Ellies-Lp-For - Frias Final

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Exercise and Psychological Well-being

I. Objectives:
➢ Students will understand the relationship between exercise and
psychological well-being.
➢ Students will learn the psychological benefits of exercise and
how it can improve mental health.
➢ Students will explore different types of exercise and develop a
plan to incorporate exercise into their daily lives.

Subject Matter:
Topic: The psychological benefits of exercise, such as reduced
stress, improved mood, increased self-esteem, and better cognitive
Reference: Internet, Textbooks, and YouTube

II. Materials: Whiteboard or chalkboard

• Markers or chalk
• Handouts or worksheets
• Videos or images related to exercise and mental health

III. Procedure:
A. Pre-activity
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Checking of Attendance
d. Review of Previous Lesson
B. Motivation:


C. Activity:
Picture analysis:
The teacher will show different pictures and let the students
guess if the picture shows whether it increases or
decreases anxiety, stress and depression.

D. Analysis:
➢ Review the students' completed assignments to assess their
understanding of the relationship between exercise and
psychological well-being.
➢ Look for evidence of comprehension regarding the
psychological benefits of exercise and the students' ability to
apply the knowledge to their own lives.

E. Abstraction:
➢ Summarize the key points discussed during the lesson and
highlight the importance of regular exercise for psychological
➢ Emphasize that exercise is a powerful tool for improving
mental health and encourage students to prioritize physical
activity as part of their selfcare routine.
F. Application:
➢ Encourage students to apply the knowledge gained in the
lesson by incorporating regular exercise into their daily lives.
➢ Provide resources or suggestions for different types of
exercises and activities they can try.
➢ Remind students to monitor their own mental well-being and
reflect on how exercise affects their mood, stress levels, and
overall psychological well-being.
IV. Assessment:
1. Which of the following is a psychological benefit of regular
a) Increased risk of depression
b) Decreased stress levels
c) Reduced cognitive function
d) Higher anxiety levels

2. How does exercise contribute to improved mental health?

a) By increasing social isolation
b) By worsening mood disorders
c) By releasing endorphins and boosting mood
d) By increasing the likelihood of developing phobias

3. Which type of exercise has been shown to have positive effects

on anxiety and stress reduction?
a) Aerobic exercise, such as jogging or cycling
b) Strength training, using weights or resistance bands
c) Flexibility exercises, like yoga or stretching
d) Any type of exercise has equal effects on anxiety and stress

4. Which statement is true about exercise and sleep quality?

a) Regular exercise has no impact on sleep quality
b) Exercise can lead to insomnia and disrupted sleep patterns
c) Exercise promotes better sleep quality and duration
d) Exercise only affects daytime alertness, not nighttime sleep

5. How does exercise affect self-esteem and body image?

a) Exercise has no impact on self-esteem or body image
b) Exercise improves self-esteem but has no effect on body image
c) Exercise improves body image but has no effect on self-esteem
d) Exercise can improve both self-esteem and body image

V. Assignment:
Instructions: In this assignment, you will explore the relationship between
exercise and psychological well-being. Follow the instructions for each task
and provide detailed responses based on your understanding of the topic.

Task 1: Research

Conduct research to gather information about the psychological benefits

of exercise. Explore how exercise impacts mental health, improves mood,
reduces stress, and enhances overall well-being. Use reputable sources
such as scientific journals, books, or authoritative websites. Take notes and
compile your findings.
Task 2: Personal Reflection

Reflect on your personal experiences with exercise and its effects on your
psychological well-being. Answer the following questions:
a) What types of exercise do you engage in regularly?
b) How do you feel emotionally before and after exercising?
c) Have you noticed any changes in your mood or stress levels after
incorporating exercise into your routine?
d) How does exercise contribute to your overall sense of well-being?

Task 3: Recommendations

3. Based on your research and understanding, provide three evidence-

based recommendations for individuals looking to enhance their
psychological well-being through exercise. Support each recommendation
with a brief explanation.

Submission Guidelines:

• Prepare a well-structured document or essay format for your

• Ensure your responses are clear, concise, and supported by
relevant information.
• Cite any sources used for research in a proper format (e.g.,
APA, MLA, etc.).
• Submit your assignment by the specified deadline.




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