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600 Graphic Link Words for

Female and Male First Names and Faces


Ron White and Lew Toulmin

These are names and images to be used to remember names and faces. Focus on the person whose
first name you are trying to remember, select a feature (“the file”) on his/her face that is distinctive, then
place the image below onto the file, “seeing” it clearly in your mind’s eye. These images are drawn from
my (Lew Toulmin’s) background and interest in history, aviation and foreign travel; you may wish to
develop images of your own that link to the name of the person. Many of these images come from or
were modified from Ron White’s excellent “Black Belt Memory” course, which is recommended. The most
popular names are marked on the right with a number sign (#) and the relevant ranking.


 Abby – A bee
 Abigail – A bee in a gale
 Adell – A Dell computer
 Alice – a lice
 Alexis – A Lexus sports car
 Allison – Allison radial engine
 Amanda – A Man – Duh! Not!
 Amy – Aiming
 Angie – Angie Dickenson, Policewoman
 Ann – Ant
 Anita – A knitter
 Annette – A net
 Annie – Little Orphan Annie
 April – A pill that is red
 Ashley – Ashes
 Audrey -- Audrey Hepburn’s cigarette holder in “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”
 Barbara – barbed wire #4
 Beatrice – beat rice – this brings joy
 Becky – bucky horse
 Belinda – Bee that is beautiful (“linda” )
 Bernadette – burn a debt (your mortgage)
 Bernice or Berenice -- burning ice
 Beth – bath
 Betty – Betty Crocker cakemix
 Beverly – Beverly hillbillies
 Billie – billy can
 Bobbie or Bobby – tall blue helmet of a London Bobbie
 Bonnie – Bonnet
 Brenda – Bren gun held by my da

 Brianna or Bryanna – Bree with ants eating it
 Bridget – Bridget Bardot
 Camille – camel
 Candice -- candy and dice
 Candy – candy, peppermint
 Carla – car singing la la la
 Carmen – car with men in it
 Carol – Christmas carol
 Carrie -- hand of Carrie coming up from grave in movie
 Catherine – Catherine the Great of Russia
 Cecilia or Celia – “Cecilia, you’re breaking my heart….”
 Celeste – celestial constellations
 Charlotte – a Charlotte mousse cake
 Cher – Cher of Sonny and Cher
 Cheryl – Cher is ill and vomiting
 Chloe – clover, 4 leaf that is “young and green”
 Chris – a Chris Craft boat
 Chrissy – Chris-craft in the sea
 Christina -- A “follower of Christ,” a teen, gets an A for her work
 Christine – “follower of Christ,” a teen
 Cicely – Cecily Tyson
 Cindy – cinnamon candy
 Clara – clarinet played by Clara Barton
 Clarissa – clarinet is from SA
 Claudia – cloud in air
 Colleen – Colleen – a young woman of Scotland w/ kilt
 Connie – female convict, or 3 tailed prop plane
 Crystal – crystal ball
 Daphne – darling girl being turned laurel tree (Greek myth)
 Darlene – door that leans
 Dawn – dawn of a new day
 Debbie – dead bee
 Deborah – dead boar
 Debra – de bra (a bra)
 Denise – Dionysus god of wine (origin of Dennis, St. Denis)
 Diana – Princess Diana in her death car
 Dixie – Confederate battle flag
 Donna – Donald Duck with a sex change
 Doris – Doris Day singing “Sera sera”
 Dorothy – red slippers (Wizard of Oz) #10\
 Dot – a big red dot of blood on her forehead
 Dottie – red dots in an ‘E’ pattern
 Edna – Mrs. Ed the talking horse saying NAAAAH!
 Edwina – Mrs. Ed the talking horse wins a race
 Eileen – eye leaning
 Elaine -- Elaine from “Seinfeld” TV series
 Eleanor – Eleanor of Acquitaine riding to Jerusalem
 Ella -- a girl from ‘ell
 Elise – A leash around the neck
 Elizabeth – Queen Elizabeth II driving WW II ambulance

 Ellen – Ellen Degeneris
 Ellie – Ellen Degeneris lying down
 Elisa – tall ship Elissa in Galveston
 Elsa – Elsie the Cow saying “God is satisfaction”
 Elsie -- Elsie the Cow
 Emily – Emily Blount in “The Devil Wears Prada”
 Erica – ear filled with ca-ca
 Erin – Irish (Erin) flag
 Eva – swastika for Eva Braun, Hitler’s girlfriend
 Eve – naked Eve in the Garden of Eden eating an apple
 Evelyn – Eve standing in a lake (“lyn” in Welsh)
 Faith – a bi-plane fighter flying over Malta during WW II
 Felicia – fleece with an “A” on it
 Fern – a huge Fern coming out of the file
 Fiona – a fee paid for Scottish white plaid on a girl
 Flor – a flower on a polished, slippery floor
 Flora – a flower
 Florence – Florence, Italy bridge with padlocks on it
 Fran – a French flag with colors that ran
 Frances – tri-color flag of France waves from Eiffel Tower
 Gabrielle – gabby (talking ) bell
 Gail – gale force wind blowing a pail
 Gale – a full gale on the Beaufort scale
 Georgia – a Georgia peach
 Gertrude – Gertrude Tompkins, last missing WASP, in her Mustang
 Gina – grey bluejeans
 Ginger – ginger snaps
 Ginny – bottle of gin on knees
 Glenda – giant blender
 Gloria – Old Glory
 Grace – saying grace over a meal
 Hallie or Halle – Halle Berry
 Hannah – hand saying “Naaaah”
 Harriet – Harrier jump jet
 Hattie – hat with a tea cup on it
 Heather – heather sprig
 Heidi – Heidi of the Swiss story herding sheep
 Helen – Helen of Troy
 Holly – boughs of holly
 Hope – hairy rope
 Irene – song “Good Night Irene”
 Iris – iris purple flower in the iris of the girl’s eye
 Jackie – Jackie Kennedy
 Jacqueline – jack on a line
 Jamie – girl licking jam on knee of Jamie Fraser “Outlander”
 Jan – jam
 Jane – plain Jane
 Janet – jam in a net
 Janice – jam on ice
 Jeanette – jeans in a net

 Jeanie or Jeannie – a female genie coming out of a bottle
 Jennifer – Jenn-Air w fur #6
 Jenny – a jenny (female donkey) or song “I Dream of Jenny”
 Jessica – beautiful knife, the “Jessica” of knives
 Jill – Jack and Jill
 Jo – sloppy Jo hamburger
 Joan – Joan of Arc w sword
 Joanne – sloppy joe w/ ants on it
 Joy – Joy dishwashing liquid
 Joyce – Joy liquid cleaning so you can see
 Juanita – A john (toilet) feminine saying “Ta!” (thanks!)
 Judith – Judith decapitating Holofernes (Bible story)
 Judy – Judge Judy
 Julie – costume jewelry
 Juliet -- Juliet on balcony w/ Romeo below
 June – June bug
 Karen – carrot
 Kate – gate, or “Kiss Me, Kate!”
 Katie -- Katie, bar the door!
 Katherine – cat that runs
 Kathleen – cat that leans
 Kathy – cat drinking tea
 Kay – KKK white dunce hat
 Kim – Kim (Kimball O’Hara, Kipling)
 Kirsten – curses ten
 Kristen – Kris-Krafts in a line of ten
 Laura – laurel wreath on head
 Laurie – laurel wreath w/ E for excellence
 Leslie – less than sign ‘<’ often lies
 Lillian – Lillian Little (ma of Susan)
 Lily – lily
 Linda – beautiful (Spanish for “beautiful”) window (winda) #3
 Lindy – doing the Lindy Hop dance
 Lisa – Mona Lisa
 Liza – a lizard
 Lois – Lois Lane, girlfriend of Superman
 Loretta – Loretta Swit from MASH
 Lorraine – Cross of Lorraine
 Louise – Louse McPhillips (cousin)
 Lucille – Lucille Ball, in her Beverly Hills house
 Lucinda – loose cinder
 Lucy – I Love Lucy, w/ Lucy stomping grapes
 Lynn – lake (Welsh)
 Madeline – Madeline Albright
 Mandy – mandolin
 Marcy – marshy marsh by the sea
 Margaret – margarine #9
 Marge -- a half stick of margarine
 Maria – song “Maria” from West Side Story #7
 Mariah -- A “Black Mariah” British police prisoner van

 Marian or Marion or Maryanne – Maid Marion, of Robin Hood
 Marie – mare with an ‘E’ on side
 Marilyn – Marilyn Monroe
 Marjorie -- margarine won jury prize
 Marsha – marsh mellow – “Ahhh!”
 Martha – Martha Washington
 Mary – Virgin Mary #1
 Mary Ellen – Mary with melon as halo
 Melanie – Melania Trump
 Melissa – molasses
 Meredith – mer (sea) ditch (guardian)
 Miranda -- Miranda Richardson
 Miriam – a large Mirriam-Webster dictionary
 Mitzi – Mitzi Gaynor dancing in South Pacific
 Mona – she’s a “moaner”
 Monica -- Monica Lewinski
 Nan – nun as a nanny
 Nancy – nanny who can see
 Naomi – Naomi Watts
 Natalie – Natalie Wood drowning
 Nellie – a Nervous Nellie kneeling
 Nicole – nickel (5 cent piece)
 Nora – Norway girl wearing Norway sweater
 Noreen – no rain
 Norma – normal temperature on a thermometer
 Olive – an olive
 Olivia – an olive with an A carved on it
 Pam – Spam (greasy ham substitute)
 Pamela – a pomelo
 Pat – act of patting the file
 Patricia – pats of rich butter #2
 Patty – hamburger patty
 Paula – ball with an ‘A’
 Pauline – Pauline tied to train track in “Perils of Pauline”
 Peg – square peg in a round hole
 Penny – penny (1 cent coin)
 Phyllis – Philly city hall w/ tower and Ben Franklin
 Polly – parrot says “Polly want a cracker?”
 Priscilla – she is prissy and silly
 Rachel – ray shining on a shell
 Ramona – ram moaning, or a ramora fish
 Rebecca – Reb book
 Renee – raining A’s
 Rhonda -- song “Help Me Rhonda”
 Roberta – a female robber with mask
 Robin – a robin bird
 Rochelle – row of shells
 Rosa – rose smells: ah!
 Rosalie – rose from Robert E. Lee
 Rosalyn or Rosslyn – Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland

 Rose – rose
 Roxanne – “Roxanne!” song
 Ruth – Baby Ruth candy bar
 Ryan – bottle of Rye whiskey with a crown on it (Ryan = “descendant of kings”)
 Sadie – sadist whipping a victim
 Sally – salad; or a sally port in a castle
 Samantha – Samantha the witch from “Bewitched” TV show twitching her nose
 Sandra – sand drawing
 Sandy – sand on file = sandy
 Sarah – Sarah Lee cup cakes
 Sasha – sash with a big “A” on it
 Sherry – bottle of sherry
 Sharon – Sharon Stone crossing her legs in “Basic Instinct”
 Sheila – shield held by young Australian girl (a “shiela”)
 Sheryl – Cher is ill
 Shirley – Shirley Temple
 Sidney – Sidney Harbour Bridge
 Sita – Sita, wife of Rama in the Ramayana
 Sylvia – sylvan glade (forest)
 Sonia – Sony Walkman held by a “wise” woman
 Sophia – Santa Sophia Mosque in Istanbul
 Stacy – a back-stay at sea holding up the person
 Sue Ann – suit covered in ants
 Susan – lazy Susan #8
 Susannah – “Oh Susannah” song
 Tammy – tummy
 Teresa or Theresa – Mother Teresa
 Terry – terry cloth
 Tess – Tess of the d’Urbervilles, with flashing saber near
 Tina – tiny (shrink file on face down to a tiny size)
 Tiffany -- gift by the Magi on Epiphany of Tiffany glass
 Trixie – tracks shaped like an E
 Vanessa – van wearing a dress
 Vera – Vera Lynn singing “White Cliffs of Dover”
 Vicky – Vick’s cough drops
 Victoria – Queen Victoria w/ tiara
 Vivian – vivid image of person “alive” (Vivian = alive in Latin)
 Wanda – magic wand with an “A” at the end
 Wendy – Wendy, Peter Pan, Tinkerbelle sitting on the file
 Windy – wind blowing file on face
 Yvette – Corvette with a Y window in the back
 Yvonne – Yvonne de Carlo w/ black and white hair on The Munsters
 Zoe – sew an ‘E’


 Aaron – air gun shoots air on

 Abe – Abe Lincoln sitting in Lincoln Memorial
 Abraham -- Abraham Lincoln holding a ham

 Adam – Adam in the Garden of Eden
 Adolph -- Adolph Hitler, from Ethelwulf, “noble wolf”
 Al – owl
 Alan or Allen – Allen wrench
 Albert – Prince Albert of Albert and Victoria
 Alex – the baby Alexander the Great
 Alexander – Alexander the Great with a leg sander
 Alfred – King Alfred in chair trying to turn back the tide
 Alonzo – bonzo (clown)
 Alvin – Alvin the chipmunk
 Andrew – ants drew a cross of St. Andrew (white on blue)
 Andy – ant holding a “d”
 Angelo – angel eating jello
 Anthony – ant that weighs a ton
 Archie – archery bow
 Armand – arm band
 Arnold – Arnold Schwartzenneger; Arnold Palmer
 Art – art paintbrush with paint
 Arthur – King Arthur pulling sword from stone
 Austin – Aus. Tin = Australian Federal Police badge
 Barney – Barney Fife
 Barry – Barry Lyndon movie
 Bart – Bart Simpson
 Ben – Big Ben clock
 Benny – Benny Hill the British comedian
 Benjamin – Benjamin Franklin
 Bernard – St. Bernard dog w/ neck flask
 Bernie – Bernie Sanders
 Bert or Burt – Burt Lancaster
 Bill – duck’s bill
 Bobby or Bobbie – bobby (London police) helmet
 Brad – Brad Pitt; or a brad (small nail)
 Bradford – Brad Pitt fording a stream in a Ford
 Bradley – a Bradley fighting vehicle
 Brandon – branded on cheek
 Brendon – St. Brendon sailing the Atlantic in a leather boat
 Brian – St. Brian’s brain
 Brock – Brock Yates of the Cannonball Run
 Bruce – Bruce the shark from “Jaws”
 Bud – a Budweiser can
 Caesar or Cesar – Julius Caesar
 Cameron – camera on [the part of the face]
 Carl – curl
 Carlos – car that is lost
 Carter – man driving a horse cart
 Cary – Cary Grant sitting on the face file
 Carson – Johnny Carson with turban on
 Cecil – sea seal
 Cedric – sad rick of hay
 Chad – a hanging chad on a voting ballot

 Charles – Prince Charles with big ears talking to plants #8
 Charlie – charred leaves
 Chester – chest of drawers
 Chet – jet
 Chris – a Chris Craft boat
 Christian – Christ follower symbolized by cross
 Christopher – Christ with fur #11
 Chuck – upchuck
 Clark – Clark Kent, disguise of Superman
 Claude – cloud
 Clayton – ton of clay
 Cliff – cliff
 Clifford – A cliff with a Ford going off it
 Clint – Clint Eastwood
 Clinton – Bill Clinton
 Clyde – Clydesdale horse; Bonnie and Clyde
 Cole – coal
 Colin – callin’ on cell phone
 Conrad – a con (convict) who is “rad” (cool) in prison uniform
 Corey or Cory – apple core
 Craig – a tall craig (crag) in the Scottish highlands
 Curt or Kurt – curtain
 Dan – dam
 Daniel – Daniel in the lion’s den #12
 Darren – Darren McGavin of “Kolchak: the Night Stalker”
 Darryl – a darling barrel
 Dave – cave
 David – divot #6
 Dean – dent in his forehead (or whatever)
 Dennis – Dennis the Menace
 Derek – oil derrick
 Dick – penis
 Dirk – dirk (small boot knife)
 Dominick – Dominick Dunne (writer)
 Don – dawn
 Donald – Donald Duck #15
 Doug – dug by a dog
 Douglas – Douglas Macarthur’s corncob pipe
 Drew – drew a picture on the file
 Duane – drain
 Duncan – dunking a witch
 Dusty – covered with dust
 Dwayne – Dwayne the bathtub, I’m dwownding!
 Dwight – Dwight Eisenhower
 Earl – pearl
 Ed – Mr. Ed the talking horse
 Eddie – eddy; Mr. Ed with E on his head
 Edgar – Mr. Ed with a gar fish on his head
 Edmund – Mr. Ed on a mound
 Edward – Mr. Ed the talking horse in a ward in an asylum

 Eduardo – Mr. Ed the talking horse in his ward yells “OH”
 Edwin – Mr. Ed wins a horse race
 Eli – eel eye
 Elijah -- God is Jehovah
 Elton -- God’s town (“el” = god in Hebrew)
 Elvis – Elvis Presley
 Emmanuel – a manual on Christian religion
 Eric – ear ache
 Ernie – Ernie Pyle
 Erwin – ear wins a race
 Ethan – Ethan Allen of the Green Mt. Boys
 Ethelred -- noble raed = well advised king
 Evan – oven
 Everette or Everett – Mt. Everest
 Felix – Felix the cat
 Fletcher – arrow from arrow maker
 Floyd – flood
 Frank – frankfurter
 Fred – Fred Flintstone
 Freddy – Fred Flintstone with an ‘E’ award
 Frederick – Frederick the Great
 Garrett – a musty old garrett
 Gary – Gary Player in black
 Geoffrey – chef in a tree
 George – King George III in robes with scepter #16
 Gerald – Gerald Ford, Pres. of US
 Gil – fish gill
 Gilbert – fish gills burnt
 Graham – graham crackers
 Grant – U.S. Grant
 Greg – Greg Louganis the Olympic diver
 Gregory – St. Gregory of Armenia
 Gus – gust of wind
 Hal – HAL the red-eyed-light computer of movie 2001
 Hank – handkerchief
 Hans – hands
 Harold – hair that is old
 Harry – hairy
 Hector – Hector, dead Trojan hero, being dragged by Achilles’ chariot
 Henry -- a hen that is regal like Henry II
 Herb – herb, thyme
 Herbert – herb that is burnt
 Howard – coward
 Hugh – hew wood in half
 Irv – nerve
 Irving – swerving into “green water”
 Isaac – eye sack
 Ivan – Ivan the Terrible
 Jack – car jack
 Jacob – Jacob’s ladder

 Jake – rake
 James – chains w scallop shell (St. James symbol) #1
 Jason – Jason of the Argonauts rowing a bireme
 Jay – jay bird
 Jean – blue jean
 Jeff – chef
 Jeffrey – chef in a tree
 Jeremy – germ on me
 Jerome – St. Jerome translating the Bible into Latin
 Jerry – Jerry Seinfeld
 Jess – jesses on a falcon
 Jim – gym
 Joe – sloppy Joe hamburger
 Joel – Joel Grey dancing in “Cabaret”
 Joey – small kangaroo
 John – toilet #2
 Jonah – Jonah being swallowed by whale
 Jonathan – toilet that is thin
 Jordan – Jordan river w/ pilgrims being baptized
 Jose – hose
 Joseph – Joseph and Mary at the manger #9
 Joshua – Joshua fit the battle of Jericho
 Juan – wand
 Jud – Jud, a Jew of Judea
 Julio – jewel that is low
 Julius -- Julius Caesar drinking an Orange Julius
 Justin – just in time – a stopwatch
 Keith – keys
 Ken – can
 Kenneth – Kenneth, first King of the Scots and Picts
 Kent – Clark Kent living in county of Kent
 Kevin – cave in
 Kirk – Capt. Kirk
 Kyle – tile
 Lance – Sir Lancelot
 Larry – lariat
 Lawrence – Lawrence of Arabia in white robes
 Lee – Robert E. Lee
 Len – lens of eyeglasses
 Leo – lion
 Leon – Lion On the head of the person; Leon Trotsky
 Leroy – the king
 Les – less than sign ‘<’
 Lester – less than sign ‘<’ stirred around
 Lew – blue (color)
 Lionel – Lionel train set
 Lou – blue (color)
 Louis – the St. Louis arch
 Lucas – a flickering malfunctioning light from Lucas Electric
 Luke – Cool Hand Luke sitting on a winged ox

 Luther – Martin Luther nailing articles to church door
 Lyle – = l’isle – man of the island
 Mack – Mack truck
 Major – gold oak leaf emblem of a major, US Army
 Malcomb – Malcom X with round glasses and comb
 Manny – man with an ‘E’ (USN excellence award)
 Mark – magic marker used by winged lion #14
 Marshall – US Marshall’s silver badge
 Martin – Martian little green man
 Marvin – marlin fish
 Mason – Mason jar
 Matt – door mat
 Matthew – St. Matthew, a winged man, writing the Gospel
 Maurice – more rice
 Max – Mad Max in the last of the V-8s
 Maxwell – can of Maxwell coffee
 Mel – melon
 Melvin – = mal vin = bad wine smelly spilled on suit
 Michael – St. Michael w/ wings holding a sword #4
 Mickey – Mickey Mouse
 Mike – mic as in microphone
 Miles – milestone
 Mitch – mitt that gives an itch to your hand
 Morris – Morris the Cat
 Morgan – Capt. Morgan the pirate
 Nathan – a Nathan’s hotdog from NY
 Nathaniel – Gen. Nathanael Greene w/ Amer. Rev. hat
 Ned – bed
 Neal or Neil – nail
 Nick – nickel (5 cent piece)
 Noah – Noah building his Ark
 Noel – Xmas Noel tree decoration
 Norman – Norseman with helmet with two horns
 Oliver – olive
 Oscar – Academy award statuette
 Otis – an Otis elevator
 Owen – rowing
 Pat – pat (pat or stroke the file on the person’s face)
 Patrick – St. Patrick holding a shamrock
 Paul – St. Paul (4’6” with hunchback) w/ ball #13
 Pedro – paid to row
 Pete – slab of peat (Irish thick bog)
 Peter – Peter Cottontail cruxified on upside down cross
 Philip – fill up with Philips 66 gas
 Pierre – pier
 Preston – pressing a ton
 Quincy – a fifth of a quince pie (Quincy = a fifth of an estate)
 Ralph – Ralph Kramden of TV show “The Honeymooners”
 Randall – evil Capt. Randall of “Outlander”
 Randolph – a randy dolphin

 Randy – bottle of brandy and a “randy” erect organ
 Ray – ray gun shooting a ray of light
 Raymond – ray of light hitting a mound
 Rex – Rex, King of Mardi Gras Krewe wearing crown
 Richard – King Richard III w/ hump, crown and no horse #7
 Richie – dollar sign
 Rick – red dick (penis)
 Rob – Rob Roy wearing a Highland bonnet
 Robbie – robe with an “E” award on it
 Robert – robber w/ mask #3
 Roberto – robber stubbing his toe
 Rod – rod of iron
 Roderick – rod in a hay rick
 Rodney – rod in knee
 Roger – Roger Moore as 007
 Roland – a singing knight (“Song of Roland”)
 Ron – rum
 Ronald – Ronald McDonald
 Ronnie – running
 Ross – royal boss
 Roy – Roy Rogers
 Russ – rusts
 Russell – Russian hell
 Ryan – Rye whiskey bottle with a crown (Ryan = “descendant of kings”)
 Sam – Uncle Sam; Surface to Air Missile
 Sammy – Uncle Sam on his knee
 Samuel – Uncle Sam on mule
 Sandy – sand on the file = sandy
 Scott – Scott paper towels
 Sean – Sean Bean
 Shawn – a Sean Bean yawn
 Seymour – see more butts under the bleachers
 Sheldon – shielding in a “narrow valley”
 Sherman – Sherman tank
 Sid – sit
 Sidney – Sidney Harbour Bridge
 Stan – standing stone
 Stanley – Stanley tool, a hammer, hitting the file on the face
 Stephen -- stove w/ hen inside
 Steve – stove
 Steven -- stove nailed down
 Stewart – Royal Stewart red tartan
 Stu – stew
 Tad – tadpole
 Teddy – teddy bear
 Terry – Terry cloth
 Tex – Texas map of the state
 Theo – the tea poured by God
 Theodore – Theodore Roosevelt with pince nez charging up San Juan hill
 Thomas – thermos on a T-square (St. Thomas) #10

 Tim – tin can
 Timothy – tin of tea
 Toby – a Toby jug
 Todd – toad
 Tom – tom cat
 Tommy – Tommy gun
 Tony – Tony the Tiger
 Tracy – tracing an ‘E’
 Ty – tie a knot
 Tyrone – Tyrone Power, movie star
 Tyler – Pres. John Tyler
 Van – van
 Vince – fence
 Vern – fern
 Vernon – fern on a nun
 Vic or Vick – Vick’s cough drop
 Vincent – Vincent van Gogh in hat under starry sky
 Wade – wade in the water
 Wallace – Gov. Wallace being shot
 Walt – Walt Disney
 Walter – Walther PPK pistol of 007
 Ward – ward of an insane asylum
 Warren – rabbit warren
 Wayne – John Wayne in the rain, movie star
 William – William Shakespeare #5
 Winston – Winston Churchill w/ cigar
 Zak or Zack – sack


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