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Module 01: Project Option 1

Part 1: How's the weather?

A. Investigate the weather forecast in your city.

Record the high and low temperatures that are forecast for the next 7 days in the table below. In
the columns titled, Difference," record the change in temperature from the day before. To do
this, subtract the previous temperature from the current temperature Be sure to use positive
and negative numbers as needed! For example, if yesterday’s temperature was 70 and today’s
temperature was 65, the difference is 65 – 70 = -5.

Subtract previous Subtract previous

Date High Difference Low Difference
temperature from temperature from
Temperature Temperature
current temperature current temperature
1  5/26  94 -N/A- -N/A-  72 -N/A- -N/A-
2  5/27  88  88-94  -6  72  72-72  0
3  5/28  90  90-88  2  68  68-72  -4
4  5/29  91  91-90  1  66  66-68  -2
5  5/30  91  91-91  0  67  67-66  -1
6  5/31  90  90-91  -1  69  69-67  2
7  5/32  88  88-90  -2  67  67-69  -2

Note: The columns for Day One's subtraction and difference cannot be filled in. As this is the first
data point, there is no previous temperature to subtract.

B. Write a mathematical expression using the information from your table to answer
the following questions:

1. What is the mean change in the forecasted high temperatures over the next 7 days?
Remember, this can be found by averaging the values in the Difference column for the
high temperatures. Show your work and steps. If your answer is not an integer, explain
what two integers your answer is between. -6+2+1+0+-1+-2=-6
Now -6/7 which makes my mean between -0.85 and -0.86.

2. What is the mean change in the forecasted low temperatures over the next 7 days?
Remember, this can be found by averaging the values in the Difference column for the
low temperatures. If your answer is not an integer, explain what two integers your answer
is between.

0+-4+-2+-1+2+-2=-7 -7/7=-1 The mean is -1

What to Submit
1. Name the assignment 01_05_Strategies_for_Rational Numbers _Your Name.
2. In the Assessments Area, submit your work to 01.05 Strategies for Rational Numbers.

Look over the grading rubric to see how you will be evaluated.

Perfect Almost There! Not Quite Yet! Keep Going!

20-18 points 17-15 points 14-12 points 11-0 points

All daily Most daily Some daily The daily

temperature data is temperature data is temperature data is temperature data is
complete. complete. included. missing or
All daily Most daily Few daily
temperature temperature changes temperature changes The daily
changes are are accurate. are accurate. temperature
accurate. changes are
incorrect or

10-9 points 8-7 points 6-5 points 4-0 points

Both means are One of the means is Neither of the means The means are
correct. calculated correctly. is correct. missing.
Questions 1
and 2
The description of The description of The description of The description of
the means between the means between the means between the means between
two integers is two integers is two integers is two integers is
accurate. mostly correct. partially correct. missing.

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