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What Have I Learned So Far?

Identify the speech style used by each speaker. Write consultative, formal, or frozen on the blank.
Frozen 1. A priest delivering his homily
Consultative 2. A teacher discussing a lesson
Formal 3. A lawyer citing an article from the constitution
Consultative 4. A doctor talking to a patient
Formal 5. A church pastor reading a Bible passage
Frozen 6. A judge declaring her verdict
Frozen 7. A student leading his classmates in reciting “Panatang Makabayan”
Consultative 8. An applicant interviewer asking questions to an interviewee
Formal 9. An opera singer performing on stage
Formal 10. A customer service representative helping a client over the phone.

What Have I Learned So Far?

1. In your own words, explain the five speech styles commonly used in various communication
- INTIMATE speech style is a style that is commonly used in conversation between two
communicators that are much closed to each other like your Grandparents, Parents and cousins
because they have the same amount of information to be shared with each other.
- CASUAL speech style is a style that is used by your friends or other people to share information’s
to each other but they don’t have close relations to each other. For example is, an old woman asking
for directions.
- CONSULTATIVE speech style, this kind of style is usually used by professionals. It is commonly
short but unconstrained. For example is, a Dentist talking to her patient.
- FORMAL speech style is used by a person who wants to say something straight to the point. The
speaker is prepared on what he/she would say to the audience. Example; The President delivering
his SONA.
- FROZEN speech style, this kind of style is used in respectful occasions or ceremonies. The
audience is not allowed to give their feedback nor to ask questions. Example; The Senator pledging
in front of the President.
2. Identify the speech style used in the following texts.
___INTIMATE__ a. “Oh yeah, bro!”
___FORMAL___ b. “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house.”
____INTIMATE___ c. “Thank you, my beloved, Angelica.”
_CONSULTATIVE_ d. “I am hoping for your favorable consideration.”
__FORMAL__ e. “It is with great honor that I welcome you to this event.

What Have I Learned So Far?

Go back to the copy of the preamble of the 1987 Philippine Constitution on page 78. Help different
groups of people understand what the preamble contains by rewriting it using different language
registers. Then deliver it before the indicated audience using the appropriate speech style.

1. Local Government Leaders

We as your Local Government Leaders are trying and doing our best to promote and
develop the kind of Government that each Filipino citizens need. Supporting equality, maintaining
the freedom and leading the fellow Filipino people of the country is our main goal/ purpose. The
aforementioned goals will be fulfil as long as each one of us have cooperation and unity.

2. Your Teacher

I as the adviser of this class will teach you my students why is it important to have
knowledge about the preamble of the 1987 Philippine Constitution. It is because our nation is
getting worse and we the Filipino people is need to have a government who have the ability to help,
sustain/support the needs, develop patrimony and to secure and protect each individuals human

3. Your Classmates

Hey? I just want to share the article that I’ve red online about this preamble of 1987
Philippine Constitution. I’m amazed by the fact that even that we are a free nation we still need a
reliable leader who will lead us into the right path and a government who can develop and make
our country a better place to live in. For this to happen each one of us must be disciplined.
4. Your Younger Siblings (or Cousin)

Hi couz, I’d like to tell you the statement I’ve red last night. It is about the 1987 Philippine
Constitution that states that we Filipino people are entitled to Government that will lead us to the
right path and make our country stable, more develop, and free from harm.

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