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Thank you, Mr/Mdm Speaker of the house,

In all debates, let truth be the aim, not victory or an unjust

interest. Unfortunately, the government today are walking on the
slippery floor with their arguments and failed to provide the
engagement with my speakers points.


Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh and


Good morning to the Mr/Mdm Speaker, honorable adjudicators,

accurate timekeeper, worthy opponents, my fellow teammates of
the floor and not to forget, members of the house.

I believe that fortune favors the bold, therefore, as the third

speaker, I am standing here to stand for the truth and serve what
the house needs to establish. Initially, I will clarify the context of
the debates and provide rebuttals. Secondly, I will show you the
outcome of the debate and reaffirm our stand.
Rebut Second Opposition

(clarification and rebuttals)

Members of the house,

Let’s recall what the second speaker of the opposition team has
told us, which I must say is non-realistic. He/She argues that…


sub/P -

Rebuttal -
Not only that, in their other argument they also stated that


sub/P -

Rebuttal -
Rebut Prime Minister

House of representatives,
Now let us recall what the Prime Minister has mentioned.
He/She claims that…


sub/P -

Rebuttal -
Reaffirm stand:

Members of the house,

It is time that i reaffirm our arguments for today

(1st Speaker reaffirm)

Starting off, we have heard about…

How our leader has told us about personal happiness resulting
positives outlook in life achievement. In this case, I believe
that we are basically focusing on how personal happiness helps
associate the good in ourselves when things is accomplish
according to what has been said by our prime minister.
It is obviously that, with personal happiness, it becomes the
success enabler of our potential, our self-independency, and
maintenance in our relationship with others. For instance,
studies shown that happy people have better social support,
more friends and are generally more satisfied with group
activities and friendships. The happiest college students tend to
have the highest-quality relationships, are less jealous, and have
stronger bonds with family members.What needs to be
emphasized here is how crucial positive benefits offered by a
general sense of happiness even if it is just personal. Therefore
happiness should be an overarching goal for everyone.
(2nd Speaker reaffirm-1)

Fellow members of the house,

To strengthen our structure, our second speaker stated how
personal happiness equal to wealth in psychology. In this
context we are pointing out personal happiness as an aspiration
to motivate progression in life. Based on what has been said by
our second speaker, being psychologically rich is meant by
knowing how mentally tough we are. Where it carries us to the
components which is, the first one is boosting self-productivity
and self-esteem, next having less stress whereas one
significantly will live longer, and then having better perspective
of everything (in this case being open minded-wisdom-wise)
along with being able to accept new thoughts and lastly having
self control that means putting ourselves a priority which is not
being people pleaser. I believe that if we are psychologically
rich, we are able on gaining a lot more things in our next level of
life because we already know or have the skills and
empowerment developed by of our own mindset to face the ups
and downs in life. In short, by having personal happiness it will
makes us stronger mentally.
(2nd Speaker reaffirm-2)

Lastly, he also stated in the 3rd argument that personal

happiness lead to a positive civilization.

Starting off with my affirmations, we stand that in any

circumstance personal happiness does activates the area of
humanity which associates with pleasure, social connection and
trust. What are meant here is by having personal happiness, it
acts as an equipment to contributes a healthier or better society.
As an example, recently we are expose with kpm program that
mentioned about happy students means happy teachers which
next will lead to productive school and a prosperous nation. This
scenario is coincide with the proverb thousand miles begins with
a single step. Furthermore, it is good for me to remind the
members of the house that we need to disassociate the idea of
making others happy will affect the focus on ourselves. Not only
that, i believe that how our second speaker mentioned about vice
versa concept personal happiness where giving, makes people
happier and happier comes when we give has a subtle art in it.
Its shows that we have give-and-take situation which endorsing
integration and cooperation with others. In conclusion we
believe that personal happiness is not what it is about as an
ultimate life goal, but how it is capable on being ultimate life
goal not just for individual but also as a whole.

With that being said, we, the Opposition team, will strongly
stand still and bring the house to approve the narrative that the
pursuit of personal happiness should be the ultimate goal in life.

Without any hesitation, i respectfully end my speech and rest my


Thank you and Wabillahi Taufik Walhidayah,

Wassalamualaikum WBT

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