Benign: Non Contraceptive Benevits

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9:35 PM Wed 18 May

IP 79% I

•Eg A IS k /, CI ski 9
04 Contraception, 65
Congenital heart disease is not o, contraindication to use ocp
unless there is marginal cardiac reserve or a condition which
predisposes to thrombosis.

OCPs and its eV cc-t on other diseases :

Increases Relieves/decreases No ec'Soct
Hepatic adenomas endornetrial cancer Liver cancer
breast cancer: Ovarian cancer
Ovarian cyst
females slightly . '
increased benign breast

Cancer cervix : Colorectal cancer


Non contraceptive beneVits : Less = 612012i0S.

6 - benign breast- diseases.
- rheumatoid arthritis.
o - ovarian cyst.
- atherosclerosis.
0 - d3smenorrhea (endornetriosis)
S - salpin3i'cis/P10/ ectopic pregnancy

more - increase bone mineral density.

OCPs are deVtnitel beneficial in :

Hypothalamic amenorrheo, - Hormonal therapy.
Prevention of menstrual porphyries.
mittelschrnerz (pain due to ovulation).
Acne and hirsutism.
bleeding - pub.

Possibly beneficial in :
I. Functional ovarian cyst.
a. Pre-menstrual Symptoms.

70/177 OBG Revision . V1.0 . Marrow 5.0 . 2021

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