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Artificial Intelligence for dentistry


Falk Schwendicke, Markus Blatz, Sergio Uribe,

William Cheung, Mahesh Verma, Jina Linton, and
Young Jun Kim

1 Artificial Intelligence for Dentistry

Table of contents

Executive Summary 3
Section 1 Background and Objectives 5
Background of Artificial Intelligence 5
White Paper Objectives 5

Section 2 Dentistry for individual patients: better understand for better care 7
Image Analysis 7
Data synthesis and Prediction 8
Evidence-supported planning and conduct of therapies 9
Patient interaction 9

Section 3 Community & Public Health 10

Section 4 Education and the workforce 10

AI impacts 10

Section 5 Research 11

Section 6 Risks and limitations of AI 12

1. Bias and limited generalizability 12
2. Accessibility 13
3. Interoperability 13
4. Truthfulness 13
Implementation and Maintenance 14

Section 7 Governance 16
WHO’s Consensus Principles on AI 16
Implemented Governance Strategies 16

Conclusions for Clinical Practice 18

Call for Action 18

References 19

2 Artificial Intelligence for Dentistry

Executive Summary
Artificial intelligence (AI) is defined as machines traditional dentist services is described. Third, the
performing intellectual tasks, which usually were role of AI for workforce planning and monitoring,
assumed can only be performed by humans. the chances it offers for diversifying the workforce
and the impact it may have on dental education are
Based on an exploding amount of available digital
displayed. In parallel, the need to increase data
data, significant advances in hardware
and digital literacy of professionals is highlighted,
performance, as well as progress in algorithmic
and the risks of automation and complacency are
and software approaches, the current capacities of
discussed. Fourth, the chances of AI for dental
AI are unprecedented. In medicine and specifically
research, particularly for analyzing complex and
in dentistry, a growing number of AI applications
big datasets, but also for enabling what is called
are being developed, and the number of research
“Precision” or “Personalized” dentistry are
studies published in the field grows exponentially
at present.
Notably, the White Paper also highlights the needs
FDI World Dental Federation (FDI) acknowledges
to balance data protection and accessibility, and to
AI as one of the key technologies for the dental
revise conventional peer review approaches when
profession for the future and how it may foster
dealing with AI and complex data analytics
FDI’s Vision 2030 strategy for delivering optimal
oral health for all.
In addition to showing which applications are
The present FDI White Paper on AI for oral and
available or conceivable, the current risks and
dental care, public health, dental education and
limitations of AI are discussed, including bias and
research has four objectives:
limited generalizability of applications, the limited
(1) To define AI and lay out the technology behind accessibility and interoperability of the data
it for the professional community. underlying AI, as well as the problems when
(2) To systematize and comprehensively display implementing and maintaining AI in clinical care.
cases where AI can benefit oral and dental This White Paper also describes how governance
healthcare systems/delivery, education, and and agreed principles are needed to ensure that AI
research. works to people's benefits.
(3) To identify areas where AI can facilitate FDI’s Finally, this White Paper concludes with the
Vision 2030 strategy. implications for clinical practice and a call-to-
(4) To highlight potential risks of AI and the need action: To make sure that AI applications acquire
for the community to engage and enforce maximal usefulness and generalizability, data
standards, regulations, and best practices of AI. protection concerns need to be carefully balanced
against the potential benefits of AI for patients and
This White Paper describes the application of AI in society. Technological approaches supporting this
four domains of dentistry. First, applications of AI balance should be explored more in depth; data
in individual patient care (i.e., in dental offices) are harmonization for interoperability should be
discussed, including image analysis, data actively pursued; AI applications with
synthesis and predictive dentistry, evidence- demonstrated benefit for patients, providers or the
supported planning and conductive therapies, and healthcare system should be promoted and
patient communication and interaction. Second, incentivized; evidence supporting AI applications
the role of data analytics and AI in community and for oral and dental care needs to be strengthened,
public health, including oral health surveillance and including evidence supporting true clinical utility,
the provision of care to those who cannot access applicability and implementation of these

3 Artificial Intelligence for Dentistry

applications; providers and healthcare decision- This White Paper will serve as source of
makers need to acquire basic literacy about data, information and a basis for discussion within the
digital applications and AI; the community should dental profession, but also as groundwork for
engage into the widespread activities around further activities of FDI in this direction.
standardization of AI.

4 Artificial Intelligence for Dentistry

Section 1. Background or surgery but also drug development), and
decision-making support (for example in medical
and Objectives symptom checkers). AI is abundant in our
everyday world and with exponential growth of
Background of Artificial Intelligence data, hardware capacities, and new software
architectures has led to astonishing dynamics in
Data is increasingly considered as a central
many of the described fields.
component for future societies to thrive. Data-
driven analytics is now seen as the fourth In healthcare and health sciences, the generation
paradigm to understand nature, besides the of data, its digitalization and mining, have started
experimental and theoretical sciences and with a significant lag compared to other industries.
simulation (Bell et al. 2009). The excitement This is rooted in several aspects, data protection
around data science is facilitated by an exploding being a major one, but also because health data
amount of structured and unstructured available is generated and stored in silos and health data
data, but also by the software and hardware tools interoperability is limited. The evolution of tested,
at hand to leverage these data. wearable sensors accelerated the need for AI for
health applications. Only recently, data-driven
For many modern data-related applications,
medical applications involving AI have reached
artificial intelligence (AI) is the technique to use
clinical maturity while the exploding numbers of
the data; it is the instrument to analyze especially
research studies indicate that medicine will be
large amounts of data and put them to use. The
faced with a wealth of AI tools swamping the
term AI was coined in the mid-1950s, and the
market soon. A similar development will be seen
English Oxford Living Dictionary defines AI as “the
in oral and dental healthcare and sciences
theory and development of computer systems
(Schwendicke and Krois 2021).
able to perform tasks normally requiring human
intelligence, such as visual perception, speech
recognition, decision-making, and translation White Paper Objectives
between languages” (Oxford Learners The present FDI World Dental Federation (FDI)
Dictionaries 2022). White Paper on AI for oral and dental care, public
Most AI applications involve machine learning, health, dental education and research has the
where machines repeatedly analyze datasets to following objectives:
identify (“learn”) an inherent pattern in the data, 1. To define AI and lay out the technology
such as detecting objects on images or predicting behind it for the professional community; this
events from tabular data. A specific subfield of has already been covered above in brief.
machine learning, employed to analyze
particularly complex data such as images or 2. Systematize and comprehensively display
speech, is deep learning, where prior- tested cases where AI can benefit oral and dental
multi-layered networks of mathematical healthcare systems/delivery, education, and
operations are used to allow the representation of research.
features (LeCun et al. 2015). By now, AI 3. Identify areas where AI can facilitate FDI’s
encompasses a range of applications. These Vision 2030 strategy for delivering optimal
include computer vision (for example face oral health for all.
recognition by smartphones or security cameras,
4. Highlight potential risks of AI and the need for
autonomous driving), natural language processing
the community to engage and enforce
(voice assistants or chatbots that can systematize
standards, regulations, and best practices of
and link both structured and unstructured text and
similar tools), robotics, virtual reality and
simulation systems (for example in manufacturing

5 Artificial Intelligence for Dentistry

We will cover these aims along with the various
domains where we see that AI will impact
dentistry. These include clinical care provided by
dental professionals in dental offices, dental
community and public health, dental education,
and dental research (Figure 1). We will conclude
this FDI White Paper with a section on challenges
to allow AI to fulfil its promises and a call to action
for the oral and dental health community.

Figure 1. Network of domains and subdomains of AI applications in oral and dental healthcare provided
by dental professionals to individual patients (blue), as part of community and public dental health (steel),
dental education and workforce management (turquoise), and oral and dental research (grey). Sources
of bias (data) and further determinants of AI applications in oral and dental healthcare (formats,
frameworks and infrastructure) are indicated in green.

6 Artificial Intelligence for Dentistry

Image Analysis
Section 2. Dentistry for
Image interpretation in dental radiology is one of
individual patients: the currently most visible applications of AI in

better understanding clinical dentistry. Most common pathologies

such as caries or apical lesions, periodontal
for better care bone loss, cysts or bony fractures are detected
by AI on 2D and, increasingly, 3D images.
Helping clinicians provide better care on a Similarly, landmark identification on
consistent basis is one of the key goals of cephalometric radiographs is a typical task
integrating AI in clinical dentistry. Data managing where AI can assist dentists (Schwendicke et al.
and AI applications are applied at all stages of 2021a; Schwendicke et al. 2019). Current AI-
the patient journey (Figure 2) and in all dental supported radiograph interpretation is as
specialty areas. Four areas are to be highlighted; accurate or, in some cases, even more accurate
image analysis, data synthesis and prediction, than interpretation by practitioners. In addition, it
evidence-supported treatment planning and saves time for the assessment and facilitates the
conduct, and patient interaction, particularly generation of comprehensive and systematic
during supportive care. reports.

Figure 2. AI and data-driven applications are situated all along the patient’s dental journey. More details
are provided in this section.

7 Artificial Intelligence for Dentistry

Several products are already on the market, difficult to be assessed jointly when evaluating
while few have acquired the status of a medical the signs and symptoms of a patient or risks for
product and are properly regulated. Dental future oral and dental conditions.
professionals should critically evaluate the
Making use of these data and leveraging them
certification status of AI products before
for better understanding of the patient, his or her
employing them for patient care. Standardization
risk profile and needs, is another promise of AI.
efforts are also most mature in this specific
Modern approaches to access the available data
segment of AI applications as many
and merge and synthesize them, for example in
organizations have provided or are preparing
dashboards, aim to provide the practitioner with
norms and guidance documents.
the available data in more comprehensive and
Similarly, the analysis of images has been widely useful ways. Allowing a more holistic view of
attempted for non-radiographic data, such as 3D each patient with his or her individual history and
point cloud data from intraoral scans, risks is expected to improve the quality but also
photographs or near infrared transillumination the efficiency of care, reducing the need for
images, to support smile design, orthodontic repeated and costly assessments.
planning, preparation margin detection,
Using data acquired over several visits and
restoration design or the detection of
years, like imagery, clinical assessments,
pathologies, for example caries or oral mucosa
historical or data on medications or systemic
conditions, will help to overcome the current “one
Overall, future AI-based image analysis is likely size fits all approach” towards managing,
to yield superior accuracy at higher speed and diagnosing, and treating patients and assist
reliability than particularly unexperienced moving to a more personalized, precise, and
practitioners, supporting their decision-making preventive care. Also, data provided by patients,
process and allowing more standardized high- for example dietary or toothbrushing behaviour
quality care. Moreover, AI will be able to guide collected by apps and mobile devices, will be
practitioners’ attention towards particularly increasingly employed, and patients will
difficult areas of an image, allowing for dedicated generally be more involved in the care process
time for more in-depth assessment of these (as data donor, but also via apps and continuous
areas, and supporting them in communicating support in the “virtual” practice). Hence, AI will
their findings with patients, for example via support a more participatory dental care, too.
overlaying the affected areas with coloured pixel The result is called P4 dentistry; a more
blobs (Kosan et al. 2022). personalized, precise, preventive and
participatory dentistry (Flores et al. 2013).
Another unexplored data accumulation is
Data synthesis and Prediction
implantable and wearable sensors. With the
Clinical dentistry generates large amounts of evolving biomedical sensor related technology,
data every day. Besides imagery, clinical data, miniature and nano-sized sensors could be
historical data, claims, treatment data, and used, for example, to monitor saliva and,
further data, for example from other diagnostic indirectly, oral health or disease. Moreover,
tests, are available. Given that many patients saliva diagnostics and the related data could
attend dentists regularly and repeatedly, there is also be employed to assess other human
a wealth of longitudinal data on a broad part of diseases given the close link between saliva and
the population available, at least in many high- overall health (Cui et al. 2022).
income countries. Currently, these data are
Notably, current AI towards risk profiling,
oftentimes compiled in isolated data silos,
predicting the future risk of caries, periodontitis,
remaining hidden from combined use, and are

8 Artificial Intelligence for Dentistry

progression of lesions, or tooth loss, is in its Patient Interaction
infancy. Understanding associations within
Given that the linkage of data is a major aim of
larger datasets is often possible with AI, allowing
data-driven care and AI tools for health, a more
identification of risk factors or indicators.
continuous interaction with patients is also likely
Predicting risks, however, is far more difficult. In
to be facilitated. As many dental conditions are
many cases, today’s AI remains limited in its
behaviourally grounded, such a more intimate
predictive power and generalizability, as outlined
interaction instead of what is often referred to as
below (Schwendicke and Krois 2022).
the “one-stop” approach in dental care may allow
addressing dental conditions where they are
rooted: in people’s daily lives. A number of
Evidence-supported planning and conduct
possible examples come to mind:
of therapies
- Evaluating the toothbrushing behaviour of
As AI allows synthesizing data and identifying
patients via their electronic toothbrush or
risk factors and patterns, it will further support
assessing their dietary data via nutrition apps.
evidence-based treatment planning and
conduct. Providing more effective and efficient, - Using symptom checkers or remote
individualized and person-centred care will not monitoring during orthodontic tooth movements.
only facilitate consideration of more patient-
- Providing the option for synchronous
specific aspects, but also incorporate external
communication via mobile devices with a dental
evidence-based information, for example from
care professional or asynchronous
guidelines and standards of care. This will allow
communication via symptom checker apps or
clinicians to standardize and calibrate treatment
plans and foster reliable high-quality care.
Recently, it has been highlighted that the clinical In the future, one can expect patients to be more
benefit of an AI, in this case a diagnostic support informed when they enter the practice.
AI, would even benefit from such treatment Conversely, dentists will know more about their
recommendations, curbing overtreatment and patients’ routines and the related risks.
allowing early intervention where needed Moreover, many dental services, mainly around
(Mertens et al. 2021). As such, AI can improve advice and supportive care, will be translated
the cost-effectiveness of oral health care into the virtual room, increasing the efficiency of
(Schwendicke et al. 2020). care but also its sustainability as the main driver
of the dental carbon footprint is patients’ travel to
An additional benefit of more data-driven care is
and from the dental office (Duane et al. 2014).
the option to regularly and objectively assess
Continuous monitoring will also allow regular
treatment needs, treatments provided, and
feedback to facilitate quality improvements,
outcomes yielded. Ultimately, this will foster
patient engagement and empowerment, which
value-based, but also more targeted care (for
are the bases for health and behaviour
example when referral pathways need to be
interventions. Lastly, AI will not only link patients
tailored for individual patients). Notably, it will
and providers but also allow closer interaction
mean that the quality of dental work will be
between different providers, fostering intra- and
objectifiable; insurance companies have already
interprofessional integrated care.
started to employ AI to detect subpar treatment
and fraudulent insurance claims.

9 Artificial Intelligence for Dentistry

Section 3. Community Section 4. Education
and Public Health and the workforce
Besides being used by dentists to manage the A major obstacle for delivering optimal care to all
health of individual patients, AI and data-driven in the future will be workforce shortages and a
tools will enrich and help to expand community maldistribution of the workforce. This will be true
and public dental health services. For example, for high-income countries where ageing of the
AI-based applications will allow closer linkage of workforce comes in parallel with the feminization
outreach community-based services with the of it, leading to mass-retirement of dentists and
practice setting using remote synchronous and reduced net availability for those who did not
asynchronous communication and data retire, for a population with sustained oral
exchange. This will allow expansion of the reach healthcare needs. However, it also applies to
of traditional dental services to those with only low- and middle-income countries where a fast-
limited or no access at present, increasing growing population’s oral health care needs will
affordability, accessibility, and equity of care. exceed the workforce capacity but also the
capability to train workforce fast enough. The
Moreover, data-driven technologies including AI
oral and dental workforce is a key challenge
will facilitate better information and decision-
identified in FDI’s Vision 2030.
making on the dental public health level: Using
standardized health indicators in oral health
surveys as well as a more systematic and
AI Impacts
comprehensive reporting of the specific services
provided and the resulting outcomes yielded AI can have an impact on dental education,
within different health care systems or units will expanding the workforce’s capacities and scope
allow a more detailed picture of the public’s of individual providers, but also workforce
dental health, the associated needs and planning and allocation:
demands, and the impact of services in terms of (1) AI will support a needs-based dynamic and
effectiveness and efficiency (Riordain et al. adaptive workforce planning process. Integrating
2021). Comprehensive surveillance of health will and extrapolating data from various sources
build on regular and likely automated data such as oral health surveys, publicly available
generation. AI will allow leveraging the yielded population, geostatistical and social data using
large data pools for predicting health and AI will allow to capture age-group and spatially
demands guiding targeted workforce specific oral health, its translation into needs and
development (below), informed setup of demands and the required resources over time.
services, benchmarking of healthcare It will allow workforce planning according to the
interventions and policy, and overall reducing population, its health and needs, at small spatial
wasteful processes and ensuring sustainability scale and in actionable units.
of oral care.
(2) AI tools will further enable the delivery of
Lastly, employing mobile tools powered by AI will high-quality services by a diversified workforce,
enable more effective, individualized public including dentists, other oral healthcare
health communication, facilitating the general professionals or even providers from other
public’s and patients’ involvement in oral and professions or laypeople. AI-based support
dental health and fostering better health for all. systems will facilitate more modularized models
of care, with providers of different levels of
competency jointly and synergistically providing
care on-premises, but also at home or remotely.

10 Artificial Intelligence for Dentistry

Such models will provide physically and omics datasets, but also routine or claims data
economically accessible basic services to all but with unprecedented accuracy. Notably, though,
also joint decision-making for cases of high models from the AI realm do not consistently
complexity. outperform less complex model approaches
such as regression modelling, while the latter
(3) Moreover, AI can be expected to have an
comes with lower computational demands and
impact on dental education methods and scope.
high explainability. Especially on oral and dental
Non-synchronous learning models, a more
datasets of limited size, applying complex
learner-centric provision of educational content
modelling may not be needed and may even
as well as education being increasingly based on
come with limitations on its own.
simulation including augmented or virtual reality-
based teaching and training are promises of AI Hence, to employ AI for oral and dental research
for dental education (Joda et al. 2019). most effectively, breaking up dental data silos
and pooling data from multiple sites, levels, and
A major challenge to be highlighted is that the
modalities is required. Data pooling has been
current dental workforce shows only limited
successfully employed in recent research
digital literacy. Admission to dental training
activities around COVID-19 (Dayan et al. 2021),
programs requires competencies in biological
and allows development of AI models with high
sciences, clinical and technical procedures, and
accuracy and, even more relevant,
the training itself also focuses on these aspects.
generalizability. As data protection concerns and
Mathematical and informatics knowledge and
regulations oftentimes hamper direct pooling,
skills are rarely required or reflected. Choosing
approaches like federated learning (where not
between different AI tools for a specific practice,
data, but model parameters are pooled) may be
commissioning AI for community and public
needed (Bonawitz et al. 2019).
health purposes, and appraising AI with regards
to its capacity and quality will require knowledge With the advent of the AI era in oral and dental
about the way AI works. Since data is an research comes the need to and difficulties of
indispensable component of AI, the pitfalls appraising AI research. Many studies in the field
around datasets underlying an AI application, but suffer from poor reporting and low
also around measuring the performance of an AI reproducibility. Even if sufficient detail is
application must be known. Moreover, as laid out provided to reconstruct the applied methods,
below, research around the impact of AI on data and code as well as the computing
dental providers, patients, and payers, is needed environment are not regularly available, making
to better understand possible risks, for example replication impossible. The oral and dental
of automation and complacency (Parasuraman research community is tasked with addressing
and Manzey 2010), and how to mitigate them. these aspects. Researchers should adopt
existing checklists and reporting standards for AI
research, and reviewers and editors should
Section 5. Research contrast any submissions against these baseline
reporting expectations (Schwendicke et al.
AI is already widely used in oral and dental 2021b). Moreover, peer-reviewing AI research
research. The capabilities of AI to make use of comes with specific challenges that need to be
complex data have facilitated a rapid uptake of addressed to ensure that the review process is
various applications in the field, mainly for image as effective for oral and dental AI research as it
analysis using neural networks (deep learning), is in other fields (Schwendicke et al. 2022).
but also for numerical data using a range of Lastly, the oral and dental research community
shallower machine learning approaches. is required to increase its digital literacy.
Employing AI allows to identify patterns in large Researchers but also the recipients of research,

11 Artificial Intelligence for Dentistry

dentists and other decision makers, need to be interventions developed to date lack
able to appraise AI research and the developed demonstrations of clinical or further benefit
applications critically, as outlined. compared with the standard of care (Wynants et
al. 2020; Zhou et al. 2021). Notably, this is also
true for other innovations in healthcare.
Section 6. Risks and The development of AI for health applications
centres around the data used for training the AI.
limitations of AI Often, small, unbalanced or unrepresentative
datasets are employed, resulting in AI suffering
The emergence and development of new
from limited accuracy and generalizability as well
technologies bring benefits and risks. For
as biases. This is rooted in data being siloed,
example, the development of the Internet has
limitedly interoperable, not standardized, and
improved communication but problems such as
usually not available in sufficient breadth to yield
infodemics have arisen that were difficult to
representativeness. Recent calls for scientific
foresee. The development of AI that allows
data management demand data to be
machines to make automated decisions that
detectable, accessible, interoperable, and
humans previously made can significantly
reusable by machines (FAIR principles)
impact the way healthcare is delivered to people.
(Wilkinson et al. 2016). Several challenges
While AI in dentistry could reduce human
during the development of AI for health
subjectivity in decisions and improve health, AI
applications arise:
may contain biases that result in incorrect or
discriminatory decisions in some population
subgroups. The risks and limitations of AI may 1. Bias and limited generalizability
arise during the conceptualization stage of the
problem to be solved with AI, during the As outlined, many datasets used to train oral and
development, implementation or finally during dental AI lack inclusiveness and
the evaluation of the AI model. representativeness, including systematic under-
representation of a specific gender, age group,
The fact that a specific technology exists does race and others. This often results in AI
not mean that it should be applied to any replicating societal bias, for example
problem. During the conceptualization of the discriminating under-represented and
problem to be solved by AI, it is required to first marginalized groups. Data may also suffer from
answer whether the new tool is necessary and biases introduced during the data collection, for
what health problem it is intended to solve. To example data collected by an insurer may reflect
minimize the risks of generating superfluous insurance priorities and be unsuitable data for
tools for problems that already have a solution or developing and training AI for clinical purposes.
unethical ones to increase an existing health Biases may also arise from data being collected
inequity, it is best to involve all stakeholders, from only a few populations. For example, in the
users, recipients, and payers of AI, in this phase, USA, the majority (71%) of AI for health
with a particular emphasis on minority or applications were trained on data from three
marginalized groups. Moreover, a states: California, Massachusetts, and New York
comprehensive assessment of the available (Kaushal et al. 2020). Data generated in clinical
evidence towards existing standard of care routine may itself suffer from confounding bias.
solutions, their effectiveness, efficiency, and In a recent study on radiographs to classify the
safety is needed. Research on AI in healthcare severity of COVID-19 from chest radiographs,
has in parts been decoupled from real-world standing and lying patients were included.
problem solving, focusing on metrics and not Because lying patients by large suffered from
clinical impact. The majority of AI for health

12 Artificial Intelligence for Dentistry

more severe disease, the model erroneously Assessment System (ICDAS) criteria for caries
learned to classify severity according to the diagnosis. For omics data, the creation of a
patients’ position (Roberts et al. 2021). global database repository with interoperable
microbiome sequences and annotated host
metadata would be similarly desired (Marcos-
2. Accessibility Zambrano et al. 2021). Interoperability of oral
Biases and limited generalizability are often data and its collection in routine settings (e.g.
grounded in the overall limited and selective electronic health records) but also prospective
accessibility of data. In many cases, data is not studies (e.g. national oral surveys) should be
available due to data protection reasons. A aimed for, and agreed standards of captured
range of approaches to broaden the access to data (for example outcomes in interventional
health data, improving AI performance, fairness, studies) may assist (Riordain et al. 2021).
and generalizability, have been developed, for
example broad consent, opt-in for data sharing
4. Truthfulness
rather than opt-out, or the conversion of health
data into non-fungible tokens, which would allow The validity and quality of the data but also the
patients to have control over who can access this labelling (annotations) must be carefully
data and under what circumstances. A technical considered. Often, a hard gold standard such as
approach to pool data siloed in different data histological assessment is not available. Instead,
lakes without sharing the data is federated multiple human annotators provide the reference
learning (Bonawitz et al. 2019). test (label), for example towards the presence of
pathology on an image. The qualification of
these annotators is critical to the eventual quality
3. Interoperability of any AI as the AI will not supersede the joint
Even if data are accessible for developing and intelligence of the annotators. It remains unclear
training an AI, limited interoperability of how disagreements between experts are best
healthcare data remains a significant hurdle. The mitigated. Current concepts include consensus
two major aspects to consider are syntactic and discussion and hierarchical reviewing.
semantic interoperability. Syntactic In the implementation and maintenance stage,
interoperability defines the format and structure clinicians and healthcare staff play a critical role
of data. It is backed by the International as any AI is no longer appraised as a model but
Standards Development Organizations such as as a healthcare intervention. Here, aspects
Health Level Seven International (HL7) and its around usefulness, acceptability,
Fast Health Interoperability Resource (FHIR). implementation, and maintenance of the
Semantic interoperability is ensured by agreed resulting software product are relevant.
terminologies, nomenclatures, and ontologies Evaluation of the AI for its usefulness is critical
being employed, such as SNOMED CT, the at this stage. For example, during the COVID-19
Logical Observation Identifiers Names and pandemic, hundreds of models were developed
Codes (LOINC), or the identification of Medicinal to predict the risk for COVID-19 but none have
Products for medicines (IDMP). In oral and been found clinically useful by a recent
dental research, none of these concepts are systematic review (Roberts et al. 2021). During
particularly popular or widespread. Even the evaluation of an AI application, a wider set of
terminologies and classifications defined by performance metrics generated in clinical care
dental experts themselves are not necessarily should be considered, and any reporting of these
adopted or interchangeably usable. An example metrics should follow established standards.
is differing the World Health Organization (WHO) Notably, the metrics should be clinically relevant
and the International Caries Detection and

13 Artificial Intelligence for Dentistry

for decision-making, and the evaluation should Currently, data on these aspects are extremely
reflect the interaction between the user and the limited or fully absent in the oral and dental
AI software. Oftentimes, this interaction is a arena. Given that technology has been identified
source of performance decreases compared as major driver of increasing healthcare cost
with the performance determined by the AI itself. (Nghiem and Connelly 2017), especially
economic analyses are warranted (Chandra and
Skinner 2012).
Implementation and Maintenance
A summary of the risks and challenges is
In the implementation and maintenance stage, provided in the table 1.
clinicians and healthcare staff play a critical role
as any AI is no longer appraised as a model but
as a healthcare intervention. Here, aspects
around usefulness, acceptability,
implementation, and maintenance of the
resulting software product are relevant.
Evaluation of the AI for its usefulness is critical
at this stage. For example, during the COVID-19
pandemic, hundreds of models were developed
to predict the risk for COVID-19 but none have
been found clinically useful by a recent
systematic review (Roberts et al. 2021). During
the evaluation of an AI application, a wider set of
performance metrics generated in clinical care
should be considered, and any reporting of these
metrics should follow established standards.
Notably, the metrics should be clinically relevant
for decision-making, and the evaluation should
reflect the interaction between the user and the
AI software. Oftentimes, this interaction is a
source of performance decreases compared
with the performance determined by the AI itself.
The generalizability of the AI should be
displayed, and the underlying logic of the AI to
come to a decision should be critically evaluated.
Many AI applications are inherent black boxes.
“Unboxing” them (making them explainable) and
allowing clinicians to scrutinize the criteria the AI
used for its decision is relevant to increase trust,
but also to identify biases (“explainability”).
Further aspects to consider are the derived long-
term consequences of using an AI application
and its impact on the user, the recipient,
treatment pathways, and cost-effectiveness.
Misuse of AI applications beyond the intended
use should further be cautioned against.

14 Artificial Intelligence for Dentistry

Table 1. Risks at different stages of AI application development for dentistry.

Stage Examples Potential solution

Conceptualization • Non-ethical application (e.g., unfair, increasing Involve ethics experts in the conception of AI, consider
inequity) representativeness of datasets to be used for training.

• Application without scientifically grounded and Involve patients and minority groups in the
medically useful objective (e.g., solely to increase conceptualization and development of the model.
revenue at patients’ health expense; AI solution Critically assess the objective of the AI for patients,
where the standard of care works close to providers, healthcare system.

Development • Usage of biased, inaccurate, or non- Define minimal data selection criteria and evaluate data
representative data quality.

• Limited data availability, accessibility and Aspire to an open research culture in which data are
linkability shared as openly as legal and ethical obligations permit.

Adherence to FAIR principles, to make data detectable,

accessible, interoperable and reusable by humans and
machines; enforce interoperability (semantical and

Employ federated learning approaches.

Creation of curated, high quality, heterogenous

benchmarking datasets.

Implementation and • AI performance is unexpectedly low. Assess a comprehensive set of core metrics before
maintenance deployment. Follow checklists for reporting of
development and outcomes of AI in oral and dental
research. Allow critical appraisal by third parties, e.g.
during peer-review, by providing input data, insights on
operational framework, or options to run the model (e.g.
API, minimal viable product).

• AI does have positive diagnostic effect, but not Evaluate performance in different populations and
health effect. population subgroups to gauge generalizability; continue
to observe performance during usage (post market

Consider wider effects beyond diagnostic performance,

i.e., the effect on care processes, patient-provider
interaction, effects on treatment decisions and outcomes,

• AI performance is high in test dataset, but Employ explainable AI tools to assess AI reasoning and
identify potential biases.
unexpectedly low in external datasets.

Develop a core curriculum for oral dental staff to be able

• AI is not accepted by users, not properly
to critically assess AI tools and appraise their quality, but
implemented or maintained long-term.
also to highlight risk of complacency bias, for example.

Have users trained, safeguard AI by incorporating

• AI is misused and hence does not generate
mitigation strategies against misuse, communicate
expected health or process gains.
uncertainty of AI outcomes to users.

15 Artificial Intelligence for Dentistry

technologies available to the most

Section 7. Governance disadvantaged and marginalized groups. Also,

the inevitable power disparities that emerge
While there are opportunities and potential including providers, patients, policymakers,
benefits associated with the use of AI in governments and companies that occupy,
healthcare, there are the outlined risks (World develop, and implement AI-based health
Health Organization (WHO) 2021). technologies must be minimized by assessing
and monitoring any disproportionate effects that
may maintain or increase a disproportionate
WHO’s Consensus Principles on AI share of power between providers, patients,
policymakers, governments, and companies.
The World Health Organization guidance
provides six consensus principles to ensure that 6. Promoting responsive and sustainable AI:
AI works for people's benefit: Responsiveness requires adequate continuous,
systematic, and transparent monitoring of AI
1. Protect human autonomy: The use of AI or
technologies during their real-life use. The
other computer systems should not diminish
environmental impact of AI should be carefully
human autonomy, so humans should remain in
and comprehensively assessed, including the
control of the healthcare system and medical
data generation, training, implementation,
inference, and maintenance associated with the
2. AI must not harm people: Regulatory AI application, and should be transparently
requirements and, generally, governance are communicated to the involved stakeholders.
needed to ensure the safety, accuracy, and Sustainability also requires governments and
efficacy of AI for health. companies to anticipate and address the
3. Ensuring transparency, explainability, and disruptions caused by the implementation of AI
intelligibility: AI-based technologies must be technologies, for example their impact on users
understandable to developers, medical and recipients, the healthcare process, or wider
professionals, patients, users, and regulators. AI policies needed to be implemented alongside an
must be sufficiently documented prior to clinical AI.
implementation, and all methods or processes
should allow humans to understand and trust the
Implemented Governance Strategies
Reflecting these principles, various governance
4. Fostering responsibility and accountability:
strategies have been developed and
Humans require clear, transparent specifications
implemented globally. For instance, the EU
of the tasks that an AI can perform and the
Commission carved out seven requirements
conditions under which the AI can achieve this
towards AI applications in general: (1) Human
task. Humans should supervise the AI upstream,
agency and oversight, including fundamental
and downstream accountability remains with the
rights, human agency and human oversight; (2)
human user.
Technical robustness and safety, including
5. Ensuring inclusiveness and equity: AI for resilience to attack and security, fall back plan
health should ensure the widest possible and general safety, accuracy, reliability, and
appropriate, equitable use and access, reproducibility; (3) Privacy and data governance,
irrespective of age, sex, gender, income, race, including respect for privacy, quality and integrity
ethnicity, sexual orientation, ability, or other of data, and access to data; (4) Transparency,
characteristics protected under human rights including traceability, explainability and
codes. This is achieved by making AI-based communication; (5) Diversity, non-

16 Artificial Intelligence for Dentistry

discrimination, and fairness, including the Act (HIPAA) in 1996, a federal law “that required
avoidance of unfair bias, accessibility and the creation of national standards to protect
universal design, and stakeholder participation; sensitive patient health information from being
(6) Societal and environmental well-being, disclosed without the patient’s consent or
including sustainability, and environmental knowledge”. HHS issued the HIPAA Privacy
friendliness, social impact, society, and Rule to implement the requirements. The Privacy
democracy; (7) Accountability, including Rule standards address the use and disclosure
auditability, minimization, and reporting of of individuals’ health information and is regulated
negative impact, trade-offs and redress. All by the CDC. The FDA is responsible, among
requirements are equally important, support others, “for protecting the public health by
each other, and should be implemented and ensuring the safety, efficacy, and security of
evaluated throughout the AI system`s lifecycle. human and veterinary drugs, biological products,
For regulation, the EU lawmakers set criteria and medical devices”. Beyond that the FDA is
differentiating “low risk” from “high risk” AI “responsible for advancing the public health by
applications. They propose “a risk-based helping to speed innovations that make medical
approach, according to which a given AI products more effective, safer, and more
application should be considered high risk if both affordable”. In 2019, the FDA proposed a
the target sector (e.g. healthcare) and the regulatory framework for modifications to AI/ML-
intended use involve significant risk (e.g. injury, based “Software as a Medical Device (SaMD)”,
death)“. It was proposed “that operators of a and in January 2021, the FDA published a
high-risk AI system be subject to strict liability for “SaMD-Action Plan” that includes; a proposed
any harm or damage caused by a physical or regulatory framework, a harmonized
virtual activity, device or process driven by that development of “Good Machine Learning
AI system and be subject to a mandatory Practice (GMLP)”, a patient-centred approach
insurance regime…AI systems not listed as a on the role of transparency to users of AI/ML
high-risk AI system would, in principle, remain devices, a support of regulatory science efforts
subject to fault-based liability, unless stricter to develop a methodology for evaluation and
national laws and consumer protection improvement of ML algorithms concerning
legislation is in force…”(4). The EU “Medical robustness and resilience, and an advance of
Devices Regulation” (MDR) operationalizes this real-world performance pilots. FDA’s vision is
risk-based approach, with medical devices being that, with appropriately tailored total product
divided into different risk classes. Depending on lifecycle-based regulatory oversight, AI/ML-
the risk class of the product, a different based SaMD will deliver safe and effective
conformity assessment procedure is foreseen functionality that improves the quality of care.
before the product can be placed on the EU FDA described a “Predetermined Change
market. Low-risk medical devices are not subject Control Plan” in premarket submissions. In this
to a pre-market authorization by a regulatory approach, FDA expressed an expectation for
authority. Medium- and high-risk devices require transparency and real-world performance
a conformity assessment procedure, involving monitoring by manufacturers that could enable
an independent third party as “notified body”. FDA and manufacturers to evaluate and monitor
a software product from its pre-market
In the United States, two different authorities
development through post-market performance.
regulate AI for health technologies; the Centers
With “Good Machine Learning Practice (GMLP)”
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and
the FDA describes a set of AI/ML-based best
the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Both
practices - data management, feature extraction,
are supervised by the US Department for Health
training, interpretability, evaluation, and
and Human Services (HHS). HSS issued the
documentation – that are akin to good software
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability

17 Artificial Intelligence for Dentistry

engineering practices or quality system • To make sure that AI applications acquire
practices. maximal usefulness and generalizability, action
is needed to improve access to data and foster
its usage for training and testing. Data protection
Conclusions for clinical concerns and reservations against the
commercial use of healthcare data need to be
practice carefully balanced against the potential benefit of
AI for patients and the society. Technological
Overall, AI has implications for clinical practice approaches like federated learning should be
today, but more so in the future: actively applied to dental AI tasks, and
1. Current applications focus on diagnostic harmonization of data to improve interoperability
support, mainly image analysis. Users should should be actively pursued.
critically appraise the accuracy of diagnostic
support systems, the data underlying the trained • AI applications with demonstrated benefit
model and its testing as well as the resulting for patients, providers or the healthcare system
generalizability. Explainability of any application should be actively promoted, and its uptake
should be demanded, as the final responsibility incentivized. Notably, the impact of these
for any decisions emanating from using a applications on all stakeholders should be
diagnostic support system remains with the user, critically appraised.
i.e. the oral healthcare provider.
• Generally, the evidence supporting AI
2. Emerging applications which may enter applications for oral and dental care needs
the practice soon employ speech analysis strengthening. The active development of AI
(natural language processing), facilitating should be complemented by research into the
speed-based reporting in clinical care, but also true usefulness, applicability and implementation
allowing rapid and comprehensive mining of of these applications.
electronic health records etc. Such analyses
may form the backbone of health information • This evidence needs to be utilized by the
systems (dashboards) and support integrated community; providers and healthcare decision
care models. makers need to acquire a basic literacy around
3. Personalized, precise, preventive, and data, digital applications and AI. For providers,
participatory care (P4 dentistry) (Hood and the decision to use or not use an AI application
Flores 2012) will need to employ data from a should be taken on an informed basis – similar
range of sources and relies heavily on predictive to the decision to use or not use an adhesive
modelling. Current predictive models are of system, for example. An international core
limited accuracy and generalizability, oftentimes curriculum should be developed and adapted to
as the datasets used for training them are small national needs, and educators should be actively
and stem from one or few sources. P4 dentistry trained to teach such curriculum in graduate or
remains a promise of the future for now. postgraduate training.
The community should engage into the
widespread activities around standardization.
Call for action The development of standards towards AI will
serve as safeguards, and active engagement of
Based on the outlined four application areas and oral and dental stakeholders is indispensable if
the associated challenges, the oral health these standards are expected to serve the oral
community will need to actively engage in a and dental health community.
number of areas:

18 Artificial Intelligence for Dentistry

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