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Classroom Management Plan

Addison Bartkowiak
Procedures & Routines for the Classroom
Entering the Classroom

Introduction: This procedure/routine will be introduced on the

first day of class and will also be written down within the class
syllabus so that students can reference it at any time.
Practice: As students enter the classroom, they will be reminded
that they need to take their seat and put away their backpack,
and any phones or other devices, and get out the supplies that
they’ll need for the day.
Enforcement: Students will receive positive reinforcement by
means of verbal praise and encouragement when they are able to
come into the classroom and quickly take their seats, and get
ready for class without a reminder. Verbal warnings and reminders
will be given if and when needed.
Obtaining Supplies

Introduction: This procedure/routine will be introduced on

the first day of class and will also be written down within
the class syllabus so that students can reference it at any
Practice: (Model, Cue, Repeat) Once students have taken
their seats and put away their things they will be asked to
raise their hand if they need supplies (pencil, paper,
etc.). They will be called on to gather the needed supplies.
Enforcement: Students will be verbally reminded/reprimanded
should it be necessary.
Warm Up Writing

Introduction: This procedure/routine will be introduced on the first

day of class and will also be written down within the class syllabus so
that students can reference it at any time.

Practice: (Model, Repeat Daily) At the beginning of each class after

the previous two procedures and prior to the main lesson, students will
take part in warm up writing to get them in the right mindset for
class. The prompt each class will be different. Students will have
their journals passed out to them, and they will complete their warm up
writing for the day. Upon completion of their warm up writing, journals
will be collected and returned to the shelf designated for their class.

Enforcement: Students will be verbally reminded/reprimanded should it

be necessary.
Small Group Work

Introduction: This procedure/routine will be introduced on

the first day that group work takes place.

Practice: (Model, Cue, Repeat) For small group work,

students will be directed to work with their desk buddy (the
student seated next to them) to complete their work. Desks
have been set up in pairs so that the transition to small
group work should be relatively easy and seamless.

Enforcement: Students will be verbally reminded/reprimanded

should it be necessary.
Turning in Assignments

Introduction: This procedure/routine will be introduced on

the first day of class and will also be written down within
the class syllabus so that students can reference it at any
Practice: Students will turn in assignments in their class’
designated turn in tray by the door as they complete their
assignments during class. They will also be allowed to turn
in their work on their way out of class if needed.
Enforcement: Students will be verbally reminded/reprimanded
should it be necessary.
Bathroom/Hall Pass/Nurses Pass

Introduction: This procedure/routine will be introduced on

the first day of class and will also be written down within
the class syllabus so that students can reference it at any
Practice: Bathroom/Hall/Nurse Passes will be hung by the
door. Students will raise their hand, or come up and ask the
teacher if they can use the pass. Once given permission, the
student will take the appropriate pass for their
Enforce: Students will be verbally reminded/reprimanded
should it be necessary.
Absent Work

Introduction: This procedure/routine will be introduced on the first

day of class and will also be written down within the class syllabus so
that students can reference it at any time.

Practice: If students know ahead of time that they are going to be

absent, they are to let the teacher know so that they can collect their
work ahead of time. If they do not know that they are going to be
absent, they are to see the teacher upon their return to school and
collect the work that they have missed. The date that their late work
will be due will be determined by the length of their absence.

Enforce: Students will receive a verbal or written reminder/reprimand

should it be necessary. In addition, a note may be sent home for a
parent signature or an email may be sent to their parent/guardian.
Classroom Library Checkout

Introduction: This procedure/routine will be introduced on the

first day of class and will also be written down within the class
syllabus so that students can reference it at any time.

Practice: Should students want to borrow a book from the class

library they are to write their name, student ID number, class
period, title of the book, and the date that they are borrowing
the book in the class library checkout binder.

Enforce: At the end of each class period the teacher will ask if
any students have borrowed a book, and ask if they have written
down their information in the checkout binder.
Providing Students Assistance

Introduction: This procedure/routine will be introduced on the

first day of class and will also be written down within the class
syllabus so that students can reference it at any time.

Practice: Should students need any assistance with an assignment

in class they can raise their hand or come to the teacher’s desk
if necessary. Should they need any assistance outside of class
they are allowed to send me an email or come see me before or
after school. Student emails will not be answered after 5pm.

Enforce: Students will be verbally reminded of when and how they

can ask for assistance on assignments as needed.
Exiting the Classroom

Introduction: This procedure/routine will be introduced on the

first day of class and will also be written down within the class
syllabus so that students can reference it at any time.
Practice: Five to ten minutes prior to the end of class, students
are to put away any and all supplies, make sure their backpacks
are packed up, and clean up the area around them. The classroom
should be cleaned up and returned to how it was prior to class.
Once these tasks are completed students will be allowed to exit
the classroom as the bell rings.
Enforce: Students will be verbally reminded/reprimanded should it
be necessary, and will not be allowed to leave the classroom
until it is clean and orderly.
Rules for the Classroom
Rule #1

Respect: yourself, others, our classroom, your work, and
● First Infraction: Verbal reminder/reprimand
● Second Infraction: Email/Note will be sent to
parents/guardians for their signature/acknowledgement of
their student’s behavior.
● Third Infraction: Referral will be issued to the student
for detention.
Rule #2

Keep a positive attitude, believe that you can achieve
whatever you set your mind to.
● First Infraction: Positive encouragement/reinforcement
● Second Infraction: Verbal reminder/reprimand
(conversation with student)
● Third Infraction: Email/Note will be sent to
Rule #3

Actively participate and engage in class and with the
lesson. Don’t be afraid to speak up! :)
● First Infraction: Positive encouragement/reinforcement
● Second Infraction: Verbal reminder/reprimand
(conversation with student)
● Third Infraction: Email/Note will be sent to
Parent-Teacher Communication Plan
Communication Plan

● Parents contact information (phone number, email, text)

will be collected during the first couple weeks of
● An initial introduction email will be sent out to allow
me to connect with the parents and introduce myself, who
I am, my teaching/education background, and how excited I
am to be working with their student this school year. The
syllabus for the class will also be included.
● Grades will be posted and updated weekly so that student
progress will be current, and parents can contact me
about any concerns as needed.
Communication Plan

● A monthly email newsletter will be sent to parents documenting

the units that we are covering in class, and the
accomplishments that have taken place.
● Before any referrals are written for students, parent/guardian
communication will take place first. This could be by a note
sent home, an email, or a phone call if necessary.
● Should students display exceptional behavior parents/guardians
may be contacted by email letting them know how
wonderful/helpful their student has been.
● For any high needs students, a weekly check-in via email will
take place with parents/guardians detailing any progress or
incidents that have happened.

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