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Biol Trace Elem Res (2013) 151:187–194

DOI 10.1007/s12011-012-9561-z

Relationship Between Mercury Levels in Hair and Fish

Consumption in a Population Living Near a Hydroelectric
Tropical Dam
José Luis Marrugo-Negrete & Javier Alonso Ruiz-Guzmán &
Sergi Díez

Received: 21 August 2012 / Accepted: 25 November 2012 / Published online: 15 December 2012
# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2012

Abstract In the present study, total mercury (T-Hg) concen- RP (1.09–24.71 μg/kg/week), which were not significantly
trations were assessed in human hair samples (n076) and fish different. Correlation analysis showed a significant relationship
muscle (n033) collected at Urrá dam, upstream Sinú river, between weekly fish consumption and hair T-Hg in CH (r0
northwestern Colombia. Based on interviews with study partic- 0.37, p<0.05) and WCHA (r00.44, p<0.05). This association
ipants, weekly intakes of total mercury (WIT-Hg) and methyl- was also observed with the number of days per week with fish
mercury (WIMeHg) by fish consumption were also estimated. consumption in CH (r00.37, p<0.05) and WCHA (r00.45, p<
T-Hg concentrations in hair samples ranged from 0.40 to 0.05). These results suggest that Hg exposure in people inhabit-
24.56 μg/g dw. The highest concentrations were recorded in ing the Urrá dam should be carefully monitored, particularly in
children (CH) (2–15 years old, n024) with significant differ- vulnerable groups such as CH and WCHA.
ences (p<0.05) with respect to women of childbearing age
(WCHA) (16–49 years old, n029) and the rest of the popula- Keywords Mercury . Colombia . Children . Health risk .
tion (RP) (n023), which were not significantly different. The Weekly intake . Women childbearing age
highest T-Hg concentrations in muscle tissue were recorded in
the carnivorous fish (0.65-2.25 μg/g wet weight, ww), with
significant differences (p<0.05) compared to non-carnivorous Introduction
fish (0.16–0.54 μg/g ww). WIT-Hg recorded the highest values
in CH (2.18–50.41 μg/kg/week), with significant differences (p Among non-radioactive metals, mercury (Hg) is the most
<0.05) with respect to WCHA (2.02–23.54 μg/kg/week) and toxic. The Hg has potent neurotoxicity to wildlife and
humans, and its main target is the central nervous system
[1]. Since Hg is bioaccumulated in the food web, high Hg
J. L. Marrugo-Negrete : J. A. Ruiz-Guzmán concentrations are found in the highest trophic levels, includ-
Water, Applied and Environmental Chemistry Group, Laboratory
Toxicology and Environmental Management, ing carnivorous fish [2]. In humans, fish consumption is the
University of Córdoba, Montería, Colombia main source of Hg exposure. The discharge of industrial and
mining wastes into aquatic systems and the construction of
J. A. Ruiz-Guzmán hydroelectric dams have led to increases of Hg in fish to levels
that are frequently higher than those considered safe for hu-
S. Díez man consumption [1, 2]. It is common to find increases of Hg
Department of Environmental Chemistry, Institute of levels in fish in dams because the Hg released from flooded
Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDÆA), soils and decomposing vegetation becomes bio-available for
Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Madrid, Spain
e-mail: uptake by fish [3], additionally the dams can function as
mercury traps from atmospheric depositions and runoff from
J. L. Marrugo-Negrete (*) punctual or diffuse sources, which endangers the health of
Córdoba University, Laboratory Toxicology and Environmental human populations that consume these fish.
Management, University of Córdoba, Cra 6 #76-103 Montería,
354 Montería, Colombia In humans, the effects of mercury on health have been
e-mail: evident in the massive intoxications in Minamata, Japan,
188 Marrugo-Negrete et al.

arising from consumption of contaminated fish in 1956 [4], Katío of upper Sinú, which after building the reservoir,
and in Iraq in 1971–1972 from the consumption of constituted two reservations in their traditional land: Kare-
fungicide-treated seed grain [5]. Those catastrophic events gaví (Emerald and Sinú rivers) and Iwagadó (along the
generated worldwide investigations of mercury. It is now Green river) (Fig. 1). The Karegaví reserve has ≈1,549
known that high exposure to organic methylmercury inhabitants and Iwagadó ≈750 inhabitants [17].
(MeHg) the most toxic form, affects sensory, visual, and
auditory functions, as well as the cerebellum’s role in motor Sampling Methods
coordination [6]. Human fetuses and infants are especially
susceptible to MeHg because of the high vulnerability of the In November 2008, 76 residents of the area of influence of
developing nervous system to toxicant exposures [7]. the Urrá dam were randomly contacted and invited to par-
Blood and hair Hg concentrations are used as biomarkers ticipate in the study. All participants were fully informed
for MeHg in both the adult and fetal brain, although each about the purposes and limitations of the study and provided
provides a somewhat different indication of exposure [8]. In a written consent in Spanish. The study protocol was ap-
fact, the concentration in scalp hair is about 250 times the proved by the Ethics Committee of Health Department from
corresponding concentration in blood [9] and reflects the University of Córdoba-Colombia. At the time of hair sam-
average exposure over the growth period of the hair segment pling, a questionnaire was administered to the providers of
(growth rate is about 1 cm/month), whereas blood gives an hair samples (after their consent) to collect information on
estimate of exposure over the most recent 3–4 months. their age, weight, gender, and food habits, among other
Whether hair or blood is a better indicator of fetal brain information.
exposure has been debated for several years [8, 9], but both Samples were taken from the inferior occipital region,
materials provide reliable information. very close to the scalp, the proximal and distal zones of the
Although there is evidence that gold mining activity samples with respect to the cranium were identified, and the
contaminates freshwater ecosystems and riverside popula- samples were stored in envelopes properly labeled for trans-
tions in the north of Colombia [10–14], there are no studies port to the lab [18, 19]. Once in the lab, hair samples were
available on the hair Hg concentrations related to the influ- washed with neutral detergents, rinsed with distilled water,
ences of dams. Based on knowledge from North America, dried at room temperature [20] and stored in a desiccator
Brazil, and northern Europe and given the large releases of until they were analyzed for T-Hg. The sampling population
Hg to the environment in Colombia in combination with the was divided into three population groups with the following
fast development of hydropower, this issue deserves more features: children (CH) (2–15 years old), women of child-
attention. bearing age (WCHA) (16–49 years old) and rest of the
The purpose of this investigation was to measure, for the population (RP), to assess if differences exist between their
first time, the concentration of T-Hg in hair samples of T-Hg concentration in hair.
riverine inhabitants that consume fish from a reservoir Five different fish species in the Urrá dam that are in-
formed by a large hydroelectric dam in Colombia, and to cluded in the diets of local residents were evaluated. Sam-
study relationships between hair Hg concentrations and fish ples of these two carnivorous (n 015) and three non-
consumption. carnivorous (n018) fish species were collected during a
fishing campaign with local fishermen. The evaluated fish
species in this study represented 70.1 % of the total fish
Methods and Materials capture of the dam in the year 2005 [15]. Captured fish were
stored at 4 °C into portable refrigerators while transported to
Study Area the laboratory. Fish were then measured and a sample of
their dorsal muscle was taken and stored at −20 °C until T-
The Urrá hydroelectric dam is located in northwestern Hg analysis.
Colombia, between 8°00′56″N–76°12′45″W and 7°49′51″
N–76°18′55″W (Fig. 1). The dam was filled in the year Mercury Measurements
2000 with waters from the Sinú River’s 4,600-km-long
basin. It has a flooding capacity of 7,400 ha, a useful Atomic absorption spectroscopy in cold vapor was used to
capacity of 1,740 million m3, and an average depth of measure T-Hg concentrations in hair and fish samples, fol-
23.5 m [15]. The dam’s direct area of influence encompasses lowing the procedure described by Sadiq et al. [21]. The
the several rural villages of the municipality of Tierralta, analysis was conducted in a Thermo Electron AAS series 4
with an aggregated population approximately 425 families (Thermo Electron Corporation, United Kingdom). Hair
(around 2,000 inhabitants) [16]. Additionally, the flooding samples (30–50 mg) and fish samples (500 mg) were
area of dam includes 417 ha of indigenous land Embera digested with a 2:1v/v mixture of H2SO4/HNO3 at 100–
Relationship Between Mercury Levels in Hair and Fish Consumption 189

Fig. 1 Geographical location 76°20’ W 76°16’ W 76°12’ W 76°08’ W

of the Urrá hydroelectric dam. Sinú River
Adapted from [15] Dam

8°00’ N
7°56’ N


7°52’ N
7°48’ N

Green Sinú
River River

N Manso
7°44’ N


0 8 km

110 °C for 2 and 3 h, respectively. The limit of detection Statistical Analysis

(three standard deviations of the mean of 10 blank measure-
ments) was 100 ng/g for hair and 14 ng/g for fish. Certified This is an exploratory study where T-Hg concentrations were
reference materials for quality control were used. The mea- tested for normality and were not normally distributed based on
sured T-Hg concentration in the certified material for hair the Kolmogorov–Smirnov normality test (p<0.05). Accordingly,
(CRM-397 from Community Bureau of Reference, certified the analyses were conducted by non-parametric tests: Kruskal–
value012.3±0.5 μg/g dry weight, dw) was 11.8±0.31 μg/g Wallis and Dunn post-KW tests were used to study differences in
dw. For fish, the measured T-Hg concentration in the certi- hair T-Hg concentrations and fish consumption between popula-
fied material (DORM-2 dogfish muscle from National Re- tion groups. A Kolmogorov–Smirnov Test was used to study
search Council Canada, certified value04.6±0.26 μg/g dw) differences in T-Hg concentrations between carnivorous and
was 4.54±0.05 μg/g dw. The percent recovery for CRM- non-carnivorous fish. The relationships between hair T-Hg and
397 and DORM-2 was 95.9 and 97.8 %, respectively.
Weekly Intake
a b
The weekly intake of T-Hg (WIT-Hg) was estimated based
T-Hg (ug/g dw)

in the equation described in UNEP [6]: WIT-Hg0[(kilogram 15

of weekly fish consumed)×(microgram of T-Hg/kilogram of
fish)]/(kilogram of body weight of exposed people), where 10
WIT-Hg is the estimated weekly intake of T-Hg per kilo-
gram of body weight of exposed people. Additionally, the 5
weekly intake of methylmercury (WIMeHg) assuming that
the MeHg corresponds to 85 % of T-Hg concentration 0
present in fish muscle was estimated. This value was based CH WCHA RP
on a previous study in other Colombian’s ecosystem with
Fig. 2 T-Hg concentrations in hair samples of riverine inhabitant from
similar fish species that showed MeHg proportions between Urrá dam, Colombia. CH children, WCHA women of childbearing age,
80.5 and 98.1 % of T-Hg in muscle tissue [12]. The WIT-Hg RP rest of the population. The lower and upper margins of the box
and WIMeHg were estimated for each population group represent the 25th and 75th percentiles (middle 50 % of distribution),
with the extended arms representing the 25 % upper and lower of
(CH, WCHA, and RP) in two consumption scenarios of:
distribution, excluding outliers (asterisks). The median is shown as
(a) considering all species evaluated and (b) considering the horizontal line within the box. Different letters indicate significant
only non-carnivorous. differences (Dunn test, p<0.05)
190 Marrugo-Negrete et al.

Fig. 3 a Number of day per 900

week with fish consumption
(NDWFC), b number of meal
with fish per day, c amount of 700
fish consumed weekly (AFCW).
CH children, WCHA women of 600

AFCW (g)
childbearing age, RP rest of the 500
population. Different letters
indicate significant differences 400
(Dunn test, p<0.05) 300

200 a
a a c

7 3

5 a a a

4 2

a a a b
1 1


fish consumption, and T-Hg concentrations in muscle tissue and (NMDF), amount of fish consumption weekly (AFCW), and
length of fish, were performed using Spearman correlation. range of age. The data shown in Fig. 4 show the WIT-Hg
Statistical significance was set at p<0.05. Statistical analysis and WIMeHg estimated for each population group (CH,
was performed using SPSS 17.0 and MINITAB 16.0. WCHA, and RP) in two considered fish consumption sce-
narios. Based on the information previously collected in the
study area (data not shown), a fish intake of 85 g/meal for
Results children and 100 g/meal in the other groups were assumed.
There are not significant differences between the differ-
The T-Hg concentrations in hair samples of riverine inhab- ent population groups in NDWFC (KW 03.32, p00.19),
itants of Urrá dam are shown in Fig. 2. The highest concen- NMDF (KW00.21, p00.89), and AFCW (KW03.23, p0
trations were recorded in CH (0.40–24.56 μg/g dw) with 0.19). On the other hand, WI recorded the highest value in
significant differences with respect to WCHA (1.88– children in the two consumer scenarios: (a) (KW018.69, p<
18.20 μg/g dw) and RP (1.37–22.84 μg/g dw), which were 0.001) and (b) (KW018.69, p<0.001), with significant dif-
not significantly different (KW06.13, p00.04). ferences with respect to WCHA and RP, which were not
Figure 3 and Table 1 present a summary of the question- significantly different from each other.
naire regarding the number of days per week with fish Correlation analyses between T-Hg concentrations in hair
consumption (NDWFC), number of meals per day with fish samples and NDWFC as well as AFCW for each population

Table 1 Age distribution of the

study participants CH (2–15 years old) WCHA (16–49 years old) Rest of the population

Age No. of individuals Age No. of individuals Age No. of individuals

2–5 5 16–26 3 16–26 5

6–10 7 27–37 17 27–37 3
11–15 12 38–49 9 38–48 8
CH children, WCHA women of ≥49 7
childbearing age, RP rest of the n 24 29 23
Relationship Between Mercury Levels in Hair and Fish Consumption 191

Fig. 4 Weekly intake of total 18

mercury (WIT-Hg) and 40 a 16 b
methylmercury (WIMeHg) es-
timated for a sample of riverine 14

WIMeHg a(ug/kg/week)
WIMeHg (ug/kg/week)
inhabitants from Urrá dam, in 30 a 12 a
b b b
different scenarios of fish con- b
sumption: a considering the
consumption of all evaluated 20 8
fish species; b considering only 6
the consumption of the non- 10 4
carnivorous fish species. CH
children, WCHA women of 2 1,6
childbearing age, RP rest of the 1,6
0 0
population. Different letters in- CH WCHA RP CH WCHA RP
dicate significant differences
(Dunn test, p<0.05) 90 35
80 a 30 b
a a

WIT-Hg (ug/kg/week)
WIT-Hg (ug/kg/week)

50 20
40 b b 15 b b
10 5
1,6 1,6
0 0

group are presented in Table 2. In both cases, significant 0.39, p00.10). When the data were analyzed together, a
positive correlations (p<0.05) were obtained between these significant positive correlation was recorded between these
variables regardless of the group evaluated, except for the variables (r00.54, p<0.05).
rest of the population group. No significant correlations
were found between T-Hg concentrations in hair samples
and gender (r0−0.03, p00.77) or age (r0−0.13, p00.26). Discussion
Table 3 presents the characteristic of length, food feed-
ing, and T-Hg concentrations in the fish species evaluated. The highest T-Hg concentration in hair samples of CH can
Fish were classified as carnivorous and non-carnivorous, be explained in relation to WIT-Hg, regarding WCHA and
based on studies of the food habits for these same species RP. Taking into account that there are no differences in the
in the Urrá dam and Sinú river basin [22–25]. The highest T- NDWFC, NMDF, and AFCW, which represents undifferen-
Hg concentration was recorded in the carnivorous fish tiated fish consumption between this population groups, the
(0.65–2.25 μg/g wet weight, ww), with significant differ- highest WIT-Hg in CH, is the result of their lower body
ences (p<0.05) regarding to non-carnivorous fish (0.16– mass with respect to WCHA and RP.
0.54 μg/g ww). Significant strong positive correlation was Children are particularly vulnerable to Hg exposure. Al-
recorded between length and T-Hg concentrations of carniv- though there is no clear evidence to establish safety limits
orous fish (r00.93, p<0.001), whereas no correlation was regarding their Hg intakes, it is known that children less
obtained for these variables in non-carnivorous fish (r0 than 17 years old are less sensitive neurologically than

Table 2 Correlation analyses between T-Hg concentrations in hair samples and number of day per week with fish consumption (NDWFC) and
amount of fish consumed weekly (AFCW), for riverside inhabitant from Urrá dam, Colombia

Correlated variables Children Women of childbearing age Rest of population General

r n r n r n r n

[T-Hg] hair: NDWFC 0.37** 24 0.44* 29 −0.12 ns 23 0.37** 76

[T-Hg] hair: AFCW 0.37** 24 0.45* 29 0.07 ns 23 0.38** 76

ns p>0.05
**p<0.01; *p<0.05
192 Marrugo-Negrete et al.

Table 3 Fish species evaluated

in the Urrá dam, Colombia Fish species Standard length (cm) [T-Hg] (μg/g ww) Food habit

Moncholo (Hoplia malabaricus) (n010) 18.5–35.5 0.65–2.25 C [22]

Different letters in the [T-Hg] Mojarra amarilla (Caquetaia kraussii) (n05) 18.0–24.7 0.69–1.38 C [22]
column indicate significant dif- Total carnivorous (n015) 18.0–35.5 0.65–2.25 a
ferences (Kolmogorov–Smirnov
test, p<0.05) Liseta (Leporinus muyscorum) (n08) 20.0–28.6 0.28–0.54 O [23]
C Carnivorous, O Omnivorous, I Bocachico (Prochilodus magdalenae) (n07) 23.5–30.0 0.17–0.25 I [24, 25]
Iliophagus (phytoplankton and Yalua (Cyphocharax magdalenae) (n03) 13.5–21.6 0.16–0.21 D/I [22]
organic detritus), Total non-carnivorous (n018) 13.5–30.0 0.16–0.54 b
D Detritivorous

developing embryos but more sensitive than adults, given evaluate the Hg intakes to estimate potential risks to human
that their nervous system is still in development [26]. health. In the same direction, when the WIT-Hg exceeds
According to the above and considering the high T-Hg 1.6 μg/kg/week in women of childbearing age and young
levels in hair samples of CH (Fig. 2), the results suggest children and 3.2 μg/kg/week in other adults, it is necessary
the need for a more broad and detailed monitoring in this to refine weekly intake estimation based in the MeHg con-
single population group. centrations of the fishes.
On the other hand, the positive correlations between T- In this study, 89 % of hair samples recorded >2 μg/g T-
Hg concentrations of hair samples and NDWFC and AFCW Hg (Fig. 2). Percentages >90, 60, and 30 % of the estimated
for CH and WCHA show that polluted fish consumption values for both WIT-Hg as well as WIMeHg in CH, WCHA,
(mainly of carnivorous fish as evaluated in this study) is an and RP, respectively, exceeded the reference concentrations
important source of human exposure to Hg in these areas, (PTWI01.6 and 3.2 μg/kg bw/week) even considering a
where there are no other known sources of Hg such as scenario of fish consumption when the intake consists only
mining activities. Gracia et al. [27] reported significant in non-carnivorous fish (scenario b), which has the lowest
positive correlations between the frequency of fish con- Hg concentrations and could be considered as an alternative
sumption and the concentration of T-Hg in hair samples of to decrease their exposure (Fig. 4). Although this is an
communities surrounding the Ayapel swamp, Colombia. exploratory study, according to guidance of UNEP [6], the
Other studies [28, 29] have shown that contaminated fish results of WIT-Hg suggest the need to refine the estimation
is the main source of MeHg exposure in communities that based in the MeHg concentrations of the fishes. This, cou-
consume fish frequently. MeHg represented 90–100 % of pled with the estimated WIMeHg, shows a worrying situa-
the T-Hg found in hair samples in those studies. In contrast, tion which should be attended in greater detail to avoid a
Olivero-Verbel et al. [19] reported that the number of days potential public health crisis due to polluted fish consump-
per week that people eat fish did not impact hair T-Hg tion in the study area.
concentrations, although both mean and median values for On the other hand, it is important to note that recent
hair T-Hg were highest but not significantly greater in the attention has focused on the role of selenium countering
group who eat fish every single day. mercury toxicity. Current works have suggested that seleni-
According to the guidance of UNEP [6], for identifying um might ameliorate the toxic effect of mercury, and a molar
population at risk from mercury exposure, when most of the excess of selenium may be protective although the protec-
hair samples evaluated have >2 μg/gT-Hg, it is necessary to tive level is unknown [30, 31]. Thus, the potential influence

Table 4 T-Hg concentrations in hair samples of riverine communities in different dams of world

Location n T-Hg concentration (μg/g dw) Population characteristics Reference

Mean±SD Range

Tucurui Dam, Brazil 125 35 0.9–240 Fishermen [37]

Balbina Dam, Brazil 53 6.54±5.45 1.2–22 Riverine village [38]
Flix Dam, Spain 142 1.1 0.19–5.63 Dam contaminated with Hg from a chlor-alkali plant [39]
Inanda Dam, South Africa 86 – <0.1–54.8 Communities living alongside of dam [40]
Babeni Dam, Rumania 75 1.1 – Dam contaminated with Hg from Hg from a chlor-alkali plant [41]
Urrá Dam, Colombia 76 6.95±5.57 0.40–24.56 Communities surrounding the dam have a high rate of fish This study
Relationship Between Mercury Levels in Hair and Fish Consumption 193

of dietary selenium intakes on the impacts of mercury in this have had longer exposure to the pollutant and have bioac-
population should be included in future studies of risk cumulated the highest concentrations of Hg [11, 12, 36].
assessment. Similar results have been described for this same and other
Table 4 shows a comparison of the hair T-Hg concen- species in other Colombian’s ecosystems [11–13], which
trations found in this study and those of other studies in also show Hg biomagnification in the fish food chain.
riverine communities from different dams in the world. It In conclusion, results show that communities by Urrá
can be seen that our T-Hg levels (0.40–24.56 μg/g dw) are dam, especially women of childbearing age and children
similar to described in the Balbina–Brazil dam, lower than groups, are highly exposed through fish consumption and
the Tucurui and Inanda dams, and higher than those at the are potentially at risk when taking into account their dietary
Flix–Spain and Babeni–Rumania dams, these latter impact- habits and T-Hg levels in fish consumed. This is the first
ed for industrial discharges. An exploratory study conducted study to evaluate mercury levels in hair of riverine inhab-
in riverine communities with high fish consumption long the itants from Urrá dam, which indicates a need for more T-Hg
Magdalena and Cauca rivers basin in Colombia, where most studies in the area and the establishment of a monitoring
gold mining activities take place in this country, shown that program that could help to prevent serious harm to vulner-
ten people (0.75 % of the total sample, n01328) presented able population groups. In addition, this study provides
T-Hg levels in hair samples >10 μg/g dw [19]. In the present more evidence of some of the potential negative consequen-
study, 17 individuals (22.4 % of the total samples n076) ces of the construction of dams for the purpose of electric
presented T-Hg levels >10 μg/g dw. These results suggest a generation, and shows the need to include the potential
high potential of the Urrá dam to increase the Hg exposure social costs of increased dietary mercury exposures in the
in their riverine inhabitants via polluted fish consumption. risk assessment for riverine communities in future projects
Although there are no point sources of Hg in the study of this kind.
area, a diffuse source exists in a nearby watershed (San
Jorge river basin), where it takes place ferronickel, coal, Acknowledgments The authors thank the University of Cordoba,
Montería-Colombia (Grant FCB-03-2007) and The Administrative
and gold mining. This activity has expanded in recent years
Department of Science, Technology and Innovation COLCIENCIAS
due to increase in the ferronickel production, building the (1112-519-29083), for financial support.
new coal-based thermoelectric [32] and the opening of many
artisanal fronts of gold mining [33]. Thus, the high T-Hg levels
in fishes could reflect atmospheric transport from mining areas
not far from the reservoir, or it could simply result from higher
mobility of Hg in the areas investigated.
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