Lec Finals Quizzes

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QUIZ 1 Which statement by the nurse is most likely to help a

The way you see your body, can be positive or negative. morbidly obese 22-year-old man in losing weight on a
-Body Image 1000-calorie diet?
-“You are likely to notice changes in how you feel with
Anorexics see themselves as unrealistically overweight just a few weeks of diet and exercise.”
even when they are dangerously thin. Affects a person’s
self- concept and coping abilities. Outside pressures, A repeated pattern of losing and gaining weight is
high expectations, a need to be accepted, and a need to defined as?
achieve are characteristics associated with this disorder. -Weight Cycling
Extreme, harmful eating behaviors that can cause
Regardless of the type of diet consumed, weight loss serious illness or even death.
will not occur unless the thought pattern of the -Eating Disorder
individual changes to one that modifies eating habits.
-FALSE Weight-loss plans that tend to be popular for only a
short period of time are called?
A weight management plan includes healthy eating and -Fad diets
moderate-to-vigorous physical activity.
-True Excessive weight disabilities include breathing
difficulties and bone and join problems.
Which of the following are helpful ways to manage your -true
weight? May have more than one answer
-Evaluate your progress An eating disorder in which people overeat
-Personalize your plan compulsively. People feel guilty and disgusted by their
-Target a healthy weight behavior but feel powerless to stop it. They do not
-Put your goals and plans in writing purge.
-Set realistic goals -Binge Eating

In general, when energy requirements are completely In order to optimize recovery after strenuous activity or
met by kilocalorie (kcal) intake in food: day-long sporting events, it is best to eat foods rich in
-Weight does not change carbohydrates.
An eating disorder in which an irrational fear of weight
gain leads people to starve themselves. Binging and purging is identified as which eating
-Anorexia Nervosa disorder
-Bulima Nervosa
Which nursing action is appropriate when coaching
obese adults enrolled in a behavior modification An active lifestyle is important for maintaining and
program? promoting health. In developing an exercise program,
-Asking the adults about situations that tend to increase -Physical activity enhances functioning of all body
appetite systems

The nurse is coaching a community group for individuals The nurse is attempting to start an exercise program in
who are overweight. Which participant behavior is an a lo community as a health promotion project. In
example of the best exercise plan for weight loss? explaining the the project, the nurse explains to the
-Walking for 40 minutes 6 or 7 days/week community leaders
-A sedentary lifestyle contributes to the development of
Some teens may compare their bodies 1 point to h problems.
models, athletes, or actors; even though they are
There are also other nutrients that have possible What foods that can harm our bone in too much
relationship in maintaining a healthy bones consumption of these foods
-Vitamin B12 -Alcohol
-Vitamin K -Softdrinks
-Vitamin C -Salty foods
-Zinc -Caffein
A mother asking the nurse if how does saliva protects -high fatty food
the teeth against carries formation. You as a nurse, your
best response is SATA
-Saliva contains substances (such as proteins, In building bone and maintaining the health of the
bicarbonate, and phosphates) that dilute and neutralize bone, an individual should consume foods that are rich
mouth acidity. in, SATA
-due to its high pH that may prevent from the formation -Calcium
of carries -Vitamin K
-it has antimicrobial proteins (immunoglobulins and -Vitamin D
lysozyme) that defend against bacteria and fungi. -Phosphorus
-the calcium, phosphate, and fluoride ions in saliva aid
in preventing enamel dissolution and promoting This Vitamin will aid in the reduction of inflammation,
remineralization. which is a primary cause of gum disease, gingivitis. And
It is one of the most potent antioxidants and will help to
Based on good evidence, what foods are also needed to strengthens blood vessels as well as the connective
keep the health of our bones tissue
-Phosphorus -Vitamin C
There are adequate sources of Vitamin D but it is
In order to prevent dental caries on children, mothers difficult to get the right amount, so, where we can get
must be Educated on what kind of foods she will Vitamin D then? Write your answer in small letters only,
prepare, especially on snack Time. These foods will not with the first letter capitalized
contribute to tooth decay and do not cause a drop in -Sunlight
salivary pH
-Cariostatic foods In the oral health, Cariogenic foods will help to promote
formation of caries bec these foods are fermentable
Acidic food does not harm the bone. carbohydrates, those that can be broken down by
-False salivary amylase and it has low mouth pH such as SATA
To protect the health of the bones, these substances -chips
should be limited or be avoided if possible -pretzels
-Juices Explaining to a 60 y/o female patient that one of the
-Soft drinks symptom of osteoporosis is
-Caffeine -decreased height

This foods will help retain the integrity of bones and In a children calss in the community, you as a student
teeth, SATA nurse, you 1 point are educating children to eat foods
-broccoli that may increase the production of saliva to prevent
-milk the formation of dental carries such as, SATA
-eggs -milk
A high sodium is consistently cited as a risk factor for -raw vegetables
osteoporotic fractures esp. if the calcium intake or
calcium absorption is also low bec the saltier the food
the more calcium loss.-True
QUIZ 3 Genetic makeup does not affect the metabolism but it
The main target of this is to clarify the impact of the response to nutrients and other bioactive components
gene variability on the interaction between nutrients in food.
and disease. -false
In the development of Cancer, there are factors that
The best-known examples of the clinical application of helps, such as
nutritional genomics is monogenic diseases -gene alterations
They are nutritionists innovators who use a process of
Which of the following is true of nutrigenetics? changing the current situation of the existing products
-It studies how a person’s genetic makeup affects the and services, to set up new products and new services.
way they respond to certain foods -Nutripreneur

Nutrigenomics examines how your body responds to

nutrients based on your genetics.

This is a discipline within nutritional genomics that

studies the effects of foods on gene expression.

Nutripreneurs are the trained and skilled entrepreneurs

who may engaged in a field such as, Select all that
-Bloggers, Webinars
-School Nutrition Facilitators
-Nutraceutical based firms
-Researcher firms
-Gyms and Workout firms Nutrition Counselor

It is the practice and process that results in creativity,

innovation, development and growth of nutrition

They are nutritionists’ innovators who use a process of

changing the current situation of the existing products
and services, to set up new products and new services.

The aims of nutritional genomics are as follows, Except.

-Improve dietary guidelines at an individual level

Nutrigenetics studies how nutrients affect t your body’s

expression of your genes

It is an organism’s complete set of DNA, including all of

its genes

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