-stake- being developed by
holder organization shown a marked change ISO technical com-
now based in Amster- from the purely mittee ISO/TC 207,
dam, Holland, is tak- which is responsible
ing the lead in estab- environmental to the for the ISO 14000
lishing a set of
current wave of sustainable family. In the light of
reporting guidelines the rapid adoption
against which com- development and corporate around the world
panies might be of ISO 14001, this
expected to report responsibility reporting is to be welcomed
their sustainability because a standard
performance. However, very few com- setting out broad principles, which is
panies have chosen to produce reports not too prescriptive, and which can
be adopted with equal success across
all sectors and countries, would be
Free access to world invaluable.
of global reports However, reporting has moved on
from the purely environmental, and
Having a corporate responsibility or sustainability report is becom- this needs to be reflected both in man-
ing an identifying feature of a responsible company, if such a com- agement systems and in standards for
pany is one that addresses its environmental and social impacts, the communication of performance.
engages with its stakeholders, and publishes its progress and Easier said than done, or it would
performance. already have been achieved ! Differ-
Analysts in investment houses and ratings agencies increasingly ent sectors and countries have differ-
turn to these reports as a first port of call in assessing a company’s ing priorities, and a flexible approach
risks, opportunities, commitment and performance in the area of will be needed to balance the risks of
corporate responsibility and good governance. patronizing some sectors and coun-
tries against setting insurmountable
Ten years ago, only a few dozen companies produced such reports
hurdles for others.
and it was relatively easy to maintain an overview of the reporting
Rather than providing a template,
field. With thousands of companies now producing stand-alone non-
financial reports in a variety of formats, it is now a challenge to as has the GRI, an approach based
track who is doing what. Which is why on principles, which may be adopted
is growing in popularity. to a greater or lesser extent according
to circumstances, looks a safer bet for
The world’s largest online directory of corporate non-financial global success.
reports, this free resource covers thousands of companies across
45 countries. Together with sophisticated search functions, lists of
recent and forthcoming reports, and thousands of PDF’s to view and
download, its extensive links section provides a useful gateway
into the field of corporate responsibility.

32 ISO Management Systems – September-October 2003

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