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14th MAY, 2023 Bishop Rt. Rev. A.E. Agbo (JP)
Rogation Sunday | White/Gold 0803 265
Vicar Ven. Kenneth Onah
Girls Guild Sunday! 5961
Rev. Can. Chukwudi 0803 090
6:30am - Youths’ Service (Matins) Priest
Elejere 6715
9:00am – Adults’ Service (Matins)
Rev. Dr. Ibuchukwu 0703 443 AGU-ACHARA NSUKKA
Church cleaning roster 0703 4195
May Zone 1 Vicar’s Wife Dr (Mrs) Chinwe Onah (ANGLICAN COMMUNION)
June Zone 2 0803 617
Lay Pastor Ord. Godsent C. Obetta
July Zone 3 3933
Bro. Ugochukwu 0703 508
Omeje 7408


1. Marble Pulpit 4. Blocks for Parsonage Sunday - Youths’ Service (English) 6:30am
2. Marble Reading 5. Cement for parsonage - Adults’ Service (Igbo) 9:00am
Desk - Combined Service 8:00am
3. Marble Altar table 6. Sand for Parsonage - Eucharist (1st & 3rd Sundays)
7. Ox Standing Fan - Revival Service (last Sundays)
- Children’s Service
CHURCH ACCOUNTS Monday - Prayer Team’s Meeting 3:00pm & 29
Acct. Name: Church of Pentecost - EFAC Fellowship 4:00pm
Acct. No:
Zenith Bank
ACM Monday Class
Choir Practice
Tuesday - CMF Prayer Meeting 4:00pm SUNDAY 7th May
Acct. Name: Church of Pentecost Project Wednesday - Counseling/Prayers for 10:00am - EASTER IV
Acct. No: 1012709336 Individuals 12:00pm Liturgical Colour: White/Gold
Bank: Zenith Bank - Hour of Encounter 4:00pm 8:00am – Combined Service (Eucharist)
Thursday - EFAC Fellowship 4:00pm
- Times of Refreshing 4:30pm
Acct. Name: Pentecost Archdeaconry Nsukka
- PCC Meeting (last Thurs) 4:30pm
Acct. No: 5700123517
- Girls’ Guild Meeting 4:30pm DIOCESAN MISSION STATEMENT
Bank: Fidelity bank
Friday - YAC Fellowship 4:00pm To be a Large, Lively, Bible Based, Christ Centered, and
- Prayer Team’s Meeting 5:00pm
a United Church, Empowering Members to Occupy in
Saturday - Church/Compound Cleaning 7:00am
This edition of our bulletin is sponsored by
Every Area of Life.
- Choir Practice 4:00pm
Mr Charlse Ogbobe.
pg 5 You too can Sponsor it; Call 0806 392 4751
pg 6 - B/G Brigade 4:00pm
Page 2
1. Procession - - - - Abu 8 SUB-THEME: Dangers on the path of Pilgrims to heavenly Kingdom 4 TODAY: We warmly receive everyone into this divine service
2. Preparation to Collects TOPIC: Moralism TEXT: Mk 7: 1-13 in Jesus’ name!
3. Old Testament Reading - - Prov. 4: 10-19 AIMS: to introduce the concept of moralism and 1. We passionately plead with all the women in this church to
4. Psalm - - - - Psalm 1 ii. to expatiate on the menace of moralism on Christianity. take seriously the responsibility of coming to clean the
5. Epistle - - - - 1 Cor. 4: 14–25 church every Saturday. Husbands please remind and
INTRODUCTION: Moralism is any philosophy with the central
6. Bible Study encourage your wives to be part of Saturday church
focus of applying moral judgements above the gospel and godly
7. Hymn for Gradual - - - Abu 9 cleaning. It is an important service to God.
virtues. The Moralists believe that Morality is done out of
8. Gospel - - - - John 16: 5-22
obligation by their power or achievement instead of alluding it THIS WEEK:
9. Hymn for Sermon - - - Abu 74
to the grace of God. To them, every act of goodness is not 2. Diocesan Girls’ Guild week starts tomorrow, 8th May, to
10. Sermon
because it is God’s injunction, but because it is mandatory. Our end on Sunday, 14th May. All girls are to take note.
11. Nicene Creed
Bible passage today reveals the Pharisees judging the disciples’ 3. There will be CMF prayer meeting this Tuesday, 9th May,
12. Intercessory Prayers
moral standard by their physical habit without looking beyond to by 4:00pm at the Archdeacon’s residence.
13. Notices
see their spiritual conducts. They based their accusation on the 4. The burial of late HRH Igwe Spencer Ugwuoke (KSP) will
14. Tithes & Covenant Offerings
tradition of the elders (Mk 7:5). However, Jesus declared to hold this Thursday 11th May, at St Barth’s Obimo.
15. Weekly Offering & Thanksgiving
them that obedient to God’s commandment is more virtuous than Everyone is encouraged to attend; the family expects us.
16. Eucharistic Prayers
the tradition of the elders. 5. Parish CMF conference will hold on Saturday, 13th May,
17. The Distribution - - - Abu 116, 117
18. Closing Prayers & Benediction at Ebenezer Church. All men are expected to be there.
19. Recessional Hymn - - Abu 209 Registration is ₦2000 for each person and is to be paid to
1. How can you define moralism in the context of our study
the Fin. Sec. of this church before the conference.
1 today?
COLLECT FOR THE WEEK 2. Mention some of the denominational traditions on dressings
2 and electronic usage in our generation and how it has
O Almighty God, who alone canst order the unruly wills and 6. Parish women conference will hold on Saturday, 27th
affections of sinful men; Grant unto thy people, that they affected the Church of God. See 1 Peter 3:3-4.
May, at Bethel Church, Eburumiri. Delegates are to be
may love the things which thou commandest, and desire that 3. How can moral tradition retard the growth of the Church?
3 Acts 10:28; Gal 2:11-13. selected as follows: Zone 1 →23persons, Zone 2
which thou dost promise; that so among the sundry and →16persons and Zone 3 →23persons.
manifold changes of the world, our hearts may surely be 4. How can you explain Christian love in the context of Jesus
7. Our parish will host the Pentecost Archdeaconry women
4 livelihood? Read Lk 7: 36-37; Jh 4: 7-10, 27, 40-41.
fixed, where true joys are to be found, through Jesus Christ conference on Saturday, 1st July 2023. We will be
our Lord. Amen. sensitized about our obligations later.
CONCLUSION: Christians must be very careful of placing
KOLEKT IZU-UKA tradition above godliness. It is good to follow and obey the
Chineke Nke puru ime ihe nile, Onye nani Gi purn idozi ochicho tradition in a constituted environment including the Church, but
8. All zonal leaders and secretaries with their zonal women
na uche nàdigh nchikota nke ndi-nmehie; Kwe ndi nke Gi, ka ha when it is taken above the virtues of godliness, it becomes
leaders and secretaries are to meet with the Archdeacon
hu ihe nke I nyere n'iwu n'anya, ka agu ihe nke I kwere nkwa vanity and an obstruction on our path to eternity.
and his Chaplains immediately after this service.
nāgu kwa ha; ka o gābu, n'etiti otutu ntughari di iche iche nke FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Morality without godliness is equal to
9. All women are to wait briefly after service.
uwa, ka obi-ayi we si otú ahu gbagide n'ebe ahu ezie, ebe vain tradition.
agāhu ezi oṅu: site na Jisus Kraist, bú Onye-nwe-ayi. Amen MEMORY VERSE: Col 2: 8 “Beware lest any man spoil you OTHERS:
through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, 10. Choir practice holds this Saturday at 4:00pm.
after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ”. Other weekly activities remain as scheduled (see page 6).

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