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5/22/2019 3dpBurner: Downloads

Lainnya Dasbor Logout

a 3D printed laser cutter engraver

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Section updated: Mar/06/2018

3dpBurner2 .STL files:

The 3dpBurner project has a lot of working hours, prototyping, testings, burned electronics... I
would like to recover some of the investment and thus to continue improving it. That is why i
have decided to send the .STL files for printing after a donation. No matter the amount, you can
donate any amount, i will be very grateful and you will be contributing with the project

Use the button below to make the donation, i will send you the .STL files to your Paypal email.

...However, if you don't can / want to make a donation for any reason contact me, i will send
you files. If you like the project you can make a donation at any time. Thank you!!

-The recommended print settings are PLA at minimun of 40% infill.

Arduino Firmware
The firmware used by 3dpBurner is a work in progress laser optimized version of the official
GRBL made by AlphaResearch.

-Dec/14/2016: At today date i'm using this firmware version (it is the lastest AlphaResearch
version at Feb/04/2015). I've tested it for some time without issues. It has speed improvments
over the previous one, getting a much better results on grayscale picture engravings. Note
there are newer versions, from both, Alpharesearch and official GRBL, i have tested them, but
get the better performance with this one.
-Download .hex file
-Download source files

How to flash Arduino with the 3dpBurner firmware:

Easy flashing:
The recommended one. Download the hex file, and use the Xloader application for upload file
to Arduino. 1/5
5/22/2019 3dpBurner: Downloads

Standard flashing:
Download the souce files, compile and flash using standard Arduino IDE. You can check
the GRBL wiki flashing guide.

After flashing:
For configuring the GRBL firmware defaults for 3dpBurner use the 3dpBurner Sender App.
Select "Settings/Send configuration file to 3dpBurner..." and send the any configuration file
from below (you can open the file with a text editor for checking). Reset after sending the file.

These are the standard settings for A4/A3 working area using 20 teeth GT2 pulleys and single
Y motor.

If you want to manual check firmware settings or mofify to fit your needs, send $$
command and check all values acording to GRBL documentation.

*The bigger working area the lower acceleration (i use acceleration of 2000mm/min^2 on my A4
machine and 1000mm/sec^2 on my A3 one). Best acceleration is the maximun possible without
producing perimeter pattern on grayscale image engravings.

*Too high acceleration. A thin edge but many

vibrations and perimetral patterns

*Correct acceleration . A thicker edge but no

vibrations/perimetral patterns

Old firmware files:

-Feb/02/2015 last AlphaResearch version at Feb/02/2015.

-Download Source files 2/5
5/22/2019 3dpBurner: Downloads

GCODE sender application

3dpBurner sender (Open Source)

A Windows application for control and streaming files to 3dpBurner. (Requires .Net Framework
4+) .

You can directly download the latest stable binary here.

or check all releases here:

Source files:

Image to GCODE converter application

3dpBurner Image2Gcode (Open Source)

An easy to use Windows application for engraving images. (Requires .Net Framework 4+).

Some features: 8 bit grayscale or 1 bit monocromatic engraving, horizontal/diagonal patterns,

edge lines, laser profiles, metric/imperial units, basic image editing functions...

Check the lastest releases here: 3/5
5/22/2019 3dpBurner: Downloads

Source files:


I use CamBam as my main CAM program. These are useful files:

3dpBurner Cambam PostProcessor (updated Dec/21/2015) Download

CamBam laser style i use it as start point for create operations:

<CAMStyle Name="laser">
<Style />
<OptimisationMode state="Value">None</OptimisationMode>
<ToolDiameter state="Value">0.18</ToolDiameter>
<PlungeFeedrate state="Value">30000</PlungeFeedrate>
<CutFeedrate state="Value">1000</CutFeedrate>
<ClearancePlane state="Value">0</ClearancePlane>
<SpindleSpeed state="Value">255</SpindleSpeed>
<TargetDepth state="Value">-1</TargetDepth>
<DepthIncrement state="Value">1</DepthIncrement>
<CutOrdering state="Value">DepthFirst</CutOrdering>
<StepOver state="Value">0.75</StepOver>
<MaxCrossoverDistance state="Value">1</MaxCrossoverDistance>
<StartCorner state="Value">TopLeft</StartCorner>
<RegionFillStyle state="Value">HorizontalHatch</RegionFillStyle>

Guide: 4/5
5/22/2019 3dpBurner: Downloads

Check a software/hardware guide created by highground user. A must to read.

Laser guide

Thanks for sharing highground.

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--- 3dpBurner 2014-2019 --- by villamany form Cádiz -Spain-. Tema Picture Window. Con la tecnología de
Blogger. 5/5

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