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C apitalize on
the creative
power in every

IIE Solutions • July 2002

Quick and easy kaizen

Dana Corp. did something very unusual in work it is to solve problems and suggest ple for small ideas, they’ll be able to par-
American industry — the company devel- improvements. Just imagine what a ticipate, which not only means lots of ideas
oped a methodology to ask every single headache it would be for supervisors if but also people who are involved and
worker four magical words: What do you workers were forever suggesting new ideas. excited about their work.
think? Then management listened to It would be a headache if supervisors had How often do you misplace your keys?
employees’ improvement ideas. And in con- to implement the ideas. I know people who have wasted countless
trast to traditional suggestion systems in Quick and easy kaizen takes a different hours looking for their missing keys. If you
which someone else installs workers’ pro- route to improvement. It is a mechanism put a nail in the wall and hang your keys
posals, the people who come up with the to get all employees involved in generating there every time you get home, you’ll never
ideas at Dana implement them, sometimes and implementing creative solutions. have to hunt for the keys again. It’s a small
individually and sometimes as part of their Instead of looking for the big idea — the idea that saves you time and frustration.
work team. homerun — let’s concentrate on imple- • Acknowledging realistic restrictions.
Instead of looking for the big idea that menting many small ideas — lots of singles If you don’t have enough money, then
will save the company money, Dana wants — to keep the team moving forward and kaizen. If you don’t have enough time, then
lots of small ideas to keep innovation flow- the individual players excited. kaizen. If you don’t have enough people,
ing. They do this by getting all employees The old suggestion system was difficult then kaizen. Kaizen is about small ideas,
involved in the improvement process. Last to manage, feedback was slow, and it and there is always enough money, time,
year, Dana, with 75,000 employees, received encouraged competition among supervi- and staff to implement small ideas.
an average of 24 improvement ideas per sors for control and recognition of improve-
employee — close to 1.8 million — and ment ideas. The suggestion box represents Implementation
boasted an 80 percent implementation rate. a cost-saving system, and you’re lucky to There are three essential elements to quick
This methodology is known as quick and get one idea per worker every seven years. and easy kaizen. First, it is an implemen-
easy kaizen. Quick and easy kaizen can draw 24 ideas tation system, not a suggestion system. The
Last November on a Saturday morning I per worker every year. It empowers them worker who comes up with the idea is
ran a training workshop for around 35 to become responsible for solving problems actively involved in the solution. Second,
employees of Silicon Forest Electronics in and take ownership of work issues. the person who devises a solution to a prob-
Vancouver, Wash. Silicon has a little over Kaizen means continuous improvement. lem writes it down in a simple way. All that’s
100 employees. On the following Monday It is used in a number of ways. For exam- needed is a summary. It should be written
morning, Silicon employee Linda Nash built ple, the kaizen blitz has become very pop- in three minutes with only 75 words.
a fixture similar to a drummer’s pad topped ular in recent years. This technique puts Include the problem, the solution, and the
with sandpaper. The device was an small teams on the factory floor to improve benefit. Third, share the idea. Idea sum-
improvement over an old method. Instead processes. This form of kaizen is explosive maries can be posted on a bulletin board
of rubbing sandpaper on a small integrated and brings big changes to the work area. for everyone to read and talk about. People
circuit board, her invention allowed her to Quick and easy kaizen is different. It from diverse areas of the company may be
rub each board against the sandpaper. This involves: able to put these ideas to use in improving
method was not only easier, it also elimi- • Changing the method. When you their own work. It’s also important to rec-
nated occasional nicks and cuts on the make a change, don’t go back to the old ognize people for their effort, and posting
boards that occurred by using the old way of doing things. If you clean up a stack their ideas is an easy way to do that.
method. Silicon CEO Frank Nichols was of paper, for example, you can’t allow Prior to the workshop for Silicon Forest
so thrilled with Nash’s idea that he showed another stack to accumulate again. Kaizen Electronics, I visited their plant floor and
it to others and rewarded her with a mon- dictates that you devise a method to move took 50 photographs of the worksite. The
etary gift. the paper forward immediately without day of the workshop, I hung up those pic-
Another Silicon employee, Linda Tody, accumulating. tures around the training room and asked
has seen more than 70 of her improvement all the attendees
ideas implemented in a span of three Quick and easy kaizen in to get up and
months. One result is that quality on her practice: Silicon Forest look at them.
processing line has improved 70 percent in Electronics employee Their task was
Linda Nash devised a
that time. simple solution to the to find two
Imagine the powerful effect of getting 24 problem of sanding small problems, devise
integrated circuit boards.
Courtesy Dana Corp.

ideas per employee every year. solutions to those

problems, and
Kaizen of a different stripe describe the benefit to themselves and the
What is quick and easy kaizen, and how is company. When people look at pictures
it different from traditional suggestion sys- of their work areas, they see things dif-
IIE Solutions • July 2002

tems? • Making small changes. The goal is to ferently. Try it and you’ll see how effec-
Many of us are locked in the old para- make a lot of small changes on a sustained tive it is.
digm that it is the worker’s job to do as told basis. In fact, the smaller the better. Big On one of my first visits to Japan, I
and not to think too much. Thinking is the ideas are difficult to conceive, so most peo- toured the offices of JUSE (the Union of
job of supervisors and engineers, whose ple don’t contribute many. If you ask peo- Japanese Scientists and Engineers), which

was the organization that created the vidual machines and people, Shingo
Deming Prize for quality. JUSE also focused on improving the productivity of
launched quality control circles, which the entire process. Excess inventory, not
taught all workers to use the basic quality idle machinery, was the biggest waste, he
tools that previously had been employed said. Getting people involved in improve-
only by quality managers. A quality man- ment ideas was a key to making Shingo’s

Courtesy Dana Corp.

ager working alone can’t come close to Toyota Production System
achieving zero defects, but when everyone work. Dana Corp. makes it
their business to get
becomes responsible for quality, improve- Recognize that every improvement ideas
ment happens. single worker in his or from every worker.
Quick and easy kaizen is an amazing tool her 25 square feet of space
for industrial engineers. Instead of just a is an expert. Each one has lots of good ularized many Japanese quality tools, tech-
few engineers looking for improvement improvement ideas if you just ask. niques, and technologies for use in
ideas, the entire workforce is enlisted in I predict quick and easy kaizen will American industry. Most recently, he co-
productivity and quality improvement. sweep North America just as it swept Japan. authored a book with Bunji Tozawa titled
The following is posted on the Toyota It is fundamentally right to respect all work- The Idea Generator: Quick and Easy Kaizen
Web site: “Every Toyota team member is ers’ ideas and use those ideas for the (PCS Press, 2001).
empowered with the ability to improve their improvement of the organization and the
work environment. This includes every- enhancement of individual workers.
thing from quality and safety to the envi-
ronment and productivity. Improvements Norman Bodek, president of PCS Press in
and suggestions by team members are the Vancouver, Wash., was the founder and
cornerstone of Toyota’s success.” CEO of Productivity Inc.’s Productivity
Frederick W. Taylor started the improve- Press. He discovered and published the
ment revolution, and Shigeo Shingo works of Japanese manufacturing leaders
advanced Taylor’s work. Shingo gave indus- such as Shigeo Shingo, Taiichi Ohno, Yoji
trial engineering a new focus — eliminate Akao, Hoshin Kanri, and Seiichi Nakajima.
waste. While traditional IEs were improv- Through newsletters, books, and 50 indus-
ing the efficiency and effectiveness of indi- trial study missions to Japan, Bodek pop-

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