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- First, the employee or user must input the data. The user name, company, department, position,
hours work, and pay grade (Cannot be blank).
- If the run button is click, process the formula for the overtime, grosspay, deduction and netpay.
- Display the employee name, position, hours work, overtime(if any), grosspay ( basic
pay+overtime pay), deduction and net pay.

File Handling Buttons:

• Save to a new file – browse for a folder, create a new text file and save the Pay Slip Data to the text

• Save to an existing file – save the Pay Slip Data to the selected file. If the user already selected a file, it
will Ask if the user wanted to save it to the currently selected file, else it will browse for another file.

• Open/Read a File – reads the text file and display it on Data grid view. If the user already selected a
file, it Will ask if wanted to read the current file or open a new text file to read.

• Delete Row – The user must select a row in DGV, then click the ‘Delete Row’ Button to delete the line.
After Deleting, it will automatically update the content of data grid view and the text file.

• Update File – To update the file, you can edit the DGV cell and click Update File to update the text file.

- NOTE: The user can only edit Name, Company and Department. The rest is set as Read-Only.

• Search Name – The user will be asked to input the name to be searched and if there is a match, it will
Display the row index of the name found and the row will be selected.

- NOTE: The process of search of name is not case sensitive.

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