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Neymar? What do you think about him? Neymar is the perfect

example of someone who doesn't go with the flow, someone who
doesn't listen to what others say and does what he thinks is right for
Neymar da Silva Santos Junior was born in Mogi das cruzes, in
1992, as a regular boy, at least it was what they thought. Since he was
a child he knew how to play soccer, even being a little kid everyone
could see that he was special. At the age at 17, Neymar was already a
millionaire, with a lot of sponsors and a holder of Santos.
Everything was fast for him, the money, the fame, he could have
whatever that the money can buy and wasn’t even an adult. Over this
years, he made some bad moves but always trying to be better.
Neymar is an inspiration for people that doesn’t want to be like
everyone else, not just here in Brazil, but around the whole world.

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