BM4511 ICA 3 Project Guide

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School of Business Management

AY2022 Semester 2

ICA 3: BM4511

PR & Communications Management

Group Assignment Guide

Date of Issue: Week 9, Monday, 12 December 2022 (via POLITEMall)

Date of Submission: Week 18, Monday, 13 February 2023, 9am (via POLITEMall)
Assignment Guide / BM4511 / Page 1

1. Assignment Outline

This group assignment constitutes 40% of the overall assessment for the module,
BM4511 PR & Communication Management.

The project covers topics on Business Process Involved in Public Relations

Activities and Public Relations Practices & Trends. It is designed to give you a
first-hand experience of applying the knowledge attained in the topics above to
propose recommendations for a PR campaign.

You will be randomly assigned into a project group (each group comprising 4-5
members) by your module tutor. You will represent a Public Relations agency
and are required to develop a public relations (PR) campaign to create
awareness for The Red Pencil (Singapore) (, an
Institution of Public Character and a registered charity founded in Singapore with
a mission to bring the benefits of creative arts therapy (drawing, music,
movement and dance) to less privileged children, adults and families who have
been through overwhelming and traumatic life circumstances.

Learners will submit on a group basis, a typewritten report including creative

mock-ups and any supporting appendices by Monday, 13 February 2023, 9am,
via POLITEMall. A group presentation with individual component will also be
required for your group to present your campaign proposal to your tutor during
Week 18 tutorial.

2. Learning Outcomes

After the completion of this project, learners will be able to:

1. Apply the various components of a plan to develop a PR campaign.

2. Formulate appropriate key messages and objectives to support the
3. Recommend meaningful and appropriate tactics that will appeal to the key
public(s) and meet the campaign objectives.
4. Propose appropriate evaluation methods to assess the success of the
5. Communicate effectively to achieve desired outcomes by considering
audience needs and using suitable communication approaches and
6. Apply team strategies to work effectively with stakeholders towards shared
Assignment Guide / BM4511 / Page 2

3. Requirements

 Groups each comprising of 4 or 5 members on an exception basis) will be

randomly assigned by your module tutor.

 Each group will represent a PR agency and is required to develop a

campaign to promote the industry client, The Red Pencil (Singapore). The
Red Pencil (Singapore) aims to empower individuals with mental issues and
challenges through art therapy.

 A client briefing will take place in Week 9 (details TBC). You must attend
this client briefing to learn more about the client. There will be a Q&A
session during this client briefing session as well.

 You will need to propose a campaign that will create awareness The Red
Pencil (Singapore)’ and its newly opened centre at Redhill, as well as to
educate the target public about art therapy. The target public for this
campaign would be Gen Zs born between 1997 to 2012. Learners must
consider proposing an inclusive campaign to reach out to youths in the
community, besides through schools/institutions, who:

a) may not be aware of creative arts therapy, or

b) have some misconceptions about art therapy, and/or do not have the
resources to seek it.

As part of the campaign, learners are to take into consideration the target
public’s media preferences, and utilising both online and offline tactics
and/or media channels.

 Learners will need to include the following in their PR campaign proposal:

a) Target Public Interviews

o Conduct interviews with two Gen Z individuals and investigate their
attitudes and understanding towards art therapy, and awareness
levels of The Red Pencil.
o Outline 3 key insights gleaned from the interviews. (6 marks)
o Note: Failure to submit a recording and pictures of the interviews will
result in a penalty of the marks.

b) Proposed Campaign Communications Objectives & Key Messages

o Outline 2 campaign communications objectives. (4 marks)
o Propose 2 key messages for the campaign. (6 marks)

c) Strategy, Tactics & Campaign Timeline

o Propose a strategy for the proposed campaign and explain how it will
appeal to the target public(s). (5 marks)
Assignment Guide / BM4511 / Page 3

o Propose a campaign theme. (4 marks)

o Recommend 3 key tactics to support the campaign (15 marks)
o Explain why the proposed tactics will be deemed newsworthy by the
media (5 marks)
o Propose a campaign timeline. (5 marks)

d) Campaign Evaluation Methods

o Recommend 2 campaign evaluation methods to assess if the
communication objectives are met. (4 marks)

e) Mock-ups
o Produce 2 social media posts (e.g. Facebook post, Instagram post,
etc) to be published on The Red Pencil’s social media platforms that
will resonate with your target public(s). (6 marks)
o Note: Do not create any social media account bearing The Red
Pencil’s name, logo and/or likeness.

4. Submissions


A written report of 1,500 to 2,000 words, excluding appendices – Arial font

size 12 with single spacing must be submitted by each group. The project report
should consist of the following parts:
1. Cover Page (Include a cover page with the project title, name and
admission numbers of project members.)

2. Proposed Target Public(s)

3. Proposed Campaign Communications Objectives & Key Messages

4. Strategy, Tactics & Campaign Timeline

5. Campaign Evaluation Methods

6. Mock-ups

Submission through Turnitin in POLITEMall and Due Date

The report is to be submitted through Turnitin latest by Monday, 13

February 2023, 0900hrs. Turnitin is a cloud-based solution with capabilities in
originality checking using their OriginalityCheck tool. OriginalityCheck allows
your instructor to monitor assignment submissions and identify potential cases
Assignment Guide / BM4511 / Page 4

of plagiarism by automatically comparing submissions to an online database of

original content. It is the responsibility of the learners to ensure that the matching
text highlighted in the Turnitin similarity report is properly referenced.

1. Please read the following guide on how to submit your report in


2. Learners can also view the following video to learn how to submit your
report in POLITEMall:

Late submission and penalties

A penalty of 5% on the base marks to be deducted for each working day of late
submission from the respective assessment marks allocated should the report be
submitted late. Any late submission after 5 working days will be awarded zero mark.


Plagiarism is serious matter. Plagiarism is the act of taking and using the whole
or any part of ideas, words or works of other people and passing it off as one’s
own work, without acknowledgement of the original source. The act of plagiarism
is an offence under NYP Academic Integrity Policy:
integrity.html. Any act of plagiarism may be construed as academic dishonesty.
A candidate who, after due disciplinary process, is found to have committed an
act that contravenes academic integrity in any assessment of a module would be
liable for disciplinary action under NYP Academic Integrity Policy.

It is also important not to share your or your team’s work with other learner(s) or
team(s). ALL parties involved in any act of plagiarism (including learner(s) or
team(s) who have shared their work with others) would be liable for
disciplinary action under NYP Academic Integrity Policy. If any learner had asked
you to share your work with him/her, it is important to turn down his/her request
and report the incident immediately to your module tutor to safeguard your

All content from online or other primary sources should be properly referenced
(even if you are paraphrasing). Learners can use
citation-generator/ or other online citation generator to properly state the source
of the reference (websites, journal articles, books and reports) in the American
Psychological Association (APA) format. The APA format is a writing style and
Assignment Guide / BM4511 / Page 5

format for academic documents such as scholarly journal articles and

books. When in doubt, the rule is to acknowledge the source.

A SafeAssign Originality Report generated provides detailed information about

the matches found between a learner's submitted work and existing sources.
Learners can use the report to review their submissions for originality and identify
the specific areas of their submitted work where proper referencing are required.
Failing to do so may lead to plagiarism being reported in Safe Assign.

When an assignment is submitted using SafeAssign, the SafeAssign Originality

Report is normally available within 15-30 minutes. However, a slight delay may
occur between the upload and the availability of the Originality Report during
periods of high usage. Hence, learners are encouraged to submit their report at
least one day before the submission deadline so that they have sufficient time to
make any necessary amendment and resubmission before the submission
deadline expires.

Useful Resources, Free-rider Problem and Adjustment of Free rider’s Project


1. Useful Resources for Project Management

The Checklist to Guide Group Project Development in the appendix will

provide your team a guide to work effectively as a team during your project
development. Self-awareness & management, leadership, interpersonal &
collaboration as well as communication & inclusivity skills are important life skills
that team members must possess to do well in the group project. Below are also
some useful resources that can help you manage the project well together as a

 Self-awareness & management for effective teamwork
 Leadership, interpersonal & collaboration skills:
 Communication & inclusivity:
 Conflict resolution:

2. Interim Reporting of Non-Contributor/ Free Rider

All learners are expected to contribute actively to their group project. Any non-
contribution/ free rider must be brought to the attention of the module tutor as
soon as possible so that early intervention measures can be implemented.
Assignment Guide / BM4511 / Page 6

Free-riders who are only highlighted at the end-of-project peer evaluation

exercise may not be penalised if they are not highlighted during the interim
reporting of non-contributor/ free rider. The e-survey to report any free rider(s)
during project development can accessed via:

TUT BE – Please click here.

TUT BF – Please click here.
TUT BK – Please click here.
TUT BL – Please click here.
TUT BM – Please click here.
TUT BS – Please click here.
TUT BW – Please click here.
TUT BX – Please click here.

3. Adjustment of Free rider’s Project Score

There are 2 components to peer evaluation: a) Peer evaluation score makes up

10% of the overall score. b) If the average peer evaluation score awarded by
other team members is less than 5 points out of 10 and highlighted during the
interim reporting of non-contributor/ free rider, a learner will be identified as a free
rider and consequently, the average peer evaluation score will determine the
penalty to the free-rider’s group component score. Please also provide reasons/
justifications/ examples on team members highlighted as free riders in the peer
evaluation form.

Each learner will rate the contribution of other team members using a 10-point
scale through a confidential digital peer evaluation form administered by their
module tutor. The award of peer evaluation scores for other team members
should be based on the quality of each team member’s collaboration practices
(self-awareness & management, leadership, interpersonal & collaboration, as
well as communication & inclusivity skills). You should also take into account
each team member’s attendance and punctuality during project meetings.

Your module tutor will only deduct a free rider’s group component score if his/her
average peer evaluation scores awarded by team members is less than 5 points
out of 10. (i.e. team members had rated that the free rider had contributed, on
average, less than 50% to the group project.) As such, you should award less
than 5 points (less than 50%) for a free rider’s peer evaluation score with
substantiative reasons/ justifications/ examples so that he/she can clearly be
identified as a free rider.

As an illustration, if a learner had obtained an average score of 4.5 points out of

10 (less than 5 points) for his/her peer evaluation, he/she would be identified as
a free rider who had only contributed 45% to the group project. This free-rider
learner would only be awarded 45% of the group component score. On the other
hand, another learner who had obtained an average score of 5 points and above
for his/her peer evaluation would not be rated as a free rider. This learner would
be awarded 100% of the group component score (no deduction to group
component score).
Assignment Guide / BM4511 / Page 7

5. Presentation

Each group will present their PR Campaign proposal during their tutorial class in
a 20-minute presentation (15-minute presentation and 5-minute Q&A) in Week
18 beginning 14 February 2022. All group members must present as the
evaluation criteria for the presentation include individual and group components.
The dress code for the presentation is formal. Appropriate presentation slides
should be prepared by the group for the presentation. Presentation slides must
be submitted through POLITEMall together with the report.

6. Assessment

This project carries a total of 100 marks and constitutes 40% of the overall grade
for the module. The breakdown of marks is as follows:
Campaign Proposal - 60 marks
(Written report & Mock-ups)
Individual Presentation - 20 marks
Group Presentation - 10 marks
Peer evaluation - 10 marks
Total - 100 marks

1. Written report (60 marks)

The evaluation criteria for the written report is as follows:

1. Proposed Target Public(s) (6 marks)

2. Campaign Communications Objectives & Key Messages (10
3. Strategy, Tactics & Campaign Timeline (34 marks)
4. Campaign Evaluation Methods (4 marks)
5. Mock-ups (6 marks)

2. Individual Presentation (20 marks)

The evaluation criteria for the presentation are as follows:

1. Communicating Purpose: Displaying content knowledge,

credibility and a clear purpose of communicating the content
(5 marks)
2. Non-verbal Technique: Body language such as eye contact and
gestures, etc (5 marks)
3. Ability to handle Q&A (10 marks)
Assignment Guide / BM4511 / Page 8

3. Group Presentation (10 marks)

The evaluation criteria for the presentation includes quality of

presentation slides.

4. Peer Evaluation (10 marks)

Each member in the group must complete a confidential peer

evaluation form and submit it via email to the tutor before the
presentation. The peer evaluation form is attached in the appendix.
Assignment Guide / BM4511 / Page 9

Appendix 1 – Scoring Rubric of Written Report & Mock-Ups

Evaluation Criteria F D to D+ C to C+ B to B+ A
0-2 marks 3 marks 3.5 Marks 4-4.5 marks 5-6 marks
Poor research with no Research was Sufficient research of Conducted interviews Thorough research of the
Target Public(s) insights that can value- conducted but the the target public, but with the target public; target public, with
add to the campaign insights garnered insights garnered may there is good potential detailed and valuable
(6 marks) ideas. were top-of-mind and not be translatable for the insights to be insights as to how Gen
failed to show onto the campaign. translated into Z’s attitudes and
relevance in terms of campaign ideas, but understanding can
this can value add to not all insights may be influence and impact the
the campaign. feasible. campaign’s strategy and

0-1 mark 2 marks 2.5 marks 3 marks 3.5-4 marks

No or inappropriate Communications The communications The communication The communications
Campaign objectives were objectives are objectives are objectives are mostly objectives are clearly
Communications provided. appropriate and not appropriate and relevant and well- related to the campaign
Objectives realistic for the relevant but certain expressed. and were also expressed
campaign. elements such as in concrete, measurable
(4 marks) measurability and terms.
timeliness could have
been included to
ensure that the
objectives are

0-2 marks 3 marks 3.5 Marks 4-4.5 marks 5-6 marks

No or inappropriate key Key messages were The key messages are The key messages are The key messages are
Key Messages messages were appropriate with appropriate and mostly appropriate and concise, well-thought
provided. weak linkages to the somewhat relevant to relevant to the and impactful to ensure
(6 marks) campaign. the campaign. campaign/organisation; that the campaign will be
however, the memorable amongst the
messages can be more target public(s).
Assignment Guide / BM4511 / Page 10

Appendix 1 – Scoring Rubric of Written Report & Mock-Ups (cont’d)

Evaluation Criteria F D to D+ C to C+ B to B+ A
0-2 marks 2.5 marks 3 Marks 3.5 marks 4-5 marks
The strategy was not The strategy is clear but The strategy is feasible The strategy is The strategy is very
Strategy provided and/or not feasible. It will also and appropriate for the relevant and relates creative and feasible. It is
unclear. not appeal to the target target public(s); to the campaign; unique and memorable to
(5 marks) public(s). however, it may lack however, it lacks create impact and leave an
impact or creativity. uniqueness. impression.

0-1 mark 2 marks 2.5 marks 3 marks 4 marks

Campaign Theme The campaign theme The theme is ‘run-of-the- The theme is fairly The theme is unique The theme is very creative.
was missing and has mill’ and contains a weak creative and may get and will provoke It is unique and memorable
(4 marks) no appeal to the target appeal to the target some traction from the interest from the to create impact and leave
public(s). public(s). target public(s). target public(s). an impression.

0-7 marks 7.5-8.5 marks 9.5-11.5 marks 12-13 marks 13.5-15 marks
At least one was At least 3 tactics were The tactics are mostly The tactics are mostly The tactics are creative,
Key Tactics missing. Tactics were provided but they lack feasible and are fairly appropriate for the feasible, and can help to
irrelevant and not details and the range of in sync with one campaign. However, achieve the
(15 marks) feasible. proposed tactics is another and offer some some tactics may lack communications
limited. The proposed support to the strategy feasibility and/or is objectives. The tactics
tactics are not aligned of the campaign. unable to differentiate totally complement each
with the communication However, some key the organisation from other in a cohesive manner
objectives. The tactics details to explain how its competitors and/or and offer excellent support
are not in sync with one the tactics will be the business to the overall strategy of
another and do not executed are missing. landscape. the campaign. The tactics
support the strategy of are also clearly explained
the campaign. Overall, and illustrated and will
little creativity was appeal to the media.
shown throughout the
Assignment Guide / BM4511 / Page 11

Appendix 1 – Scoring Rubric of Written Report & Mock-Ups (cont’d)

Evaluation Criteria F D to D+ C to C+ B to B+ A
0-2 marks 2.5 marks 3 Marks 3.5 marks 4-5 marks
The newsworthiness The tactics do not The tactics feature a The tactics are The tactics possess a
values were not feature any few newsworthy newsworthy, good mix of
provided and/or newsworthy elements but can be however as they newsworthy elements
(5 marks)
unclear. elements; hence more impactful to may be similar to that will increase the
they do not stand a increase the likelihood what other brands likelihood of being
good chance of of being picked-up by have worked on featured as a cover
being picked up by the media. previously, it story.
the media. reduces the
chances of being
picked up by the

0-2 marks 2.5 marks 3 Marks 3.5 marks 4-5 marks

The campaign Campaign timeline Fairly good campaign Clear campaign Detailed campaign
Campaign Timeline timeline is missing is presented timeline, however timeline that is easy timeline that gives a
and poorly presented. reasonably but some elements (i.e. to comprehend. good and clear
(5 marks) difficult to tactics) were missing overview as to how
comprehend. and/or misplaced. and when the
campaign will run.
The campaign is also
well-paced to prevent
media fatigue.
Assignment Guide / BM4511 / Page 12

Appendix 1 – Scoring Rubric of Written Report & Mock-Ups (cont’d)

Evaluation Criteria F D to D+ C to C+ B to B+ A
0-1 mark 2 marks 1-1.5 marks 2-3 marks 4 marks
The evaluation Poor description of Fairly good description Good and clear Excellent description
Campaign Evaluation methods were not evaluation methods of evaluation methods description of of evaluation
Methods provided and/or to measure impact to measure impact of evaluation methods methods to measure
unclear. of the campaign. the campaign. to measure impact impact of the
(4 marks) Evaluation is not However, the design of the campaign. campaign. Evaluation
thorough to of the evaluation However more is well-thought and
measure results. methods are not details to measure comprehensive to
comprehensive. success and give a clear and
campaign impact complete picture of
could have been the campaign efforts.

0-2 marks 3 marks 3.5 marks 4-4.5 marks 5-6 marks

The mock-ups were Poorly done mock- The mock-ups are Mock-ups are of Excellent mock-ups
Mock-ups not provided or are of ups and mock-ups fairly well done; good quality, but and mock-ups are of
very poor quality with limited effort. however, some certain elements excellent quality and
(6 marks) minimal effort. elements have missed could have been close to industry
the mark (ie. enhanced to standard. The mock-
incoherent text) which enhance the ups also help to
resembles a delivery of key support the campaign
rushed/poor quality messages. and its key
job. messages.
Assignment Guide / BM4511 / Page 13

Appendix 2 – Scoring Rubric of Presentation

Evaluation Criteria F D to D+ C to C+ B to B+ A
Communicating 0-2 marks 2.5 marks 3 marks 3.5 marks 4-5 marks
Purpose The purpose is not clearly There is some The presenter identifies There is clear There is clear
stated or is in doubt. The inaccuracy in purpose and attempts to identification of development of purpose &
(5 marks) presenter exhibits lack of identifying purpose align delivery to purpose & delivery memorable explanation of
knowledge as delivery is and lapse in content communicating its aligned to its relevance. The
largely a recitation or knowledge exhibited relevance though communicating its presenter establishes
dependent on script. The through lack of ineffective at times. relevance. The strong sense of credibility
main ideas lack clear/ confidence in He/she exhibits presenter establishes by projecting unwavering
relevant explanation delivery. The understanding of credibility by confidence in content
leaving loopholes in presenter confuses content and signals projecting confidence knowledge. He/she shows
content. Content and its audience with confidence (at least in content knowledge. awareness of issues
relevance are unclear markers in 60% of delivery). Some He/she focuses essential to
questionable. identifying central digression is evident as attention on communicating main
ideas and presenter strays from communicating main ideas. Content is accurate
explanation at times. main idea or fails to ideas. The content is and impactful, generating
The content is state relevance of accurate and interest in topic that is
somewhat information at times. meaningful and sustained throughout.
inaccurate or does Observable effort in creates interest in
not generate/ creating content that is topic.
sustain interest in accurate and
topic. meaningful.
Assignment Guide / BM4511 / Page 14

Appendix 2 – Scoring Rubric of Presentation (cont’d)

Evaluation Criteria F D to D+ C to C+ B to B+ A
Non-verbal Technique 0-2 marks 2.5 marks 3 marks 3.5 marks 4-5 marks
Presenter tends to Presenter’s use of The presenter exhibits The presenter The presenter’s
(5 marks) move away from space is left largely some awareness of exhibits awareness of awareness of space is
audience. His/her body unexplored. His/her space though not space. His/her body used effectively to
language clearly shows body language signals always used to serve a language projects manipulate audience
disinterest / some degree of purpose. His/her body confidence and ease attention. His/her body
nervousness / lack of discomfort in relating to language largely in communicating language projects
confidence and affects audience. There is an projects confidence in with audience (80% confidence and ease
audience involvement. attempt to use gestures communicating with of presentation). throughout presentation
The presenter’s can be seen though audience. His/her His/her gestures signaling efficiency.
gestures are largely mostly irrelevant. gestures match verbal match verbal His/her gestures work to
missing / robotic His/her verbal instruction though instruction and enhance impact. He/she
delivery. His/her verbal expression does not there’s evidence of largely useful in manipulates various
expression is exhibit enthusiasm, misuse. He/she is not signaling attention to verbal expression
monotonous / impedes though it does not always useful in key details. The techniques to generate
understanding at times. impede understanding signaling attention to presenter exhibits an audience involvement and
He/she clearly shows it does not do much to key details. The ability to use verbal understanding of content.
disinterest in assist. There is some presenter exhibits an expression to draw The presenter establishes
connecting with inability in reading awareness of most audience attention / good rapport with
audience audience / environment techniques involved in create atmosphere. audience and involves
verbal expression. He/she shows them
He/she manages sensitivity to
environment and environment and
audience expectation needs of audience.
with some success There is some
attempt made to
involve the audience
Assignment Guide / BM4511 / Page 15

Appendix 2 – Scoring Rubric of Presentation (cont’d)

Evaluation Criteria F D to D+ C to C+ B to B+ A
0-4.5 marks 5-5.5 marks 6-6.5 marks 7-7.5 marks 8-10 marks
Presenter has Presenter has some Presenter answered Presenter answers the Presenter displays quick
Ability to handle Q&A difficulty difficulty addressing the question, but some question fully. The clarity response exhibiting a
comprehending concerns raised in support may be in expression is not in clear understanding of
(10 marks) question requirement. question, no real lacking, or sentences question; examples question requirement.
He/she has no clear or evidence of learning. may be a bit awkward. might be cliché / generic Response is well-
specific explanation in More specific There is absence or though suitable. The expressed, including
answer to the information is needed little attempt to attempt to weigh specific examples to
question. The and if examples are evaluate. Hastiness response and be demonstrate learning.
presenter provided, they do little can be detected in succinct can be He/she provides a
demonstrates weak to support response response discerned complete answer by
thought process and/or lacks in highlighting where
providing a coherent necessary. He/she shows
response genuine interest in
providing a succinct /
informative answer to the
Quality of presentation 0-4.5 marks 5-5.5 marks 6-6.5 marks 7-7.5 marks 8-10 marks
Level of competency Use of technology Technology and visual Technology and visual Technology and visual
in using technology and visual elements elements used to elements used to elements effectively used
(10 marks) and visual elements is shows a basic level of communicate enhance communication to deliver central ideas
at times in question. competency. information (50% of ideas. Capable of with impact. Strategies
Use of Slides/Visuals Capability in using success). Capable of using Multisensory employed in using
limited to presenting Multisensory using Multisensory elements to boost Multisensory elements to
information exhibiting elements is in elements for emphasis. retention of information. boost retention of
ineptitude in basic question during parts Slides/Visuals are at Slides/Visuals are information is always
requirements (e.g. text of presentation. times static in the seldom static in the successful.
heavy or irrelevant use Slides/Visuals lack in background and there background and Slides/Visuals are
of visuals) interactive design / is only audio presenter constantly interactive and sustain
use limited to transmission of interacts with / utilises audience attention
presenting information / there is an them to generate interest throughout and support
information attempt to generate and guide understanding presenter in spinning an
interest effective narrative
Assignment Guide / BM4511 / Page 16

Appendix 3 – Peer Evaluation Form

Learner’s Name: _____________________Tutorial Group: ______________

Instruction: Please rate each team member’s contribution in the group project during group meetings, research, data analysis and
report writing. Peer evaluation scores should be awarded based on the quality of each team member’s collaboration practices (self-
awareness & management, leadership, interpersonal & collaboration, as well as communication & inclusivity skills). You should also
take into account each team member’s attendance and punctuality during project meetings. Refer to the rubric below for the award
of peer evaluation scores. Please highlight any free-rider in the team and provide reasons/ comments on team members highlighted
as free-riders. Please keep this form confidential and email this ONLY to your module tutor.
The scoring rubrics are appended on Pages 16 and 17 of this ICA brief.
Name Excellent Good Average *Poor *Very Poor Is the team
8.5-10 marks 6.5-8 marks 4.5-6 marks 2.5-4 marks 0-2 marks member a free-
Important: Please provide reasons/ comments on learners highlighted as free-riders in the box below.
Assignment Guide / BM4511 / Page 17

Scoring Rubric of Peer Evaluation

Evaluation Criteria F D to D+ C to C+ B to B+ A
Marks (10 marks) 0-2 marks 3-4 marks 5-6 marks 7-8 marks 9-10 marks

Self-awareness & Not observable as Learner is largely not Learner is somewhat Learner is largely Learner is totally
management learner is absent from aware of his emotions aware of his emotions aware of his emotions aware of his emotions
most meetings. and behaviours, and and behaviours, and and behaviours, and and behaviours, and
does not manage manages them well manages them well manages them well
them well during most during some group during most group during all group
group meetings and meetings and meetings and meetings and
discussions. discussions. discussions. discussions.

Leadership, interpersonal He/she does not He/she has provided He/she has He/she has guided or He/she has led the
& collaboration demonstrate suggestions for the contributed ideas to facilitated group team for at least one
leadership qualities team to consider the group that help to discussions or phase of the project
and initiative during during the project. improve the project. meetings during the development. He/she
the project He/she gathers inputs He/she exchanges project development. includes different and
development. No from others to develop information with He/she cooperates opposing views and
evidence that the project ideas and others to develop with others to develop manages the team
project ideas and complete the project project ideas and project ideas and dynamics well to
project requirements requirements. complete the project complete the project jointly develop project
are co-developed with requirements. requirements. ideas and complete
other team members. the project
Assignment Guide / BM4511 / Page 18

Evaluation Criteria F D to D+ C to C+ B to B+ A
Marks (10 marks) 0-2 marks 3-4 marks 5-6 marks 7-8 marks 9-10 marks

Communication & No evidence that He/she tries to use He/she uses multiple He/she applies an He/she applies an
inclusivity communication communication communication assortment of assortment of
techniques are used to techniques to explain techniques to explain communication communication
discuss an idea with an idea during group an idea during group techniques to gather techniques to engage
other team members. discussions on project discussions on project responses during others during group
ideas and project ideas and project group discussions on discussions on project
He/she is totally not requirements. requirements. project ideas and ideas and project
enthusiastic to project requirements. requirements.
collaborate with people He/she is largely not He/she is somewhat
with different cultures, enthusiastic to enthusiastic to He/she is largely He/she is very
values, beliefs, collaborate with people collaborate with enthusiastic to enthusiastic to
perception and with different cultures, people with different collaborate with collaborate with
attitudes, and does not values, beliefs, cultures, values, people with different people with different
display sensitivity and perception and beliefs, perception cultures, values, cultures, values,
empathy during all attitudes, and does not and attitudes, and beliefs, perception beliefs, perception
group meetings and display sensitivity and displays sensitivity and attitudes, and and attitudes, and
discussions empathy during most and empathy during displays sensitivity displays sensitivity
group meetings and some group meetings and empathy during and empathy during
discussions. and discussions. most group meetings all group meetings
and discussions. and discussions.

Attendance and He/she does not attend He/she has attended He/she has attended He/she has attended He/she has attended
Punctuality any project meeting and is punctual for very and is punctual for and is punctual for and is punctual for
and gives excuses for few of the project most of the project every project meeting. every project meeting.
not attending the meetings but must be meetings.
meetings and does not reminded by team
contribute to the members to complete
development of the his/her given task on
project. He/she cannot time.
be contacted most of
the time.
Assignment Guide / BM4511 / Page 19

Appendix 4 – Checklist to Guide Group Project Development

Project Initiation √
1 Is the team clear about the project requirements, goals, deliverables and submission deadline?
2 Do team members know one another and has the team nominated a leader for the project?
3 Has the team set the ground rules for team collaboration such as respect each other’s opinion, everyone is encouraged to contribute,
be inclusive and displays sensitivity and empathy when collaborating with people from different cultures?

Project Planning √
1 Is the team able to break down the project goals into S.M.A.R.T (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely) deliverables?
2 Is the team able to come up with a detailed project schedule and the deliverables at each milestone?
3 Is the team able to assign the deliverables to each team member?
4 Is each team member clear, comfortable and committed to his roles and responsibilities assigned at each project milestone?
5 Has the team decided on a (online) collaboration platform for the project?
6 Has the team decided on a communication channel or platform for project discussion and problem solving?

Project Execution √
1 Are team members actively working on the project using the collaboration platform?
2 Are there active project discussion and problem solving by team members using the communication channel or platform?
3 Is there a need to report any free rider to the module tutor?

Project Monitoring and Controlling √

1 Are team members able to complete their assigned deliverables at each project milestone?
2 Are there active project discussion and problem solving by all team members at each project milestone meeting?
3 Do team members obey the ground rules for team collaboration at each project milestone meeting?

Project Closing √
1 Has the team conducted a final review of the project output against the project requirements, goals and deliverables?
2 Has the team conducted a plagiarism check of the project output and performed the necessary amendment and resubmission before
the submission deadline?
3 If a project presentation is required, is the team able to meet the project presentation requirements and all team members are clear
about their roles and responsibilities?

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